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This study examined the effects of land use and attitudinal characteristics on travel behavior for five diverse San Francisco Bay Area neighborhoods. First, socio-economic and neighborhood characteristics were regressed against number and proportion of trips by various modes. The best models for each measure of travel behavior confirmed that neighborhood characteristics add significant explanatory power when socio-economic differences are controlled for. Specifically, measures of residential density, public transit accessibility, mixed land use, and the presence of sidewalks are significantly associated with trip generation by mode and modal split. Second, 39 attitude statements relating to urban life were factor analyzed into eight factors: pro-environment, pro-transit, suburbanite, automotive mobility, time pressure, urban villager, TCM, and workaholic. Scores on these factors were introduced into the six best models discussed above. The relative contributions of the socio-economic, neighborhood, and attitudinal blocks of variables were assessed. While each block of variables offers some significant explanatory power to the models, the attitudinal variables explained the highest proportion of the variation in the data. The finding that attitudes are more strongly associated with travel than are land use characteristics suggests that land use policies promoting higher densities and mixtures may not alter travel demand materially unless residents' attitudes are also changed.  相似文献   

A mode choice decision structure incorporating traveler attitudes toward modes and situational constraints is investigated. The major hypothesis tested is that mode choice is determined primarily by situational constraints, such as auto ownership and income, secondly by the quality of alternative modes.The structure of the mode choice process is analyzed with respect to (1) applicability of certain choice criterion forms; (2) psychological weighting of modal attributes in the choice criterion; (3) strength of logit, probit, and discriminant functional forms; (4) the relative strength of socio-economic and attitudinal variables in predicting mode choice. An evaluation is made of 50 binary choice models fitted to a sample of 471 randomly drawn urban travelers. Results indicate that (1) the four choice criterion forms tested are all about equal in predictive strength; (2) psychological weighting has no effect on model strength, but does influence which modal attributes appear to determine choice; (3) the three functional forms tested are all about equal in strength; (4) situational factors account for 80–90% of variation explained by the models, attitudes toward modes 10–20%, thus confirming the primary hypothesis. Implications of these results for mode choice modeling and transit planning are discussed.This paper summarizes current research at the New York State Department of Transportation on the motivations and causes of travel behavior. Complete findings are available in Hartgen (1973).  相似文献   

The growing interest in promoting non-motorised active transport has led to an increase in the number of studies to identify the key variables associated with bicycle use, and especially those related to the bicycle mode choice problem. This paper presents a comprehensive survey of the modelling literature on the choice of the bicycle for utilitarian purposes, and summarises and assesses the evolution of the explanatory variables and methodologies used. We review both the evolution of the incorporation of latent variables in bicycle mode choice models and the critical role they play. The chronological evolution of the studies is divided into three stages —initial, intermediate and late — according to the different ways of introducing attitudinal or perceptual indicators and latent variables into the models. Our review shows that the incorporation of latent variables in bicycle choice models has increased in the last decade, with a progressive use of more sophisticated methodologies until the arrival of complex models that explicitly and properly deal with psychological latent variables. In fact, with the use of hybrid choice models, latent variables have nowadays become the core of bicycle mode choice models. Based on our review, a set of questions is proposed as a uniform measurement scale to identify attitudes towards bicycling. Recommendations for future research are also presented.  相似文献   

This article presents a route choice model for public transit networks that incorporates variables related to network topology, complementing those found in traditional models based on service levels (travel time, cost, transfers, etc.) and users’ socioeconomic and demographic characteristics (income level, trip purpose, etc.). The topological variables represent concepts such as the directness of the chosen route and user knowledge of the network. For both of these factors, the necessary data is endogenous to the modelling process and can be quantified without the need for information-gathering beyond what is normally required for building route choice models. Other novel variables in the proposed formulation capture notions of user comfort such as vehicle occupancy rates and certain physical characteristics of network stations. We conclude that these new variables significantly improve the explanatory and predictive ability of existing route choice specifications.  相似文献   

Most models of modal choice are macroanalytic in nature — focusing on the behavior of large groups of travelers — and have limited explanatory power. Transportation managers need to know more about the decision processes of individual travelers in selecting a mode for a particular trip, if they are to be able to develop strategies for influencing these decisions. A microanalytic model of modal choice is therefore developed in flow-chart form, clarifying the stages in the modal choice decision process for any given trip. Individual consumers are seen as trying to satisfy a particular travel need by first specifying the characteristics of the trip itself and then specifying the “ideal” modal attributes required for this trip. Next, the perceived characteristics of a limited number of modes are evaluated against this “ideal” solution and the consumer is assumed to select that mode which provides the best match. The model explicitly recognizes the impact of psychological variables on modal choice as well as the consumer's need for information if he or she is to evaluate realistically all alternatives.  相似文献   

The modeling of travel decision making has been a popular topic in transportation planning. Previous studies focused on random-utility discrete choice models and machine learning methods. This paper proposes a new modeling approach that utilizes a mixed Bayesian network (BN) for travel decision inference. The authors use a predetermined BN structure and calculate priori and posterior probability distributions of the decision alternatives based on the observed explanatory variables. As a “utility-free” decision inference method, the BN model releases the linear structure in the utility function but assumes the traffic level of service variables follow multivariate Gaussian distribution conditional on the choice variable. A real-world case study is conducted by using the regional travel survey data for a two-dimensional decision modeling of both departure time choice and travel mode choice. The results indicate that a two-dimensional mixed BN provides better accuracy than decision tree models and nested logit models. In addition, one can derive continuous elasticity with respect to each continuous explanatory variable for sensitivity analysis. This new approach addresses a research gap in probabilistic travel decision making modeling as well as two-dimensional travel decision modeling.  相似文献   

The commute mode choice decision is one of the most fundamental aspects of daily travel. Although initial research in this area was limited to explaining mode choice behavior as a function of traveler socioeconomics, travel times, and costs, subsequent studies have included the effect of traveler attitudes and perceptions. This paper extends the existing body of literature by examining public transit choice in the Chicago area. Data from a recent Attitudinal Survey conducted by the Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) in Northeastern Illinois were used to pursue three major steps. First, a factor analysis methodology was used to condense scores on 23 statements related to daily travel into six factors. Second, the factor scores on these six dimensions were used in conjunction with traveler socioeconomics, travel times, and costs to estimate a binary logistic regression of public transit choice. Third, elasticities of transit choice to the six factors were computed, and the factors were ranked in decreasing order of these elasticities. The analysis provided two major findings. First, from a statistical standpoint, the attitudinal factors improved the intuitiveness and goodness-of-fit of the model. Second, from a policy standpoint, the analysis indicated the importance of word-of-mouth publicity in attracting new riders, as well as the need for a marketing message that emphasizes the lower stress level and better commute time productivity due to transit use.  相似文献   


Hybrid choice modelling approaches allow latent variables in mode choice utility functions to be addressed. However, defining attitude and behavior as latent variables is influenced by the researcher's assumptions. Therefore, it is better to capture the effects of latent behavioral and attitudinal factors as latent variables than defining behaviors and attitudes per se. This article uses a hybrid choice model for capturing such latent effects, which will herein be referred to as modal captivity effects in commuting mode choice. Latent modal captivity refers to the unobserved and apparently unexplained attraction towards a specific mode of transportation that is resulting from latent attitude and behavior of passengers in addition to the urban transportation system. In empirical models, the latent modal captivity variables are explained as functions of different observed variables. Empirical models show significant improvement in fitting observed data as well as improved understanding of travel behavior.  相似文献   

In recent years we have seen an explosion of research seeking to understand the role that rules and heuristics might play in improving the predictive capability of discrete choice models, as well as delivering willingness to pay estimates for specific attributes that may (and often do) differ significantly from estimates based on a model specification that assumes all attributes are relevant. This paper adds to that literature in one important way—it explicitly recognises the endogeneity issues raised by typical attribute non-attendance treatments and conditions attribute parameters on underlying unobserved attribute importance ratings. We develop a hybrid model system involving attribute processing and outcome choice models in which latent variables are introduced as explanatory variables in both parts of the model, explaining the answers to attribute processing questions and explaining heterogeneity in marginal sensitivities in the choice model. The resulting empirical model explains how lower latent attribute importance leads to a higher probability of indicating that an attribute was ignored or that it was ranked as less important, as well as increasing the probability of a reduced value for the associated marginal utility coefficient in the choice model. The model does so by treating the answers to information processing questions as dependent rather than explanatory variables, hence avoiding potential risk of endogeneity bias and measurement error.  相似文献   

Traditionally, car use and modal choice, in general, have been studied under the random utility framework, assuming that individuals choose a particular mode based on their own socio-economic characteristics and the attributes describing the available options. This approach has originated useful models which have been able to explain modal split. However, at the same time, it has received critics because of its poor characterization of human behaviour and the weakness of its assumptions. Research has suggested that socio-psychological factors could help to understand better the choice process. In this paper, attitudinal theory and its link to human behaviour were used to select attitudes, habit and affective appraisals as explanatory variables. They were measured using ad-hoc instruments, which were combined with a revealed preference questionnaire, in order to obtain information about the traveller and the chosen mode. This instrument was applied to a sample extracted from staff members of the University of Concepcion, Chile. Analyses of attitudinal variables showed that car use habit was positively correlated to attitude and positive emotions towards car, implying that breaking the vicious circle of car use through persuasive techniques might be difficult. Estimation of discrete choice models showed that attitudinal variables presented a significant contribution to modal utility, and helped to improve both fitness and statistical significance. Results showed that choice can be influenced by factors related to attitudes and affective appraisal, and that their study is necessary in order to achieve an effective car use reduction.
Alejandro TudelaEmail:

Non‐quantifiable factors (e.g. perceived, attitudinal and preferential factors) have not been investigated fully in past transportation studies, which has raised questions on the predictive capabilities of the models. In this study, Structure Integration Models, with one of their sub‐models, Measurement Equation, are combined with latent variables, which are integrated with another sub‐model, Structural Equation. The estimated latent variables are used as explanatory variables in decision models. As a result, the explanatory and predictive capabilities of the models are enhanced. The models can then be used to describe the various behaviors of travelers of different types of transportation systems in a more accurate way. In this study, the Structure Integration Model was applied to study the impacts of real‐time traffic information on the route‐switching behavior of road users on the Sun Yat‐Sen expressway, Taiwan. At present, the real‐time traffic information provided on this expressway includes radio traffic reports and changeable message signs. The results of this study can facilitate the provision of traffic information on highways.  相似文献   

Transportation infrastructure planning process requires cost–benefit analysis in the evaluation of project proposals. Value of time (VOT) facilitates the conversion of travel time savings, which is a significant proportion of benefits in monetary terms. In cases where VOT has not been established, planners resort to crude estimates that often results in erroneous or biased measurements of benefits. This is the case of the Western Visayas region in the Philippines where transportation studies are rare. Secondary cities and its peripheral regions have often been overlooked subjects of transportation studies. In this study, multinomial logit models using revealed preference data were estimated to facilitate the calculation of the VOT. The total cost, square of the total cost, and total time were identified as significant explanatory variables affecting mode choice. The square of the total cost term was introduced in the models in order to account for income effect. Results indicate that VOT estimates for the inter-island passenger transportation between Iloilo and Negros Occidental generally range from 78.15PHP to 179.15PHP (1.91USD to 4.37USD) depending on trip and traveller characteristics.  相似文献   

This paper compares dogit and logit specifications of market share models, taking into account the possibility that conclusions might depend on transformations of the explanatory variables of these models. Parameter estimates are obtained both for a time-series urban transit mode of payment model and for a cross-sectional intercity mode choice model. It is demonstrated, using current maximum likelihood techniques extended to take multiple-order autocorrelation of the residuals into account, that the dogit specification is at least equal to, and sometimes clearly superior to, the logit specification irrespective of transformations of explanatory variables.  相似文献   


The growing availability of geotagged big data has stimulated substantial discussion regarding their usability in detailed travel behaviour analysis. Whilst providing a large amount of spatio-temporal information about travel behaviour, these data typically lack semantic content characterising travellers and choice alternatives. The inverse discrete choice modelling (IDCM) approach presented in this paper proposes that discrete choice models (DCMs) can be statistically inverted and used to attach additional variables from observations of travel choices. Suitability of the approach for inferring socioeconomic attributes of travellers is explored using mode choice decisions observed in London Travel Demand Survey. Performance of the IDCM is investigated with respect to the type of variable, the explanatory power of the imputed variable, and the type of estimator used. This method is a significant contribution towards establishing the extent to which DCMs can be credibly applied for semantic enrichment of passively collected big data sets while preserving privacy.  相似文献   

This paper explores the potential role of individual trip characteristics and social capital network variables in the choice of transport mode. A sample of around 100 individuals living or working in one suburb of Madrid (i.e. Las Rosas district of Madrid) participated in a smartphone short panel survey, entering travel data for an entire working week. A Mixed Logit model was estimated with this data to analyze shifts to metro as a consequence of the opening of two new stations in the area. Apart from classical explanatory variables, such as travel time and cost, gender, license and car ownership, the model incorporated two “social capital network” variables: participation in voluntary activities and receiving help for various tasks (i.e. child care, housekeeping, etc.). Both variables improved the capacity of the model to explain transport mode shifts. Further, our results confirm that the shift towards metro was higher in the case of people “helped” and lower for those participating in some voluntary activities.  相似文献   

In the last decade, a broad array of disciplines has shown a general interest in enhancing discrete choice models by considering the incorporation of psychological factors affecting decision making. This paper provides insight into the comprehension of the determinants of route choice behavior by proposing and estimating a hybrid model that integrates latent variable and route choice models. Data contain information about latent variable indicators and chosen routes of travelers driving regularly from home to work in an urban network. Choice sets include alternative routes generated with a branch and bound algorithm. A hybrid model consists of measurement equations, which relate latent variables to measurement indicators and utilities to choice indicators, and structural equations, which link travelers’ observable characteristics to latent variables and explanatory variables to utilities. Estimation results illustrate that considering latent variables (i.e., memory, habit, familiarity, spatial ability, time saving skills) alongside traditional variables (e.g., travel time, distance, congestion level) enriches the comprehension of route choice behavior.  相似文献   

Probabilistic discrete choice models of travel demand often are tested for the presence of specification errors by comparing the models' predictions of aggregate choice shares in population strata with observed shares. A model is rejected as misspecified if the differences between its predictions and the observations are judged too large. This judgement usually is made on intuitive grounds without use of formal statistical methods and, therefore includes no systematic method for distinguishing the effects of specification errors on differences between predictions and observations from those of random sampling errors. This paper represents formal statistical tests for comparing predicted and observed aggregate chioce shares in population strata and reports the results of an investigation of the power of the tests. The test statistics are asymptotically χ2 disturbed when the model being tested is correctly specified. The results of the power investigation suggests that greater power is obtained (i.e. there is ability to detect misspecified models) when all of the available data are used for both parameter estimation and specification testing than when the available data are divided into separate estimation and test data sets. Specification tests based on comparisons of predicted and observed aggregate choice shares appear to have less power than do likelihood ratio and likelihood ratio index specification tests when the alternative models required by the latter tests are correctly or approximately correctly specified. However, tests based on comparisons of predicted and observed shares ca have greater power than the other tests when the alternative models are seriouslymisspecified.  相似文献   

Over the past decades research on travel mode choice has evolved from work that is informed by utility theory, examining the effects of objective determinants, to studies incorporating more subjective variables such as habits and attitudes. Recently, the way people perceive their travel has been analyzed with transportation-oriented scales of subjective well-being, and particularly the satisfaction with travel scale. However, studies analyzing the link between travel mode choice (i.e., decision utility) and travel satisfaction (i.e., experienced utility) are limited. In this paper we will focus on the relation between mode choice and travel satisfaction for leisure trips (with travel-related attitudes and the built environment as explanatory variables) of study participants in urban and suburban neighborhoods in the city of Ghent, Belgium. It is shown that the built environment and travel-related attitudes—both important explanatory variables of travel mode choice—and mode choice itself affect travel satisfaction. Public transit users perceive their travel most negatively, while active travel results in the highest levels of travel satisfaction. Surprisingly, suburban dwellers perceive their travel more positively than urban dwellers, for all travel modes.  相似文献   

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