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This paper formulates a spatial autoregressive zero-inflated negative binomial model for freight trip productions and attractions. The model captures the following freight trip characteristics: count data type, positive trip rates, overdispersion, zero-inflation, and spatial autocorrelation. The spatial autoregressive structure is applied in the negative binomial part of the models to obtain unbiased estimates of the effects of different regressors. Further, we estimate parameters using the full information maximum likelihood estimator. We perform empirical analysis with an establishment based freight survey conducted in Chennai. Separate models are estimated for trips generated by motorised two-wheelers and three-wheelers, and pickups besides an aggregate model. Spatial variables such as road density and indicator of geolocation are insignificant in all the models. In contrast, the spatial autocorrelation is significant in all of the models except for the freight trips attracted and produced by pickups. From a policy standpoint, the elasticity results show the importance of considering spatial autocorrelation. We also highlight the bias due to aggregation of vehicle classes, based on the elasticities.


Freight transportation demand: A survey of recent econometric studies   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper surveys econometric studies of freight transportation demand which have been published since the mid-1970s. It describes the variables, data sources, and estimation procedures utilized by the studies. In addition, it summarizes their statistical results. The studies included in this survey typically accounted for freight rates and service characteristics (e.g., transit time and reliability). Data sources often varied across the studies.Based on the data they utilized, the surveyed studies are classified as either aggregate or disaggregate. The data in the aggregate studies consist of information on total flows by modes at the regional or national level, while the data in the disaggregate studies pertain to individual shipments. The earlier aggregate studies estimated linear logit models. It has been pointed out that when they are estimated on aggregate data these models are subject to certain shortcomings. To avoid these shortcomings, more recent aggregate studies have estimated flexible forms such as translog functions. The disaggregate studies surveyed in this paper used either logit or probit models.Statistical results often varied with the commodities analyzed, making it somewhat difficult to generalize the findings of the different studies. One finding common to several studies is that freight rates have a significant impact on shipment decisions. This paper discusses certain theoretical and empirical limitations of the surveyed studies. It also offers suggestions for future research in freight transport demand. Freight demand models can be used to examine various effects of the recent deregulation in freight transportation.  相似文献   

A number of agricultural commodities are either transported once harvested to a destination outside the production region or processed (or consumed) at a centrally located facility within the production region. One or more depots (or assembly points) can be located optimally within the harvesting region to reduce the overall shipment costs when transshipment at a lower freight rate can be achieved from the depot. Processing at the depot to concentrate the commodity, or to select desired fractions from the raw material, can achieve additional reductions in freight costs and increase the economic benefit.A model based on a circular harvesting region with uniform production per hectare and a linear transport function was used to define the optimal location of the depots. In the case of transshipment out of the supply region, a single depot was considered. A transshipment depot can be placed within the supply region for a net reduction in transport costs as long as the transshipment freight rate is less than approximately 85% of the collection freight rate.For transshipment to a central processing facility, the supply region was divided into uniform sectors and the optimal depot placement in a sector was located. Given a non-negative transshipment freight rate and that all production passes through the depot, the optimal depot placement cannot lie beyond 70.7% of the radius. A minimum reduction in the ratio of the freight rates is also required for the shipment point to move from the centre of the region to within a sector. Division of the production region into an infinite number of sectors was examined and it was found that convergence to the maximum benefit (at infinite number) was rapid so that, with just eight or nine sectors, 80% of the limiting benefit was obtained. The model was developed with the harvesting of milk in mind, but appears to relate to a wide range of harvestable low value bulky agricultural commodities.For a circular harvesting region, it was found that the economic benefit varied as the cube of the radius of the production region and linearly with the production intensity, regardless of whether transshipment was internal or external. The economic benefit was quantified for both variants of the model using selected parameters pertinent to milk harvesting.  相似文献   

This paper presents an innovative approach to analyzing road vehicle freight traffic that uses a dynamic panel data specification derived from a gravity model. This dynamic approach, which has recently been employed in international goods trade models in lieu of the traditional static specification, is applied to the case of Spain using data for the countrys 15 NUTS-3 regions between 1999 and 2009. Using the system general method of moments approach, we obtained significant evidence that the flow of vehicles carrying commodities by road has a strong persistence effect when controlling for unobserved heterogeneity. We also found that the quality of road transport infrastructure has a significant impact on vehicle trips. According to our findings, we suggest that this type of specification be employed in distribution models in which fixed effects and lags of the dependent variable are included to account for unobserved heterogeneity and persistence effects, respectively.  相似文献   

Understanding the relationship between socioeconomic factors and the Less-than-Truckload (LTL) freight flows is important for transportation planners and policy makers. This paper explores the impacts of information technology, urbanization on LTL freight flows by using a spatial autocorrelation model with freight flow data from a leading LTL company in China. The results show that all IT variables and urbanization variables have positive effects on freight flows. Distance, as expected, is negatively correlated with the freight flow volume. The application of the spatial autocorrelation model further shows that origin dependence, destination dependence and OD dependence are all significant, justifying the consideration of spatial interdependence. Finally, policy implications are discussed based on the estimated results. These findings shed light on the impacts of internet and urbanization on freight transportation, and contribute to the design of freight policies and the development of the LTL industry.  相似文献   

The zone system used for freight data collection and the geographic resolution of published data has a significant impact on analysis and planning. The majority of existing freight model zones are created in an ad hoc way. In this paper, a new model-based design method is introduced to develop freight zones for the continental USA. It focuses on two methodology issues: (1) the criteria that represent the desired properties of a zone system and (2) the constraints that govern the shape, size, and continuity of zones. The method is applied to the continental USA by optimizing an interzonal travel distance weighted by freight flows using county-level freight data. Several optimal national-level freight zone systems with different numbers of zones are developed. The results indicate that a 300-zone system provides a balance between the number of zones and optimization measures where the currently available public freight data are provided with approximately 100 zones.  相似文献   

Freight transport demand is a demand derived from all the activities needed to move goods between locations of production to locations of consumption, including trade, logistics and transportation. A good representation of logistics in freight transport demand models allows us to predict the effects of changes in logistics systems on future transport flows. As such it provides better estimations of the costs of interaction and allows to predict changes in spatial patterns of freight transport flows more accurately. In recent years, the attention for freight modelling has been growing and new research work has appeared aimed at incorporating logistics in freight models. In this paper we review the state of the art in the representation of logistics considerations in freight transport demand models. Our focus is on the service and cost drivers of changes in logistics networks and how these affect freight transport. Our review proceeds along a conceptual framework for modelling that goes beyond the conventional 4-step modelling approach. We identify promising areas for freight modelling that have an integrative function within this framework, such as spatial computable general equilibrium models, supply chain choice models and hypernetwork models.  相似文献   

This paper presents the conceptual framework for a predictive network equilibrium model of a freight transportation system in which the generation, distribution, modal split and assignment of freight movements are performed simultaneously. A neoclassical profit maximization model is stated for the supply-side of the transportation market, the demand-side is represented by a spatial price equilibrium model, and the economic mechanism which integrates the supply and demand submodels is described. The theoretical limitations imposed on the model by the requirement that it be capable of solving large-scale problems are also addressed.  相似文献   

In the next few years, exciting developments in the field of freight transport are likely to occur. The Channel Tunnel will be perceived as giving railways much greater distance of operation, compared to the current train ferry to/from Great Britain. The further development of swap-body technology will allow easier modal transfer and the creation, in 1992, of a single market in Europe will transform the pattern of trade. All of these are likely to have significant impacts on modal choice, and hence modal split, in freight transport. Reappraisal by many firms of the modes of transport used is likely but will it result in a net transfer of freight from road to rail and, if so, to what extent? To answer such questions, an accurate and reliable method of predicting modal split is required. Research in the past has concentrated on the development of modal split models based on generalised costs. These fail to explain adequately the prevalence of road freight in the UK. From surveys of freight managers within industry, it is clear that models to date rely too heavily on the economic cost factor and too little on behavioural factors (Jeffs 1985). This paper derives from a recent study of freight transport modal choice from the standpoint of the transport decision-maker within the firm. It attempts to shed light on the actual parameters which should be incorporated into a modal split model. Many variables appear to exert an influence on modal choice decision-making process. However, it is possible to categorise them into six main groups, namely: customer-requirements; product-characteristics; company structure/organisation; government interventions; available transport facilities; and perceptions of the decision-maker him/herself. It is the interactions and inter-relationships between these which ultimately determine freight modal split. This study has shown that the relationship between the outcome of the transport decision process and the values of particular determinants of modal split is not straight-forward, due to the complexity and variety of interactions involved. Perhaps one of the main reasons for researchers' failure hitherto to develop a successful modal-split model has been the preoccupation with techniques that rely on the development of common metric (e.g. generalised cost), which has led to the exclusion of some important explanatory variables along quite different dimensions. Another important issue concerns the appropriate level of aggregation. In order not to reduce the explanatory power of the key variables, it is important to work at a disaggregate level, although this does make substantial demands on data. The use of factor analysis enables both the aggregation of information without loss of behavioural reality and the specification of variables in terms of a common metric. In conclusion, freight transport has usually been examined within too narrow a framework. It must be placed firmly within the context of the total industrial process. The demand for freight transport is directly influenced by the level, composition and geographical distribution of production and consumption activities. Freight flows are complex and so it is highly unlikely that a universal mode-choice model can ever be developed. Future research should, therefore, be directed towards developing partial models in response to specific needs of those involved in decision-taking in the freight sector.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a model of urban freight demand that seeks to estimate tour flows from secondary data sources e.g., traffic counts, to bypass the need for expensive surveys. The model discussed in this paper, referred as Freight Tour Synthesis (FTS), enhances current techniques by incorporating the time-dependent tour-based behavior of freight vehicles, and the decision maker’s (e.g., metropolitan planning agency planner) preferences for different sources of information. The model, based on entropy maximization theory, estimates the most likely set of tour flows, given a set of freight trip generation estimates, a set of traffic counts per time interval, and total freight transportation cost in the network. The type of inputs used allows the assessment of changes in infrastructure, policy and land use. The ability of the model to replicate actual values is assessed using the Denver Region (CO) as a case study.  相似文献   

There have now been over three decades of experience with rate-making freedom for all modes of intercity freight transport in the United States. Most evidence suggests that regulatory change has been beneficial for the rail industry and its users. Despite evidence of positive impacts of regulatory reform of U.S. freight transport, there is limited evidence related to long-term pricing trends by commodity in the deregulated era. Moreover, U.S. shipper groups have called for increased regulation of U.S. railroads, citing increased rates and profits, and monopoly pricing to “captive shippers.” This study estimates U.S. railroad revenue-marginal cost ratios for seven different commodities between 1986 and 2008. Interestingly, we find no significant increase in revenue-cost margins for commodities thought to be “most captive” (coal and chemicals), while finding large increases for some commodities thought to be “non-captive.” These results may provide insight into the impacts of regulatory reform in other countries, where there are similar concerns of equitable pricing and financial viability. They suggest that a move toward a more market-based pricing system can enhance railroad viability without harming those with fewer transport options.  相似文献   

This paper explores the long-run impacts of gross domestic product, exchange rate, and transport costs on bilateral air and ocean freight flows between the US and China. The study employs a cointegration framework by using export and import data over the period of 2003:Q1-2014:Q2. Results show that gross domestic product is the key determinant of bilateral freight flows, indicating that real income of a trading partner is a driving force of the bilateral freight flows between the US and China. In examining the sensitivities of the bilateral trade flows, air freight flows are found to be more responsive to a real income change than ocean freight flows. The bilateral exchange rate is a significant factor affecting the freight flows from China to the US, suggesting that a US dollar appreciation against the Chinese yuan increases the inflows of Chinese commodities to the US. The impacts of the bilateral exchange rate and transport cost are found to vary at industry and commodity levels. These findings support the importance of employing disaggregate data in the bilateral freight flow analysis.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a stated-preference study aimed at investigating how transport decisions are made by receivers or by transport operators about the potential use of an urban freight consolidation centre in the city of Fano, Italy. Because there are no revealed preference data, a stated-choice methodology is used. The stated-choice experiments present two alternatives—one using a private vehicle subject to various traffic regulations and one using the urban freight consolidation centre with varying cost and efficiency levels. Conventional discrete choice data modelling shows that the potential demand is influenced mainly by the distance of the parking bay from the shop, by access permit cost, by the service cost of the urban freight consolidation centre, and by the delay in delivery time. Simulations are then performed to assess how the potential demand is affected by various incentives and regulations affecting urban goods distribution.
Edoardo MarcucciEmail:

Edoardo Marcucci   is Associate Professor of Applied Economics at the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Roma Tre, Italy, General Secretary of the Italian Society of Transportation Economists, and co-founder of the Kuhmo—Nectar Conference and Summer School Series on Pricing, Financing, Regulating Transport Infrastructures and Services. He has studied freight transportation concentrating on interactions along logistic supply chains. Romeo Danielis   is Full Professor at the University of Trieste, Italy. He is managing editor of European Transport\Trasporti Europei. He has published articles on input-output modelling, regional environmental policy, social costing of transport externalities, EU enlargement and on several transport issues including road pricing, the Down-Thompson paradox, energy use and CO2 emissions, freight transport demand and stated preferences.  相似文献   

Freight carried by rail has traditionally been mainly low value bulk commodities. The market for transport of such commodities appears at best static and is forming a smaller proportion of the total demand for freight transport. There is thus an urgent need for rail operators to develop practical and cost effective inter-modal systems, which offer high quality services to consignors of consumer goods whose premises are not usually connected to the rail network. Much long-haul traffic of this type is international. In continental Europe, a number of inter-modal technologies—including swapbodies and piggyback—have long been in use. Development of similar technologies for use within the more constrained loading gauge of Great Britain, has received a great boost from the impending opening of the Channel Tunnel. The alternative technologies are discussed, before turning to ways of stimating the market for them. A large part of the paper is devoted to reporting on a computerised survey using our LASP (Leeds Adaptive Stated Preference) technique. The reason for using hypothetical Stated Preference data is the inadequate nature and extent of data on actual choice decisions, particularly in circumstances in which confidential freight rates are individually negotiated and little general merchandise goes by rail. By bringing together the results of this survey with information on costs and quality of service, the likely future market for inter-modal freight technologies is assessed. It is seen that the potential for inter-modal services within Britain is very limited, although there should be a good opportunity on the major corridor from London to Scotland through the West Midlands and the North West. When the Channel Tunnel is opened, however, the potential for services between Britain and continental Europe will be enormous, provided that an adequate quality of service can be offered.  相似文献   

This paper explores whether the risk of a toxic release during transport is greater in poor and minority neighborhoods using a combination of mapping and statistical methods. Cluster analysis is used to examine the density of facilities and transport spill events as well as test for the spatial covariance between facilities and spills. Strong clustering of transport spills is evident, as well as clustering between factory sites and transport spills. A spatial model demonstrates raised rates of transport spills surrounding clusters of toxic firms. Most spills in Los Angeles occurred within 2 km of an intermodal facility. The last step of the analysis compares risk and facility clustering between neighborhoods and socio-economic groups, finding that hazmat spills during transport disproportionately occur in Latino neighborhoods in Los Angeles. The results clarify the spatial distribution of risk and nuisance from freight in urban landscapes.  相似文献   


The paper presents a detailed comparative review of price/cost elasticity estimates published in a number of studies on multi-mode freight transport demands. It attempts to determine which factors could explain the wide diversity of estimates: data aggregation, diversity of markets, and methodology. It also presents new estimates for rail, road, and waterway modes, derived from a multimodal freight network model of the Rhine area market. Direct and cross-elasticities are estimated for 11 groups of commodities and per distance category. The results are critically assessed by comparison with the reviewed studies. The paper concludes with a few recommendations about meaningful uses of existing estimates and the need for additional experiments with different methodologies applied on a common data basis.  相似文献   

Monitoring company emissions from freight transport is essential if future greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions are to be realised. Modern economies are characterised increasingly by lower density freight movements. However, weight-based measures of freight transport activity (tonne-kilometre, tonnes lifted) are not good at describing volume-limited freight. After introducing the need for performance measurement, the problem of benchmarking is outlined in more detail. A context-dependent undesirable output data envelopment analysis (DEA) model, designed to be sensitive to business context, is then tested on a simulated set of fleet profiles. DEA can produce more consistent measures of good-practice, compared to ratio-based key performance indicators (KPI), providing emission reduction targets for companies and an aggregate reporting tool.  相似文献   

This paper examines data about walking trips in the US Department of Transportation’s 2001 National Household Travel Survey. The paper describes and critiques the methods used in the survey to collect data on walking. Using these data, we summarize the extent of walking, the duration and distance of walk trips, and variations in walking behavior according to geographic and socio-demographic factors. The results show that most Americans do not walk at all, but those who do average close to thirty minutes of walking a day. Walk trips averaged about a half-mile, but the median trip distance was a quarter of a mile. A significant percentage of the time Americans’ walk was spent traveling to and from transit trips. Binary logit models are used for examining utility and recreational walk trips and show a positive relationship between walking and population density for both. For recreational trips, this effect shows up at the extreme low and high ends of density. For utility trips, the odds of reporting a walk trip increase with each density category, but the effect is most pronounced at the highest density categories. At the highest densities, a large portion of the effect of density occurs via the intermediary of car ownership. Educational attainment has a strong effect on propensity to take walk trips, for both for utility and recreation. Higher income was associated with fewer utility walk trips but more recreational trips. Asians, Latinos, and blacks were less likely to take utility walk trips than whites, after controlling for income, education, density, and car ownership. The ethnic differences in walking are even larger for recreational trips.  相似文献   

London and Paris are two megalopoleis with much in common but one main distinguishing feature, their densities: London is considerably more spread out than Paris. Since so many of their other features are similar, such as their population, their household structure, their employment structure, their household incomes, their car ownership levels, their public transport systems, their road networks, this separating characteristic allows a good test of some of the current theories about the relation of travel to land use, and about the influence of travel on the expansion of cities and especially about the changing relation between the central city, the inner core and the outer ring.In order to show more clearly the nature of the similarities and differences, the available data for London and Paris are presented in rings by distance from the centre, using the smallest available analysis units for each data set with the appropriate geographical coding and allocating to 2 km wide bands. This avoids all the problems caused by arbitrary political units.Analyses are presented to justify the contention that many of their features are similar, as noted above, with the notable exception of density. Paris may, in fact, be characterised as having a population distribution equivalent to that of London forty years earlier, though, because Paris is now expanding faster than London was then, this time lag is diminishing.The daily travel patterns of the inhabitants are then presented, using the same distance from centre basis, using both distance travelled and time taken, and separating travellers according to the modes or mode combinations used in the course of a day. These patterns are taken from the various travel surveys which, with the 1981 surveys, now span up to 20 years.The contrast between the traditional land use transport model philosophy, as embodied in the models operated by both city administrations, and as represented in the continuous space, monocentric, radially symmetric conception of the city in Angel and Hyman's model, and the philosophy of Zahavi with his emphasis on time and money budgets as the starting point of such modelling is discussed in the context of the results presented. Some comments on the possible ways this might help to illuminate the question of the expansion of cities are given.  相似文献   

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