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IntroductionIn many modern collaborative and distributedapplications such as multicast communication, au-dio-video conference and collaborative tools, scal-able and reliable group communication is one of thecritical problems. A group key agreement (GKA)protocol allows a group of users to share a key,which may later be used to achieve some crypto-graphic goals. In addition to this basic tool an au-thentication mechanism provides an assurance ofkey shared with intended users. A protocol achiev… 相似文献
ID-based Key-insulated Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The basic idea behind an ID-based cryptosystem is that end user's public key can be determined by his identity information.Comparing with the traditional certificate-based cryptography,identity-based cryptography can eliminate much of the overhead associated with the deployment and management of certificate.However,exposure of private keys can be the most devastating attack on a public key based cryptosystem since such that all security guarantees are lost.In this paper,an ID-based authenticated key agreement protocol was presented.For solving the problem of key exposure of the basic scheme,the technique of key insulation was applied and a key insulated version is developed. 相似文献
Introduction Quantumkeyagreement(QKA)enablestwo userstosharesecretrandombitsthroughaquan-tumchannel.Thesesecretbitscanbeusedasa conventionalsecretkeyforsecurecommunications overaclassicalchannel.TheadvantageofQKA overtraditionalkeyagreementmethodsisthatthe exchangeofquantumbitscanbeshowntobeun-conditionallysecure(orinformation-theoretically secure).ThefirstQKAprotocolwasproposedbyBen-nettetalinRef.[1].Bennettetalconsidered quantumkeyagreementbetweentwolegalusers AliceandBob.Thephysicalca… 相似文献
Introduction Inrecentyears,groupcommunicationshave becomethefocusofresearchandapplicationsde-velopment[1-4].Usingminimumresources,wecan employbroadcasttechniquescanbeemployedto transmitdatatoallngroupmemberssimultane-ously.Themajorsecuritychallengeforgroupcom-municationistoprovideefficientmethodsforcon-trollingauthorizedaccess.Anefficientmethodoflimitingaccessto broadcastmessagesisthroughasymmetricencryp-tion.Asymmetricencryptionusestransposition andsubstitutionskillstoprocesstheoriginalmes-s… 相似文献
Introduction Overrecentyears,withtheemergenceofdis-tributedapplicationsovertheInternet,anewmod-elofcommunicationandcomputation,calledpeer-to-peer(P2P)computing,hasgainedgreatpopu-larity[1-3].Contrarytothetraditionalclient-server model,P2Pcomputingeliminatesthenotionof“server”,andallpeersinP2Psystemcanactas clientsandserversatthesametime.Therefore,thesinglepointoffailureandthebottleneckof“server”encounteredinthetraditionalclient-serv-ermodelcanbeeliminated,andtheperformance andreliabilit… 相似文献
Mobile ad hoc networks create additional challenges for implementing the group key establishment due to resource constraints on nodes and dynamic changes on topology. The nodes in mobile ad hoc networks are usually low power devices that run on battery power. As a result, the costs of the node resources should be minimized when constructing a group key agreement protocol so that the battery life could be prolonged. To achieve this goal, in this paper we propose a security efficient group key agreement protocol based on Burmester-Desmedt (BD) scheme and layer-cluster group model, referred to as LCKM-BD, which is appropriate for large mobile ad hoc networks. In the layer-cluster group model, BD scheme is employed to establish group key, which can not only meet security demands of mobile ad hoc networks but also improve executing performance. Finally, the proposed protocol LCKM-BD are compared with BD, TGDH (tree-based group Diffe-Hellman), and GDH (group Diffie-Hellman) group key agreement protocols. The analysis results show that our protocol can significantly decrease both the computational overhead and communication costs with respect to these comparable protocols. 相似文献
为克服大部分现有的认证群密钥协商(AGKA)协议的不足,基于双指数挑战-应答数字签名(DCR签名)和BD方案,提出了具有常数轮AGKA协议.该协议除具有相关AGKA协议的安全性外,还有抗临时秘密指数泄露攻击能力,效率也有所提高. 相似文献
This paper proposed two modifications on IKE protocol with pre-shared key authentication. The first modification can improve its immunity against DDoS attack by authenticating the initiator before the responder generates the computation-intensive Diffie-Hellman public value. The second modification can improve its efficiency when the attack on messages occurs because it can detect the attack quickly by replacing the centralized authentication in origical IKE protocol with immediate authentication. In addition, the two modifications can be integrated into one protocol compactly. 相似文献
To describe the design approaches of IND-CCA2 (adaptive chosen ciphertext attack) secure public key encryption schemes systematically, the gaps between different kinds of intractable problems and IND-CCA2 security are studied. This paper points out that the construction of IND-CCA2 secure schemes is essentially to bridge these gaps. These gaps are categorized, analyzed and measured. Finally the methods to bridge these gaps are described. This explains the existing design approaches and gives an intuition about the difficulty of designing IND-CCA2 secure public key encryption schemes based on different types of assumptions. 相似文献
张国宏 《武汉船舶职业技术学院学报》2006,5(2):93-96
社会发展对构建人与自然的和谐关系不可避免地带来了负面效应。“天人合一”思想是中国古人看待人与自然关系的基本态度,其思想内蕴如系统论思想、自然规律思想和协调思想对构建人与自然的和谐关系具有深刻的启示作用。 相似文献
主要探讨了路面大修的具体方案、路面的检测和评价方法;路面处理的方案:挖补方案、热再生方案、加铺方案及桥涵两端的处理的技术要点及适用情况及设计中的几个关键技术点。 相似文献
摆式列车液压倾摆系统的基本构成与关键技术 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
杨国平 《交通运输工程学报》2001,1(3):18-21
介绍和分析了摆式列车倾摆机构的基本构造、基本要素和关键技术,为开发研制中国具有独立知识产权的摆式列车提供参考。 相似文献
通过介绍沿长江高速公路漳河特大桥主桥九跨预应力连续箱梁的施工控制、箱梁施工大临方案优化、合拢及体系转换、箱梁线型控制等几个关键技术的处理情况,可为同类大桥连续箱梁的施工提供参考。 相似文献
对使用悬挂式宽幅整平机进行桥面铺装的监理工作进行了阐述,对主要施工控制环节进行了分析,从施工准备阶段监理、施工阶段监理、成品抽检及主要监理控制要点等方面进行了论述,总结了监理控制要点,解决了桥面铺装平整度及干缩裂缝的质量监理难点。 相似文献
以一座不等跨钢桁架梁倾斜桥塔人行斜拉桥为工程背景,介绍该桥跨径布置、主梁构造、桥塔造型等方面的一些独特之处.并利用有限元程序对该桥总体及关键节点进行计算分析,对该类桥型的设计给出了一些建议. 相似文献