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A route-based combined model of dynamic deterministic route and departure time choice and a solution method for many origin and destination pairs is proposed. The divided linear travel time model is used to calculate the link travel time and to describe the propagation of flow over time. For the calculation of route travel times, the predictive ideal route travel time concept is adopted. Solving the combined model of dynamic deterministic route and departure time choice is shown to be equivalent to solving simultaneously a system of non-linear equations. A Newton-type iterative scheme is proposed to solve this problem. The performance of the proposed solution method is demonstrated using a version of the Sioux Falls network. This shows that the proposed solution method produces good equilibrium solutions with reasonable computational cost.  相似文献   

In this paper we formulate the dynamic user equilibrium problem with an embedded cell transmission model on a network with a single OD pair, multiple parallel paths, multiple user classes with elastic demand. The formulation is based on ideas from complementarity theory. The travel time is estimated based on two methods which have different transportation applications: (1) maximum travel time and (2) average travel time. These travel time functions result in linear and non-linear complementarity formulations respectively. Solution existence and the properties of the formulations are rigorously analyzed. Extensive computational experiments are conducted to demonstrate the benefits of the proposed formulations on various test networks.  相似文献   

Dynamic user optimal simultaneous route and departure time choice (DUO-SRDTC) problems are usually formulated as variational inequality (VI) problems whose solution algorithms generally require continuous and monotone route travel cost functions to guarantee convergence. However, the monotonicity of the route travel cost functions cannot be ensured even if the route travel time functions are monotone. In contrast to traditional formulations, this paper formulates a DUO-SRDTC problem (that can have fixed or elastic demand) as a system of nonlinear equations. The system of nonlinear equations is a function of generalized origin-destination (OD) travel costs rather than route flows and includes a dynamic user optimal (DUO) route choice subproblem with perfectly elastic demand and a quadratic programming (QP) subproblem under certain assumptions. This study also proposes a solution method based on the backtracking inexact Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno (BFGS) method, the extragradient algorithm, and the Frank-Wolfe algorithm. The BFGS method, the extragradient algorithm, and the Frank-Wolfe algorithm are used to solve the system of nonlinear equations, the DUO route choice subproblem, and the QP subproblem, respectively. The proposed formulation and solution method can avoid the requirement of monotonicity of the route travel cost functions to obtain a convergent solution and provide a new approach with which to solve DUO-SRDTC problems. Finally, numeric examples are used to demonstrate the performance of the proposed solution method.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to establish a method to calculate good quality user equilibrium assignments under time varying conditions. For this purpose, it introduces a dynamic network loading method that can maintain correct flow propagation as well as flow conservation, and it shows a novel route-based solution algorithm. This novel algorithm turns out to be convenient and logically plausible compared to the conventional [Frank, M., Wolfe, P., 1956. An algorithm for quadratic programming. Naval Research Logistics Quarterly 3, 95–110] algorithm, because the former does not require evaluation of an objective function and it finds solutions maintaining correct flow propagation in the time-varying network conditions. The application of novel dynamic network loading method and solution algorithm to test networks shows that we can find high quality dynamic user equilibrium assignment. This is illustrated in an example network using the deterministic queuing model for a link performance function and associating costs and flows in a predictive way in discrete time.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a dual-time-scale formulation of dynamic user equilibrium (DUE) with demand evolution. Our formulation belongs to the problem class that Pang and Stewart (2008) refer to as differential variational inequalities. It combines the within-day time scale for which route and departure time choices fluctuate in continuous time with the day-to-day time scale for which demand evolves in discrete time steps. Our formulation is consistent with the often told story that drivers adjust their travel demands at the end of every day based on their congestion experience during one or more previous days. We show that analysis of the within-day assignment model is tremendously simplified by expressing dynamic user equilibrium as a differential variational inequality. We also show there is a class of day-to-day demand growth models that allow the dual-time-scale formulation to be decomposed by time-stepping to yield a sequence of continuous time, single-day, dynamic user equilibrium problems. To solve the single-day DUE problems arising during time-stepping, it is necessary to repeatedly solve a dynamic network loading problem. We observe that the network loading phase of DUE computation generally constitutes a differential algebraic equation (DAE) system, and we show that the DAE system for network loading based on the link delay model (LDM) of Friesz et al. (1993) may be approximated by a system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs). That system of ODEs, as we demonstrate, may be efficiently solved using traditional numerical methods for such problems. To compute an actual dynamic user equilibrium, we introduce a continuous time fixed-point algorithm and prove its convergence for effective path delay operators that allow a limited type of nonmonotone path delay. We show that our DUE algorithm is compatible with network loading based on the LDM and the cell transmission model (CTM) due to Daganzo (1995). We provide a numerical example based on the much studied Sioux Falls network.  相似文献   

Suppose that in an urban transportation network there is a specific advanced traveler information system (ATIS) which acts for reducing the drivers' travel time uncertainty through provision of pre‐trip route information. Because of the imperfect information provided, some travelers are not in compliance with the ATIS advice although equipped with the device. We thus divide all travelers into three groups, one group unequipped with ATIS, another group equipped and in compliance with ATIS advice and the third group equipped but without compliance with the advice. Each traveler makes route choice in a logit‐based manner and a stochastic user equilibrium with multiple user classes is reached for every day. In this paper, we propose a model to investigate the evolutions of daily path travel time, daily ATIS compliance rate and yearly ATIS adoption, in which the equilibrium for every day's route choice is kept. The stability of the evolution model is initially analyzed. Numerical results obtained from a test network are presented for demonstrating the model's ability in depicting the day‐to‐day and year‐to‐year evolutions.  相似文献   

Travel time, travel time reliability and monetary cost have been empirically identified as the most important criteria influencing route choice behaviour. We concentrate on travel time and travel time reliability and review two prominent user equilibrium models incorporating these two factors. We discuss some shortcomings of these models and propose alternative bi-objective user equilibrium models that overcome the shortcomings. Finally, based on the observation that both models use standard deviation of travel time within their measure of travel time reliability, we propose a general travel time reliability bi-objective user equilibrium model. We prove that this model encompasses those discussed previously and hence forms a general framework for the study of reliability related user equilibrium. We demonstrate and validate our concepts on a small three-link example.  相似文献   


In this paper a route-based dynamic deterministic user equilibrium assignment model is presented. Some features of the linear travel time model are first investigated and then a divided linear travel time model is proposed for the estimation of link travel time: it addresses the limitations of the linear travel time model. For the application of the proposed model to general transportation networks, this paper provides thorough investigations on the computational issues in dynamic traffic assignment with many-to-many OD pairs and presents an efficient solution procedure. The numerical calculations demonstrate that the proposed model and solution algorithm produce satisfactory solutions for a network of substantial size with many-to-many OD pairs. Comparisons of assignment results are also made to show the impacts of incorporation of different link travel time models on the assignment results.  相似文献   

This paper explores the effects of queue spillover in transportation networks, in the context of dynamic traffic assignment. A model of spatial queue is defined to characterize dynamic traffic flow and queuing formation in network links. Network users simultaneously choose departure time and travel route to minimize the travel cost including journey time and unpunctuality penalty. Using some necessary conditions of the dynamic user equilibrium, dynamic network flows are obtained exactly on some networks with typical structure. Various effects of queue spillover are discussed based on the results of these networks, and some new paradoxes of link capacity expansion have been found as a result of such effects. Analytical and exact results in these typical networks show that ignoring queuing length may generate biased solutions, and the link storage capacity is a very important factor concerning the performance of networks.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to investigate the impact of pre-trip information on auto commuters’ choice behavior. The analysis is based on an extensive home-interview survey of commuters in the Taichung metropolitan area in Taiwan. A joint model for route and departure time decisions with and without pre-trip information is formulated. The model specifications are developed for both the systematic and random components. In particular, econometric issues associated with specifying the random error structure are addressed for parameter estimation purposes. Insights into the effects of attributes are obtained through the analysis of the model's performance and estimated parameter values. A probit model form is used for the joint model, allowing the introduction of state dependence and correlation in the model specification. The results underscore the important relationship between the different characteristics and the propensity of commuter choice behavior under two scenarios, with and without pre-trip information.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the boundedly rational route choice behavior under the Simon’s satisficing rule. A laboratory experiment was carried out to verify the participants’ boundedly rational route choice behavior. By introducing the concept of aspiration level which is specific to each person, we develop a novel model of the problem in a parallel-link network and investigate the properties of the boundedly rational user equilibrium (BRUE) state. Conditions for ensuring the existence and uniqueness of the BRUE solution are derived. A solution method is proposed to find the unique BRUE state. Extensions to general networks are conducted. Numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the theoretical analyses.  相似文献   

In this paper, a dynamic user equilibrium traffic assignment model with simultaneous departure time/route choices and elastic demands is formulated as an arc-based nonlinear complementarity problem on congested traffic networks. The four objectives of this paper are (1) to develop an arc-based formulation which obviates the use of path-specific variables, (2) to establish existence of a dynamic user equilibrium solution to the model using Brouwer's fixed-point theorem, (3) to show that the vectors of total arc inflows and associated minimum unit travel costs are unique by imposing strict monotonicity conditions on the arc travel cost and demand functions along with a smoothness condition on the equilibria, and (4) to develop a heuristic algorithm that requires neither a path enumeration nor a storage of path-specific flow and cost information. Computational results are presented for a simple test network with 4 arcs, 3 nodes, and 2 origin–destination pairs over the time interval of 120 periods.  相似文献   

Travel information continues to receive significant attention in the field of travel behaviour research, as it is expected to help reduce congestion by directing the network state from a user equilibrium towards a more efficient system optimum. This literature review contributes to the existing literature in at least two ways. First, it considers both the individual perspective and the network perspective when assessing the potential effects of travel information, in contrast to earlier studies. Secondly, it highlights the role of bounded rationality as well as that of non-selfish behaviour in route choice and in response to information, complementing earlier reviews that mostly focused on bounded rationality only. It is concluded that information strategies should be tailor-made to an individual's level of rationality as well as level of selfishness in order to approach system-optimal conditions on the network level. Moreover, initial ideas and future research directions are provided for assessing the potential of travel information in order to improve network efficiency of existing road networks.  相似文献   

This paper models the growth rate and the saturation market penetration level for advanced traveler information system (ATIS) products/services with heterogeneous drivers. The price of using and the benefit gained from ATIS services are considered two key factors in explaining the growth of adoption of ATIS products. The information benefit is measured as the travel time saving between equipped and unequipped drivers and evaluated by a mixed stochastic and deterministic network equilibrium model. A modified logistic type growth model is adopted to describe the cumulative adoption of ATIS products over years. The final stationary equilibrium level of ATIS market penetration is so determined that the value of the information provided will decline to the point at which no new users will find it advantageous to purchase that service. The endogenous growth and stationary equilibrium model of market penetration of ATIS services is useful for forecasting the growth process and the impacts on the system performance of ATIS.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a bi-level model for traffic network signal control, which is formulated as a dynamic Stackelberg game and solved as a mathematical program with equilibrium constraints (MPEC). The lower-level problem is a dynamic user equilibrium (DUE) with embedded dynamic network loading (DNL) sub-problem based on the LWR model (Lighthill and Whitham, 1955; Richards, 1956). The upper-level decision variables are (time-varying) signal green splits with the objective of minimizing network-wide travel cost. Unlike most existing literature which mainly use an on-and-off (binary) representation of the signal controls, we employ a continuum signal model recently proposed and analyzed in Han et al. (2014), which aims at describing and predicting the aggregate behavior that exists at signalized intersections without relying on distinct signal phases. Advantages of this continuum signal model include fewer integer variables, less restrictive constraints on the time steps, and higher decision resolution. It simplifies the modeling representation of large-scale urban traffic networks with the benefit of improved computational efficiency in simulation or optimization. We present, for the LWR-based DNL model that explicitly captures vehicle spillback, an in-depth study on the implementation of the continuum signal model, as its approximation accuracy depends on a number of factors and may deteriorate greatly under certain conditions. The proposed MPEC is solved on two test networks with three metaheuristic methods. Parallel computing is employed to significantly accelerate the solution procedure.  相似文献   

Due to the limited cruising range of battery electric vehicle (BEV), BEV drivers show obvious difference in travel behavior from gasoline vehicle (GV) drivers. To analyze BEV drivers’ charging and route choice behaviors, and extract the differences between BEV and GV drivers’ travel behavior, two multinomial logit-based and two nested logit-based models are proposed in this study based on a stated preference survey. The nested structure consists of two levels: the upper level represents the charging decision, and the lower level shows the route choices corresponding to the charging and no-charging situations respectively. The estimated results demonstrate that the nested structure is more appropriate than the multinomial structure. Meanwhile, it is observed that the initial state of charge (SOC) at origin of BEV is the most important factor that affects the decision of charging or not, and the SOC at destination becomes an important impact factor affecting BEV drivers’ route choice behavior. As for the route choice behavior when BEV has charging demand, the charging station attributes such as charging time and charging station’s location have significant influences on BEV drivers’ decision-making process. The results also show that BEV drivers incline to choose the routes with charging station having less charging time, being closer to origin and consistent with travel direction. Finally, based on the proposed models, a series of numerical analysis has been conducted to verify the effect of range anxiety on BEV charging and route choice behavior and to reveal the variation of comfortable initial SOC at origin with travel distance. Meanwhile, the effects of charging time and distance from origin to charging station also have been discussed.  相似文献   

This paper reports the insights into environmental impacts of the ongoing transformative land use and transport developments in Greater Beijing, from a new suite of dynamic land use, spatial equilibrium and strategic transport models that is calibrated for medium to long term land use and transport predictions. The model tests are focused on urban passenger travel demand and associated emissions within the municipality of Beijing, accounting for Beijing’s land use and transport interactions with Tianjin, Hebei and beyond. The findings suggests that background trends of urbanization, economic growth and income rises will continue to be very powerful drivers for urban passenger travel demand across all main modes of transport beyond 2030. In order to achieve the dual policy aims for a moderately affluent and equitable nation and reducing the absolute levels of urban transport emissions by 2030, road charging and careful micro-level coordination between land use, built form and public transport provision may need to be considered together for policy implementation in the near future.  相似文献   

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