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《Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice》2007,41(1):107-120
In the face of a society that exhibits an increasing dependence on motorised mobility, the response of transport policy is one that remains grounded in the pursuit of quicker journey times. Less time spent travelling is assumed to convert ‘unproductive’ time into economically valuable time. This paper explores an alternative perspective on travel time. It seeks to examine the notion that travel time, rather than being wasted, can and does possess a positive utility. This brings into question the extent of assumed economic benefits derived from schemes and policies intended to reduce journey times. Specifically the paper reports on a national mail-back questionnaire survey of 26,221 rail passengers in Great Britain conducted in autumn 2004. The survey examined how passengers used their time on the train, how worthwhile that time use was considered to be and the role of mobile technologies. The results paint a picture of travel time use in which the behaviour and opinions of commuters, business travellers and leisure travellers are compared and contrasted. A substantial if not overwhelming incidence of positive utility of travel time use is revealed, especially for business travel but also for commuting and leisure travel. In light of the survey evidence the paper points to the challenge of understanding the notion of productivity and offers some critical comments concerning the current approach to economic appraisal in Britain. 相似文献
Batley Richard Bates John Bliemer Michiel Börjesson Maria Bourdon Jeremy Cabral Manuel Ojeda Chintakayala Phani Kumar Choudhury Charisma Daly Andrew Dekker Thijs Drivyla Efie Fowkes Tony Hess Stephane Heywood Chris Johnson Daniel Laird James Mackie Peter Parkin John Sanders Stefan Sheldon Rob Wardman Mark Worsley Tom 《Transportation》2019,46(3):583-621
Transportation - This paper provides an overview of the study ‘Provision of market research for value of time savings and reliability’ undertaken by the Arup/ITS Leeds/Accent consortium... 相似文献
Dense network traffic models,Travel time reliability and traffic management. I: General introduction
Michael A P Taylor 《先进运输杂志》1999,33(2):218-233
This paper is the first of a pair of papers discussing two main themes concerning dense network modelling. These themes are: (1) the changing nature of traffic management technology and the underlying objectives behind traffic management practice, and (2) the use of measures of network reliability in models, especially as an element of the evaluation of alternative network configurations. This paper considers the role and function of dense network models, and their relationships with other transport network models on the basis of the hierarchical view of models. It then explores the peculiar characteristics of dense network models and provides examples of typical models. Changing needs for modelling capabilities, in terms of the evolution of traffic management technology and practice are discussed, pointing the way to future model developments. The companion paper develops the second theme through the definition and application of a set of network reliability indices that may be applied to different trip movements. 相似文献
Transportation - This paper updates and extends the systematic review and meta-analysis of Wardman and Batley (Transportation 41:1041–1069, 2014), which hitherto was the most comprehensive... 相似文献
《Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice》2006,40(2):106-124
This paper conducts an international comparative analysis of relationships between car ownership, daily travel and urban form. Using travel diary data for the US and Great Britain, we estimate models of car ownership and daily travel distance. Both a structural model with daily travel conditional upon car ownership and a reduced form model for daily travel, excluding car ownership, are estimated. Model results are similar, and show that differences in travel are explained by (1) differences in demographics between the two countries; (2) lower household income in Great Britain; (3) country specific differences in costs of car ownership and use, transport supply and other factors we have not been able to control. We find that metropolitan size affects travel only in the largest metropolitan areas of the US. Daily travel distance is inversely related to local population density, but the effect is much stronger for the US than Great Britain. We conclude that higher transport costs in Great Britain promote economizing behavior, which in turns leads to more consumption of local goods and services and more use of alternative transport modes. 相似文献
《Transportation Research Part A: General》1988,22(4):239-245
Considerations of the impacts of electronic technologies on transportation usually focus on substitution of communications for travel, especially telecommuting. This topic is reviewed briefly, followed by consideration of electronic technology-induced changes in the structure of firms, work by individuals, and consumption. Today's organization of the work place on the basis of time-at-a-place measurements dates from early in the Industrial Revolution; the communications control of production dates from the introduction of the telegraph. Recent and upcoming communications developments may relax time and place requirements while intensifying communications control. Resulting changes in production and consumption may challenge transportation developments in coming decades. 相似文献
Transportation - The research reported here is concerned with how the worthwhile use of travel time might impact on the value of travel time savings (VTTS) and on demand set in the context of the... 相似文献
In 2009, the U.S. Federal Government announced its plan to invest in the expansion of the passenger rail system, instead of adding to the freeway or aviation systems. On the other hand, environmental studies show that passenger rails have a lower polluting impact than flights or cars. In order to evaluate whether consumers would switch from flights to trains and use the new rail system, this paper estimates the own and cross-price elasticities of demand for domestic flights and passenger trains using the methodology described in Berry (1994). Specifically, the changes in demand for domestic flights and trains with respect to their prices are evaluated. The static model in this study suggests that the substitutability between these two modes of transport is minimal, in other words, travelers will to change their choices is very small given the configuration of the transportation system when the notice was made. In particular, train trips are substituted more easily. 相似文献
This paper presents a long-term investment planning model that co-optimizes infrastructure investments and operations across transportation and electric infrastructure systems for meeting the energy and transportation needs in the United States. The developed passenger transportation model is integrated within the modeling framework of a National Long-term Energy and Transportation Planning (NETPLAN) software, and the model is applied to investigate the impact of high-speed rail (HSR) investments on interstate passenger transportation portfolio, fuel and electricity consumption, and 40-year cost and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. The results show that there are feasible scenarios under which significant HSR penetration can be achieved, leading to reasonable decrease in national long-term CO2 emissions and costs. At higher HSR penetration of approximately 30% relative to no HSR in the portfolio promises a 40-year cost savings of up to $0.63 T, gasoline and jet fuel consumption reduction of up to 34% for interstate passenger trips, CO2 emissions reduction by about 0.8 billion short tons, and increased resilience against petroleum price shocks. Additionally, sensitivity studies with respect to light-duty vehicle mode share reveal that in order to realize such long-term cost and emission benefits, a change in the passenger mode choice is essential to ensure higher ridership for HSR. 相似文献
The results presented in this article identify the role of costs in the scientific and grey freight terminal handling literature and analyses the handling costs of different terminal sizes. The literature review shows that handling costs only play a marginal role in the scientific research in intermodal rail freight terminals (IRT). This is remarkable given the large role costs occupy in decision-making in freight transport. Furthermore, the used cost levels show a wide range of proposed amounts and terminal sizes or handling technologies are seldom addressed. Finally, many of the scientific papers do not make it clear whether the average transhipment cost or market price is referred to. Next, the analysis of the investment in, and cost structure of, IRTs shows that IRT investments are very capital-intensive leading to relatively high average costs per handling. However, given the cost characteristics of IRTs, the average cost per handling represents the underlying cost structure and are – in this sense – representative. The cost analysis demonstrates that extra-large IRTs actually have the lowest average handling costs, followed by small IRTs. 相似文献
There is growing interest in establishing additional evidence, under the umbrella of the wider economy impacts of transport infrastructure projects, to support transport projects in general and public transport projects in particular that struggle to obtain benefit–cost ratios sufficient to gain the support of financial agencies. This paper focuses on one element of wider economy impacts, often referred to as effective economic (employment) density or employment agglomeration impacts, and another, less usually identified, social accessibility impact (SAI) which we refer to as effective social density, which in broad terms provide, correspondingly, evidence of the potential gains in work-related output (often referred to as productivity gains) and potential gains in non-work-related outputs. Both are associated with gains in individual and household benefit attributable to improved accessibility to services linked with populations and particular locations. The SAIs may capture some of the induced benefits in those jurisdictions where these are included routinely in benefit–cost analysis, and the methodology here is most appropriate to those settings where an existing calibrated demand curve may not be available. Using the proposed high speed rail (HSR) project between Sydney and Melbourne as the empirical setting, we identify economic agglomeration and social accessibility benefits for work and non-work related activity respectively. We find the former to be relatively small compared to the significant gains associated with non-work related travel activity, suggesting the greatest benefits associated with HSR, especially for those residents outside of the major metropolitan areas, will be non-work related travel activity. 相似文献
W.Bruce Allen Mohamed M. Mahmoud Douglas McNeil 《Transportation Research Part B: Methodological》1985,19(5):447-456
Reliability of transit time is reputed to be the most important variable influencing freight transport today, according to shipper surveys. Average transit time also plays a major role. A model is developed that shows how a cost-minimizing shipper will adjust its economic order quantity as reliability and/or time in transit changes. Such changes impact on average inventory costs, ordering costs, expected shortage costs and expected excess costs. The model is developed for both discrete and continuous transit time distributions. Reliability is defined as the variance of transit time. A matrix is prepared for some sample data, which shows the minimum cost attainable with each mean/variance of transit time distribution. Comparing across rows and columns of the matrix enables one to show the value (reduction in total cost) obtainable by improving reliability and/or mean transit time. In addition, value can be obtained by improving reliability while increasing average transit time. It is suggested that the model can be used for shippers in negotiating service improvements with carriers and by carriers in negotiating service improvements with shippers. In the former case, the carrier can determine how much they are willing to pay for the improvement, whereas in the latter case, the carriers can determine how much they are able to charge for the improvement. 相似文献
A new transportation system is described. CyberTran is a steel wheel on rail system designed to travel on elevated guideways, utilizing large numbers of 6 to 20 passenger automated vehicles weighing less than 10,000 pounds. The benefits from these light weight vehicles include dramatically reduced system cost and increased passenger appeal. The system described has been prototyped and tested at the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory, a U. S. Department of Energy Research and Development Laboratory. 相似文献
This study employs back-propagation neural networks (BPN) to improve the forecasting accuracy of air passenger and air cargo demand from Japan to Taiwan. The factors which influence air passenger and air cargo demand are identified, evaluated and analysed in detail. The results reveal that some factors influence both passenger and cargo demand, and the others only one of them. The forecasting accuracy of air passenger and air cargo demand has been improved efficiently by the proposed procedure to evaluate input variables. The established model improves dramatically the forecasting accuracy of air passenger demand with an extremely low mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) of 0.34% and 7.74% for air cargo demand. 相似文献
This paper analyses how the high-speed rail construction in Northeast Japan (Tohoku) has affected total demand and interregional travel patterns. We use annual interregional passenger data from 1989 to 2012 and apply regression analysis with the demand between Tokyo and the Tohoku prefectures as the dependent variable. We distinguish particularly between the ‘Full-’ and the ‘Mini-’ Shinkansen, where the latter are branch services running with reduced speed. We find that the ‘Full-Shinkansen’ quickly increases rail and total public transport trips and generates additional rail demand year on year. The ‘Mini-Shinkansen’ impacts are less pronounced. Furthermore, our analysis shows that the Shinkansen has shifted some demand from air to rail once it started operation and increased rail share gradually. We therefore suggest that predictions of demand impacts should carefully distinguish immediate from gradual impacts. We also discuss differences in regional demand in that not all prefectures have gained equally from Shinkansen construction. 相似文献
Automatically generating timetables has been an active research area for some time, but the application of this research in practice has been limited. We believe this is due to two reasons. Firstly, some of the models in the literature impose artificial upper bounds on time supplements. This causes a high risk of generating infeasibilities. Secondly, some models that leave out these upper bounds often generate solutions that contain some very large time supplements because these supplements are not penalised in the objective function. The reason is that these objective functions often do not completely correspond to the true goal of a timetable. We solve both problems by minimising our objective function: total passenger travel time, expected in practice. Since this function evaluates and indirectly steers all time related decision variables in the system, we do not need to further restrict the ranges of any of these variables. As a result, our model does not suffer from infeasibilities generated by such artificial upper bounds for supplements.Furthermore, some measures are taken to significantly speed up the solver times of our model. These combined features result in our model being solved more quickly than previous models. As a result, our method can be used for timetabling in practice. We demonstrate our claims by optimising, in about two hours only, the timetable of all 196 hourly passenger trains in Belgium. Assuming primary delay-distributions with an average of 2% on the minima of each activity, the optimised timetable reduces expected passenger time in practice, as evaluated on the macroscopic level, by 3.8% during peak hours. This paper demonstrates that we added two important missing steps to make cyclic timetabling for passengers really useable in practice: (i) the addition of the objective function of expected passenger time in practice and (ii) the reduction of computation time by addition of well chosen additional constraints. 相似文献
Transportation - Recent climatic disasters have shown the vulnerability of transportation infrastructures against natural hazards. To understand the risk of coastal hazards on urban travel... 相似文献
Transportation - Travel time reliability has been recognized as an important factor in cost–benefit analysis in a transportation network. To estimate the benefit and cost of travel time... 相似文献
Gil Tal Galit Cohen-Blankshtain 《Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice》2011,45(5):389-400
Forecasting the impacts of a proposed policy is an important component of the transportation planning and decision making process. Although scientific tools are often used in transportation forecasts, biases and, more specifically, overestimations of the expected impact are often observed. This study explores the correlations between forecast-maker’s characteristics and forecast bias creation and reduction. The study examines two transport-related policies aiming at the reduction of car use: telecommuting and carsharing. Both are Travel Demand Management (TDM) policies, which attract much attention from transport experts. We tested the extent to which the forecast-maker’s beliefs about the policy at stake affected the forecast bias. We found that attitudes and beliefs associates not only with overestimation bias but also with its reduction over time. We also tested the extent to which the forecast-maker’s affiliation, the performing institute and the publication type were correlated with the biases of the forecast and with the forecaster attitudes and beliefs. These characteristics are intuitively used by the forecast user as tools to assess the ‘objectivity’ of the forecast, but our analysis found no association between these characteristics and the forecast bias. 相似文献