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Estimation of ridership on a new transit system in an area where no comparable service existed before is a difficult task of transit planning. Traditional modal split models cannot be used in these cases, because no data or basis for developing a new model or adjusting a “borrowed” model are available. One of the techniques which can be used in this type of situation, is to perform a “concept test” based on public opinion. This approach, however, is plagued with the phenomenon of non-commitment bias of interviewees, and tends to overestimate the ridership. A new fixed route and fixed schedule transit service in Johnson City in Tennessee provided a rare opportunity to perform an investigation on the non-commitment bias through “before” and “after” surveys. The analysis of the non-commitment and actual responses of a sample of residents revealed substantial bias. Overall, the non-commitment ridership estimate was about twice (100% greater than) the actual ridership.:It was also observed that the bias was higher for persons owning automobiles, and for work and shopping trips.  相似文献   

The objective of this research was to develop a simple transit ridership estimation model system for short-range planning. The main feature of the model system is that it exploits knowledge of transit link volumes which are obtained readily from on-off counts. Extensive use is made of default values for model parameters, taken directly from the transportation literature. The remaining parameters can be derived easily from generally available land-use and socioeconomic data. Expensive household surveys and time-consuming model calibrations are not required. A sequence of simple trip generation, trip distribution and modal split models generate trip-purpose specific transit trip tables, denoted as “trial” trip tables. These trip tables and observed transit link volumes are used in a linear programming model which serves as a correction mechanism. The gain in accuracy is achieved by using the ridership information contained in the transit link volumes. The corrected trip tables may be used in a pivot-point analysis to estimate changes in ridership and revenue. The results of a test application of the model system indicate that it can generate accurate ridership estimates when reliable transit link volumes are available from on-off counts, and when the trial transit trip tables as derived from the first three component models are reasonably accurate.  相似文献   

Researchers have produced sophisticated modal split and transit demand models, including forecasts that are sensitive to the level of service. However, little effort has been made to integrate these models into corridor studies and route alignment analyses since (a) re-routing is itself an extremely complex modeling task, and (b) the results of the demand models are presented in tabular form with no facility to visualize spatial patterns and relationships that, if recognized, would aid in the routing tasks. GIS tools can be used, together with the demand models, to identify both clusters of city blocks that house families with certain socioeconomic characteristics and potential trip destinations conducive to transit use. In other words, GIS tools can be used to better measure some of the factors that are needed by transit demand models. The results of these models can be displayed graphically, enabling analysts to target places needing improved service, evaluate route re-alignment alternatives, and operate more efficient and effective bus lines. This paper examines how a particular class of model used by transit agencies for estimating ridership can be integrated with GIS tools in order to facilitate such analyses. It also explores the effects of visualization of routes, demographics, and employment data on the process of designing route alignments with better targeting of high transit ridership areas. This paper is part of a research project sponsored by the Region One University Transportation Center, at MIT.  相似文献   

This paper presents eight empirical models of monthly ridership for seven U.S. Transit Authorities. Within the framework of these models, the impacts upon monthly ridership from changes in the real fare and gasoline prices are examined. Important findings are: (1) the elasticities of monthly transit ridership with respect to the real fare are negative and inelastic, ranging from 0.042 to 0.62; and (2) the elasticities of monthly transit ridership with respect to the real gasoline price are positive and inelastic, ranging from 0.08 to 0.80. Such results have important policy implications for decisions based on the relationships of price, revenue, and ridership; and for assessing the impacts of changing gasoline prices upon urban modal choice.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the evolution of urban cycling in Montreal, Canada and its link to both built environment indicators and bicycle infrastructure accessibility. The effect of new cycling infrastructure on transport-related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is then explored. More specifically, we aim at investigating how commuting cycling modal share has evolved across neighborhood built-environment typologies and over time in Montreal, Canada. For this purpose, automobile and bicycle trip information from origin–destination surveys for the years 1998, 2003 and 2008 are used. Neighborhood typologies are generated from different built environment indicators (population and employment density, land use diversity, etc.). Furthermore, to represent the commuter mode choice (bicycle vs automobile), a standard binary logit and simultaneous equation modeling approach are adopted to represent the mode choice and the household location. Among other things, we observe an important increase in the likelihood to cycle across built environment types and over time in the study region. In particular, urban and urban-suburb neighborhoods have experienced an important growth over the 10 years, going from a modal split of 2.8–5.3% and 1.4–3.0%, respectively. After controlling for other factors, the model regression analysis also confirms the important increase across years as well as the significant differences of bicycle ridership across neighborhoods. A statistically significant association is also found between the index of bicycle infrastructure accessibility and bike mode choice – an increase of 10% in the accessibility index results in a 3.7% increase in the ridership. Based on the estimated models and in combination with a GHG inventory at the trip level, the potential impact of planned cycling infrastructure is explored using a basic scenario. A reduction of close to 2% in GHG emissions is observed for an increase of 7% in the length of the bicycle network. Results show the important benefits of bicycle infrastructure to reduce commuting automobile usage and GHG emissions.  相似文献   

Zhang  Wenbo  Le  Tho V.  Ukkusuri  Satish V.  Li  Ruimin 《Transportation》2020,47(2):971-996

The growth of app-based taxi services has disrupted the urban taxi market. It has seen significant demand shift between the traditional and emerging app-based taxi services. This study explores the influencing factors for determining the ridership distribution of taxi services. Considering the spatial, temporal, and modal heterogeneity, we propose a mixture modeling structure of spatial lag and simultaneous equation model. A case study is designed with 6-month trip records of two traditional taxi services and one app-based taxi service in New York City. The case study provides insights on not only the influencing factors for taxi daily ridership but also the appropriate settings for model estimation. In specific, the hypothesis testing demonstrates a method for determining the spatial weight matrix, estimation strategies for heterogeneous spatial and temporal units, and the minimum sample size required for reliable parameter estimates. Moreover, the study identifies that daily ridership is mainly influenced by number of employees, vehicle ownership, density of developed area, density of transit stations, density of parking space, bike-rack density, day of the week, and gasoline price. The empirical analyses are expected to be useful not only for researchers while developing and estimating models of taxi ridership but also for policy makers while understanding interactions between the traditional and emerging app-based taxi services.



The newly launched, June 2009, US High-Speed Intercity Passenger Rail Program has rekindled a renewed interest in forecasting high-speed rail (HSR) ridership. The first step to the concerted effort by the federal, state, rail, and other related agencies to develop a nationwide HSR network is the development of credible approaches to forecast the ridership. This article presents a nested logit/simultaneous choice model to improve the demand forecast in the context of intercity travel. In addition to incorporating the interrelationship between trip generation and mode choice decisions, the simultaneous model also provides a platform for the same utility function flowing between both the decision-making processes. Using American Travel Survey data, supplemented by various mode parameters, the proposed model improves the forecast accuracy and confirms the significant impact of travel costs on both mode choice and trip generation. Furthermore, the cross elasticity of mode choice and trip generation related to travel costs and other modal characteristics may shed some light on transportation policies in the area of intercity travel, especially in anticipation of HSR development.  相似文献   

In the next few years, exciting developments in the field of freight transport are likely to occur. The Channel Tunnel will be perceived as giving railways much greater distance of operation, compared to the current train ferry to/from Great Britain. The further development of swap-body technology will allow easier modal transfer and the creation, in 1992, of a single market in Europe will transform the pattern of trade. All of these are likely to have significant impacts on modal choice, and hence modal split, in freight transport. Reappraisal by many firms of the modes of transport used is likely but will it result in a net transfer of freight from road to rail and, if so, to what extent? To answer such questions, an accurate and reliable method of predicting modal split is required. Research in the past has concentrated on the development of modal split models based on generalised costs. These fail to explain adequately the prevalence of road freight in the UK. From surveys of freight managers within industry, it is clear that models to date rely too heavily on the economic cost factor and too little on behavioural factors (Jeffs 1985). This paper derives from a recent study of freight transport modal choice from the standpoint of the transport decision-maker within the firm. It attempts to shed light on the actual parameters which should be incorporated into a modal split model. Many variables appear to exert an influence on modal choice decision-making process. However, it is possible to categorise them into six main groups, namely: customer-requirements; product-characteristics; company structure/organisation; government interventions; available transport facilities; and perceptions of the decision-maker him/herself. It is the interactions and inter-relationships between these which ultimately determine freight modal split. This study has shown that the relationship between the outcome of the transport decision process and the values of particular determinants of modal split is not straight-forward, due to the complexity and variety of interactions involved. Perhaps one of the main reasons for researchers' failure hitherto to develop a successful modal-split model has been the preoccupation with techniques that rely on the development of common metric (e.g. generalised cost), which has led to the exclusion of some important explanatory variables along quite different dimensions. Another important issue concerns the appropriate level of aggregation. In order not to reduce the explanatory power of the key variables, it is important to work at a disaggregate level, although this does make substantial demands on data. The use of factor analysis enables both the aggregation of information without loss of behavioural reality and the specification of variables in terms of a common metric. In conclusion, freight transport has usually been examined within too narrow a framework. It must be placed firmly within the context of the total industrial process. The demand for freight transport is directly influenced by the level, composition and geographical distribution of production and consumption activities. Freight flows are complex and so it is highly unlikely that a universal mode-choice model can ever be developed. Future research should, therefore, be directed towards developing partial models in response to specific needs of those involved in decision-taking in the freight sector.  相似文献   

Zhu  Yadi  Chen  Feng  Wang  Zijia  Deng  Jin 《Transportation》2019,46(6):2269-2289

The development of new routes and stations, as well as changes in land use, can have significant impacts on public transit ridership. Thus, transport departments and governments should seek to determine the level and spatio-temporal dependency of these impacts with the aim of adjusting services or improving planning. However, existing studies primarily focus on predicting ridership, and pay relatively little attention to analyzing the determinants of ridership from temporal and spatial perspectives. Consequently, no comprehensive cognition of the spatio-temporal relationship between station ridership and the built environment can be obtained from previous models, which makes them unable to facilitate the optimization of transportation demands and services. To rectify this problem, we have employed a Bayesian negative binomial regression model to identify the significant impact factors associated with entry/exit ridership at different periods of the day. Based on this model, we formulated geographically weighted models to analyze the spatial dependency of these impacts over different periods. The spatio-temporal relationship between station ridership and the built environment was analyzed using data from Beijing. The results reveal that the temporal impacts of most ridership determinants are related to the passenger trip patterns. Furthermore, the spatial impacts correspond with the determinants’ spatial distribution, and the results give some implications on urban and transportation planning. This analysis gives a common analytical framework analyzing impacts of urban characteristics on ridership, and extending researches on how we capture the impacts of urban and other factors on ridership from a comprehensive perspective.


Utilizing daily ridership data, literature has shown that adverse weather conditions have a negative impact on transit ridership and in turn, result in revenue loss for the transit agencies. This paper extends this discussion by using more detailed hourly ridership data to model the weather effects. For this purpose, the daily and hourly subway ridership from New York City Transit for the years 2010–2011 is utilized. The paper compares the weather impacts on ridership based on day of week and time of day combinations and further demonstrates that the weather’s impact on transit ridership varies based on the time period and location. The separation of ridership models based on time of day provides a deeper understanding of the relationship between trip purpose and weather for transit riders. The paper investigates the role of station characteristics such as weather protection, accessibility, proximity and the connecting bus services by developing models based on station types. The findings indicate substantial differences in the extent to which the daily and hourly models and the individual weather elements are able to explain the ridership variability and travel behavior of transit riders. By utilizing the time of day and station based models, the paper demonstrates the potential sources of weather impact on transit infrastructure, transit service and trip characteristics. The results suggest the development of specific policy measures which can help the transit agencies to mitigate the ridership differences due to adverse weather conditions.  相似文献   

Sustainable land use planning and advanced public transport system are believed to be effective solutions to traffic congestion. To this end, it is important to reveal the relationship between transit ridership and land use. However, current Direct Ridership Models only focus on the relationship between single station's boarding volume and the corresponding catchment area land use. This paper analyzed the ridership distribution between transit stations by considering the land use difference between catchment areas. Land use difference was calculated from point of interest (POI) data extracted from an electronic map of Beijing; transit trip distribution volume was obtained from ‘automatic fare collection’ facility. After data specification, a transit ridership distribution model was proposed and calibrated. The calibration results suggest that land use difference has a directly proportional correlation with transit ridership distribution. The research findings build a bridge between detailed urban form and public transport, which is of significance for the further research of sustainable urban planning. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the research in a project entitled “The Models for Optimizing Transportation Network and Modal Split in China”. The research background, procedure, various mathematical models used in traffic demands forecasting, modal split and network design are presented with the key results. The systematic optimization approach adopted in this paper for integrated planning of transport network and the rational modal split formulation is firstly proposed in China. Finally, further discussion on the difficulties of using transport modeling techniques in Chinese conditions is given.  相似文献   

A dynamic model of household car ownership and mode use is developed and applied to demand forecasting. The model system consists of three interrelated components: car ownership, mechanized trip generation, and modal split. The level of household car ownership is represented as a function of household attributes and mobility measures from the preceding observation time point using an ordered-response probit model. The trip generation model predicts the weekly number of trips made by household members using car or public transit, and the modal split model predicts the fraction of trips that are made by public transit. Household car ownership is a major determinant in the latter two model components. A simulation experiment is conducted using sample households from the Dutch National Mobility Panel data set and applying the model system to predict household car ownership and mode use under different scenarios on future household income, employment, and drivers’ license holding. Policy implications of the simulation results are discussed.  相似文献   

Most modal split models have been based on the assumption of rational behaviour in an individual's choice evaluation of the generalised costs of modal alternatives. This paper integrates conceptual and empirical information from a wide range of sources and points towards an alternative way of looking at modal choice. The main conclusion is that the car is usually perceived as the superior mode for vehicular travel and that the potential user is committed to its use largely through the act of purchasing it. The conceptual structure of a sequential modal split model is outlined as one that is based on a four-stage decision-making framework which considers the role of learning and habit-formation. In the conclusion, the implications of this approach are considered in terms of the conventional modal split and trip generation submodels, and certain policy measures are assessed.  相似文献   

The current study contributes to the literature on transit ridership by considering daily boarding and alighting data from a recently launched commuter rail system in Orlando, Florida – SunRail. The analysis is conducted based on daily boarding and alighting data for 10 months for the year 2015. With the availability of repeated observations for every station, the potential impact of common unobserved factors affecting ridership variables are considered. The current study develops an estimation framework, for boarding and alighting separately, that accounts for these unobserved effects at multiple levels – station, station-week and station-day. In addition, the study examines the impact of various observed exogenous factors such as station level, transportation infrastructure, transit infrastructure, land use, built environment, sociodemographic and weather variables on ridership. The model system developed will allow us to predict ridership for existing stations in the future as well as potential ridership for future expansion sites.  相似文献   

The economic and political reunification of Germany in 1990 unleashed a transportation revolution in Eastern Germany. After forty years of public transport dominance under socialism, auto ownership and use skyrocketed with the transition to capitalism. In only three years, ridership on public transport fell by almost 50%, and auto registrations per 1,000 population rose by almost 60%. The main reason for the sudden shift in modal split is the large increase in real per-capita incomes of Eastern Germans. Their purchasing power rose dramatically thanks to massive financial aid from Western Germany and access to hard currency for the first time. In addition, the relative cost of auto use has fallen sharply since reunification because public transport fares rose ten-fold, while gasoline prices and auto prices fell. The massive shift from public transport to the auto has caused severe problems of pollution, safety, equity, and congestion in Eastern German cities, partly because of the suddenness of the modal shift. Urban transport policy in Eastern Germany should adopt some of the strategies used for years in Western Germany to tame the automobile, while at the same time allowing high levels of auto ownership. Such strategies include auto-free zones, traffic calming, extensive bicycle pathways, vehicle emission standards, and parking restrictions. Finally, large investments will have to be made in Eastern Germany's dilapidated roadway and public transport infrastructure.  相似文献   

This paper presents two time series regression models, one in linear form and the other in logarithmic form, to estimate the monthly ridership of a single urban rail rapid transit line. The model was calibrated for a time period of about six and a half years (from 1978–1984) based on ridership data provided by a transit authority, gasoline prices provided by a state energy department, and other data.The major findings from these models are: (1) seasonal variations of ridership are –6.26%, or –6.20% for the summer period, and 4.77%, or 4.62% for the October period; (2) ridership loss due to a station closure is 2.46% or 2.41%; and (3) elasticities of monthly ridership are –0.233 or –0.245 with respect to real fare, 0.113 or 0.112 with respect to real gasoline price, and 0.167 or 0.185 with respect to real bridge tolls for the competing automobile trips. Such route specific application results of this inexpensive approach provide significant implications for policymaking of individual programs in pricing, train operation, budgeting, system changes, etc., as they are in the case reported herein and would be in many other cities.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the potential to, and impacts of, increasing transit modal split in a polycentric metropolitan area – the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania region. Potential transit riders are preselected as those travelers whose trips begin and end in areas with transit-supportive land uses, defined as “activity centers,” areas of high-density employment and trip attraction. A multimodal traffic assignment model is developed and solved to quantify the generalized cost of travel by transit services and private automobile under (user) equilibrium conditions. The model predicts transit modal split by identifying the origin–destination pairs for which transit offers lower generalized cost. For those origin–destination pairs for which transit does not offer the lowest generalized cost, I compute a transit competitiveness measure, the ratio of transit generalized cost to auto generalized cost. The model is first formulated and solved for existing transit service and regional pricing schemes. Next, various transit incentives (travel time or fare reductions, increased service) and auto disincentives (higher out of pocket expenses) are proposed and their impacts on individual travel choices and system performance are quantified. The results suggest that a coordinated policy of improved transit service and some auto disincentives is necessary to achieve greater modal split and improved system efficiency in the region. Further, the research finds that two levels of coordinated transit service, between and within activity centers, are necessary to realize the greatest improvements in system performance.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a route-level patronage model that incorporates transit demand, supply and inter-route effects in a simultaneous system. The model is estimated at the route-segment level by time of day and direction. The results show strong simultaneity among transit demand, supply and competing routes. Transit ridership is affected by the level of service, which in turn is determined by current demand and ridership in the previous year. The model demonstrates that a service improvement has a twofold impact on ridership; it increases ridership on the route with service changes, but it also reduces the ridership on competing routes so that the net ridership change is small. The model is thus useful for both system-level analysis and route-level service planning.  相似文献   

In recent years, transit planners are increasingly turning to simpler, faster, and more spatially detailed “sketch planning” or “direct demand” models for forecasting rail transit boardings. Planners use these models for preliminary review of corridors and analysis of station-area effects, instead of or prior to four-step regional travel demand models. This paper uses a sketch-planning model based on a multiple regression originally fitted to light-rail ridership data for 268 stations in nine U.S. cities, and applies it predictively to the Phoenix, Arizona light-rail starter line that opened in December, 2008. The independent variables in the regression model include station-specific trip generation and intermodal–access variables as well as system-wide variables measuring network structure, climate, and metropolitan-area factors. Here we compare the predictions we made before and after construction began to pre-construction Valley Metro Rail predictions and to the actual boardings data for the system’s first 6 months of operations. Depending on the assumed number of bus lines at each station, the predicted total weekday ridership ranged from 24,767 to 37,907 compared with the average of 33,698 for the first 6 months, while the correlation of predicted and observed station boardings ranged from r = 0.33 to 0.47. Sports venues, universities, end-of-line stations, and the number of bus lines serving each station appear to account for the major over- and under-predictions at the station level.  相似文献   

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