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<正> 道路水路运输市场是我国社会主义市场体系的一个重要组成部分,是全局性、先导性的基础性产业。在建立和培育道路水路运输市场的进程中,自改革开放以来,我国交通系统在培育市场主体,改革价格机制,增强市场管理,进行法规建设,以及改善市场环境等方面,进行了大量的工作,当前我国道路水路运输市场总体状况是:国有、集体、个体、私营、中外合资多元化市场主体已初步形成。国有企业经过锻练,在市场中的竞争能力有了提高;旅客乘车  相似文献   

广东粤运交通股份有限公司在大力发展混合所有制过程中,紧抓市场机遇,走出了一条“并购-整合-增长”的发展模式,更好推动国有道路运输企业转型升级、深化改革,促进一切有利于激发活力的要素进入国有道路运输企业。  相似文献   

<正>"眼下,我国道路客运业正加"快脚步转型升级,通过企业间的兼并、重组、股份制合作等多种改造形式,使得市场经营主体进一步集中,并形成一批经营集约化、管理规范化、服务标准化的龙头骨干运输企业。广东粤运交通股份有限公司(以下简称"粤运交通")就是其中的代表之一,通过"并购-整合-增长"方式,走出一条国有道路运输企业的持续快速发展之路。"市场有效供给依然不足,节假日运输高峰运力不足,物流成本居高不下,城市和部分高速公路交通拥堵日益加剧,智能化、个性化服务能力不强;总体服务  相似文献   

<正>运输管理 ▲在近日召开的全国道路运输工作会议上,交通部确定了道路运输业要实现跨越式发展的新思路。2001年到2010年道路运输发展的总体日标是:运输能力、运输基础设施的有效供给能力明显增加,运输结构基本合理,骨干运输企业主导市场的作用明显增强,行业科技进步、运输信息化建设进一步取得显著成果,运输法规体系基本健全;以“五纵七横”国道主干线为依托的快速客货运系统基本建立,以全国公路网为依托的干支相连、长短配套、遍布城乡的道路运输网络基本完善;道路运输业在综合运输体系中的地位进一步提高,行业发展与国家经济发展和社会进步基本适应。 ▲ 国家经贸委、公安部、交通部近日联合发出了《关于进一步规范卧铺客车生产、使用和管理有关工作的通知》,要求各  相似文献   

解吕达 《综合运输》2001,(3):20-21,13
<正>党的十五届五中全会,通过了《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十个五年计划的建议》。《建议》根据党的十五大关于跨世纪发展的总体部署和当前的现实情况,从经济发展、改革开放、科技教育、精神文明与民主法制建设和人民生活等方面,提出了“十五”的主要奋斗目标和任务,强调要把发展作为主题,把结构调整作为主线,把改革开放和科技进步作为动力,把提高人民生活水平作为根本出发点。 道路客运作为道路运输  相似文献   

"十一五"时期是我国全面建设小康社会、构建社会主义和谐社会、推进社会主义现代化的关键阶段."十一五"期间,道路运输业发展的机遇与挑战并存,但总体来看,机遇大于挑战.  相似文献   

<正>1上半年全省道路运输信息化建设工作推进有力2015年全省道路运输信息化工作以建设道路客运联网售票、道路运输市场信用信息服务、道路运输综合监管及交通物流公共信息平台四大信息系统为主要目标,通过加快信息系统建设,提升道路运输行业智能化水平,为行业发展提质增效、转型升级提供科技保障。  相似文献   

我国全面进入新时代,而在现代化社会经济体制发展环境下,人们的总体生活水平得到了极大的提高,对于生活质量和水平也提出了全新的要求.道路结构建设中,沥青路面铺设是重要组成部分.本文首先根据城市道路沥青路面施工技术种类进行详细区分,结合我国现阶段道路建设的实际案例进行综合分析,总结出现阶段,我国城市道路建设中,沥青路面施工质...  相似文献   

这里原本没有路,一跃而成14885公里,兼顾营林、防火、农业、旅游、战备等多功能需求的四通八达的公路网络覆盖兴安各地,以加格达奇为中心辐射全区的道路运输服务网络、竞争有序的道路运输市场体系初步形成,促进了林区经济的快速发展。借助西部开发政策,大兴安岭交通运输事业蓄势而发,主骨架公路网络基  相似文献   

<正>"改革发展进一步深化,交通强国建设征途开启,在这样的大环境下道路运输行业如何进一步谋发展?道路运输企业如何增强活力迎来更好的发展?道路运输协会又该如何作为?"改革发展进一步深化,交通强国建设征途开启,在这样的大环境下道路运输行业如何进一步谋发展?道路运输企业如何增强活力迎来更好的发展?道路运输协会又该如何作为?  相似文献   

公路线形的选择和布设,是公路工程进入设计阶段的第一个步骤,其合理性将直接影响着后续设计过程,因此做好公路设计的布线工作尤其重要。文章结合林区公路设计现状,归纳和总结了林区公路设计中合理布线的基本步骤、原则和方法,并以大桂山林场旧路改造项目为例,介绍了林区公路合理布线的注意事项。  相似文献   

文章基于森林公园慢行交通系统的构成及特点,从宏观、中观、微观三个层面分析了森林公园慢行交通系统的研究框架,并以鹿寨香桥岩森林公园为例,探讨了森林公园慢行交通系统的规划与构建内容。  相似文献   

Singapore has experienced rapid growth in car ownership, and private transport accounts for just under half of motorized trips in Singapore. Yet only since 1970 have determined efforts been made to curtail this increase. Simultaneously with this growth, Singapore's land‐use planners had called for the diversion of population growth into outlying residential estates while maintaining the central area's importance as an employment centre. The resulting anticipated concentration of commuter movement suggested a need for controls to restrain car ownership, reduce central‐area congestion and divert road users on to public transport. The policies followed are described. Those against ownership have included heavy road taxes and registration fees, with a system of discounts on the latter to discourage new purchasers except when replacing scrapped cars. Policies against car use include fuel taxes and the Area Licensing Scheme in the city centre, while parking space is also closely regulated. The measures adopted imply a goal of efficiency in promoting Singapore's planning objectives rather than environmental, safety or equity considerations, although the first two of these have lately received much more attention than formerly. The policies’ effect has been a temporary reversal in the growth of car ownership, but this growth has since resumed and recent further fee increases suggest a panic reaction rather than a coordinated strategy. Such coordination appears at present to be hampered by the fragmented administration of matters relating to transport. Other measures relating to car ownership and use in Singapore are also described.  相似文献   

Passenger car ownership and use in Greece has been a matter of serious consideration at government level, only in the last decade with the increasing traffic congestion in the big cities. However, government policy towards private car ownership has always been influenced by two main factors.

First, that virtually all vehicles have to be imported, a fact which has a serious balance of payments implication for a small country like Greece.

Second, the traditional heavy taxation of motor vehicles and fuel, brings high revenues for the national budget. Recently a third consideration has been added, that of energy consumption and of the environmental effects of car use.

From the point of view of car owners, ownership was originally seen as a means of social recognition and establishment, but for the last decade it has been considered mainly as an everyday necessity more or less imposed on one, by a number of other well accepted facts of everyday social and professional life.

Influenced by the two main factors above; private car ownership and use in Greece has developed for the last two decades at a pace similar to but not the same as in other Western Countries. In this paper the existing situation and prospects will be examined and comments made on the peculiarities characterizing the Greek scene.  相似文献   

3月5日上午,国务院总理温家宝在十一届全国人大一次会议上作政府工作报告时指出,要加强应急体系和机制建设,提高预防和处置突发事件能力;要推进产业结构优化升级,积极发展现代能源原材料产业和综合运输体系;要大力发展农村公共交通,改善农村人居环境.  相似文献   

为降低风吹雪对农垦区公路的危害,本文分析了农垦区公路风吹雪防雪林防雪效果的因素包括林带宽度、树冠密度、树种类型、树高、枝下高等内容,探讨了农垦区公路风吹雪防雪林与风吹雪之间关系,根据公路防雪林的树冠密度越大,树带越宽,树越高,透风率和枝下高度越小,其防雪效果越好的特点,提出了农垦区公路风吹雪防雪林的类型的选择、防雪效果的决定因素和林带宽度的设定.通过实测,得到风速的水平分布情况,从形成积雪的防雪林外侧到汽车通过的公路,风速从14.2 m/s减弱到了2.3 m/s,效果明显.  相似文献   

Shirley Mace 《运输评论》2013,33(2):173-191
The Hong Kong transport policy objective is simply, mobility. With this the automobile must conform. A confined land area, difficult to develop, has absorbed excessive immigration and must now service a dynamic entrepreneurial economy.

Transport infrastructure based on major planning studies is created through government capital and is backed by careful legislation, effective administration and private sector participation. The problem is that overall expansion is even faster: widespread urban renewal—roads cannot equally expand; enormous New Territories New Towns—people still want to move in and out so the need for more transport accelerates. Over ten million trips daily are made by 5.5 million people. The answers cannot be more and more private cars: it must be promoting the most effective use of major transport investments, where possible off roads, and the mass carriers on roads. The need to curb congestion by containing escalating car numbers (especially as so far only 17% of households have access to an automobile) led in May 1982 to imposition of severe taxes on ownership. The ultimate and equitable objective is to control usage. Road pricing may be the answer.

In Hong Kong the private cars is part only of a complex strategy including metro, rail, bus, minibus, ferry, taxi and tram. The car cannot take precedence.  相似文献   

This paper describes the historical development of Dutch motorization after the Second World War and the policy of the Dutch Government towards the car. Developments are presented in a context of population growth and changes in population structure, in the economic situation, and in land use. Trends in the use of public transport and the bicycle are also highlighted. Special attention is given to the economic recession and the rise of unemployment since 1980.  相似文献   

文章基于对重庆高速公路景观绿化现状的分析,结合当前建设高速公路“森林工程”要求,介绍了重庆高速公路景观设计应遵循的原则和高速公路两侧边坡、中央分隔带以及立交等处的景观绿化设计要点。  相似文献   

2005年"十一"黄金周在10月7日宣告结束,这是全国假日办组织协调的第1 5个旅游黄金周,在国家各级政府部门以及各级假日旅游协调机构的共同努力下,较好地实现了"安全、秩序、质量、效益"四统一.民航、铁路、交通部门以游客需求为导向及时调配运力,在保障黄金周的假日经济方面发挥了关键的重要作用.同时,黄金周的假日旅游也有力地拉动了交通运输经济的增长.  相似文献   

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