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青岛开发邮轮旅游的前景分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,随着中国经济的稳步发展和人们生活水平的普遍提高,邮轮旅游将逐步成为一种消费新时尚.青岛作为中国的重要港口之一,具备开发邮轮旅游的自然禀赋和初步条件.文章运用SWOT方法分析青岛开发邮轮旅游的条件,对其发展趋势做出预测.  相似文献   

今年是西沙自卫海战胜利30周年。1972年,南越政府趁中国“文革”内乱之际,依仗美国在政治、军事上的支持,动用刚刚从美国获得的装备大口径炮的大型军舰,开始在西沙海域有恃无恐地制造频频事端。1974年1月15日,南越海军16号护卫舰“李常杰”号侵入西沙永乐群岛海域,对中国402、407号渔轮施行骚扰挑衅,并炮击中国的甘泉岛。17日,南越又增派4号护卫舰“陈庆瑜”号、5号护卫舰“陈平重”号及10号护航炮舰“怒涛”号侵入上述海域,用武力恐吓并撞击中国渔船,随后派兵登上金银岛和甘泉岛。叶剑英、邓小平报经毛主席同意后,立即对西沙作出军事行动部署。南海舰队随即派出扫雷舰10大队的396、389号扫雷舰和猎潜艇73大队的271、274号猎潜艇,搭载陆军131师一个步兵排和7卡车的作战物资,南下西沙海域巡逻。  相似文献   

今年是西沙自卫海战胜利30周年。1972年,南越政府趁中国“文革”内乱之际,依仗美国在政治、军事上的支持,动用刚刚从美国获得的装备大口径炮的大型军舰,开始在西沙海域有恃无恐地制造频频事端。1974年1月15日,南越海军16号护卫舰“李常杰”号侵入西沙永乐群岛海域,对中国402、407号渔轮施行骚扰挑衅,并炮击中国的甘泉岛。17日,南越又增派4号护卫舰“陈庆瑜”号、5号护卫舰“陈平重”号及10号护航炮舰“怒涛”号侵入上述海域,用武力恐吓并撞击中国渔船,随后派兵登上金银岛和甘泉岛。叶剑英、邓小平报经毛主席同意后,立即对西沙作出军事行动部署。南海舰队随即派出扫雷舰10大队的396、389号扫雷舰和猎潜艇73大队的271、274号猎潜艇,搭载陆军131师一个步兵排和7卡车的作战物资,南下西沙海域巡逻。  相似文献   

正为积极服务国家"一带一路"倡议,根据海南省建设国际旅游岛的纲要,海南海峡航运股份有限公司于2013年4月28日在海口正式开通了西沙生态旅游航线,由"椰香公主"号邮轮执行首航。  相似文献   

刘慧英 《水上消防》2013,(6):F0002-F0002
<正>9月13日至16日,受海南港航控股有限公司委托,由中国水上消防协会秘书长侯勇带队的专家组,会同海南联络处及海南省港务公安局消防支队和乘警支队相关人员,对航行西沙旅游航线的"椰香公主"轮进行了随船检查和消防培训工作。专家组就检查中发现"椰香公主"轮存在的消防问题,及时向船方提出了整改建议;并对海南港航控股有限公司给予了详细的消防咨询服务。  相似文献   

南海诸岛自古以来是中国领土的一部分.根据大量中外史料和法理的依据,证明南海诸岛是中国人民最早发现、命名和开发的.自宋、元、明、清和中华人民共和国成立以前的历代中国政府都对西沙和南沙群岛行使管辖权,分别命名岛、礁等名称,刻石立标,并得到国际上的承认,无可争辩.特别为纪念明代郑和等人,将部分岛礁分别命名为郑和群岛、永乐群岛、费信岛、马欢岛等.越南提出领土要求,枉费心机.  相似文献   

珠江流域内旅游资源丰富,旅游对经济综合贡献大。开发灯塔为主题的精品旅游路线,不仅弘扬了灯塔历史文化以及灯塔精神,也是响应了国家十三五旅游规划。通过大力发展滨海旅游,推动当地群众积极创业就业。本文通过简介珠江流域内灯塔的基本情况,分析灯塔旅游的开发潜力,提出灯塔旅游开发中存在的问题并给出建议,为今后的灯塔旅游开发提供参考。  相似文献   

分析了当前我国城市河流景观带水上旅游开发所面临的一系列问题,指出水上旅游开发走综合开发之路的客观必然性,并提出了构建以旅游为核心和导向的,旅游策划、景观修建与生态维护三元并举的水上旅游多元设计及综合开发模式。结合苏州环古城河水上旅游开发设计的实际案例,阐述了水上旅游综合开发及多元设计的基本理念和方法,为我国城市河流景观带的水上旅游开发探索了一条出路。  相似文献   

宁波市区三江水上旅游开发探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
舒肖明 《中国水运》2007,7(2):193-195
国内外著名滨水城市都十分注重水上旅游项目的开发。宁波市区开发水上旅游,不仅能丰富都市旅游的内容,而且也是展示宁波“东方商埠、时尚水都”都市形象的有效载体。本文通过对宁波市区三江水上旅游开发的条件分析,提出水上旅游应与宁波商帮文化相结合,体现宁波地方特色,并从市场定位、水上旅游线路、游船码头以及配套支持系统等方面提出了具体对策。  相似文献   

徐娟  李陇堂 《中国水运》2007,7(12):177-178
冬季旅游开发相对滞后,缺乏深入而具体的研究工作曾是银川市旅游经济发展面临的严重缺憾.近几年,随着人们对冬季旅游的关注日益升温,银川市冬季旅游在尝试性发展的基础上也逐渐走上轨道.采取什么战略迎接机遇与挑战是银川市冬季旅游开发面临的首要问题.本文从银川市旅游经济的大背景出发,分析了银川市发展冬季旅游的优势、开发现状、影响冬季游资源开发的诸多因子.继而,依据一定的原则,提出了银川市冬季旅游在以冰雪为"底鬃座",文化为"火焰"的"火炬"式产品开发策略下提出具体的对策.  相似文献   

为研究新型多筒式浮式钻井生产储卸油轮(FDPSO)的系泊系统及其动力响应特性,评估其系泊系统的疲劳性能,针对新型FDPSO的总体布置,以中国南海1 000 m水深为背景,设计新型储油装置的系泊系统,研究系泊点和导缆孔、系泊缆布置及系缆的结构形式。考虑腐蚀和南海风浪条件,计算系泊系统的动态响应,校核系泊系统的强度,计算系泊状态FDPSO的运动响应和系缆张力。考虑南海西沙波浪分布,采用S-N曲线以及Miner线性累计损伤理论,并采用雨流计数方法,对系泊系统进行疲劳分析。结果表明,设计的多筒式FDPSO的系泊系统能够满足作业定位的要求,可以抵御百年一遇的风浪作用,疲劳寿命大于设计寿命的3倍。  相似文献   

Overexploitation of reef resources and increasing coastal tourism have severely damaged the health of coral reef ecosystems around Hainan Island, South China. Only some reef sites are protected, and the effectiveness of the marine protected areas (MPA) appears inadequate. Networks of MPAs have been widely proposed as a more effective tool for reef conservation. However, little is known about the overall state of the island's coral reefs, and no guidelines exist for MPA network building in China. In this study, the information currently available on the distribution and condition of Hainan's coral reefs is comprehensively used to assess reef status, and to identify other reef areas prior to protection. An MPA network around the island is proposed in terms of monitoring, legal, and management aspects to improve the conservation effectiveness. This could also serve as a model for developing MPA networks for other coastal areas with respect to coral reef conservation.  相似文献   

Although the South China arbitration has been settled recently, the final settlement of the South China Sea disputes remains in a political stalemate, at least for the near future. This article proposes a regional mechanism that could form the basis for further cooperation in the South China Sea. This mechanism is informed by political theory, facts on the grounds, and lessons learned from cooperative practices in other regions. As a way to work toward a resolution to the South China Sea's sovereignty disputes, and to improve on current cooperative practices, the objective of this mechanism is to involve all parties in the region and thus cover the entire South China Sea, including the disputed areas. Based on incentives for claimants, the level of political sensitivity, the advantage of involving all claimants and disputed areas, and past practices that have facilitated Taiwan's participation, it is the conclusion of this analysis that the conservation and management of marine living resources is the most promising area of cooperation. In addition, the practice in Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission is recommended as an appropriate model to be applied mutatis mutandis in the South China Sea.  相似文献   

Sovereignty claims over insular features and maritime jurisdiction in the South China Sea have been disputed for decades, and a governance regime to address ocean-related issues is urgently needed. This article first introduces the notion of a regime, and examines details of cooperation mechanisms in the Polar Regions. Lessons that can be applied to the South China Sea include that both soft and hard law regimes work to bring States concerned together to cooperate on the “commons” issues even when military conflicts or sovereignty disputes still exist. Consensus among bordering States would be necessary to make the South China Sea a “zone of peace.” Mechanisms that accommodate the various sovereignty claims and freeze existing and new claims to, as well as to prohibit military activities in, the South China Sea are recommended. Lastly, if a cooperative mechanism were to be established in the future, the Arctic regime would be more applicable to the South China Sea than the Antarctic regime due to their geographic nature. Thus, only States bordering the South China Sea should have voting and decision-making rights in the cooperative mechanism. As always, the political will of all parties is paramount to the success of such an endeavor.  相似文献   

当前,发展中韩物流业合作引起了广泛关注。阐述了中韩物流业合作交流的基础与条件,分析了中韩物流业发展的前景,详细讨论了中韩物流合作框架。最后指出,加快中韩物流合作进程,对我国融入东北亚物流圈及进入全球供应链物流圈,都有重要的战略意义。  相似文献   

The growth of whale-watching internationally has been spectacular. It now occurs in almost 100 countries and is estimated to be worth in excess of U.S.$1 billion each year in revenue. Thus, whales have become valuable as a resource for tourism. The Vava'u island group in the northern part of the Kingdom of Tonga in the South Pacific is an area with a growing reputation as a whale-watching destination. However, the industry is relatively new there and the impacts of whale-based tourism in these islands is, as yet, unknown. In addition, there has been a recent consideration of a return to hunting whales in Tonga. As a result, concerns regarding the value of these animals for tourism and the potential impact of a return to hunting have arisen. Consequently, a study was designed to provide a preliminary assessment of the economic impacts of these animals for the island community. This study estimates that humpback whales may be worth in excess of U.S.$700,000 annually as a tourism attraction and that there is significant potential for future growth. Furthermore, the study shows that current visitors are opposed to any resumption of whaling practices in the islands and that such a move would likely displace large numbers of tourists from Tonga. Thus, it is concluded that a resumption of whaling in Tonga would likely have a significant opportunity cost in terms of lost tourism revenues.  相似文献   

The Straits of Malacca and Singapore are an important trade route linking the Indian Ocean to the South China Sea and Pacific Ocean. They are also rich in resources and support a range of activities that benefit the economies of the littoral states (Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore). This important shipping route is a very congested waterway and the authorities are keen to improve navigation facilities to promote ship safety and reduce the risk of groundings, collisions and accidents. This will also help to protect the marine environment from the effects of pollution and hence reduce its damaging impact on activities related to the Straits, e.g. fisheries and tourism. The Marine Electronic Highway (MEH) is an attempt to bring together maritime safety technologies and environmental management systems. The paper examines the costs of providing such a highway and considers some of the benefits which could accrue from its implementation. The analysis, conducted in the form of a cost-benefit study, clearly shows the economic viability of the scheme.  相似文献   

南海FLNG上部模块总体布局方案研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
FLNG在南海深水气田开发中应用前景广阔,应加强对其设计技术的研究.本文结合调研和项目经验,总结FLNG上部模块总体布置原则和规范,研究布局影响因素,并提出南海FLNG布局建议.FLNG上部模块设计时,应符合安全、经济、合理的原则,并遵守船级社和本行业在总体、工艺、安全等方面的规范;在选择布局方案时,应重点考虑系泊、外输、解脱、工艺方案等4个因素的影响;对于南海FLNG总体布局方案,采用旁靠时建议按从船首到船尾"单点-火炬-预处理-液化-外输-电站/公用-生活楼"布局,采用尾靠时建议按"生活楼-单点-电站/公用-预处理-火炬-液化-外输"布局.本研究成果可以为今后开展南海FLNG上部模块设计提供参考.  相似文献   

The South China Sea has attained global attention because of terraria disputes over oil, gas, fisheries and other resources in the sea area. Compared with the valuable natural resources, the underwater cultural heritage is not recognized or considered, but is an important legacy of many losses of vessels over centuries. Recently, the surrounding states in the South China Sea have taken measures to preserve underwater cultural heritage in their sea waters. However, the current complicated situation of the South China Sea intensifies the difficulties of protection of underwater cultural heritagein that area. There is an important and interesting potential issue of identification of ownership of underwater cultural heritage because of differences of legislation and claims to jurisdiction. Under the current information of legislation of some states in the South China Sea, it can be understood this issue cannot be avoid on the protection of underwater cultural heritage. This article discusses potential disputes over ownership of underwater cultural heritage in the South China Sea based on the different legislation of several states (China, Vietnam and Philippines) and proposes some possible suggestions for resolving the issue of ownership, rather than performing a primary research.  相似文献   

本文研究2种典型结构形式半潜平台在不同海域结构应力长期分布特征。对比中国南海典型波浪散布与墨西哥湾典型波浪散布特征,计算两海域平台结构应力响应,得到平台结构应力范围长期Weibull分布形状参数。中国南海典型环境条件对于双下浮体式半潜平台结构波浪应力长期Weibull分布形状参数不大于1,对于环形浮箱半潜平台结构波浪应力长期Weibull分布形状参数不大于1.05,为针对中国南海应用简化疲劳分析方法分析半潜式平台结构疲劳寿命提供依据。同时,计算得到两类典型半潜式平台在墨西哥湾典型环境条件下结构波浪应力长期Weibull分布形状参数值不大于0.8的结论,证实对于半潜式平台的疲劳设计,南海疲劳海况较墨西哥湾海况更恶劣。  相似文献   

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