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为提升港口铁路系统的列车运输能力和信号设备的安全性,在黄骅港港区铁路扩容工程中,港区站采用计算机联锁系统取代传统的电气集中联锁系统,在区间采用先进的移频自动闭塞系统,并在港区站采用微机监测系统进一步提高了信号设备的安全性和可靠性,对改善与优化港区站场信号系统具有重要意义。  相似文献   

传统船舶通信信号系统不仅复杂性高,而且性能差。为此优化设计了一种分布式船舶通信信号系统。分析了当前常见船舶通信信号系统的弊端,给出分布式船舶通信信号系统中地面系统和船载系统的实施方案,依据差异原则设计系统结构。介绍了系统通信控制服务器设计过程,硬件安装选用简单易实现的CBCI插卡方式。分析了容错与安全管理单元设计过程,给出FPGA内部结构和通信模块设计过程,通过通信信号供电单元为系统供电。软件设计主要包括通信接口软件与信号控制算法设计。实验结果表明,所设计系统性能优。  相似文献   

韦嗣超  张志旺 《船舶》2007,(3):55-57,60
随着海上石油勘采日异发展,市场对钻井平台技术含量要求将会进一步提高,对于钻井平台动态数字化管理平台监测报警必将是今后钻井平台的发展方向.文章从信号系统的采集输入、信号传输网络、控制、信号数据读取和电源系统设计特点及对系统功能、报警功能、显示功能都作了详细全面介绍.通过中油海3号平台监测报警系统设计,对类似平台监测报警系统的一些问题进行论述,可供读者参考.  相似文献   

将港口道路交通量的车型归纳为4种类型,提出港口道路交通量预测的方法和思路;分别建立4种不同车型的港口道路交通量预测方法,并建立不同车型交通量预测与港区相应货种吞吐量的计算关系式。可为合理规划港口道路集疏运系统提供理论依据和参考。  相似文献   

肖克平 《中国港口》2001,(6):35-35,37
多年来,我国港口发展走的是基建扩张型道路,以新建港口基础设施为主提高港口生产能力。这在港口能力严重不足的状况下,不仅缓解了吞吐量日益增长的矛盾,而且也为我国的港口布局,建立了较为合理的港口体系。现在我国港口已经拥有相当的规模和能力,技术和装备水平有较大提高,港口总体能力不足的问题已不再是港口发展的唯一主要问题。随着国民经济持续发展。经济结构逐步调整和产业结构升级、国际航运船舶向大型化、专业化发展的趋势,我国港口码头功能结构性不平衡和效率低下已成为一个不断上和升的主要矛盾,尤其是老港区。老码头资源配置不尽合理,不适应运输结构调整的需要。  相似文献   

<正>从交通运输部发布《关于推进港口转型升级的指导意见》至今,已经过去了两年有余,虽然港口企业在转型升级的道路上取得了一些阶段性成果,但未来仍面临机遇与挑战并存的局面。下一步,港口企业要主动对接并积极服务于国家发展战略,结合各自港口条件,深入研究如何更好地对接国家"一带一路"战略,不断推进港口转型发展、协调发展。一、拓展服务功能,发展现代港口业  相似文献   

李昕  郭敏 《机电设备》1995,(6):13-17,32
讨论了船舶辅助推进装置集控制系统的控制策略、结构与信号的密切关系,以及信号系统的设计方法。  相似文献   

港口生产流程中,通常采用活动电缆传输联锁信号来实现设备与设备之间、设备与中控室之间的联锁功能,但在使用过程中经常出现电缆断股、断芯现象,导致联锁信号丢失,严重影响生产流程的正常运行,且维修工作量很大,更换电缆的费用较高。现在国内先进港口已采用无线通讯控制方式来取代传统的活动电缆通讯。  相似文献   

分析了第三代港口与第一代、第二代港口的不同特点,提出了第三代港口必须具备的条件。在此基础上从5个方面提出了港口坚持走可持续发展了道路的方略,并从多方面论述了现代物流业是第三代港口的运行主体。  相似文献   

<正>赤湾港作为全国第一家中外合资、建设经营的港口,迄今为止,已经走过了十四个年头。 认真总结经营管理的经验,探寻其港口未来经营管理策略,无疑对我们港口的经营管理者来说是非常有益的。 港口经营管理经验之回顾 赤湾港在生产经营管理、劳动用工制度、生产工艺与组织方面,走出了一条独特的适合自身发展的道路。 1.股份制企业机制决定了港口要想生存与发展只能走市场化经营的道路。 赤湾港从其诞生的第一天起,就同中国港口传统的港口计划经济体制无缘。港口货源完全靠自身综合竞争实力去争取,因此港口管理者始终将市场开拓放在经营管理之首位。80  相似文献   

The positive trend in the cruise industry since the beginning of the twenty-first century brings with it a series of challenges, mainly for cruise lines and ports. Among them is the seasonality of cruise traffic. This study examines the seasonality of the cruise traffic in the Western Mediterranean and the Adriatic Sea. A sample of 26 ports in 7 countries forms the basis of the empirical analysis, which uses the monthly total cruise passenger movements of each port during the period from 2005 to 2015 as a variable. Methodologically, a “dynamic” classification of ports structured in three sizes is proposed, the seasonality pattern of each port is determined, a cluster analysis is applied to group the ports in clusters with homogeneous patterns, and the changes in seasonal concentration during the analysis period are determined using a Gini coefficient. The main findings suggest the heterogeneity of the ports in the analyzed area and the existence of two clusters with different seasonality patterns. Furthermore, a list of strategies is provided to address the negative effects of cruise traffic seasonality in the management of cruise terminals, taking into account that each cluster obtained requires different strategies.  相似文献   

运用层次分析法对杭甬运河集装箱港口布局进行规划研究,通过对港口腹地经济环境、集疏运网络、港口资源、港口服务管理水平、港口地理位置和投资等因素的权重分析,得到了以杭州港区为杭甬运河的主枢纽港,宁波海河联运港区和绍兴港区为重要港口,萧山港区、柯桥港区、上虞港区和余姚港区为一般港口的布局方案,其中主枢纽港和重要港口应以建设集装箱专用码头为主,其余应建设多用途码头。其结果对杭甬运河集装箱运输的发展具有重要的参考意义。  相似文献   

沿海港口交通安全和信息管理系统研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
王捷 《中国航海》2007,(3):41-44
为完善沿海港口交通安全和信息管理能力,提高港口的物流中心地位,通过对现有的船舶交通管理系统(VTS)分析,研究了港口交通安全和信息管理系统(VTIMS)中的船舶动态信息系统、交通安全和信息控制中心、通信网络三大单元的设计结构、功能和核心技术;港口信息平台和通信网络功能的提出为今后港口的物流中心地位的建立奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   

The aim of the present paper is to explain the Mediterranean Transhipment Rule by a mathematical model showing the relationship between the diversion distance and the transhipment volumes, as well as the relationship to the total container traffic volume. Thus, the formula was applied to the figures achieved in 1994, 1995 and 1996. To conform with 1994, 1995 and 1996 data the formula was slightly altered so as to forecast transhipment volumes in the Mediterranean ports. By applying the formula to the figures achieved by some Mediterranean ports, the estimations were done which describe reliably enough that the transhipment volumes depend on the diversion distance and the total traffic throughput. In short, the volume of cargo transhipped in a single port is an inverse linear function of the distance of the port from the main-line vessels' route transiting the Mediterranean, and a linear function of the port container traffic volumes.  相似文献   

This paper examines the development and growth of container traffic in the Asia-Pacific region. It is hypothesised that containerization is losing its national character as the geography of container transport changes port hierarchies where only a few ports have become locationally favorable. The organizatioon of the paper is straightforward. First, the development and growth of container traffic in the Asia-Pacific region is examined in order to provide understanding of changes associated with containerization. Second, the role of selected Asian-Pacific ports as key economic players is reviewed, and container development in each port is analysed so as to measure the differences explaining the position of Asian-Pacific ports in the maritime system. Third, the degree of concentration and competition that exist among the container ports of the region is analysed with a view to evaluate what rate of expansion can be expected in the foreseeable future that will shape the network of the container market in the region. The paper concludes on a possible research agenda.  相似文献   

Cruise traffic is a maritime business and tourist typology that has expanded significantly in the past two decades. The seasonality of the industry affects maritime traffic, generating negative effects for the primary stakeholders involved in the configuration of a cruise itinerary. This article focuses on cruise traffic seasonality from the perspective of cruise ports by analysing a sample of 13 ports on the Spanish Mediterranean coast. The variable used was cruise passenger movements during the period 2000–2015. The main objective of this article is to analyse cruise traffic seasonality in order to identify a pattern, classify through a cluster analysis, and identify the changes in seasonality during the period. Specifically, a threefold analysis has been performed, with the additional goal of providing a series of counter-seasonal suggestions and strategies to apply in the management of cruise ports. First, the seasonality pattern of each port was determined. Second, a cluster analysis was conducted to classify ports into clusters with homogeneous seasonality patterns. Third, an analysis was conducted to identify the changes in seasonality during the period of analysis using the coefficient of variation and the Gini coefficient. This article concludes the existence of two port clusters with different seasonal patterns.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to find out the causal relationship between port performance and port traffic by using Indian data. The use of cointegration analysis has come out with the result that performance precedes traffic in most of the ports of India. Hence, government policy towards performance augmenting facilities should be given priority so that higher efficiency induces higher traffic  相似文献   

This paper attempts to find out the causal relationship between port performance and port traffic by using Indian data. The use of cointegration analysis has come out with the result that performance precedes traffic in most of the ports of India. Hence, government policy towards performance augmenting facilities should be given priority so that higher efficiency induces higher traffic  相似文献   

多路视频切换技术的研究和实现   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
矩阵式视频信号切换器是目前最为先进且使用最多的切换设备,它有多个输入输出端口(M×N),由单片机控制矩阵交叉点来完成切换,其输出端口的输出信号是相互独立的,任何一路输出都可以是任意一路输入信号,或几路输出端口可以输出同一路输入信号。本文就视频信号的基本特征、多路视频切换技术进行了论述。  相似文献   

More than a century ago far-sighted railroad builders and steamship operators were seeking the shortest intermodal itineraries between the eastern United States and the Orient. A combination of locational fact and the factual outcomes of 19th century railroad building left Chicago roughly equidistant in railway mileage from what became the four great US West-Coast port complexes in the Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland and Seattle regions. Their nearly equivalent rail access to Chicago and points east has renewed significance in the container era.

This paper concerns the efforts of US Pacific seaboard ports to stay 'on the beaten track' with respect to container shipments between Asia and the eastern United States. The West-Coast ports are transit points dividing the transcontinental and transoceanic segments of long intercontinental journeys. From origins to destinations there are, in fact, many possibly feasible itineraries, including all-water routes.

The West-Coast ports have considerable control over their own site improvements. On the other hand, with respect to transiting container traffic, the ports may influence, but are unlikely to control, their own situations. Since the major container port facilities are very often on long-term lease to large intermodal carriers, the latter are making the important shipping and routeing decisions. The carriers tend in fact to set the tone and level of port competition.

What is the nature of the competition between container ports? Is it a figment of the publicist's imagination and perpetuated by irrelevant statistical boasting? Is it perhaps something forced on the ports by carriers eager to play one port off against another in a 'lowest bid' game? At what geographical scale might port competition be most useful or, maybe, least wasteful?  相似文献   

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