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车军  寿建敏 《中国港口》2006,(3):20-21,24
改革开放20年来,我国海洋经济得到迅速发展,各项海洋产业增速显著,成为沿海地区经济发展的主要推动力量。特别是90年代以后,我国的海洋传统产业稳步发展,新兴产业迅速崛起。1994年主要海洋产业总产值仅为1707亿元,2003年主要海洋产业总产值突破万亿元,见图1。2004年海洋产业增加值达到5268亿元,占全国GDP的3.9%,同比2003年增长了9.8%,高于同期国民经济的增长速度,海洋经济已成为我国国民经济新的增长点。统计还显示,2004年我国沿海地区有近十分之一的就业人员从事涉海行业,涉海就业人数已达2107.6万人,涉及国民经济16个门类,165个行业小类…  相似文献   

我国海洋产业可持续发展研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
于谨凯  于平 《中国水运》2008,8(1):214-215
海洋产业可持续发展是资源有限条件下的必然选择,本文选取了人均水产品产量等15个指标建立了海洋产业可持续发展水平的指标体系,并分析了产业结构等影响海洋产业可持续发展的影响因素.通过海洋生态-资源-经济良性发展循环系统和恶性发展循环系统模型分析,得出在科技为动力和政策为保障的条件下整个海洋产业可持续发展循环系统的运行机制,并提出海洋生态补偿机制、海洋高新技术产业化等海洋产业可持续发展对策.  相似文献   

迎接海洋旅游经济的辉煌   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
高林 《中国水运》2006,6(5):58-59
21世纪将是海洋经济时代,而海洋旅游业则是前景广阔的海洋产业群中的重要组成部分,有着广阔的发展前景。海洋旅游作为旅游业的一种主要的实践形式,被认为是实现旅游业可持续发展的必然选择之一,因而在世界范围内得到普遍重视和迅速发展,已经成为国际旅游的主流。据有关资料介绍,在发达国家,海洋旅游业产值一般都占到整个旅游业产值的2/3左右。  相似文献   

3月份,沿海煤炭市场延续供给偏紧态势,交易价格继续上涨。需求方面,工厂开工率提升叠加冷空气影响,沿海电厂耗煤量明显增多;供给方面,安全、环保大检查继续制约煤矿生产,供给虽有增多,但增量相对有限;物流环节,在供需均有好转、  相似文献   

肖红 《中国港口》2018,(3):53-54
2018年2月份,我国煤炭市场供需紧张格局有所缓解,尤其是春节假期出现时段性扭转。从2月份进口数据来看,我国共进口煤炭2 090.6万t,较去年同期增加322.6万t,涨幅高达18.24%,进口煤补充作用进一步凸显。  相似文献   

黄小彪 《珠江水运》2012,(18):29-31
大规模海洋建设项目的规划以及海洋经济建设的全面启动,对广东社会经济发展意义深远。从短期看,当前广东经济下行压力较大,五个《实施方案》提出的177个重点建设项目总投资超过1万亿元,无疑突出了重大建设项目对广东"稳增长"的带动作用,对确保广东经济稳定增长、促进经济转型升级和可持续发展意义重大。  相似文献   

马雯 《中国港口》2022,(9):44-45
煤炭价格整体先抑后扬。月初,在电厂依赖长协拉运、集港成本下降等因素作用下,动力煤市场价格承压运行。中旬,暴雨大范围侵扰煤炭主产区,多数煤矿时段性停产,叠加产地部分区域疫情暴发,造成货源补给不畅,铁路上站货源减少,港口进少出多,库存加速下行。长江流域旱情自四川蔓延至整个中下游地区,水电出力大幅下滑,部分省份用电需求高位运行,支撑中下旬沿海煤市价格偏强运行。  相似文献   

<正>2022年1月份,新年伊始,受集中保供结束、印度尼西亚禁令等因素影响,供给端整体收缩。港口在发运倒挂和货源减少情况下库存持续萎缩,下游电厂库存充足,但受煤价反弹上涨影响,拉运积极性提升,月内释放一定采购需求。中期,节后产地逐步恢复正常生产,电厂库存持续高位,又临近传统需求淡季,预计后期整体煤炭市场将平稳运行。  相似文献   

田媛 《中国港口》2021,(4):53-54
3月份,沿海市场煤价整体呈现涨势.月度中旬,市场情绪由看跌转向看涨,3月初港口煤价领涨,3月中旬涨势传导至产地.产地煤价涨势过快,成本倒挂加剧影响货源发运.港口方面,山西煤源供应略有吃紧."两会"结束后,煤价涨势缺乏持续性,北方港口部分贸易商持稳或适当调低报价,煤价预期走稳.但由于供应端持续收紧以及需求端日耗偏高等因素...  相似文献   

苏玺 《中国港口》2022,(12):46-47
11月份,沿海煤炭市场整体延续偏弱走势,港口煤价持续下探。上旬,供应端生产运输阶段性受限,铁路运量骤减未消除,港口库存下滑,沿海煤炭供应整体偏弱,支撑煤价仍旧坚挺。下旬,临近迎峰度冬,供应端加快先进产能释放,部分产区外运受阻,出现顶仓现象,迫使煤矿大幅度降价。随着大秦线运输修复结束,港口货源到港情况较好,库存稳步提升。  相似文献   

Satellite remote sensing technique has been used to observe the coastal area. This article reviews applications of remote sensing to coastal area management (CAM) in China. These applications include the coastal resource and island mapping, coastal environmental change and coastal hazard monitoring, oceanographic parameter measurement, and coastal process restudy. Future applications are also discussed.  相似文献   

Chile has been attempting to establish a Management Area (MA) system that melds the use of marine protected areas with marine tenure. The process has brought to the fore the competing interests of various user groups: artisanal fishermen, marine science professionals, government managers, tourist developers, and the Navy. We explore the core relationships among fishermen and the ecologists and biologists whose work is essential for establishing and maintaining a MA. The MA system's creation and implementation raise the key question of whether a marine tenure system can work under the conditions imposed by the Chilean government. There is a need to recognize and reconcile contradictions in a government management model that strives simultaneously to be a conservation zone and a financially profitable co-management zone. This article examines the MA management system's fault lines in the context of Chile's political economy, and the intimate interaction of management with fishermen's cultural survival strategies.  相似文献   

It is a fact that coastal zones in the Mediterranean are becoming progressively more seriously degraded. Instrumental to the phenomenon in Spain is the evident failure of the coastal management that the institutions have pursued for over three decades, both under the old, state-centralized model, and the new organizational model with the political division of land into autonomous regions. This failure can in part be explained not only by the inadequate tools the administration possesses to address the dynamism and complexity of the new economic activities that have sprung up along the coast, but also by incoherent sectoral policies. Finally, there has been no all-encompassing political strategy capable of dealing with coastal communities' demands for development and the need for the protection of ecosystems and their natural resources. All this has resulted not only in a deterioration of the area, but also in the discrediting of actions implemented by the institutions, and their plans and programs being perceived as an obstacle to economic development.  相似文献   

轻型高速船用齿轮箱发展现状研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈进熹 《船舶工程》2017,39(6):28-32
轻型高速船用齿轮箱的发展对于我国船舶工业的发展起着重要作用。本文以造船完工量及游艇市场未来产业规模预测为数据基础,分析发展轻型高速船用齿轮箱的重要性。文章通过研究国内外轻型高速齿轮箱发展现状,总结其发展趋势。分析我国轻型高速船用齿轮箱发展中主要问题,并提出相应的措施,为我国在轻型高速齿轮箱发展提供研究基础。  相似文献   

基于系统动力学机制的航运可持续发展研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
将航运业作为由社会经济与环境构成的一个系统的组成部分,采用系统动力学机制,分析航运与资源环境之间的互动关系。文中描述了航运可持续发展的因果逻辑关系,在确定以航运供给量、航运短缺量和资源环境承载力为决策作用点的基础上,构造了航运可持续发展动力学模型,并给出了模型中有关系数的确定方法。  相似文献   

Centralized, top-down fisheries management models based on biological stock-recruitment have, at best, achieved limited success when adapted to Third World fisheries. Comanagement, a resource management approach oriented towards resource users and their communities, has been proposed as an alternative strategy for managing Third World fisheries. We examine the initial success and subsequent problems of one such collaborative coastal zone management project on St. Lucia's leeward coast. Factors that must be considered in the development, implementation, and maintenance of coastal comanagement systems operating in the contexts of tropical marine ecosystems in developing nations are identified and discussed.  相似文献   

This article considers the issue of economic development as a component of coastal management initiatives in developed countries, focusing on the Forth Estuary Forum as a case study. The evolution of coastal management into integrated coastal management is briefly considered, as is the context of the Scottish coastal management system and a brief discussion of the variations between the different legal systems within the UK. The current hurdles to economic development and the views of developers and economic agencies being considered in the coastal management process itself are highlighted, illustrating the process of integration and the current voluntary regime in the UK, particularly in the Forth Estuary Forum. The article concludes that economic development issues must be taken seriously if coastal management is to be integrated and inclusive.  相似文献   

我国船用柴油机的发展与对策   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
就国内外船用柴油机的近况和发展趋向,提出了今后我们的对策  相似文献   

宋丽霞 《船舶工程》2011,33(6):114-116
在促进长三角区域合作的视野下,通过分析研究世界船舶海工及配套业发展特点及南通船舶海工及配套业发展现状,提出南通发展船舶海工配套业推动新兴产业发展的战略思考.  相似文献   

世界船用柴油机动态综述   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文从订单,产品和技术等方面介绍了近年来世界船用柴油机的发展方向。  相似文献   

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