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This paper investigates the effect of travel time variability on drivers' route choice behavior in the context of Shanghai, China. A stated preference survey is conducted to collect drivers' hypothetical choice between two alternative routes with designated unequal travel time and travel time variability. A binary choice model is developed to quantify trade-offs between travel time and travel time variability across various types of drivers. In the model, travel time and travel time variability are, respectively, measured by expectation and standard deviation of random travel time. The model shows that travel time and travel time variability on a route exert similarly negative effects on drivers' route choice behavior. In particular, it is found that middle-age drivers are more sensitive to travel time variability and less likely to choose a route with travel time uncertainty than younger and elder drivers. In addition, it is shown that taxi drivers are more sensitive to travel time and more inclined to choose a route with less travel time. Drivers with rich driving experience are less likely to choose a route with travel time uncertainty.  相似文献   

Due to the limited cruising range of battery electric vehicle (BEV), BEV drivers show obvious difference in travel behavior from gasoline vehicle (GV) drivers. To analyze BEV drivers’ charging and route choice behaviors, and extract the differences between BEV and GV drivers’ travel behavior, two multinomial logit-based and two nested logit-based models are proposed in this study based on a stated preference survey. The nested structure consists of two levels: the upper level represents the charging decision, and the lower level shows the route choices corresponding to the charging and no-charging situations respectively. The estimated results demonstrate that the nested structure is more appropriate than the multinomial structure. Meanwhile, it is observed that the initial state of charge (SOC) at origin of BEV is the most important factor that affects the decision of charging or not, and the SOC at destination becomes an important impact factor affecting BEV drivers’ route choice behavior. As for the route choice behavior when BEV has charging demand, the charging station attributes such as charging time and charging station’s location have significant influences on BEV drivers’ decision-making process. The results also show that BEV drivers incline to choose the routes with charging station having less charging time, being closer to origin and consistent with travel direction. Finally, based on the proposed models, a series of numerical analysis has been conducted to verify the effect of range anxiety on BEV charging and route choice behavior and to reveal the variation of comfortable initial SOC at origin with travel distance. Meanwhile, the effects of charging time and distance from origin to charging station also have been discussed.  相似文献   

It is widely acknowledged that cyclists choose their route differently to drivers of private vehicles. The route choice decision of commuter drivers is often modelled with one objective, to reduce their generalised travel cost, which is a monetary value representing the combined travel time and vehicle operating cost. Commuter cyclists, on the other hand, usually have multiple incommensurable objectives when choosing their route: the travel time and the suitability of a route. By suitability we mean non-subjective factors that characterise the suitability of a route for cycling, including safety, traffic volumes, traffic speeds, presence of bicycle lanes, whether the terrain is flat or hilly, etc. While these incommensurable objectives are difficult to be combined into a single objective, it is also important to take into account that each individual cyclist may prioritise differently between travel time and suitability when they choose a route.This paper proposes a novel model to determine the route choice set of commuter cyclists by formulating a bi-objective routing problem. The two objectives considered are travel time and suitability of a route for cycling. Rather than determining a single route for a cyclist, we determine a choice set of optimal alternative routes (efficient routes) from which a cyclist may select one according to their personal preference depending on their perception of travel time versus other route choice criteria considered in the suitability index. This method is then implemented in a case study in Auckland, New Zealand.The study provides a starting point for the trip assignment of cyclists, and with further research, the bi-objective routing model developed can be applied to create a complete travel demand forecast model for cycle trips. We also suggest the application of the developed methodology as an algorithm in an interactive route finder to suggest efficient route choices at different levels of suitability to cyclists and potential cyclists.  相似文献   

Electric travelling appears to dominate the transport sector in the near future due to the needed transition from internal combustion vehicles (ICV) towards Electric Vehicles (EV) to tackle urban pollution. Given this trend, investigation of the EV drivers’ travel behaviour is of great importance to stakeholders including planners and policymakers, for example in order to locate charging stations. This research explores the Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV) drivers route choice and charging preferences through a Stated Preference (SP) survey. Collecting data from 505 EV drivers in the Netherlands, we report the results of estimating a Mixed Logit (ML) model for those choices. Respondents were requested to choose a route among six alternatives: freeways, arterial ways, and local streets with and without fast charging. Our findings suggest that the classic route attributes (travel time and travel cost), vehicle-related variables (state-of-charge at the origin and destination) and charging characteristics (availability of a slow charging point at the destination, fast charging duration, waiting time in the queue of a fast-charging station) can influence the BEV drivers route choice and charging behaviour significantly. When the state-of-charge (SOC) at the origin is high and a slow charger at the destination is available, routes without fast charging are likely to be preferred. Moreover, local streets (associated with slow speeds and less energy consumption) could be preferred if the SOC at the destination is expected to be low while arterial ways might be selected when a driver must recharge his/her car during the trip via fast charging.  相似文献   

Perception bias in route choice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Travel time is probably one of the most studied attributes in route choice. Recently, perception of travel time received more attention as several studies have shown its importance in explaining route choice behavior. In particular, travel time estimates by travelers appear to be biased against non-chosen options even if these are faster. In this paper, we study travel time perception and route choice of routes with different degrees of road hierarchy and directness. In the Dutch city of Enschede, respondents were asked to choose a route and provide their estimated travel times for both the preferred and alternative routes. These travel times were then compared with actual travel times. Results from previous studies were confirmed and expanded. The shortest time route was chosen in 41 % of the cases while the perceived shortest time route was chosen by almost 80 % of the respondents. Respondents overestimated travel time in general but overestimated the travel time of non-chosen routes more than the travel time of chosen routes. Perception of travel time depends on road hierarchy and route directness, as more direct routes and routes higher up in the hierarchy were perceived as being relatively fast. In addition, there is evidence that these attributes also influence route choice independently of perceived travel time. Finally, travel time perceptions appear to be most strongly biased against non-chosen options when respondents were familiar with the route or indicated a clear preference for the chosen routes. This result indicates that behavior will be more difficult to change for the regular travelers.  相似文献   

Real-time traffic information is increasingly available to support route choice decisions by reducing the travel time uncertainty. However it is likely that a traveler cannot assess all available information on all alternative routes due to time constraints and limited cognitive capacity. This paper presents a model that is consistent with a general network topology and can potentially be estimated based on revealed preference data. It explicitly takes into account the information acquisition and the subsequent path choice. The decision to acquire information is assumed to be based on the cognitive cost involved in the search and the expected benefit defined as the expected increase in utility after the search. A latent class model is proposed, where the decision to search or not to search and the depth of the search are latent and only the final path choices are observed. A synthetic data set is used for the purpose of validation and ease of illustration. The data are generated from the postulated cognitive-cost model, and estimation results show that the true values of the parameters can be recovered with enough variability in the data. Two other models with simplifying assumptions of no information and full information are also estimated with the same set of data with significantly biased path choice utility parameters. Prediction results show that a smaller cognitive cost encourages information search on risky and fast routes and thus higher shares on those routes. As a result, the expected average travel time decreases and the variability increases. The no-information and full-information models are extreme cases of the more general cognitive-cost model in some cases, but not generally so, and thus the increasing ease of information acquisition does not necessarily warrant a full-information model.  相似文献   

We consider a specific advanced traveler information systems (ATIS) whose objective is to reduce drivers’ travel time uncertainty with recurrent network congestion through provision of traffic information. Since the provided information is still partial or imperfect, drivers equipped with an ATIS cannot always find the shortest travel time route and thus may not always comply with the advice provided by ATIS. Thus, there are three classes of drivers on a specific day: drivers without ATIS, drivers with ATIS but without compliance with ATIS advice, drivers with ATIS and in compliance with ATIS advice. All three classes of drivers make route choice in a stochastic manner, but with different degree of uncertainty of travel time on the network. In this paper we investigate the interactions among the three classes of drivers in an ATIS environment using a multiple behavior stochastic user equilibrium model. By assuming that the market penetration of ATIS is an increasing function of the actual private gain (time saving minus the cost associated with system use) derived from ATIS service, and the ATIS compliance rate of equipped drivers is given as the probability of the actual travel time of complied drivers being less than that of non-complied drivers, we determine the equilibrium market penetration and compliance rate of ATIS and the resulting equilibrium network flow pattern using an iterative solution procedure.  相似文献   

Emerging sensing technologies such as probe vehicles equipped with Global Positioning System (GPS) devices on board provide us real-time vehicle trajectories. They are helpful for the understanding of the cases that are significant but difficult to observe because of the infrequency, such as gridlock networks. On the premise of this type of emerging technology, this paper propose a sequential route choice model that describes route choice behavior, both in ordinary networks, where drivers acquire spatial knowledge of networks through their experiences, and in extraordinary networks, which are situations that drivers rarely experience, and applicable to real-time traffic simulations. In extraordinary networks, drivers do not have any experience or appropriate information. In such a context, drivers have little spatial knowledge of networks and choose routes based on dynamic decision making, which is sequential and somewhat forward-looking. In order to model these decision-making dynamics, we propose a discounted recursive logit model, which is a sequential route choice model with the discount factor of expected future utility. Through illustrative examples, we show that the discount factor reflects drivers’ decision-making dynamics, and myopic decisions can confound the network congestion level. We also estimate the parameters of the proposed model using a probe taxis’ trajectory data collected on March 4, 2011 and on March 11, 2011, when the Great East Japan Earthquake occurred in the Tokyo Metropolitan area. The results show that the discount factor has a lower value in gridlock networks than in ordinary networks.  相似文献   

Several route choice models are reviewed in the context of the stochastic user equilibrium problem. The traffic assignment problem has been extensively studied in the literature. Several models were developed focusing mainly on the solution of the link flow pattern for congested urban areas. The behavioural assumption governing route choice, which is the essential part of any traffic assignment model, received relatively much less attention. The core of any traffic assignment method is the route choice model. In the wellknown deterministic case, a simple choice model is assumed in which drivers choose their best route. The assumption of perfect knowledge of travel costs has been long considered inadequate to explain travel behaviour. Consequently, probabilistic route choice models were developed in which drivers were assumed to minimize their perceived costs given a set of routes. The objective of the paper is to review the different route choice models used to solve the traffic assignment problem. Focus is on the different model structures. The paper connects some of the route choice models proposed long ago, such as the logit and probit models, with recently developed models. It discusses several extensions to the simple logit model, as well as the choice set generation problem and the incorporation of the models in the assignment problem.  相似文献   

Using a 2012 stated preference survey based on a traveler’s most recent actual trip, this study predicts traveler choices between general purpose lanes and managed lanes for a freeway in Houston, Texas. The choice model incorporates probability weighting for risky travel times. The results indicate significant improvement in predicative power over a model that excludes weighting, confirming non-linearity in the probability weighting function. The maximum value of time (VOT) measures calculated in this study are lower than estimated in many previous route choice studies. This highlights the importance of incorporating individual weights for travel risks. Travelers’ underweighting of travel time risks would help explain the lower VOTs found in our study because respondents consider route choice decision-making as a gamble, but assign their own probabilities of occurrence to arriving at their destination on time, late, or early. We find that traveler groups are heterogeneous and the different weights developed for different groups of travelers can be used to better understand their probabilities. Segmentation analysis indicates that Age may serve to proxy the effects of more experience over time, or changing driving abilities, or changes in one’s sense of optimism or pessimism at different ages. Gender and Income also play a role in how the objective probabilities presented to respondents were translated into subjective probabilities.  相似文献   

Shortest-path (minimum travel time) routing has been adopted over the past few decades. However, many studies have shown that a driver’s route and the shortest path differ widely in significant ways, and that most drivers use several criteria in selecting their routes. Since route choice criteria have been the subject of controversy, this study develops an individual behavioral-based mechanism for exploring the crucial criteria affecting drivers’ route-selection decisions. On the basis of the weight-assessing model and the habitual domain theory, this study presents the dynamic change of route choice criteria according to their dynamic weights. Furthermore, the effects of information on drivers’ route-formulating behaviors are investigated as well in order to provide some valuable suggestions for implementing Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATIS) in the future. An empirical study in Taipei City was conducted to show the feasibility and applicability of our proposed method and the empirical results indicate excellent performance in practice.  相似文献   

After the widespread deployment of Advanced Traveler Information Systems, there exists an increasing concern about their profitability. The costs of such systems are clear, but the quantification of the benefits still generates debate. This paper analyzes the value of highway travel time information systems. This is achieved by modeling the departure time selection and route choice with and without the guidance of an information system. The behavioral model supporting these choices is grounded on the expected utility theory, where drivers try to maximize the expected value of their perceived utility. The value of information is derived from the reduction of the unreliability costs as a consequence of the wiser decisions made with information. This includes the reduction of travel times, scheduling costs and stress. This modeling approach allows assessing the effects of the precision of the information system in the value of the information.Different scenarios are simulated in a generic but realistic context, using empirical data measured on a highway corridor accessing the city of Barcelona, Spain. Results show that travel time information only has a significant value in three situations: (1) when there is an important scheduled activity at the destination (e.g. morning commute trips), (2) in case of total uncertainty about the conditions of the trip (e.g. sporadic trips), and (3) when more than one route is possible. Information systems with very high precision do not produce better results. However, an acceptable level of precision is completely required, as information systems with very poor precision may even be detrimental. The paper also highlights the difference between the user value and the social value of the information. The value of the information may not benefit only the user. For instance, massive dissemination of travel time information contributes to the reduction of day-to-day travel time variance. This favors all drivers, even those without information. In these situations travel time information has the property that its social benefits exceed private benefits (i.e. information has positive externalities). Of course, drivers are only willing to cover costs equal or smaller than their private benefits, which in turn may justify subsidies for information provision.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that electric vehicle (EV) users could behave differently compared to internal combustion engine vehicle (ICEV) drivers due to their consciousness or practices of eco-driving, but very limited research has fully investigated this assumption. This research explores this topic through investigating EV drivers’ eco-driving behaviors and motivations. We first conducted a questionnaire survey on EV drivers’ driving behavior and some hypothetical decisions of their driving. It indicates various characteristics between EV and ICEV commuters, including self-reported daily driving habits, preferences of route choices, tradeoff between travel time and energy saving, and adoption of in-vehicle display (IVD) technologies. Then, through statistical analysis with Fisher’s exact test and Mann-Whitney U test, this research reveals that, compared to ICEV drivers, EV drivers possess significantly calmer driving maneuvers and more fuel-efficient driving habits such as trip chaining. The survey data also show that EV drivers are much more willing to save energy in compensation of travel time. Furthermore, the survey data indicate that EV drivers are more willing to adopt eco-friendly IVD technologies. All these findings are expected to improve the understanding of some unique behavior found in EV drivers.  相似文献   

The Wardrop user equilibrium model states that travelers choose the fastest available route and always choose the same route on repeated trips. However, travelers are not always capable of choosing the fastest route, and if travel time is uncertain, they may acquire information on the day of travel that helps to select a better route. Thus, travelers can reduce their travel time over the Wardrop “optimum” by selecting routes adaptively. The focus of this paper is to find the most promising approach for improving actual transit route choice through providing better traveler information. Actual and ideal travel time were estimated for each of six information scenarios, ranging from one where travelers use transit maps, to one where travelers use adaptive route choice, and to the hypothetical situation referred to as perfect information. Travelers using maps and travelers using maps and schedules took significantly longer than ideally possible on an experimental trip (24% longer with maps, 42% longer with maps and schedules). Ideal travel time under perfect information was 49% less than actual travel time with no information, and 6% less than that of the best non-adaptive decision rule. Time adaptive route choice resulted in no travel time reduction. The potential travel time improvement from giving travelers more information was not as great as that from making information more understandable. Adaptive route choice did not offer great potential on the studied trip. To be effective there must be several nearly equal route options, and trips must involve transfers, which excludes most travel on transit today.  相似文献   

Sharma  Bibhuti  Hickman  Mark  Nassir  Neema 《Transportation》2019,46(1):217-232

This research aims to understand the park-and-ride (PNR) lot choice behaviour of users i.e., why PNR user choose one PNR lot versus another. Multinomial logit models are developed, the first based on the random utility maximization (RUM) concept where users are assumed to choose alternatives that have maximum utility, and the second based on the random regret minimization (RRM) concept where users are assumed to make decisions such that they minimize the regret in comparison to other foregone alternatives. A PNR trip is completed in two networks, the auto network and the transit network. The travel time of users for both the auto network and the transit network are used to create variables in the model. For the auto network, travel time is obtained using information from the strategic transport network using EMME/4 software, whereas travel time for the transit network is calculated using Google’s general transit feed specification data using a backward time-dependent shortest path algorithm. The involvement of two different networks in a PNR trip causes a trade-off relation within the PNR lot choice mechanism, and it is anticipated that an RRM model that captures this compromise effect may outperform typical RUM models. We use two forms of RRM models; the classical RRM and µRRM. Our results not only confirm a decade-old understanding that the RRM model may be an alternative concept to model transport choices, but also strengthen this understanding by exploring differences between two models in terms of model fit and out-of-sample predictive abilities. Further, our work is one of the few that estimates an RRM model on revealed preference data.


This study investigates the routing aspects of battery electric vehicle (BEV) drivers and their effects on the overall traffic network performance. BEVs have unique characteristics such as range limitation, long battery recharging time, and recuperation of energy lost during the deceleration phase if equipped with regenerative braking system (RBS). In addition, the energy consumption rate per unit distance traveled is lower at moderate speed than at higher speed. This raises two interesting questions: (i) whether these characteristics of BEVs will lead to different route selection compared to conventional internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs), and (ii) whether such route selection implications of BEVs will affect the network performance. With the increasing market penetration of BEVs, these questions are becoming more important. This study formulates a multi-class dynamic user equilibrium (MCDUE) model to determine the equilibrium flows for mixed traffic consisting of BEVs and ICEVs. A simulation-based solution procedure is proposed for the MCDUE model. In the MCDUE model, BEVs select routes to minimize the generalized cost which includes route travel time, energy related costs and range anxiety cost, and ICEVs to minimize route travel time. Results from numerical experiments illustrate that BEV drivers select routes with lower speed to conserve and recuperate battery energy while ICEV drivers select shortest travel time routes. They also illustrate that the differences in route choice behavior of BEV and ICEV drivers can synergistically lead to reduction in total travel time and the network performance towards system optimum under certain conditions.  相似文献   


This paper investigates route choice behaviour on freeways between Taipei and Taichung in Taiwan under the provision of real-time traffic information. Two types of route choice selection rules (the best-route and habitual-route) are analysed using ordered probit models to identify the major influences on freeway travellers’ route choice behaviour. The level of service associated with each route is defined as a generalised cost saving (GCS) and specified non-linearly with a threshold inherent to travellers. The marginal (dis)utility thresholds in the ‘best’ and ‘habitual’ behaviour models are identified through a goodness-of-fit grid. The results confirm that the thresholds for changing the inertia behaviour of drivers should be larger than the ones for choosing the best routes. In addition, the drivers are more likely to choose either the best or the habitual routes once the GCS are greater than the identified threshold values.  相似文献   

In a large-scale, real-life peak avoidance experiment, we asked participants to provide estimates of their average in-vehicle travel time during their morning commute. After comparing the reported travel times with the actual corresponding travel times, we found that the average travel times were overstated by a factor of 1.5. We showed that driver- and link-specific characteristics partially explained these exaggerations. Using the stated and revealed preference data, we investigated whether the driver-specific reporting errors were consistent with the drivers’ scheduling behaviors in reality and in hypothetical choice experiments. In both cases, we found no robust evidence that drivers behave as if they misperceive travel times to a similar extent as those they misreported, thereby implying that the reported travel times did not represent the actual or perceived travel times in a truthful manner. The results of this study suggest that caution should be recommended when reported travel time data are used in an uncritical manner during transport research and when determining policy.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the optimal deployment of static and dynamic charging infrastructure considering the interdependency between transportation and power networks. Static infrastructure means plug-in charging stations, while the dynamic counterpart refers to electrified roads or charging lanes enabled by charging-while-driving technology. A network equilibrium model is first developed to capture the interactions among battery electric vehicles’ (BEVs) route choices, charging plans, and the prices of electricity. A mixed-integer bi-level program is then formulated to determine the deployment plan of charging infrastructure to minimize the total social cost of the coupled networks. Numerical examples are provided to demonstrate travel and charging plans of BEV drivers and the competitiveness of static and dynamic charging infrastructure. The numerical results on three networks suggest that (1) for individual BEV drivers, the choice between using charging lanes and charging stations is more sensitive to parameters including value of travel time, service fee markup, and battery size, but less sensitive to the charging rates and travel demand; (2) deploying more charging lanes is favorable for transportation networks with sparser topology while more charging stations can be more preferable for those denser networks.  相似文献   

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