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In this study, we propose a travel itinerary problem (TIP) which aims to find itineraries with the lowest cost for travelers visiting multiple cities, under the constraints of time horizon, stop times at cities and transport alternatives with fixed departure times, arrival times, and ticket prices. First, we formulate the TIP into a 0–1 integer programming model. Then, we decompose the itinerary optimization into a macroscopic tour (i.e., visiting sequence between cities) selection process and a microscopic number (i.e., flight number, train number for each piece of movement) selection process, and use an implicit enumeration algorithm to solve the optimal combination of tour and numbers. By integrating the itinerary optimization approach and Web crawler technology, we develop a smart travel system that is able to capture online transport data and recommend the optimal itinerary that satisfies travelers’ preferences in departure time, arrival time, cabin class, and transport mode. Finally, we present case studies based on real-life transport data to illustrate the usefulness of itinerary optimization for minimizing travel cost, the computational efficiency of the implicit enumeration algorithm, and the feasibility of the smart travel system.  相似文献   

This paper examines network design where OD demand is not known a priori, but is the subject of responses in household or user itinerary choices to infrastructure improvements. Using simple examples, we show that falsely assuming that household itineraries are not elastic can result in a lack in understanding of certain phenomena; e.g., increasing traffic even without increasing economic activity due to relaxing of space–time prism constraints, or worsening of utility despite infrastructure investments in cases where household objectives may conflict. An activity-based network design problem is proposed using the location routing problem (LRP) as inspiration. The bilevel formulation includes an upper level network design and shortest path problem while the lower level includes a set of disaggregate household itinerary optimization problems, posed as household activity pattern problem (HAPP) (or in the case with location choice, as generalized HAPP) models. As a bilevel problem with an NP-hard lower level problem, there is no algorithm for solving the model exactly. Simple numerical examples show optimality gaps of as much as 5% for a decomposition heuristic algorithm derived from the LRP. A large numerical case study based on Southern California data and setting suggest that even if infrastructure investments do not result in major changes in link investment decisions compared to a conventional model, the results provide much higher resolution temporal OD information to a decision maker. Whereas a conventional model would output the best set of links to invest given an assumed OD matrix, the proposed model can output the same best set of links, the same daily OD matrix, and a detailed temporal distribution of activity participation and travel from which changes in peak period OD patterns can be observed.  相似文献   

An essential element of demand modeling in the airline industry is the representation of time of day demand—the demand for a given itinerary as a function of its departure or arrival times. It is an important datum that drives successful scheduling and fleet decisions. There are two key components to this problem: the distribution of the time of day demand and how preferred travel time influences itinerary choice. This paper focuses on estimating the time of day distribution. Our objective is to estimate it in a manner that is not confounded with air travel supply; is a function of the characteristics of the traveler, the trip, and the market; and accounts for potential measurement errors in self-reported travel time preferences. We employ a stated preference dataset collected by intercepting people who were booking continental US trips via an internet booking service. Respondents reported preferred travel times as well as choices from a hypothetical set of itineraries. We parameterize the time of day distribution as a mixture of normal distributions (due to the strong peaking nature of travel time preferences) and allow the mixing function to vary by individual characteristics and trip attributes. We estimate the time of day distribution and the itinerary choice model jointly in a manner that accounts for measurement error in the self-reported travel time preferences. We find that the mixture of normal distributions fits the time of day distribution well and is behaviorally intuitive. The strongest covariates of travel time preferences are party size and time zone change. The methodology employed to treat self-reported travel time preferences as potentially having error contributes to the broader transportation time of day demand literature, which either assumes that the desired travel times are known with certainty or that they are unknown. We find that the error in self-reported travel time preferences is statistically significant and impacts the inferred time of day demand distribution.  相似文献   

An access control policy that eliminates all queues beyond the entry points to a network has obvious benefits, which include smooth travel and predictable travel times inside the network. Yet it has never been proven, to the best of our knowledge, whether excluding inside queues yields sub-optimal network performance or, in other words, allowing inside queues can actually further reduce the system travel cost. Moreover, it is not clear whether an optimal control policy derived from efficiency considerations can also be a fair policy to all road users. This paper provide answers to these questions in the context of a monocentric network. By analyzing the structure of the access control problem considering all feasible policies (with/without inside queues), we show that the minimal system cost realizable by access control can be obtained without directly solving a non-convex optimization program, and can indeed always be achieved by a control policy excluding all of the inside queues. These optimal policies are defined by a polyhedral set and a Finite Generation Algorithm can be applied to derive the analytical form of this set. The optimal policies are not unique in general, thus making it possible to achieve both minimal system cost and fairness simultaneously.  相似文献   

Multi-state supernetwork framework for the two-person joint travel problem   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Most travel behavior studies on route and mode choice focus only on an individual level. This paper adopts the concept of multi-state supernetworks to model the two-person joint travel problem (JTP). Travel is differentiated in terms of activity-vehicle-joint states, i.e. travel separately or jointly with which transport mode and with which activities conducted. In each state, route choice can be addressed given the state information and travel preference parameters. The joint travel pattern space is represented as a multi-state supernetwork, which is constructed by assigning the individual and joint networks to all possible states and connecting them via transfer links at joints where individuals can meet or depart. Besides route choice, the choices of where and when to meet, and which transport mode(s) to use can all be explicitly represented in a consistent fashion. A joint path through the supernetwork corresponds to a specific joint travel pattern. Then, JTP is reduced to an optimization problem to find the joint path with the minimum disutility. Three standard shortest path algorithm variants are proposed to find the optimal under different scenarios. The proposed framework further indicates the feasibility of multi-state supernetworks for addressing high dimensional problems and contributes to the design of a next generation of joint routing systems.  相似文献   

The suitability of an electric vehicle of a given range to serve in place of a given conventional vehicle is not limited by the daily travel over distances within that that range, but rather by the occasional inconvenience of finding alternative transport for longer trips. While the frequency of this inconvenience can be computed from usage data, the willingness of individual users to accept that replacement depends on details of available transportation alternatives and their willingness to use them. The latter can be difficult to assess. Fortunately, 65% of US households have access to the most convenient alternative possible: a second car. In this paper we describe an analysis of prospective EV acceptance and travel electrification in two-car households in the Puget Sound region. We find that EVs with 60 miles of useful range could be acceptable (i.e. incur inconvenience no more than three days each year) to nearly 90% of two-car households and electrify nearly 55% of travel in those households (32% of all travel). This compares to 120 miles range required to achieve the same fraction of electrified travel via one-for-one replacement of individual vehicles. Even though only one third of personal vehicles in the US may be replaced in this paradigm, the ‘EV as a second-car’ concept is attractive in that a significant fraction of travel can be electrified by vehicles with modest electric range and virtually no dependence on public charging infrastructure.  相似文献   

This paper formulates and examines the passenger flow assignment (itinerary choice) problem in high-speed railway (HSR) systems with multiple-class users and multiple-class seats, given the train schedules and time-varying travel demand. In particular, we take into account advance booking cost of travelers in the itinerary choice problem. Rather than a direct approach to model advance booking cost with an explicit cost function, we consider advance booking cost endogenously, which is determined as a part of the passenger choice equilibrium. We show that this equilibrium problem can be formulated as a linear programming (LP) model based on a three-dimension network representation of time, space, and seat class. At the equilibrium solution, a set of Lagrange multipliers for the LP model are obtained, which are associated with the rigid in-train passenger capacity constraints (limited numbers of seats). We found that the sum of the Lagrange multipliers along a path in the three-dimension network reflects the advance booking cost of tickets (due to advance/early booking to guarantee availability) perceived by the passengers. Numerical examples are presented to demonstrate and illustrate the proposed model for the passenger assignment problem.  相似文献   

The problem of optimally locating fixed sensors on a traffic network infrastructure has been object of growing interest in the past few years. Sensor location decisions models differ from each other according to the type of sensors that are to be located and the objective that one would like to optimize. This paper surveys the existing contributions in the literature related to the problem of locating fixed sensors on the network to estimate travel times. The review consists of two parts: the first part reviews the methodological approaches for the optimal location of counting sensors on a freeway for travel time estimation; the second part focuses on the results related to the optimal location of Automatic Vehicle Identification (AVI) readers on the links of a network to get travel time information.  相似文献   

Defining and understanding trip chaining behaviour   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Trip chaining is a phenomenon that we know exists but rarely investigate. This could be attributed to either the difficulty in defining trip chains, extracting such information from travel diary surveys, the difficulty in analysing all the possible trip chain types, or all of the above. Household travel diary surveys provide a wealth of information on the travel patterns of individuals and households. Since such surveys collect all information related to travel undertaken, in theory it should be possible to extract trip-chaining characteristics of travel from them. Due to the difficulty in establishing and analysing all of the possible trip chain types, the majority of research on trip chaining has appeared to focus on work travel only. However, work related travel in many cities does not represent the majority of activities undertaken and, for some age groups, does not represent any travel at all. This paper begins by reviewing existing research in the field of trip chaining. In particular, investigations into the definitions of trip chaining, the defined typologies of trip chains and the research questions that have been addressed are explored. This review of previous research into trip chaining facilitates the following tasks: the identification of the most useful questions to be addressed by this research; defining trip chaining and associated typologies and defining data structures to extract trip chaining information from the household travel surveys conducted in metropolitan Adelaide, South Australia. The definition and typology developed in our research was then used to extract trip-chaining information from the household travel diary survey (MAHTS99) conducted in Adelaide in 1999. The extracted trip chaining information was then used to investigate trip-chaining behaviour by households. The paper reports the results of this analysis and concludes with a summary of the findings and recommendations for further investigations.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the optimal starting location of a high-occupancy-vehicle (HOV) lane for a linear monocentric urban area. Both travel time and carpooling costs are taken into account. The research proposes an analytical framework for the case with a continuum demand distribution along a highway corridor. The objective is assumed to maximize social welfare of the transportation system, which is the difference between the total user benefit and travel cost. Numerical analysis via simulation experiments was conducted to seek the existence of an optimal solution. Based on the results of a sensitivity analysis, we find a specific relationship between the carpooling cost and the optimal design of the starting point of an HOV lane.  相似文献   

How to optimally allocate limited freeway sensor resources is of great interest to transportation engineers. In this paper, we focus on the optimal allocation of point sensors, such as loop detectors, to minimize performance measurement errors. Although it has been shown that the minimization problem can be intuitively formulated as a nonlinear program, the formulation is so complex that only heuristic approaches can be used to solve the problem. In this paper, we transform the nonlinear program into an equivalent mixed-integer linear model. The linearized model is shown to have a graphical interpretation and can be solved using resource constrained shortest path algorithms. A customized Branch-and-Bound technique is then proposed to solve the resource constrained shortest path problem. Numerical experiments along an urban freeway corridor demonstrate that this sensor location model is successful in allocating loop detectors to improve the accuracy of travel time estimation.  相似文献   

This study is the first in the literature to model the joint equilibrium of departure time and parking location choices when commuters travel with autonomous vehicles (AVs). With AVs, walking from parking spaces to the work location is not needed. Instead, AVs will drop off the commuters at the workplace and then drive themselves to the parking spaces. In this context, the equilibrium departure/arrival profile is different from the literature with non-autonomous vehicles (non-AVs). Besides modeling the commuting equilibrium, this study further develops the first-best time-dependent congestion tolling scheme to achieve the system optimum. Also, a location-dependent parking pricing scheme is developed to replace the tolling scheme. Furthermore, this study discusses the optimal parking supply to minimize the total system cost (including both the travel cost and the social cost of parking supply) under either user equilibrium or system optimum traffic flow pattern. It is found that the optimal planning of parking can be different from the non-AV situation, since the vehicles can drive themselves to parking spaces that are further away from the city center and walking of commuters is avoided. This paper sheds light on future parking supply planning and traffic management.  相似文献   

We study the shared autonomous vehicle (SAV) routing problem while considering congestion. SAVs essentially provide a dial-a-ride service to travelers, but the large number of vehicles involved (tens of thousands of SAVs to replace personal vehicles) results in SAV routing causing significant congestion. We combine the dial-a-ride service constraints with the linear program for system optimal dynamic traffic assignment, resulting in a congestion-aware formulation of the SAV routing problem. Traffic flow is modeled through the link transmission model, an approximate solution to the kinematic wave theory of traffic flow. SAVs interact with travelers at origins and destinations. Due to the large number of vehicles involved, we use a continuous approximation of flow to formulate a linear program. Optimal solutions demonstrate that peak hour demand is likely to have greater waiting and in-vehicle travel times than off-peak demand due to congestion. SAV travel times were only slightly greater than system optimal personal vehicle route choice. In addition, solutions can determine the optimal fleet size to minimize congestion or maximize service.  相似文献   

With vehicle miles of travel increasing at a faster pace than population, one strategy being actively pursued by both state and local governments is compact development. California recently passed legislation that aggressively promotes sustainability by endorsing and rewarding compact development. Likewise, the California Air Resources Board has set a statewide reduction target of 5MMT of greenhouse gas reductions from land use, based largely on achieving compact development patterns. In this paper, we use a multivariate two-part model with instrumental variables, which corrects for residential location self-selection bias. We use a much larger and more geographically representative travel survey on household travel patterns and socio-economic characteristics than represented in previous California studies; this allows us to robustly consider other influences on travel. Our results indicate that, all else equal, a 10% in residential density would reduce VMT by 1.9%. This elasticity is larger than the reported in previous econometric studies for the US, and specifically for California. However, as we show, the magnitude of this impact is still low considering reasonable ranges for policies aimed to increase residential density.  相似文献   

Employers are regularly involved in transport planning and characteristic workplace-oriented tools include: (1) travel plans for building projects, (2) mandatory travel plans, (3) subsidies to employers with an advanced travel plan and (4) best travel plan awards. In all cases, experts judge the level of car use. We argue that decision-makers might benefit from a multiple regression-based benchmark modelling tool that estimates the expected share of the car. In this paper, we estimate the share of car users in the commuting modal split at workplaces. However, since the amount of information available to experts differs, we gradually add information to the model to measure the impact of data availability. Without historic data on modal split, the current share can only be predicted moderately well, i.e. within a 20% range. Besides adding the past, results improve by using homogenous and regional subsamples. Nevertheless, quantitative analyses do not make expert knowledge obsolete.  相似文献   

Transportation is an important source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In this paper, we develop a bi-level model for GHG emission charge based on continuous distribution of the value of time (VOT) for travelers. In the bi-level model framework, a policy maker (as the leader) seeks an optimal emission charge scheme, with tolls differentiated across travel modes (e.g., bus, motorcycles, and cars), to achieve a given GHG reduction target by shifting the proportions of travelers taking different modes. In response, travelers (as followers) will adjust their travel modes to minimize their total travel cost. The resulting mode shift, hence the outcome of the emission charge policy, depends on travelers’ VOT distribution. For the solution of the bi-level model, we integrate a differential evolution algorithm for the upper level and the “all or nothing” traffic assignment for the lower level. Numerical results from our analysis suggest important policy implications: (1) in setting the optimal GHG emission charge scheme for the design of transportation GHG emission reduction targets, policy makers need to be equipped with rigorous understanding of travelers’ VOT distribution and the tradeoffs between emission reduction and system efficiency; and (2) the optimal emission charge scheme in a city depends significantly on the average value of travelers’ VOT distribution—the optimal emission charge can be designed and implemented in consistency with rational travel flows. Further sensitivity analysis considering various GHG reduction targets and different VOT distributions indicate that plausible emission toll schemes that encourage travelers to choose greener transportation modes can be explored as an efficient policy instrument for both transportation network performance improvement and GHG reduction.  相似文献   

In this work we propose a mechanism to optimize the capacity of the main corridor within a railway network with a radial-backbone or X-tree structure. The radial-backbone (or X-tree) structure is composed of two types of lines: the primary lines that travel exclusively on the common backbone (main corridor) and radial lines which, starting from the common backbone, branch out to individual locations. We define possible line configurations as binary strings and propose operators on them for their analysis, yielding an effective algorithm for generating an optimal design and train frequencies. We test our algorithm on real data for the high speed line Madrid–Seville. A frequency plan consistent with the optimal capacity is then proposed in order to eliminate the number of transfers between lines as well as to minimize the network fleet size, determining the minimum number of vehicles needed to serve all travel demand at maximum occupancy.  相似文献   

This paper develops and applies a practical method to estimate the benefits of improved reliability of road networks. We present a general methodology to estimate the scheduling costs due to travel time variability for car travel. In contrast to existing practical methods, we explicitly consider the effect of travel time variability on departure time choices. We focus on situations when only mean delays are known, which is typically the case when standard transport models are used. We first show how travel time variability can be predicted from mean delays. We then estimate the scheduling costs of travellers, taking into account their optimal departure time choice given the estimated travel time variability. We illustrate the methodology for air passengers traveling by car to Amsterdam Schiphol Airport. We find that on average planned improvements in network reliability only lead to a small reduction in access costs per trip in absolute terms, mainly because most air passengers drive to the airport outside peak hours, when travel time variability tends to be low. However, in relative terms the reduction in access costs due to the improvements in network reliability is substantial. In our case we find that for every 1 Euro reduction in travel time costs, there is an additional cost reduction of 0.7 Euro due to lower travel time variability, and hence lower scheduling costs. Ignoring the benefits from improved reliability may therefore lead to a severe underestimation of the total benefits of infrastructure improvements.  相似文献   

The conventional approach to the study of travel time is to see it as ??dead time??, i.e. time that should be minimized. In this paper, we study time-use on trains, especially in relation to the use of information and communication technology for work purposes. The empirical results are based on a survey of rail travellers in Norway in 2008. It was found that a high proportion of ordinary commuters and business people work on board while travelling by train, i.e. 35?% of commuters and 43?% of business people. Nearly every fourth commuter gets their travel time approved as working hours. Most respondents had some sort of electronic device with them on board, and 25?% travelling for work-related purposes use a laptop computer. Only 10?% report that their travel time is of no use. Knowledge of how travel time is utilized is indispensable in the discussion about the evaluation of travel time in cost-benefit analysis. The use of travel time can also be important for choice of transport mode in the assessment of travel time versus work options.  相似文献   

Traffic signals, even though crucial for safe operations of busy intersections, are one of the leading causes of travel delays in urban settings, as well as the reason why billions of gallons of fuel are burned, and tons of toxic pollutants released to the atmosphere each year by idling engines. Recent advances in cellular networks and dedicated short-range communications make Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) communications a reality, as individual cars and traffic signals can now be equipped with communication and computing devices. In this paper, we first presented an integrated simulator with V2I, a car-following model and an emission model to simulate the behavior of vehicles at signalized intersections and calculate travel delays in queues, vehicle emissions, and fuel consumption. We then present a hierarchical green driving strategy based on feedback control to smooth stop-and-go traffic in signalized networks, where signals can disseminate traffic signal information and loop detector data to connected vehicles through V2I communications. In this strategy, the control variable is an individual advisory speed limit for each equipped vehicle, which is calculated from its location, signal settings, and traffic conditions. Finally, we quantify the mobility and environment improvements of the green driving strategy with respect to market penetration rates of equipped vehicles, traffic conditions, communication characteristics, location accuracy, and the car-following model itself, both in isolated and non-isolated intersections. In particular, we demonstrate savings of around 15% in travel delays and around 8% in fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Different from many existing ecodriving strategies in signalized road networks, where vehicles’ speed profiles are totally controlled, our strategy is hierarchical, since only the speed limit is provided, and vehicles still have to follow their leaders. Such a strategy is crucial for maintaining safety with mixed vehicles.  相似文献   

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