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李一超 《中国港口》2004,(10):20-20
<正>国家宏观调控必然会引起集装箱运输市场的波动。 (一)宏观调控直接影响海运集装箱运输 1.宏观调控下的集装箱码头等基础设施建设 首先,国家政策对集装箱港口的发展具有重要的指导作用。由于集装箱运输在航运中处于重要地位,为了满足集装箱运输市场的需求,国家加强调控,将会集中优势资源,加快集装箱港口码头建设,全国集装箱码头泊位数量不断增加。  相似文献   

全球集装箱码头经营者———致力于码头业务的许多公司———都是小型的公司,但它们在集装箱运输中显示出强大的实力。2005年,全资或部分资产的公司制的码头占有集装箱码头总吞吐量的58%和国际集装箱运输吞吐量的67%。全球24个最大的码头经营者,在2005年运营了26 740万TEU,比20  相似文献   

建设合肥集装箱码头发展内河多式联运   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对合肥港腹地经济、集装箱运输现状、集装箱生成量、合肥-上海航线价格竞争力的分析,论述了合肥港开展集装箱运输的总体条件、集装箱码头建设的必要性和可行性,为合肥港开展集装箱内支线多式联运和集装箱码头的建设提供依据。  相似文献   

李强  孙立  闫德顺 《集装箱化》2014,25(12):27-29
1 集装箱码头堆场布置形式介绍 集装箱码头堆场又称前方堆场,是为加快船舶装卸作业而设置的暂时堆放集装箱的场地,是办理集装箱装卸、转运、保管、交接的场所。集装箱码头堆场是集装箱运输系统中的重要节点,在集装箱运输过程中发挥着十分重要的作用。  相似文献   

<正>全世界集装箱运输随着世界经济的飞快发展,其运输量迅猛发展,集装箱码头的吞吐量节节攀升,集装箱运输已成为经济和物流发展中最重要的运输方式。伴随集装箱码头对经济辐射广度深度不断加大,集装箱码头在物流形态的全球供应链中扮演着重要角色。为确保集装箱码头装卸流程的顺畅,电能是提供集装箱码头设施和设备的主要能源。集装箱码头的电能由外部发电厂提  相似文献   

余良 《集装箱化》2009,20(3):36-36
跨运车是应集装箱运输发展的需要而诞生的码头专用设备,由于其兼具陆上装卸、堆垛和水平运输等多种功能,因此早期在集装箱码头得到广泛应用,尤其受到欧洲集装箱码头的青睐。跨运车在我国集装箱码头应用较少,目前只有某些较早开展集装箱业务的老码头还在使用。随着集装箱运输规模不断扩大,  相似文献   

为了适应我国集装箱运输的高速发展,最近几年在长江沿岸和内河沿岸都在建设集装箱码头。这些码头的陆域纵深一般不够大,一方面为了充分利用土地资源,另一方面为了装卸工艺的需要,这些码头的集装箱前沿堆场往往位于码头或驳岸后方的回填砂陆域上。这些陆域基础下部淤泥层较厚,含  相似文献   

香港的现代货箱码头的三十年 ,正是香港集装箱运输三十年的历史见证。20世纪70年代 ,是香港集装箱运输起步阶段 ,现代货箱码头以建设集装箱码头泊位为重点 ,增强吞吐能力 ,为以后的发展奠定了坚实的基础。80年代是香港集装箱运输的壮大阶段 ,现代货箱码头以业务扩展和提高管理水平为重点 ,集装箱处理量取得明显增长。90年代是香港集装箱运输突飞猛进和成熟的阶段 ,现代货箱码头以建设信息网络和提高营运效率为重点 ,创造出一个又一个新纪录 ,在香港集装箱运输高速发展中始终保持着良好的成长性。进入21世纪后 ,香港集装箱运输步入相对稳定的发展阶段 ,从事集装箱运输的香港企业开始把投资的重点进一步转向香港以外 ,而现代货箱码头有限公司除了继续加快在香港的集装箱码头的发展 ,也加快了与内地合作的步伐。因此 ,现代货箱码头的三十年 ,是香港集装箱运输的历史缩影。现代货箱码头有限公司所取得成就 ,从某种意义上说 ,也是香港港口发展成就的典型  相似文献   

郑志虹 《水运管理》1998,(12):32-33
改革开放以来,我国集装箱运输得到高速发展,集装箱运输在国民经济中愈来愈显示出其重要的作用,集装箱码头更是受到各地政府的极大重视。因而对于集装箱码头的研究就显得尤为重要。其中,堆场作业作为码头作业的一个枢纽环节,其效率直接关系到码头作业效率,因此,关于堆场作业管理的研究对码头作业有着重要的作用。  相似文献   

随着外向型经济和对外贸易的发展,我国集装箱运输自1983年在青岛召开的第一届全国集装箱运输工作会议后发展迅速,除大宗货物外,件杂货已普遍采用集装箱运输。因此各大港口都在扩建集装箱专用码头,许多中、小港口也不甘落后,纷纷增建集装箱码头。现在,仿佛建造集装箱码头已成为港口建设的时髦行为。  相似文献   

Dynamics of Russian dry ports   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The transportation of cargos in containers has been intensively developing over the last decades. The world pace of growth in container transport is about 11% annually while in the Russian Federation from 2003 to 2007 the average growth was 21%. Container transportation is going to increase due to the construction of huge infrastructure projects for the Winter Olympics games in Sochi 2014, which implies the transportation of the required material flow. Foreign car assembly on Russian territory is developing, supplied by component parts delivered from Japan and the Republic of Korea, as well as from China that now bring 21.3% import container transport to Russia. About 60% of Russian container traffic passes through seaports Saint Petersburg, Novorossiysk and Vladivostok. The scenarios for increasing capacity to meet demands ahead are enhancing the productivity of seaports sites or leading to the creation of terminals in the hinterland. Although the phenomenon of dry ports is spread all over the world, in Russia none of the seaports has sufficient number of these facilities. The inland terminals of Russian seaports will be analysed from a dry port perspective. Despite the impediments, there are ecological and economical benefits that are discussed in the article. The advantages to the transport chain suggest that dry ports are a promising area for Russian seaports’ welfare.  相似文献   

采用数值模拟分析的方法,以装载水冷式冷藏集装箱船的典型货舱为研究对象,对两种货舱通风模式进行模拟分析,并进一步计算分析4种不同风管布置方案的温度和速度分布情况,根据研究结果得出最佳的货舱通风方案,为装载水冷式冷藏集装箱船的货舱通风设计提供参考。  相似文献   

Studying the logistics resource relationship within the framework of the overall performance of the main Iberian seaports performance, this article discusses how to apply the linear additive multi-criteria analysis (MCA) model and principal component analysis (PCA) to such an industry. The model incorporates the contribution of two different performance indicators—operational performance and physical capacity—measured by several indicators. First, we gather the 2009 annual data on the total cargo throughput of 16 seaport container terminals. The PCA method is then applied to attain the loading factor of each indicator and to normalize the redundancy in indicators and thereby generate meaningful results. We correspondingly find (a) operational performance contributed 48.77% while the physical capacity contributed 51.23% to overall performance; (b) the majority of seaports reveal a direct proportionality between their positioning in terms of physical capacity and their overall performance positioning; (c) this relationship changes whenever the difference in indicator value proves significant; and hence (d) this model demonstrates both its applicability and reliability in the case of the Iberian seaport industry and the relevance of encouraging multiple decision-makers to carefully consider identifying key criteria out of a given set of alternatives.  相似文献   

In the Pearl River Delta (PRD), there is severe competition between container ports, particularly those in Hong Kong, Shenzhen, and Guangzhou, for collecting international maritime container cargo. In addition, the second phase of the Nansha terminal in Guangzhou’s port and the first phase of the Da Chang Bay container terminal in Shenzhen opened last year. Under these circumstances, there is an increasing need to quantitatively measure the impact these infrastructure investments have on regional cargo flows. The analysis should include the effects of container terminal construction, berth deepening, and access road construction. The authors have been developing a model for international cargo simulation (MICS) which can simulate the movement of cargo. The volume of origin-destination (OD) container cargo in the East Asian region was used as an input, in order to evaluate the effects of international freight transportation policies. This paper focuses on the PRD area and, by incorporating a more detailed network, evaluates the impact of several infrastructure investment projects on freight movement.  相似文献   

It is an important matter closely connected with saving logistics costs, as well as encouraging national competitive power, to improve the productivity of container terminals by efficient utilization of container terminal resources. In this respect, this paper tries to suggest a conceptual model for sharing container terminal resources, taking as a case study the Gamman Container Terminal (GCT) in the port of Pusan. In so doing, it identifies what kinds of resources can be systematically shared from the viewpoint of their common use and draws some problems resulting from terminal operation by four operators at GCT. The model does not imply the conception that each terminal has its own resources individually, but recommends that tentatively-called Container Terminal Resource Management Center (CTRMC) should be established and operated in order to save operation and investment costs and improve operational efficiency. In addition, the continuous acquisition and life-cycle support (CALS) concept is imbedded in the model so that it can control the supply and demand of resources efficiently by sharing the database, through which the CTRMC can automatically identify the status of the excess or deficit of a certain resource in each berth at GCT.  相似文献   

Container terminals play a critical role in maritime supply chains. However, they show vulnerabilities to severe weather events due to the sea–land interface locations. Previous severe weather risk analysis focused more on larger assessment units, such as regions and cities. Limited studies assessed severe weather risks on a smaller scale of seaports. This paper aims to propose a severe weather-induced container terminal loss estimation framework. Based on a container terminal operation simulation model, monthly average loss and single event-induced loss are obtained by using historical hazard records and terminal operation records as model inputs. By studying the Port of Shenzhen as the case study, we find that the fog events in March lead to the longest monthly port downtime and the highest monthly severe weather-induced economic losses in the studied port. The monthly average loss is estimated to be 30 million USD, accounting for 20% of the intact income. The worst-case scenario is found to be a red-signal typhoon attack which results in nearly 20% decrease in the month’s income. The results provide useful references for various container terminal stakeholders in severe weather risk management.  相似文献   

It is an important matter closely connected with saving logistics costs, as well as encouraging national competitive power, to improve the productivity of container terminals by efficient utilization of container terminal resources. In this respect, this paper tries to suggest a conceptual model for sharing container terminal resources, taking as a case study the Gamman Container Terminal (GCT) in the port of Pusan. In so doing, it identifies what kinds of resources can be systematically shared from the viewpoint of their common use and draws some problems resulting from terminal operation by four operators at GCT. The model does not imply the conception that each terminal has its own resources individually, but recommends that tentatively-called Container Terminal Resource Management Center (CTRMC) should be established and operated in order to save operation and investment costs and improve operational efficiency. In addition, the continuous acquisition and life-cycle support (CALS) concept is imbedded in the model so that it can control the supply and demand of resources efficiently by sharing the database, through which the CTRMC can automatically identify the status of the excess or deficit of a certain resource in each berth at GCT.  相似文献   

海运船舶现状和发展趋势及对我国港口建设的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对我国海港工程设计船型尺度规范修订的回顾,分析了影响我国港口建设的船舶类型、规模的发展趋势。对集装箱船、干散货船、原油船等典型海运船舶船型现状和发展状况进行了分析,提出了三大货类船舶大型化发展的趋势及主力船型。船舶大型化发展直接影响了我国港口建设,船舶大型化也对我国离岸建港技术、深水长航道建设、港口工艺设备配置等方面提出新课题。  相似文献   

The concepts of intermodal logistics and distribution networks have made integration of the inland freight distribution system essential for an efficient container seaport system. Inland components, such as dry ports, which exist within the seaport system, have become important in shaping the performance and competitive strategies of container seaports. Owing to the importance of interdependence between dry ports and container seaports, this paper aims to investigate the impact of dry port operations on container seaport competitiveness. It conducted an empirical study in Malaysia through 120 online surveys to key stakeholders of dry ports, including freight forwarders, shippers, seaports, rail operator, shipping lines, and haulers. The data collected were analysed using exploratory factor analysis (EFA). The results from EFA show that Malaysian dry port operations have impacts on seaport competitiveness. These include enhancing seaport performance, increasing service variations for seaports, improving seaport-hinterland proximity, increasing seaport trade volume, and enhancing seaport capacity.  相似文献   

Container shipping and its related service sectors help accelerate globalization of the world economy. This industry has been experiencing rapid growth, prompting container terminal operators to increase their handling capacity in response. Providing container terminal services requires substantial capital investment in physical assets such as cargo handling facilities and information systems. On the other hand, operating container terminals is a long-term investment that typically spans several business cycles. Hence prudent asset management using appropriate tools is critical for container terminal operators to sustain their businesses. Generally, due to risk-adverseness, investors are unwilling to take more risk in their investment unless they can reap a higher return. Contrary to this argument, this study finds no direct influence of better firm performance as a proxy of higher return on business risk-taking by container terminal operators. Instead, scale of operations is positively associated with business risk-taking, suggesting that container terminal operators with a larger scale of operations are willing to take more business risk.  相似文献   

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