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近日,中山大学海洋综合科考实习船上船台仪式顺利举行,该船为目前国内在建吨位最大、性能最优的海洋综合科考船,由中国船舶及海洋工程设计研究院(MARIC)研发设计,江南造船建造。面对疫情不利影响,MARIC设计团队攻坚克难,与中山大学科考船建设指挥部、江南造船、中国船级社、上海佳船监理等各方紧密合作,确保了中山大学海洋综合科考实习船项目上船台如期举行。  相似文献   

"中山大学"号是一艘6000吨级海洋综合科考实习船,由中国船舶及海洋工程设计研究院(MARIC)为中山大学研发设计,江南造船建造,已于6月26日在江南长兴成功交付. "中山大学"号海洋综合科考实习船是教育部为服务国家战略和"海上丝绸之路"战略,服务国家经济社会发展需求,在2016年6月批复的重大建设项目,同时也是目前国内排水量大、综合科考性能强、创新设计亮点多的海洋综合科考船.  相似文献   

宋代苏州的农业生产、粮食贸易、商业流通以及人们的出行都离不开船,故其造船业非常发达.<平江城坊考>中记录了宋代苏州有船舫巷、船舫桥、东船场巷、西船场巷、艇船桥、蒲帆巷等不少地名与造船及辅助手工业有关,形象再现了宋代苏州造船、修船业蓬勃兴旺的情景.本文从这些地名入手,结合有关方志、文集、史书以及出土文物来考察一下苏州造船业盛况.  相似文献   

大连造船厂为比利时考贝尔费雷特公司建造的7000吨级滚装船“安婷”号于国庆节前夕在大连顺利下水。这是大连造船厂建造的第三艘同类型出口船。该船是在建造前两艘的基础上,进行了较大的技术改进,新增设两层甲板,即有5层甲板,可装载集装箱拖车120多辆和650辆轿车。该船主机、锅炉、造水机等设备选用了当今世界最新机型,采用双主机、双舵、可调桨、艉  相似文献   

瑞典考库姆船厂从1956年开始研究液化气体运输船。1964年,向瑞典交付了“Paul-Endacott”号液化石油气(LPG)运输船,其装载容量为25100m~3。1969年又向美国菲力浦石油公司交付了一艘 LPG 船,该船绝热结构设置在液舱的外壁,这在当时是一种崭新的技术。同年交付的还有两艘71500m~3 LNG 船——“Polar Alaska”号和“Artcic Tokyo”  相似文献   

日本邮船从7月上旬起在北美东岸,南美东岸航线上提供定周班运输,而此前是与赫伯罗特一起提供双周班的“大西洋北南航线”(ANS)运输。投入船舶除原来的3艘1000TEU船外,增加了3艘1700TEU船,同时增加挂靠港。新挂港顺序为纽约、诺福克、萨凡纳、考塞德(增)、卡贝略港(增)、桑托斯、伊塔雅伊(增)、桑托斯、维多利亚、萨尔瓦多(增)、卡贝略港(增)、考塞德(增)、纽约。其中卡贝略港隔周挂靠。  相似文献   

针对目前高校大学生的考试作弊日益严重的现象,通过对大连交通大学旅顺校区大学生的考试作弊情况的调查,从心理学角度、道德教育角度分析大学生考试作弊的原因,提出对作弊学生的处理办法,并对如何解决大学生考试作弊进行探讨和研究。  相似文献   

正10月25日,江南造船建造的新型深远海综合科学考察实习船"东方红3"号正式入列"东方红"系列科考船队。该船是我国自主创新研发的新一代深海大洋综合科学考察实习船,船长103 m、船宽18 m、定员110人、实验室总面积600 m~2,配备国际最先进的船舶装备和科考装备,可开展高精度的全海深和空间一体化的海洋综合科学考察,是国内目前排水量最大,定员最多,经济性、振动噪声、电磁兼容等指标要求最高,作业甲板和实验室面积利用率最大,综合科考功能最完备的国际顶尖海  相似文献   

正"俺买了一条大船,想自己当船长。这次,俺考的是长江‘重庆—上海’航线的一类船长证。"近日,在南京海事局船员实际操作考试现场,一位年近五旬的皖北汉子微笑着说到。这位皖北汉子姓刘,安徽阜阳人。从小生活在船上,16岁学开船。先是开小木船、水泥船,后来开挂浆机船。去年投资700多万元,买了一艘8 000吨级的二手货船。"这次考试,俺吃了文化水平低的亏,光理论考试就考了  相似文献   

继先后完成国内多型科考船重点项目后,中国船舶及海洋工程设计研究院(MARIC)又于6月22日在"中山大学6000吨级海洋综合科考实习船设计"采购项目招标中成功中标,揽获大型科考船设计订单,再度引领我国高校科考船设计浪潮!  相似文献   

水上交通肇事案件日益增多对如何有效打击、依法严惩、扼制此类犯罪提出了迫切要求。本文从法律规定的留白、立案的滞后性、责任主体的双重性、失踪的两难性、取证的艰难性和逃逸情节的复杂性六个方面对水上交通肇事案件的性质、特点、认定等进行探讨,以期对这类案件的侦破提供有益参考。  相似文献   

陈陵 《中国海事》2013,(11):35-36
远洋船舶保险中,潜在缺陷所致损失的保险赔偿争议一直存在、文中分析了争议产生的原因和目前保险理赔的情况建议今后在远洋船舶保险条款修订时有关规定应更为详尽,再运用近因原则等保险原则,使此类损失的保险理赔的争议将会减少。  相似文献   

It has now been confirmed that some shipping companies could not meet the deadline set for complying with the ISM code for 1998, though available statistics show that most parties concerned have been ISM certified. What the legal consequences would be for such failure is the question on the minds of many people concerned. This paper sets out to deal with this question by answering, amongst other things, the following questions: (i) Would such a failure amount to unseaworthiness in the conventional international bills of lading law? (ii) Would such a failure provide valid defences to marine insurers for rejecting a related claim or prompt the establishment of a new pre-condition for purchasing insurance? (iii) Would such failure deprive a shipowner of the right to limit his liability under the international conventions concerned? (iv) Would such failure make the ships concerned more liable to detention at ports?  相似文献   

Governments may often try to stimulate investment in their own country by altering the climate in which such decisions are made. They achieve this by means of fiscal and financial regimes which may offer investment incentives for particular forms of investment and/or favourable financial arrangements to facilitate the purchase of particular assets. This paper discusses the form which such incentives might take and considers the literature to examine how such incentives have been perceived by businessmen whose actions they are intended to influence.  相似文献   

刘恩伟 《水运工程》2018,(4):186-188
马来西亚碧桂园疏浚项目具有工程土质复杂、存在干出泥面等特点,绞吸船在该工地施工时,容易出现堵管、流速波动幅度大、塌方闷口等一系列问题,严重影响船舶施工效率。为解决上述问题,通过研究绞吸船的挖掘控制手法、输送技术等,改变了挖掘分层方式、输送流速、输送浓度等施工参数,优化其施工工艺。工艺优化后,马来西亚碧桂园疏浚工程绞吸船施工时再未出现过塌方、堵管等问题,加快了施工进度,节约了施工成本。  相似文献   

This paper reviews 10 years of passenger rail franchising in Great Britain and highlights problems in three areas: the tension between commercial and social objectives; the presence of risks and uncertainty; and vulnerability to strategic behaviour such as low-balling, chiselling and back loading. It concludes that franchising has had some good features (such as the high level of competitive pressure) but also some bad features (such as a high rate of franchise failures). In addition, an ugly feature of franchising is the scope for strategic behaviour. Further reform is suggested based on a distinction between commercial and social franchises.  相似文献   

The discussion within a number of Global South cities is increasingly focused on the planning and implementation of large-scale urban mass transport systems. There is, however, a significant challenge of delivering such large investments in a manner to produce equity in the benefits across different urban spaces and across different social groupings. The transaction costs of urban survival and its associated urban mobility and their differences across gender and other social groups may work against the hypothesised distribution of benefits predicted from traditional individualistic, utility-maximising rational choice planning models. This may affect the social sustainability of such large-scale investments. There is a need for new methods and protocols in transport planning and management to ensure that such transport systems promote social sustainability. The mainstreaming of gender into the planning, financing, implementation, operation and management of such large-scale urban transport systems is a fundamental component for tackling the challenges facing the delivery of social sustainability. This paper will look at a case study of the Jabotabek Suburban Rail and Bus Rapid Transit systems in Jakarta as examples of large-scale mass transit investment. It will draw on survey research that highlights the gender differences in the use of this large urban transport system, gender differences in how the system interacts with geographies of opportunities and daily travel patterns, gender differences in the impact of the systems operation on passenger safety and security. It will highlight the need for new gender and user group protocols in the planning, implementation and management of urban mass-transit systems. It will provide some concrete examples of what measures would arise from such new planning protocols.  相似文献   

舰艇用钛合金技术应用分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钛合金以其高比强度、耐腐蚀性能好、透声性好等综合性能优越特性,越来越广泛应用于航空航天、石油化工、船舶等行业。本文概述了舰船用钛合金的一般特点并给出了舰船用钛合金的类型特性,阐述了俄罗斯、美国舰船用钛合金材料的应用发展情况;给出了国内舰船钛合金应用现状,并结合我国舰艇发展特点,提出了我国舰船用钛合金发展方向以及建议,并提出了发展舰船钛合金结构件需开展的相关工作。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the development of thought on the major issues in transit economics over the last 50 years, in developed and developing countries. Some issues - the analysis of cost and demand parameters - are perennial, with development mostly in the mathematical sophistication of analytical techniques employed, while others - such as issues of ownership and competitive form - reflect wider trends in economic thinking. Some issues - such as the relationship between transit and development - are universal, while others - such as the role of small vehicles and the informal sector - impact mostly on developing countries. One conclusion stands out. Transit is critical to the achievement of a wide range of social, economic and environmental objectives and, therefore, needs appropriate institutions to ensure its integration with the strategic management of the rest of urban development policy.  相似文献   

梁鹏 《中国海事》2014,(12):25-27
文中针对部分构成交通肇事罪的水上交通事故由于种种原因仍一定程度上存在以行政处罚“代替”刑事处罚的现象,结合实际,从水上交通事故中的责任人刑事责任追究的法律依据、案件移送、实例探讨、目前水上交通事故刑责追究工作存在的不足及建议等方面进行了简要分析。  相似文献   

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