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据中央气象台消息.1月28日我国部分地区可能还将出现大到暴雪.中央气象台预报说,从27日到28日.河南南部、湖北中东部、安徽中部和北部、江苏南部、湖南北部等地将出现中到大雪,局部地区有暴雪.因大雪广州火车站滞留在广场的旅客达到10万人;一些地方的客运也因高速公路的封闭而出现停滞.  相似文献   

对于客运大巴运营者来说,黄金周、春节等客运的高峰时期,往往是其一年中在票价上得以"舒展筋骨"赚得瓢满钵满的时间.在高额利润的驱动下,形形色色的挂靠车、承包车甚至由私家车客串的"黑车"与公车一齐争客.争抢当时,旅客行李被抢上一台车,而人被推上另一台车的情形并不少见.  相似文献   

近几年,全国高速公路迅猛增长,但封闭式管理并没有给沿线群众带来应有的便利.当地老百姓长途出行只能中转到规模大的车站,而客运车辆也只能通过出口到达市区汽车站后才能允许旅客上下车.这给群众出行带来不便,同时也给客运班车带来不便,直接或间接造成了燃油、车辆等的损耗和浪费.  相似文献   

以"落实十七大精神,打造和谐市场环境"为主题的长三角地区道路运输稽查联席会议12月11日在杭州召开,与以往不同的是,轮值东道主浙江在会议中邀请了福建、江西、安徽、山东、河南省运管局的代表列席,五省随后被正式吸收加入了这一组织,长三角道路运输联动稽查的范围实现了在上海、江苏、浙江原有地盘基础之上的"扩张".  相似文献   

在物流地产业,普洛斯如同一位天才的军事家,在中国实施"攻城略地"的战术. 据说,2009年前,普洛斯将在中国投资12.5亿美元建设物流园区.现已在北京、上海、天津、深圳、苏州等地投资了物流园区项目.中西部地区则选择武汉,重庆、成都三城.  相似文献   

2007年11月14日.交通部发布<关于促进道路运输业又好又快发展的若干意见>(交公路发[2007]610号.以下简称"意见").<意见>发布后,浙江省道路运输管理局快速反应,11月26日至27日在之江饭店召开了党委理论学习中心组务虚会.  相似文献   

H轮抵港前,由于装货的需要,使用通用泵排艉尖舱压载水,这时甲板值班水手和驾驶员发现排出舷外的水中有油,立即通知三管轮停泵.机舱人员在检查管系阀门时发现,通用泵管系通往机舱后污水井的腰节阀漏泄,为防止再次污染,船员紧急封死该阀,并把所有被污染的管系拆下,进行清洁.  相似文献   

庄宝麟认为,客运发展的重点应是发展公车,在此基础上,旅游客运亦将成为道路客运企业开拓运输市场的主攻点和经济效益新增长点.  相似文献   

春节前后,宁夏银川市东环批发市场一名为诚信货运部的老板车心陶卷走市场内数十家商户货款37万余元"蒸发";无独有偶,在山东省,总部设在临沂的国威物流公司也在卷走客户上百万元的货款后,人去楼空.  相似文献   

2007年4月30日,深圳市出租小汽车油价运价联动机制听证会在深圳市物价局举行,行业代表安达公司副总经理蔡明元称,公司33%的牌照为96万高价购买,引起业界关注.  相似文献   

This article deals with highly motorized large West German cities of about 200,000 inhabitants and more, which usually provide reasonable public transport systems. Illegal parking with shares of about 40 to 50% of the total parking is widespread in the parking problem areas of those cities, especially in the inner-city residential and mixed-use areas. Parking spaces are demanded by residents, employees, customers and visitors, and by delivery and service traffic. The different characteristics of parking demands by different user groups are discussed. The total parking supply consists of public and private spaces. The share of private spaces is about 40 to 50% of the total parking spaces in German cities. The amount of car traffic generated by a parking space depends on parking duration and parking turnover, as well as on search traffic. So the change of a space from long-duration use of an employee to short-duration of customers — as often discussed in parking concepts — generates at least five-fold car traffic. The measurements and effects of parking control of public spaces as well as the parking regulations in zoning ordinances, restrictions on the construction of new private parking spaces and park-and-ride are discussed. Finally, a parking concept methodology — using the example of Frankfurt am Main — is discussed.  相似文献   

Wang Zhihao 《运输评论》2013,33(2):171-182

Bicycles are a main means of transport in China. This paper discusses several aspects of the current situation and future policy, including the production of bicycles, their possession and utilization in typical large cities, the reasons for their importance in communication, the advantages and problems of bicycle traffic, and two different opinions on solving the existing problems. The paper also deals with road design for bicycles and their regulation in China's cities.  相似文献   

Because of different geo‐demographic and economic conditions, the impact of the new passenger modes (road and air) on rail travel was much larger in North America than in Europe. In 1960s and 1970s, as the railway share of intercity traffic in North America shrunk to a negligible one or two percent, the passenger trains were abandoned by private railway companies and taken over by state organizations, which have continued to operate traditional trains and generate mounting losses. On the technology side, no attempts have been made to improve competitiveness of trains vis‐a‐vis automobiles and airplanes.

In Europe and Japan, the railways responded to the challenge by (i) upgrading the performance (speed) and comfort of traditional trains operating on existing tracks and (ii) developing trains which could, on short and intermediate range distances, compete successfully, in terms of speed and economy, with the road and air modes. The Japanese (Shinkansen trains) and French (TGV trains) experience clearly shows that trains operating on dedicated lines at average speeds of 150 to 200 km/hr provide a superior transportation service and economy on high‐traffic intercity routes of up to about 500 km length. In this paper the factors responsible for the present status of passenger rail in North America are analysed, the current policies in the U.S. and Canada are evaluated in the light of experience to date and developments abroad, and suggestions for a long‐term passenger rail policy are made. This includes examination of (i) the viability of continued subsidization of traditional train services, (ii) the viability of operation of faster trains on existing tracks, (iii) the scope for introduction of modern, fast trains on dedicated lines in high‐density, intercity corridors, (iv) the application of fast trains as access to major airports and integration of airports with fast intercity lines, and (v) the impact of energy (oil) consumption in transportation.



Often called paratransit because of their flexible stops, schedules and routes, minibuses make up the bulk of public transport in African cities. Despite their ubiquity and importance, these systems are poorly understood by transportation planners who tend to focus on large-scale urban infrastructure projects such as highways, commuter rail or bus rapid transit systems. The assumption within much of this planning is that these minibus systems are barriers to change and will become at most secondary “feeder” buses within large-scale projects, but structured plans detailing this vision are lacking. This paper argues that frequent failure to collect data and value important paratransit systems as a critical part of transportation in their own right is deeply problematic from the point of view of equity, access and inclusive and effective planning. We ask whether the growing number of bottom up mapping projects of minibus systems can disrupt this status quo. By comparing two mapping projects, Digital Matatus in Nairobi and the Mapa Dos Chapas in Maputo, we find that inclusive, collaborative mapping can help render these minibuses more visible in planning and provoke more grounded and inclusive “planning conversations” on multi-modal integration, passenger information and minibus upgrading, all key but relatively marginalised aspects of creating accessible, low emission, high quality and safe public transport in African cities.  相似文献   

土工合成材料在国外路基加筋中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章总结回顾国外土工合成材料加筋路基力学机理、试验研究及设计方法研究现状,通过对现有路基加筋设计方法进行比较,指出现有土工合成材料加筋设计方法的不足,并就今后需进一步研究的领域提出建议。  相似文献   

Estimation of congestion costs, presumed to be one of the largest external costs of automobile travel, is typically based on a single value of time delay for motorists in metropolitan areas. However, the estimation may be wrong if the profiles of motorists are different at different times of day. This study uses a survival model to examine the demographic and socioeconomic profiles of motorists at different times of day at congested locations in southern California, by using on-road remote-sensing measurements and license plates images obtained in 2007 and 2008 by the California South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD). More than 80,000 vehicles were observed from fifteen selected study sites over fifteen days. Their plates, through anonymized registration records, revealed addresses at the census block group level, which have homogenous profiles by construction. Motorists’ profiles at different times of day display large variation, however, according to extended Cox model with a non-parametric baseline hazard, which is used to accommodate both the time-invariant and time-varying effects of the covariates. This study thus proposes a new approach to examine heterogeneity among motorists.  相似文献   

West Germany is densely populated, averaging 245 inhabitants/km2, but varying widely between urban agglomerations and rural areas. Transport volume has increased by 40% since 1970, with virtually all growth due to private automobiles. Since 1981 public transit has been suffering from decreasing demand.A 1964 Expert's Report to the German federal government was the stimulus for initiating an effective funding mechanism for new public transit construction. In 1965 Germany's first federated transit authority was founded for the region of Hamburg.Principal among the goals of any cooperative agreement among transit companies are improvements for the passengers and improvement of revenues for the companies. To attain these ends, two distinct forms of transit aggrements have been developed in Germany: transit cooperative (Verkehrsgemeinschaft) and transit federation (Verkehrsverbund). The former is more suitable for smaller to medium-sized towns, while the latter is more suitable for larger cities. The two types are described in this article.German transit federations during the 1970s succeeded in significantly increasing ridership, while during the 1980s patronage has either remained steady or has declined. Yet transit federations showed much better perfomance than did public transit in general. In terms of costs and revenues, no public transit organization in Germany is able to break even; deficits vary between 42% and 55%. The author concludes, however, that hidden subsidies for automobile traffic are far higher, because of environmental damage and the high social cost of traffic accidents.  相似文献   

从煤浆密度和浓度、流变参数和粒子带电量测量3个方面简要地总结了美国煤浆检测技术的新方法、新仪器的发展状况,分析了其发展特点。这将有助于促进国内煤炭浆体管道输送的发展。  相似文献   

Urban populations transport risk perception is interesting because it is associated with travel mode choices and use. This study investigates changes in transport-related risk constructs in the urban population in Norway in 2004 and 2013, and describes whether people perceive private or public to be associated with the highest risk. The results are based on self-completion questionnaire surveys conducted in two independent representative samples living in the same urban areas in 2004 (n?=?592) and 2013 (n?=?1035). Overall, the respondents perceived the risk as lower in 2013 than in 2004. For both time periods, people consistently assessed the risk constructs related to private motorized transportation as higher than corresponding risk in public transportation. The findings suggest that while transportation risk perception in urban populations may change over time, the pattern that private motorized transportation is associated with a higher perceived risk than public transportation remains stable.  相似文献   

以伊朗MIS油田地面建设项目为例,从脱盐处理装置监控要求的现状出发,简要介绍了电脱盐的工作原理及控制方案.阐述了油田原油脱盐处理装置的自动监控方案.  相似文献   

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