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Sea Ray游艇     
蔚海蓝 《船艇》2006,(6):50-54
多年以来,Sea Ray阳光舞者系列对美国高速艇市场产生了深远影响。建造者为这款游艇起了一个令人过目不忘的名字。Sea Ray公司认真听取客户意见.然后把主动权交给其设计小组,让他们把反馈的意见变成现实。  相似文献   

The East Sea/Sea of Japan is a moderately productive sea that supports a wealth of living marine resources. Of the East Sea subregions, the southwest has the highest productivity. Various authors have proposed coastal upwelling, the Tsushima Current, the Changjiang Dilute Water, eddies, or discharge from the Nagdong River as potential sources of additional nutrients. In this paper, we propose, using satellite data from 1998 to 2006, that the biological productivity of the southwestern region is enhanced mainly by wind-driven upwelling along the Korean coast. Firstly, the climatology of seasonal patterns suggests that the enhanced chlorophyll a along the Korean coast is of local origin. Secondly, coastal upwelling is frequent in all seasons except winter. For example, along the coast of the Ulgi region, enhanced chlorophyll a due to coastal upwelling was observed for 25–92% of the time between Jun and Sep in the period 1998–2006. Thirdly, the advection of upwelled water through various pathways to the deeper basin was observed. Fourthly, there appeared to be a strong correlation between the interannual chlorophyll a variations of the coastal upwelling regions and the Ulleung Basin. The chlorophyll a patterns of both regions were closely related to the wind pattern in the upwelling regions, but not to that in the Ulleung Basin. Finally, changes in advection pathways also appeared to affect the productivity of the Ulleung Basin. Since 2004, there has been a shift in the pathways of upwelled water, and consequent increases in chlorophyll a in the Ulleung Basin were observed. This last observation requires further investigation.  相似文献   

Andy 《游艇业》2008,(1):86-91
绝大多数人在发现了自己十分喜欢的东西时总是会情不自禁地停下脚步.对同伴说:“天呐.等我几分钟……”.接着便揉揉双眼.贴上脸去,边摇头,边咂咂称奇,等再回过神来的时候,也许一个小时已经过去了。正如一名游艇爱好者(或许他自己也拥有一艘小动力艇)近距离面对一艘百米超级游艇时也肯定迈不动步。  相似文献   

周帅  Sea  Ray 《游艇业》2006,(5):96-101
Sea Ray68外形出众,速度惊人——最大时速可达404英里,但驾驶起来却轻松的像操作一艘小船。她引以为豪的双沙龙设计里有比亚马逊更多的阔叶树和比新汉普郡更多的花岗岩。  相似文献   

文阳洁 《游艇业》2010,(12):56-56
当超级游艇对大多数中国人来说还是个刺耳的新鲜词时,荷兰人已经用“时之刃”指向了后超级游艇时代——Fast Yacht Support Vessel(FYS)。一个为更充分地释放超级游艇空间,享受奢华海上生活而存在的庞然大物应运而生。按字面翻译,她叫做“高速艇支援艇”;形象地理解,她更像一艘私人航母。  相似文献   

一早就知道机械若与美国挂钩,肯定会给你带来一种意料之外的“狂野”,用汽车比喻的话,仿佛在路上狂飙的仅是一台罩着“铁皮”的强力发动机,  相似文献   

22个月交付1艘高科技PSV,命名仪式在英国阿伯丁隆重举行。4月16日于北海海港城市——英国阿伯丁,太平洋造船集团向Deep Sea Supply交付的PX105首制船的命名仪式隆重举行,当晚并举办了庆祝晚宴。教母Dana House女士将该船命名为"SEA FALCON",随着香槟划着优雅的弧线击在弦侧,礼花  相似文献   

2013年4月9日,Sea Asia 2013亚洲海事展在新加坡滨海湾金沙会展中心开幕。青岛海德威科技有限公司,携其海洋卫士TM压载水处理系统,成功亮相Sea Asia,继续为海洋卫士全球市场的拓展增砖添瓦。海德威自成立以来,一直致力于打造亚美欧三大推  相似文献   

在近期揭晓的美国船舶制造商协会(NMMA)大奖中,宾士域旗下的SeaRay品牌榜上有名。  相似文献   

<正>与脱碳减排一样,自主航行也是当前航运业备受关注的发展趋势之一。经过近年来的快速发展,自主技术不断取得进步,越来越多自主航行实船试验项目成功开发,为自主船舶的实际应用奠定了更坚实的基础。与此同时,自主船舶监管框架的制定工作也在稳步推进,2022年4月召开的国际海事组织(IMO)海上安全委员会(MSC)第105届会议(MSC 105)通过了基于目标的MASS文书制定路线图,近期召开的海上自主水面船舶(MASS)第2次联合工作组会议也围绕一些共性问题达成了初步共识。  相似文献   

本区域规模最大的海事会议与展览项目——“亚洲海事”(SeaAsia2009),将于明年4月21日-23日在新加坡新达城会议与博览中心举行,主题为“亚洲在环球海事业的影响力更强更响亮”。  相似文献   

In this paper, sound scattering from the sea surface in the Persian Gulf region is investigated. Chapman-Harris and Ogden-Erskine empirical relations coupled with perturbation theory are implemented. Based on the Ogden and Erskine’s experiments, sound scattering from the sea surface has three different regimes in which two mechanisms of surface roughness and subsurface bubble clouds are involved. Ogden-Erskine’s scattering relation which consists of perturbation theory and Chapman-Harris’ s scattering terms are verified by the experimental data of Critical Sea Tests 7. Subsequently, wind speed in the Persian Gulf is provided based on three data bases of Arzanah station, ERA40, and PERGOS. Accordingly, surface scattering strength in the Persian Gulf region is calculated at different grazing angles, frequencies and provided wind speeds. Based on the resulted values of scattering strength, scattered intensity from the sea surface is also studied. These studies indicate that both scattering strength and scattered intensity generally increase as grazing angle, frequency and wind speed increase.  相似文献   

A rather significant number of business entities already operate within (or, have considered to exploit) the Arctic region, focusing upon previously untapped resources such as precious minerals and large quantities of oil and gas; touristic and fishing activities are clearly on the rise, with various endeavors of maritime transport also being put forward. Up until recently, harsh year-long environmental conditions have significantly hindered the necessary access and transport connections in the Arctic. Even in the case that weather conditions did permit vessels’ passage, unreliable navigational aids and lack of infrastructure/support provided obstacles difficult to overcome. However, environmental data recorded during the last couple of decades clearly indicates that there is a continuous decline of ice coverage in the “High North.” Given this steady decline, the Arctic has now been viewed as a promising field for economic activities and is considered as a potential connecting corridor between Asia and Europe/America (and vice-versa). As human presence and operations are expected to intensify there, it is of utmost importance to evaluate the current level of support towards ships that will be crossing the region; capabilities in relation to search and rescue (SAR) operations and oil spill response are also important. The analysis in hand will first deliver a discussion of the so-called Arctic Passages. While various different maritime routes have been proposed in relation to the Arctic, the most promising one, the Northern Sea Route (NSR), will provide the epicenter of discussion. Through an extensive literature review that includes numerous internet resources, the current analysis will identify the numbers of icebreakers already operating in the NSR, as well as those that will be commissioned into service in the near future. The choice to research the specific type of vessels is supported by a simple argument: icebreakers currently are and will continue to be in the foreseeable future the main “tool” to support shipping activities in the Arctic. Furthermore, emergency management capabilities in the Russian Arctic will be examined to include the current state of rescue coordination centres along with the availability of SAR assets. Additionally, the efforts thus far by the Arctic Council to increase coordination and interaction among the States involved in Arctic affairs will be summarized; the latter will be achieved via a brief review of a very important legally binding agreement: the “search and rescue” instrument. In conclusion, the Russian State has already heavily invested in icebreakers’ building and their current number is fully capable to handle the present level of limited traffic. On the other hand, ships are currently faced with long distances to cross (often without adequate support) adverse environmental conditions, unpredictable hurdles, and slow response times in case of an emergency. Therefore, in case ships operating in the region are increased, it will be difficult to deal with all the additional demands for support. Of particular interest is the fact that considering the vast area of the NSR, the overall available response capabilities in the region under discussion are rather thin; any further increase of maritime traffic in the “High North” must be balanced with additional strengthening of emergency management capabilities. In any case, should the NSR become fully integrated in the global maritime transport system, Russia’s geopolitical status will be clearly improved and further research is needed to discuss the implications both at the regional and global levels.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the expected impact of Northern Sea Route (NSR) usage and the Panama Canal (PC) expansion on liquefied natural gas (LNG) imports of Asian countries, from not only the macroeconomic viewpoint but also diversification of the supplying countries. First, the amounts saved from shipping costs due to these events are estimated, based on scenarios on the navigable period of the NSR, transit fee of the NSR considering the exchange rate between the Russian ruble and US dollar, and bunker fuel price. Second, a spatial general equilibrium model based on macroeconomic theory is applied to predict changes in LNG trade patterns and measure economic impacts due to the reduction of shipping costs. Finally, the impacts of NSR usage as well as the PC expansion on LNG imports of Asian countries are discussed based on the calculations. The results show that diversification of supplying countries for LNG imports can be observed, especially in Japan, the largest LNG importer in the world, and other Asian countries are secondarily affected by changes in Japan’s import pattern, with limited impacts on these countries’ national economies.  相似文献   

The total gaseous mercury (TGM) in air over the coastal station at Hel and over the southern Baltic Sea was measured during the summer and winter conditions. Recorded 30-min resolution TGM data showed both higher concentrations and variability during the summer compared to the winter conditions. The summer TGM data ranged from 1.1 to 7.5 ng m−3, while the winter data ranged from 0.8 to 4.4 ng m−3. The TGM content in air over the southern Baltic Sea indicated that, in general, during the summer conditions, the sea-to-air transport of gaseous mercury dominated, while during the winter season, a tendency of gaseous mercury to sink into the water has been found. The evidences of enhanced water-to-air transfer of mercury vapour were noted, in particular, over the shallow waters of the Gulf of Gda sk under the strong water-to-air temperature gradients. Obtained results indicate that under such conditions, the coastal waters could act as a significant source of mercury vapour that may contribute to the overall budget of atmospheric mercury over the Baltic proper.  相似文献   

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