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Sharma  Bibhuti  Hickman  Mark  Nassir  Neema 《Transportation》2019,46(1):217-232

This research aims to understand the park-and-ride (PNR) lot choice behaviour of users i.e., why PNR user choose one PNR lot versus another. Multinomial logit models are developed, the first based on the random utility maximization (RUM) concept where users are assumed to choose alternatives that have maximum utility, and the second based on the random regret minimization (RRM) concept where users are assumed to make decisions such that they minimize the regret in comparison to other foregone alternatives. A PNR trip is completed in two networks, the auto network and the transit network. The travel time of users for both the auto network and the transit network are used to create variables in the model. For the auto network, travel time is obtained using information from the strategic transport network using EMME/4 software, whereas travel time for the transit network is calculated using Google’s general transit feed specification data using a backward time-dependent shortest path algorithm. The involvement of two different networks in a PNR trip causes a trade-off relation within the PNR lot choice mechanism, and it is anticipated that an RRM model that captures this compromise effect may outperform typical RUM models. We use two forms of RRM models; the classical RRM and µRRM. Our results not only confirm a decade-old understanding that the RRM model may be an alternative concept to model transport choices, but also strengthen this understanding by exploring differences between two models in terms of model fit and out-of-sample predictive abilities. Further, our work is one of the few that estimates an RRM model on revealed preference data.


Interest in alternative behavioural paradigms to random utility maximization (RUM) has existed ever since the dominance of the RUM formulation. One alternative is known as random regret minimization (RRM), which suggests that when choosing between alternatives, decision makers aim to minimize anticipated regret. Although the idea of regret is not new, its incorporation into the same discrete choice framework of RUM is very recent. This paper is the first to apply the RRM‐model framework to model choice amongst durable goods. Specifically, we estimate and compare the RRM and RUM models in a stated choice context of choosing amongst vehicles fuelled with petrol, diesel and hybrid (associated with specific levels of fuel efficiency and engine capacity). The RRM model is found to achieve a marginally better fit (using a non‐nested test of differences) than its equally parsimonious RUM counterpart. As a second contribution, we derive a formulation for regret‐based elasticities and compare utility‐based and regret‐based elasticities in the context of stated vehicle type choices. We find that in the context of our choice data, mean estimates of elasticities are different for many of the attributes and alternatives. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper develops new methodological insights on Random Regret Minimization (RRM) models. It starts by showing that the classical RRM model is not scale-invariant, and that – as a result – the degree of regret minimization behavior imposed by the classical RRM model depends crucially on the sizes of the estimated taste parameters in combination with the distribution of attribute-values in the data. Motivated by this insight, this paper makes three methodological contributions: (1) it clarifies how the estimated taste parameters and the decision rule are related to one another; (2) it introduces the notion of “profundity of regret”, and presents a formal measure of this concept; and (3) it proposes two new family members of random regret minimization models: the μRRM model, and the Pure-RRM model. These new methodological insights are illustrated by re-analyzing 10 datasets which have been used to compare linear-additive RUM and classical RRM models in recently published papers. Our re-analyses reveal that the degree of regret minimizing behavior imposed by the classical RRM model is generally very limited. This insight explains the small differences in model fit that have previously been reported in the literature between the classical RRM model and the linear-additive RUM model. Furthermore, we find that on 4 out of 10 datasets the μRRM model improves model fit very substantially as compared to the RUM and the classical RRM model.  相似文献   

We propose a route choice model that relaxes the independence from irrelevant alternatives property of the logit model by allowing scale parameters to be link specific. Similar to the recursive logit (RL) model proposed by Fosgerau et al. (2013), the choice of path is modeled as a sequence of link choices and the model does not require any sampling of choice sets. Furthermore, the model can be consistently estimated and efficiently used for prediction.A key challenge lies in the computation of the value functions, i.e. the expected maximum utility from any position in the network to a destination. The value functions are the solution to a system of non-linear equations. We propose an iterative method with dynamic accuracy that allows to efficiently solve these systems.We report estimation results and a cross-validation study for a real network. The results show that the NRL model yields sensible parameter estimates and the fit is significantly better than the RL model. Moreover, the NRL model outperforms the RL model in terms of prediction.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new paradigm for choice set generation in the context of route choice model estimation. We assume that the choice sets contain all paths connecting each origin–destination pair. Although this is behaviorally questionable, we make this assumption in order to avoid bias in the econometric model. These sets are in general impossible to generate explicitly. Therefore, we propose an importance sampling approach to generate subsets of paths suitable for model estimation. Using only a subset of alternatives requires the path utilities to be corrected according to the sampling protocol in order to obtain unbiased parameter estimates. We derive such a sampling correction for the proposed algorithm.Estimating models based on samples of alternatives is straightforward for some types of models, in particular the multinomial logit (MNL) model. In order to apply MNL for route choice, the utilities should also be corrected to account for the correlation using, for instance, a path size (PS) formulation. We argue that the PS attribute should be computed based on the full choice set. Again, this is not feasible in general, and we propose a new version of the PS attribute derived from the sampling protocol, called Expanded PS.Numerical results based on synthetic data show that models including a sampling correction are remarkably better than the ones that do not. Moreover, the Expanded PS shows good results and outperforms models with the original PS formulation.  相似文献   

This article presents a route choice model for public transit networks that incorporates variables related to network topology, complementing those found in traditional models based on service levels (travel time, cost, transfers, etc.) and users’ socioeconomic and demographic characteristics (income level, trip purpose, etc.). The topological variables represent concepts such as the directness of the chosen route and user knowledge of the network. For both of these factors, the necessary data is endogenous to the modelling process and can be quantified without the need for information-gathering beyond what is normally required for building route choice models. Other novel variables in the proposed formulation capture notions of user comfort such as vehicle occupancy rates and certain physical characteristics of network stations. We conclude that these new variables significantly improve the explanatory and predictive ability of existing route choice specifications.  相似文献   


This paper focuses on the application of tractable route choice models and presents a set of methods for deriving relevant disaggregate and aggregate route choice indicators, namely link and route flows. Tractability is achieved at the disaggregate level by the recursive logit model and at the aggregate level by the mental representation item (\(\mathrm {MRI}\)) approach. These two approaches are analyzed here, and extensions of the \({\mathrm {MRI}}\) approach are presented. The analysis elaborates on the features of each model and allows to draw insights into the use of a specific model, depending on the needs of the application and the data availability. The performance of the two models is tested on real data. The results demonstrate the validity of the \({\mathrm {MRI}}\) model that is intended for aggregate analysis.


In the US, the rise in motorized vehicle travel has contributed to serious societal, environmental, economic, and public health problems. These problems have increased the interest in encouraging non-motorized modes of travel (walking and bicycling). The current study contributes toward this objective by identifying and evaluating the importance of attributes influencing bicyclists’ route choice preferences. Specifically, the paper examines a comprehensive set of attributes that influence bicycle route choice, including: (1) bicyclists’ characteristics, (2) on-street parking, (3) bicycle facility type and amenities, (4) roadway physical characteristics, (5) roadway functional characteristics, and (6) roadway operational characteristics. The data used in the analysis is drawn from a web-based stated preference survey of Texas bicyclists. The results of the study emphasize the importance of a comprehensive evaluation of both route-related attributes and bicyclists’ demographics in bicycle route choice decisions. The empirical results indicate that travel time (for commuters) and motorized traffic volume are the most important attributes in bicycle route choice. Other route attributes with a high impact include number of stop signs, red light, and cross-streets, speed limits, on-street parking characteristics, and whether there exists a continuous bicycle facility on the route.
Chandra R. Bhat (Corresponding author)Email:

Ipek N. Sener   is currently a Ph.D. candidate in transportation engineering at The University of Texas at Austin. She received her M.S. degrees in Civil Engineering and in Architecture, and her B.S. degree in Civil Engineering from the Middle East Technical University in Ankara, Turkey. Naveen Eluru   is currently a Ph.D. candidate in transportation engineering at The University of Texas at Austin. He received his M.S. degree in Civil Engineering from The University of Texas at Austin, and his Bachelors in Technology Degree from Indian Institute of Technology in Madras, India. Chandra R. Bhat   is a Professor in Transportation at The University of Texas at Austin. He has contributed toward the development of advanced econometric techniques for travel behavior analysis, in recognition of which he received the 2004 Walter L. Huber Award and the 2005 James Laurie Prize from the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), and the 2008 Wilbur S. Smith Distinguished Transportation Educator Award from the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). He is the immediate past chair of the Transportation Research Board Committee on Transportation Demand Forecasting and the International Association for Travel Behaviour Research.  相似文献   

Validating the results of a route choice simulator   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper describes the validation of a route choice simulator known as VLADIMIR (Variable Legend Assessment Device for Interactive Measurement of Individual Route choice). VLADIMIR is an interactive computer-based tool designed to study drivers’ route choice behaviour. It has been extensively used to obtain data on route choice in the presence of information sources such as Variable Message Signs or In-Car Navigation devices. The simulator uses a sequence of digitized photographs to portray a real network with junctions, links, landmarks and road signs. Subject drivers are invited to make journeys between specified origins and destinations under a range of travel scenarios, during which the simulator automatically records their route choices. This paper describes validation experiments carried out during the period Summer 1994 to Autumn 1995 and reports on the results obtained. Each experiment involved a comparison of routes selected in real life with those driven under simulated conditions in VLADIMIR. The analysis included investigation of the subjects’ own assessment of the realism of the VLADIMIR routes they had chosen, a comparison of models based on the real life routes with models based on VLADIMIR routes, and a statistical comparison of the two sets of routes. After an extensive series of data collection exercises and analyses, we have concluded that a well designed simulator is able to replicate real life route choices with a very high degree of detail and accuracy. Not only was VLADIMIR able to precisely replicate the route choices of drivers who were familiar with the network but it also appears capable of representing the kind of errors made and route choice strategies adopted by less familiar drivers. Furthermore, evidence is presented to suggest that it can accurately replicate route choice responses to roadside VMS information.  相似文献   

Although many individual route choice models have been proposed to incorporate travel time variability as a decision factor, they are typically still deterministic in the sense that the optimal strategy requires choosing one particular route that maximizes utility. In contrast, this study introduces an individual route choice model where choosing a portfolio of routes instead of a single route is the best strategy for a rational traveler who cares about both journey time and lateness when facing stochastic network conditions. The proposed model is compared with UE and SUE models and the difference in both behavioral foundation and model characteristics is highlighted. A numerical example is introduced to demonstrate how such model can be used in traffic assignment problem. The model is then tested with GPS data collected in metropolitan Minneapolis–St. Paul, Minnesota. Our data suggest there is no single dominant route (defined here as a route with the shortest travel time for a 15 day period) in 18% of cases when links travel times are correlated. This paper demonstrates that choosing a portfolio of routes could be the rational choice of a traveler who wants to optimize route decisions under variability.  相似文献   

We study the shared autonomous vehicle (SAV) routing problem while considering congestion. SAVs essentially provide a dial-a-ride service to travelers, but the large number of vehicles involved (tens of thousands of SAVs to replace personal vehicles) results in SAV routing causing significant congestion. We combine the dial-a-ride service constraints with the linear program for system optimal dynamic traffic assignment, resulting in a congestion-aware formulation of the SAV routing problem. Traffic flow is modeled through the link transmission model, an approximate solution to the kinematic wave theory of traffic flow. SAVs interact with travelers at origins and destinations. Due to the large number of vehicles involved, we use a continuous approximation of flow to formulate a linear program. Optimal solutions demonstrate that peak hour demand is likely to have greater waiting and in-vehicle travel times than off-peak demand due to congestion. SAV travel times were only slightly greater than system optimal personal vehicle route choice. In addition, solutions can determine the optimal fleet size to minimize congestion or maximize service.  相似文献   

Over the next few years, driver behavior should become more informed with the advent and deployment of in-vehicle navigation systems. This paper analyzes systems that provide the driver the fastest path between his or her current location and final destination, updated in real-time to consider recurring and non-recurring congestion. The traveler’s full cost per trip is a bundle comprised of both expected travel time and its reliability. This paper explores these topics from a theoretical economic perspective and then simulates stylized cases. Simulation results indicate that typical information benefits are at a maximum on the precipice of congestion, when vehicles are arriving at a rate of 95% of the capacity, while non-recurring congestion benefits are much greater.  相似文献   

Real-time traffic information is increasingly available to support route choice decisions by reducing the travel time uncertainty. However it is likely that a traveler cannot assess all available information on all alternative routes due to time constraints and limited cognitive capacity. This paper presents a model that is consistent with a general network topology and can potentially be estimated based on revealed preference data. It explicitly takes into account the information acquisition and the subsequent path choice. The decision to acquire information is assumed to be based on the cognitive cost involved in the search and the expected benefit defined as the expected increase in utility after the search. A latent class model is proposed, where the decision to search or not to search and the depth of the search are latent and only the final path choices are observed. A synthetic data set is used for the purpose of validation and ease of illustration. The data are generated from the postulated cognitive-cost model, and estimation results show that the true values of the parameters can be recovered with enough variability in the data. Two other models with simplifying assumptions of no information and full information are also estimated with the same set of data with significantly biased path choice utility parameters. Prediction results show that a smaller cognitive cost encourages information search on risky and fast routes and thus higher shares on those routes. As a result, the expected average travel time decreases and the variability increases. The no-information and full-information models are extreme cases of the more general cognitive-cost model in some cases, but not generally so, and thus the increasing ease of information acquisition does not necessarily warrant a full-information model.  相似文献   

This paper describes a study to investigate the effects of route guidance and traffic advisories on driver's route choice behavior. The study is a two-factor experiment with repeated measures on one factor where the between-subjects factor is the type of traveler information provided and the repeated, within-subjects factor is trips made between a specified origin and destination. Participants were recruited and randomly assigned to one of four groups: group 1 having only a basic map of the network; group 2 having access only to route guidance, group 3 having access to traffic advisory information, and group 4 having access to both route guidance and traffic advisory information. Each participant completed 15 trips between a specified origin-destination pair on a hypothetical network. The results of this study indicate that there may be significant short-term advantages to providing in-vehicle routing and navigation information to unfamiliar drivers. However, the results also indicate that the format and amount of information provided may not be significant as the benefits to having route guidance diminish when drivers become more familiar with the travel network.  相似文献   

The influence of route guidance advice on route choice in urban networks   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The paper begins by reviewing what is known about route choice processes and notes the mismatch between this knowledge and the route choice assumptions embedded in the most widely used assignment models. Empirical evidence on the influence of route guidance advice on route choice is reviewed and, despite its limited nature, is seen to suggest that users are reluctant to follow advice unless they find it convincing and that, the more familiar they are with the network, the less likely they are to accept advice. Typically only a small minority of journeys are made in total compliance with advice.Results from an interactive route choice simulator (IGOR) are summarised and are seen to reveal that compliance depends on the extent to which the advice is corroborated by other factors, on the drivers' familiarity with the network and on the quality of advice previously received. It is noted that the IGOR results are in a form which would enable response models to be calibrated.Recent approaches to the modelling of route choice in the context of guidance are discussed. Some are seen to make simplifying assumptions which must limit the relevance of their results; most make no allowance for the fact that drivers are unlikely to comply with all advice and several are not able to represent the benefits which guidance might bring in the context of sporadic congestion or incidents.As an alternative, a two phase model comprising a medium term strategic equilibrium and a day-specific simulation with explicit representation of driver response is proposed.Updated and extended from an earlier version published in theProceedings of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE No 425/IV-4, 1991-1).  相似文献   

In this paper, two‐tier mathematical models were developed to simulate the microscopic pedestrian decision‐making process of route choice at signalized crosswalks. In the first tier, a discrete choice model was proposed to predict the choices of walking direction. In the second tier, an exponential model was calibrated to determine the step size in the chosen direction. First, a utility function was defined in the first‐tier model to describe the change of utility in response to deviation from a pedestrian's target direction and the conflicting effects of neighboring pedestrians. A mixed logit model was adopted to estimate the effects of the explanatory variables on the pedestrians' decisions. Compared with the standard multinomial logit model, it was shown that the mixed logit model could accommodate the heterogeneity. The repeated observations for each pedestrian were grouped as panel data to ensure that the parameters remained constant for individual pedestrians but varied among the pedestrians. The mixed logit model with panel data was found to effectively address inter‐pedestrian heterogeneity and resulted in a better fit than the standard multinomial logit model. Second, an exponential model in the second tier was proposed to further determine the step size of individual pedestrians in the chosen direction; it indicates the change in walking speed in response to the presence of other pedestrians. Finally, validation was conducted on an independent set of observation data in Hong Kong. The pedestrians' routes and destinations were predicted with the two‐tier models. Compared with the tracked trajectories, the average error between the predicted destinations and the observed destinations was within an acceptable margin. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Concerned by the nuisances of motorized travel on urban life, policy makers are faced with the challenge of making cycling a more attractive alternative for everyday transportation. Route choice models can help achieve this objective by gaining insights into the trade-offs cyclists make when choosing their routes and by allowing the effect of infrastructure improvements to be analyzed. We estimate a link-based bike route choice model from a sample of GPS observations in the city of Eugene on a network comprising over 40,000 links. The so-called recursive logit (RL) model (Fosgerau et al., 2013) does not require to sample any choice set of paths. We show the advantages of this approach in the context of prediction by focusing on two applications of the model: link flows and accessibility measures. Compared to the path-based approach which requires to generate choice sets, the RL model proves to make significant gains in computational time and to avoid paradoxical accessibility measure results discussed in previous works, e.g. Nassir et al. (2014).  相似文献   

Pedestrians as compared to vehicular traffic enjoy a high degree freedom of movement even in heavily congested areas. Consequently, there are more alternative links available to pedestrians between a given origin‐destination (O‐D) pair. This paper describes a study done by the University of Calgary to evaluate the factors affecting the choice of route on intra‐CBD trips or trips within the Central Business District (CBD).

An origin destination survey conducted in downtown Calgary, Alberta enabled the identification of the most significant factors influencing the choice. These factors were analyzed in relation to the physical characteristics of the location, personal characteristics of the trip maker and the type of the trip.

It appears that most people chose the shortest link and factors such as the level of congestion, safety or visual attractions were only secondary. This suggests that the length should be made a major consideration when planning and designing pedestrian links.  相似文献   

Research on connected vehicle environment has been growing rapidly to investigate the effects of real-time exchange of kinetic information between vehicles and road condition information from the infrastructure through radio communication technologies. A fully connected vehicle environment can substantially reduce the latency in response caused by human perception-reaction time with the prospect of improving both safety and comfort. This study presents a dynamical model of route choice under a connected vehicle environment. We analyze the stability of headways by perturbing various factors in the microscopic traffic flow model and traffic flow dynamics in the car-following model and dynamical model of route choice. The advantage of this approach is that it complements the macroscopic traffic assignment model of route choice with microscopic elements that represent the important features of connected vehicles. The gaps between cars can be decreased and stabilized even in the presence of perturbations caused by incidents. The reduction in gaps will be helpful to optimize the traffic flow dynamics more easily with safe and stable conditions. The results show that the dynamics under the connected vehicle environment have equilibria. The approach presented in this study will be helpful to identify the important properties of a connected vehicle environment and to evaluate its benefits.  相似文献   

Due to the limited cruising range of battery electric vehicle (BEV), BEV drivers show obvious difference in travel behavior from gasoline vehicle (GV) drivers. To analyze BEV drivers’ charging and route choice behaviors, and extract the differences between BEV and GV drivers’ travel behavior, two multinomial logit-based and two nested logit-based models are proposed in this study based on a stated preference survey. The nested structure consists of two levels: the upper level represents the charging decision, and the lower level shows the route choices corresponding to the charging and no-charging situations respectively. The estimated results demonstrate that the nested structure is more appropriate than the multinomial structure. Meanwhile, it is observed that the initial state of charge (SOC) at origin of BEV is the most important factor that affects the decision of charging or not, and the SOC at destination becomes an important impact factor affecting BEV drivers’ route choice behavior. As for the route choice behavior when BEV has charging demand, the charging station attributes such as charging time and charging station’s location have significant influences on BEV drivers’ decision-making process. The results also show that BEV drivers incline to choose the routes with charging station having less charging time, being closer to origin and consistent with travel direction. Finally, based on the proposed models, a series of numerical analysis has been conducted to verify the effect of range anxiety on BEV charging and route choice behavior and to reveal the variation of comfortable initial SOC at origin with travel distance. Meanwhile, the effects of charging time and distance from origin to charging station also have been discussed.  相似文献   

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