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成品油管道设计很多方面相同于原油管道,但由于顺序输送多种油品,存在混油处理和压力调节等特殊问题,设计有其独特处,本文就设计参数优化及工艺计算的某几个问题加以讨论。  相似文献   

成品油管道罐容优化计算   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
针对长输成品油管道顺序输送沿线各站罐容计算问题,特别是首站设立在原油加工企业,成品油在大部分通过长输管道外输并均匀补给首站时,指出了国家现行规范对罐容计算的不足,对标准提出的计算方法进行优化,减少成品油管道站场的储罐建设,降低站场用地,节约建设费用.以GB 50253-2003输油管道工程设计规范中罐客计算公式为基础,结合管道沿线各站的实际情况,进行优化计算.实例计算结果表明,按规范计算的罐容明显偏大.  相似文献   

输油设备的完好率和利用率对原油成品油管道输送的经济性有直接影响,作者针对目前输油设备存在的重用轻养、重修轻改、维修技术力量薄弱等问题,提出了成立输油设备维修中心、维修技术和信息培训中心等解决的对策的措施,以提高管道输送设备的整体技术水平。  相似文献   

<正> 管道运输与铁路、公路、水运、航空运 输并称为当今世界的“五大 运输”方式。它们共同组成运输体系,按照各自特点,各抒其长、相互配合,共同完成社会运输任务。我国管道运输发展潜力巨大。目前,迫切需要制定管道运输产业政策,用以调整管道运输行业健康发展。 一、中国管道运输现状 我国自1970年随着大庆油田的开发,石油管道运输开始起步,26年来,共建成原油、成品油、天然气、煤气和其它介质管道1.8万公里,  相似文献   

<正> 管道运输是使用管道输送气体和液体介质货物的现代化运输方式。它具有连续性强、运输量大、不产生空驶、全天候运行、可采用密闭式运输,便于管理。易于实现远程运输自动监控、漏失损耗小等特点,是一个国家能源生产和运输业比较发达的特征之一。管道运输可以输送油品(原油、成品油和液态烃)、天然  相似文献   

针对成品油管道针孔缺陷或微泄漏等常规检测难以识别的技术难题,应用基于声学检测原理的GOTTSBERG Leak Detection (GLD)声学内检测器对成品油管道进行微泄漏内检测研究,在被检测管道上设置了人工模拟泄漏孔等特征点,该技术能够有效识别人工模拟微泄漏以及穿越段、弯头、超声流量计等管道特征信息,为成品油管道的输送安全提供保障。  相似文献   

本文主要论述了石油管道防腐的必要性,管道防腐采用的方法,国外管道涂敷工艺现状以及目前我国石油钢管涂敷工艺和存在问题。推荐了一种符合我国国情的管道涂敷新工艺。  相似文献   

一是中石油集团公司近年来第一次在国内大型工程建设项目上实施的EPC项目工程;二是1 858 km长距离、大口径管道采用双管同沟敷设,在我国管道建设史上是第一次;三是当年开工建设,当年敷设3 000多千米管道,并且1 858 km成品油管道及配套站场、阀室竣工,即将投产,在管道建设史上是  相似文献   

成品油管道运输的发展趋势   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
贾进 《综合运输》2003,(12):43-45
<正> 一、我国成品油运输现状 我国成品油运输是伴随着我国炼油工业的发展而壮大的。由于我国炼厂布局分散、规模偏小,成品油管道不发达,因此成品油运输主要以铁路运输为主。据不完全统计,2000年我国成品油(所指成品油除另有说明外,均仅包括汽油、煤油、柴油)运输总量为12730万吨,其中铁路运量为7416万吨,占58.3%;水路运量为3724万吨,占29.2%;公路  相似文献   

原油是我国港口运输的重要大宗货类,原油码头是石化企业运输网络的关键节点。本文阐述了我国港口原油码头的发展现状和布局特征,对20世纪90年代以来的原油码头通过能力及接卸需求进行分析,分析表明,近年来我国原油码头大型化、专业化趋势明显,码头资源不断整合、布局逐渐完善,但仍存在空间分布"极不均衡"、码头建设"供过于求"、中转码头数量和规模有限、码头建设管理机制混乱等问题。  相似文献   

The paper unpacks the planning process into its component parts: model, process, technique, and goals—the “good thing”. The paper advances the concept that planning, policy-making, and organizational restructuring can be analyzed under the same framework. Each of the four components is described and reductionist examples are presented to clarify the intention and to illustrate the technique that the transport analyst teams employ in their work. The examples cover both successes and failures. They point toward the enormous scientific task ahead for planning to become meaningful and relevant to the problems of today. Finally, in the frame of the willingness to pay, the paper puts forward a case for an institutional framework for a financially autonomous road administration. Similarly organized, administered, and managed entities are relevant also for other transport modes.
Antti TalvitieEmail:

Antti Talvitie   is a Professor (part time) at the Helsinki University of Technology. He has private practice as consultant and as psychoanalyst in the Washington DC area. Previously, Mr. Talvitie worked in the World Bank; was GM of Viatek Consulting Engineers in Espoo Finland; served as Director of Highway Construction and Maintenance in the Finnish Road Administration; and was Professor in the US, including Chairmanship of the Department Civil Engineering at the University of Buffalo. Mr. Talvitie holds Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, and Certificate in Psychoanalysis from the Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis.  相似文献   

To explain walking propensity or frequency, empirical studies have generally used two sets of explanatory variables, namely, socio-demographic variables and built environment variables. They have generally shown that both socio-demographic characteristics and built environment characteristics are associated with walking propensity. We examine the traditional walkability variables that encompass density, mix of uses, and network connectivity in New Jersey, using a statewide sample including an oversample of Jersey City. We estimate a two-stage least squares model using a conditional mixed process that combines an ordered probit model of walking frequency in the second stage based on a truncated regression of car ownership in the first stage. Our results show that built environment variables have some small effects, mainly from better network connectivity associated with increased walking frequency. One of our key findings is that built environment features also work indirectly via how they influence car ownership. In general, we find sufficient evidence that suggests fewer cars are owned in areas with more walkable built environment features. The other key variable that we control for is whether a household owns a dog. This also proved to be strongly associated with walking suggesting that dog ownership is a necessary control variable to understand the frequency of walking.  相似文献   

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