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Residential mobility and location choice: a nested logit model with sampling of alternatives 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Residential mobility and relocation choice are essential parts of integrated transportation and land use models. These decision
processes have been examined and modeled individually to a great extent but there remain gaps in the literature on the underlying
behaviors that connect them. Households may partly base their decision to move from or stay at a current location on the price
and quality of the available alternatives. Conversely, households that are on the market for a new location may evaluate housing
choices relative to their previous residence. How and the degree to which these decisions relate to each other are, however,
not completely understood. This research is intended to contribute to the body of empirical evidence that will help answer
these questions. It is hypothesized that residential mobility and location choice are related household decisions that can
be modeled together using a two-tier hierarchical structure. This paper presents a novel nested logit (NL) model with sampling
of alternatives and a proposed procedure for sampling bias correction. The model was estimated using full-information maximum
likelihood estimation methods. The results confirm the applicability of this NL model and support similar findings from other
empirical studies in the residential mobility and location choice literature. 相似文献
Behavior of taxi customers in hailing vacant taxis: a nested logit model for policy analysis

This study models and examines the taxi customers' preferences for hailing vacant taxis on streets. A stated preference survey was conducted to randomly select and interview 1242 taxi customers at taxi stands and pedestrians on streets, who had experiences of taking taxis recently, about their choices under different given hypothetical scenarios. In total, 4968 observations were collected and used for developing the discrete choice models for the analysis. To account for the potential correlations among alternatives, two nested logit models are developed, calibrated, and compared with a standard multinomial logit model in the investigation. The results of likelihood ratio test demonstrate that one of the developed nested logit models is better than the standard multinomial logit model to describe the search behavior of taxi customers. The model results also show that the walking time to and the waiting time at the location for hailing taxis, the extra travel time to the destination because of local circulation for finding a way from the pickup location heading to a passenger's destination, as well as the taxi customers' perceptions for walking to and waiting at taxi stands were found as significant factors to influence their decisions. In addition, the results of market segmentation analysis illustrate the variations in taxi‐search strategies of taxi customers in different districts and regions. Some policy implications on introducing more taxi stands and improving the utilization rates of taxi stands are also discussed. We believe that the proposed models, findings, and discussion are useful for developing micro‐simulation models to evaluate the performance of road traffic networks with taxi services and developing simulation‐based optimization models to answer policy questions related to taxi services. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
In this paper we argue that visualization, data management and computational capabilities of geographic information systems (GIS) can assist transportation stated preference research in capturing the contextual complexity of many transportation decision environments by providing respondents with maps and other spatial and non-spatial information in graphical form that enhance respondents' understanding of decision scenarios. We explore the multiple inherent contributions of GIS to transportation stated preference data collection and propose a framework for a GIS-based stated preference survey instrument. We also present the design concepts of two survey prototypes and their GIS implementation for a sample travel mode choice problem. 相似文献
This paper analyses how people perceive the idea of carpooling and evaluate preferences while making a decision to join a carpool. Analysing data from a web-based stated preference survey in India reveals that cognitive attitudes play a significant role in evaluating the perceived advantages and disadvantages of carpooling whereas intentions to carpool are associated with perceived negative evaluations. A factor analysis identifies two latent attitudinal factors: a ‘time–convenience’ factor that discourages carpooling and a ‘private–public cost’ factor that encourages carpooling. The study analyses the influential attributes – extra travel time, walking time to reach meeting point, waiting time at pickup point and cost savings – as explanatory variables for the utility of carpooling. Cost savings prove to be the most significant attribute when combined with other attributes, followed by extra travel time. The study provides the implications to policy-makers of designing promotional tools to improve the propensity of carpooling among single occupant vehicle drivers. 相似文献
Severity of pedestrian injuries due to traffic crashes at signalized intersections in Hong Kong: a Bayesian spatial logit model

The present study intended to (1) investigate the injury risk of pedestrian casualties involved in traffic crashes at signalized intersections in Hong Kong; (2) determine the effect of pedestrian volumes on the severity levels of pedestrian injuries; and (3) explore the role of spatial correlation in econometric crash‐severity models. The data from 1889 pedestrian‐related crashes at 318 signalized intersections between 2008 and 2012 were elaborately collected from the Traffic Accident Database System maintained by the Hong Kong Transport Department. To account for the cross‐intersection heterogeneity, a Bayesian hierarchical logit model with uncorrelated and spatially correlated random effects was developed. An intrinsic conditional autoregressive prior was specified for the spatial correlation term. Results revealed that (1) signalized intersections with greater pedestrian volumes generally exhibited a lower injury risk; (2) ignoring the spatial correlation potentially results in reduced model goodness‐of‐fit, an underestimation of variability and standard error of parameter estimates, as well as inconsistent, biased, and erroneous inference; (3) special attention should be paid to the following factors, which led to a significantly higher probability of pedestrians being killed or sustaining severe injury: pedestrian age greater than 65 years, casualties with head injuries, crashes that occurred on footpaths that were not obstructed/overcrowded, heedless or inattentive crossing, crashes on the two‐way carriageway, and those that occurred near tram or light‐rail transit stops. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
《Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies》2003,11(2):161-183
Introducing real time traffic information into transportation network makes it necessary to consider development of queues and traffic flows as a dynamic process. This paper initiates a theoretical study of conditions under which this process is stable. A model is presented that describes within-one-day development of queues when drivers affected by real-time traffic information choose their paths en route. The model is reduced to a system of differential equations with delay. Equilibrium points of the system correspond to constant queue lengths. Stability of the system is investigated using characteristic values of the linearised minimal face flow. A traffic network example illustrating the method is provided. 相似文献
The process of information propagation in a traffic stream with a general vehicle headway: A revisit
《Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies》2010,18(3):367-375
Effective inter-vehicle communication is fundamental to a decentralized traffic information system based on mobile ad hoc vehicle networks. Here we model the information propagation process through inter-vehicle communication when the vehicle spacing follows a general i.i.d. distribution. Equations for the expected value and variance of propagation distance are derived. In addition, we provide simple equations for the expected number of vehicles covered and the probability distribution of propagation distance. This research advances on an earlier study where the vehicle spacing is assumed to follow an exponential distribution. This paper generalizes the earlier results and potentially enables a design for robust information propagation by allowing for examination of the impact of different headway distributions. Within the new modeling framework, we also compute connectivity between two vehicles. 相似文献
Reducing the air pollution from increases in traffic congestion in large cities and their surroundings is an important problem that requires changes in travel behavior. Road pricing is an effective tool for reducing air pollution, as reflected currently urban road pricing outcomes (Singapore, London, Stockholm and Milan). A survey was conducted based on establishing a hypothetical urban road pricing system in Madrid (a random sample size n = 1298). We developed a forecast air pollution model with time series analysis to evaluate the consequences of possible air pollution decreases in Madrid. Results reveal that the hypothetical road pricing for Madrid could have highly significant effects on decreasing air pollution outside of the city and in the inner city during the peak operating time periods of maximum congestion (morning peak hours from 7:00 to 10:00 and evening peak hours from 18:00 to 20:00). Furthermore, this system could have significant positive effects on a shift toward using public transport and non-motorized modes inside the hypothetical toll zone. This reveals that the system has a high capacity to motivate a decrease in air pollution and impose more sustainable behavior for public transport users. 相似文献
《Transportation Research Part B: Methodological》1988,22(6):457-467
Safwat and Magnanti (1988) have developed a combined trip generation, trip distribution, modal split, and traffic assignment model that can predict demand and performance levels on large-scale transportation networks simultaneously, i.e. a simultaneous transportation equilibrium model (STEM). The major objective of this paper is to assess the computational efficiency of the STEM approach when applied to an urban large-scale network, namely the urban transportation system of Austin, Texas. The Austin network consisted of 520 zones, 19,214 origin-destination (O-D) pairs, 7,096 links and 2,137 nodes. The Central Processing Unit (CPU) time on an IBM 4381 mainframe computer was 430 seconds for a typical iteration and about 4,734 seconds, less than 79 minutes, to arrive at a reasonably accurate solution in no more than 10 iterations. The computational time at any given iteration is comparable to that of the standard fixed demand traffic assignment procedure. These results encourage further applications of the STEM model to large urban areas. 相似文献
Cycling and walking are environmentally-friendly transport modes, providing alternatives to automobility. However, exposure to hazards (e.g., crashes) may influence the choice to walk or cycle for risk-averse populations, minimizing non-motorized travel as an alternative to driving. Most models to estimate non-motorized traffic volumes (and subsequently hazard exposure) are based on specific time periods (e.g., peak-hour) or long-term averages (e.g., Annual Average Daily Traffic), which do not allow for estimating hazard exposure by time of day. We calculated Annual Average Hourly Traffic estimates of bicycles and pedestrians from a comprehensive traffic monitoring campaign in a small university town (Blacksburg, VA) to develop hourly direct-demand models that account for both spatial (e.g., land use, transportation) and temporal (i.e., time of day) factors. We developed two types of models: (1) hour-specific models (i.e., one model for each hour of the day) and (2) a single spatiotemporal model that directly incorporates temporal variables. Our model results were reasonable (adj-R2 for the hour-specific [spatiotemporal] bicycle model: ∼0.47 [0.49]; pedestrian model: ∼0.69 [0.72]). We found correlation among non-motorized traffic, land use (e.g., population density), and transportation (e.g., on-street facility) variables. Temporal variables had a similar magnitude of correlation as the spatial variables. We produced spatial estimates that vary by time of day to illustrate spatiotemporal traffic patterns for the entire network. Our temporally-resolved models could be used to assess exposure to hazards (e.g. air pollution, crashes) or locate safety-related infrastructure (e.g., striping, lights) based on targeted time periods (e.g., peak-hour, nighttime) that temporally averaged estimates cannot. 相似文献
Variable message signs (VMS) can provide up‐to‐date traffic information and guidance to drivers through electronic signs at the roadside. The paper draws together the results from VMS field trials conducted in nine cities as part of European Union‐sponsored research projects carried out between 1994 and 1999. The projects followed common guidelines in carrying out field trial evaluations, which has enabled generalized findings to be made on the impacts of the different VMS applications. The main emphasis in the paper is on drivers' reactions to VMS and the impacts of VMS on road network efficiency. Results are reported for four different types of traffic information. For incident messages, it is not only the severity of the problem reported that influences the level of diversions, but also other factors such as the specific location mentioned and the availability of viable alternative routes to avoid the problem location. For route guidance information, it is demonstrated that substantial diversions occur when the route advice differs from that given normally. For continuous information describing the traffic state on a major route, information increases the use of the major route and reduces use of alternative routes if there are no traffic problems reported on the major route. Travel time information was well regarded by drivers and found to be effective in inducing route changes. In general, the deployments of VMS to inform drivers of traffic conditions have proved successful in terms of improving network travel times and reducing environmental impacts. Whilst such changes have been relatively small, driver perception of the benefits is much higher. This is potentially very significant in terms of the role that VMS can play in the development of integrated transport strategies, as the provision of information may encourage greater acceptance of a range of demand management measures. 相似文献
This paper presents a novel methodology to control urban traffic noise under the constraint of environmental capacity. Considering the upper limits of noise control zones as the major bottleneck to control the maximum traffic flow is a new idea. The urban road network traffic is the mutual or joint behavior of public self-selection and management decisions, so is a typical double decision optimization problem.The proposed methodology incorporates theoretically model specifications. Traffic noise calculation model and traffic assignment model for O–D matrix are integrated based on bi-level programming method which follows an iterated process to obtain the optimal solution. The upper level resolves the question of how to sustain the maximum traffic flow with noise capacity threshold in a feasible road network. The user equilibrium method is adopted in the lower layer to resolve the O–D traffic assignment.The methodology has been applied to study area of QingDao, China. In this illustrative case, the noise pollution level values of optimal solution could satisfy the urban environmental noise capacity constraints. Moreover, the optimal solution was intelligently adjusted rather than simply reducing the value below a certain threshold. The results indicate that the proposed methodology is feasible and effective, and it can provide a reference for a sustainable development and noise control management of the urban traffic. 相似文献
Abotalebi Elnaz Ferguson Mark R. Mohamed Moataz Scott Darren M. 《Transportation》2020,47(3):1223-1250
Transportation - This paper reviews the process that led to the development of a national survey instrument used to gather over 20,000 observations across Canada. This survey captured aspects of... 相似文献
This paper examines consumer stated intent to purchase plug-in electric vehicles and assesses the factors that increase or decrease interest. We surveyed adult drivers in large US cities in early fall 2011, before vehicle manufacturers and dealers began marketing campaigns. The survey responses thus document early impressions of this transport technology. We find that, given current battery technology and public perceptions, overall stated intent to purchase or lease electric vehicles is low. Interest in plug-in hybrid technology is somewhat greater than interest in all-electric technology. Consumers who express early interest in adopting electric vehicles are typically highly educated, previous owners of conventional hybrids, environmentally sensitive, and concerned about dependence on foreign oil. Enhanced fuel economy, the primary tangible advantage of plug-in technology, is recognized as favorable by respondents but fails to exert a strong influence on purchasing intentions. Interest in plug-in electric vehicles is shaped primarily by consumers’ perceptions of electric vehicle disadvantages. 相似文献
P. O. Barnard 《Transportation》1986,13(4):329-357
Research presented in this paper uses results from an acitivity diary survey to comment on the quality of data collected in a home interview travel survey. The two surveys were conducted in Adelaide, Australia. Evidence is presented to suggest that although a period of slightly more than three years separated the two surveys, the samples were reasonably similar with respect to their socio-demographic composition and real mobility levels. There was, however, a much higher level of travel and out-of-home activity reporting in the activity diary when compared to the home interview survey. Differences in reporting rates are examined in detail and areas of deficiency with the home interview survey are identified. The paper concludes with a short discussion of the possible implications of these deficiencies when home interview survey data is used to investigate a range of urban transport issues. 相似文献
《Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice》2006,40(9):744-766
This paper describes the key findings from a major research project aimed at assessing the impacts of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey’s time of day pricing initiative on the behavior of commercial carriers. The paper, believed by the authors to be the first comprehensive study on the subject, highlights key implications for road pricing policy.One of the most interesting findings is that carriers respond to time of day pricing by implementing multi-dimensional responses involving Productivity increases, Cost transfers, and Change in facility usage. This implies a more nuanced response than suggested by micro-economic theory, which would only predict a change in facility usage. In fact, no carrier was found to have responded by implementing only changes in facility usage, which leads to the authors to believe that this is a last resort alternative.In terms of numerical importance, three combinations of strategy groups represent almost 90% of the cases: Productivity increases (42.79%), followed by Changes in facility usage and Cost transfers (27.60%) and Productivity increases and Changes in facility usage and Cost transfers (19.32%). The fact that some of these responses impact only the carrier (i.e., Productivity increases) while others mostly impact the receivers (Changes in facility usage and Cost transfers) lead the authors to believe that the nature of the response is determined by the balance of power between carriers and receivers. If carriers dominate the relationship, then it is likely that policies that mostly impact receivers are implemented; otherwise, the carriers have no choice but implementing strategies that help them cope with the impacts of pricing without impacting their customers, i.e., productivity increases. In this context, the authors’ conjecture is that carriers consider changes in facility usage to be a very disruptive alternative that forces them—and more importantly their customers—to alter their shipping/delivery patterns. It should be pointed out that, although carriers stand to benefit from working during the off-peak hours, they could only do so if their customers are willing to work during the off-peak hours.The data indicate that 36 carriers (20.2%) changed behavior because of the time of day pricing initiative. This number includes 17 carriers (9.0%) that reacted by increasing shipping charges to receivers, which illustrates the need to find out more about how receivers reacted to the time of day pricing initiative. If the carriers that only increased shipment charges are excluded, 15.3% of carriers changed behavior because of time of day pricing. 相似文献
The transition to a low carbon transport world requires a host of demand and supply policies to be developed and deployed. Pricing and taxation of vehicle ownership plays a major role, as it affects purchasing behavior, overall ownership and use of vehicles. There is a lack in robust assessments of the life cycle energy and environmental effects of a number of key car pricing and taxation instruments, including graded purchase taxes, vehicle excise duties and vehicle scrappage incentives. This paper aims to fill this gap by exploring which type of vehicle taxation accelerates fuel, technology and purchasing behavioral transitions the fastest with (i) most tailpipe and life cycle greenhouse gas emissions savings, (ii) potential revenue neutrality for the Treasury and (iii) no adverse effects on car ownership and use.The UK Transport Carbon Model was developed further and used to assess long term scenarios of low carbon fiscal policies and their effects on transport demand, vehicle stock evolution, life cycle greenhouse gas emissions in the UK. The modeling results suggest that policy choice, design and timing can play crucial roles in meeting multiple policy goals. Both CO2 grading and tightening of CO2 limits over time are crucial in achieving the transition to low carbon mobility. Of the policy scenarios investigated here the more ambitious and complex car purchase tax and feebate policies are most effective in accelerating low carbon technology uptake, reducing life cycle greenhouse gas emissions and, if designed carefully, can avoid overburdening consumers with ever more taxation whilst ensuring revenue neutrality. Highly graduated road taxes (or VED) can also be successful in reducing emissions; but while they can provide handy revenue streams to governments that could be recycled in accompanying low carbon measures they are likely to face opposition by the driving population and car lobby groups. Scrappage schemes are found to save little carbon and may even increase emissions on a life cycle basis.The main policy implication of this work is that in order to reduce both direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions from transport governments should focus on designing incentive schemes with strong up-front price signals that reward ‘low carbon’ and penalize ‘high carbon’. Policy instruments should also be subject to early scrutiny of the longer term impacts on government revenue and pay attention to the need for flanking policies to boost these revenues and maintain the marginal cost of driving. 相似文献
In transportation studies, variables of interest are often influenced by similar factors and have correlated latent terms
(errors). In such cases, a seemingly unrelated regression (SUR) model is normally used. However, most studies ignore the potential
temporal and spatial autocorrelations across observations, which may lead to inaccurate conclusions. In contrast, the SUR
model proposed in this study also considers these correlations, making the model more behaviorally convincing and applicable
to circumstances where a three-dimensional correlation exists, across time, space, and equations. An example of crash rates
in Chinese cities is used. The results show that incorporation of spatial and temporal effects significantly improves the
model. Moreover, investment in transportation infrastructure is estimated to have statistically significant effects on reducing
severe crash rates, but with an elasticity of only −0.078. It is also observed that, while vehicle ownership is associated
with higher per capita crash rates, elasticities for severe and non-severe crashes are just 0.13 and 0.18, respectively; much
lower than one. The techniques illustrated in this study should contribute to future studies requiring multiple equations
in the presence of temporal and spatial effects.
Ms. Xiaokun Wang is a doctoral student in the Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin. She received her B.S. and M.S. degrees at Tsinghua University, China. Her research topics range from travel demand modeling and integrated land use-transportation planning, to spatial econometrics, network analysis, and traffic safety analysis. She is a fellow of the International Road Federation. Dr. Kara Kockelman is a Associate Professor of Civil, Architectural & Environmental Engineering and the William J. Murray Jr. Fellow at the University of Texas, Austin. She holds a PhD, MS, and BS in Civil Engineering, a Masters of City Planning, and a minor in Economics from the University of California at Berkeley. She is Chair of the Transportation Research Board’s Committee on Travel Survey Methods. Her primary research interests include the statistical modeling of urban systems (including models of travel behavior, trade, and location choice), economic impacts of transport policy, crash occurrence and consequences, and transport policy-making. 相似文献
Kara M. Kockelman (Corresponding author)Email: |
Ms. Xiaokun Wang is a doctoral student in the Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin. She received her B.S. and M.S. degrees at Tsinghua University, China. Her research topics range from travel demand modeling and integrated land use-transportation planning, to spatial econometrics, network analysis, and traffic safety analysis. She is a fellow of the International Road Federation. Dr. Kara Kockelman is a Associate Professor of Civil, Architectural & Environmental Engineering and the William J. Murray Jr. Fellow at the University of Texas, Austin. She holds a PhD, MS, and BS in Civil Engineering, a Masters of City Planning, and a minor in Economics from the University of California at Berkeley. She is Chair of the Transportation Research Board’s Committee on Travel Survey Methods. Her primary research interests include the statistical modeling of urban systems (including models of travel behavior, trade, and location choice), economic impacts of transport policy, crash occurrence and consequences, and transport policy-making. 相似文献
This study introduces the concept of loss aversion to consumer behavioral intention at the personal psychological level to
develop an integrative structural equation model for analyzing traveler psychological decision making. In this model, the
relationship between behavioral intention and service quality is a non-smooth function based on the theory of loss aversion.
The expectation service quality in the SERVQUAL model proposed by Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and Berry (PZB) serves as a reference
point. This model can be applied to analyze the effect of non-smooth response of behavioral intention to service quality in
a traveler psychological decision-making process model. Intercity travel among cities in Taiwan is used as an empirical example.
Data were gathered in cities in Taiwan via a questionnaire survey, and the model was tested using path analysis performed
by LISREL. The empirical result shows that all causal relationships are statistically significant. Service quality loss influences
repurchase intention more than does Service quality gain. Finally, this study concludes by discussing managerial implications
and suggesting directions for future research.
Jiun-Hung LinEmail: |