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介绍国家“八五”重点项目-日照港二期商检配套工程的规模及工程设计的概况。其中主要叙述了检验工艺设计所依据的国家标准、检验办公楼、供电与照明、给水、排水、消防及通汛等项的设计特点。  相似文献   

第一条为保障人身健康,保护货物安全,维护贸易关系人合法权益,根据<中华人民共和国进出口商品检验法>(以下简称<商检法>)和<中华人民共和国进出口商品检验法实施条例>(以下简称<实施条例>)有关"对装运出口易腐烂变质食品、冷冻品的船舱和集装箱,承运人或者装箱单位必须在装货前申请检验,未经检验合格的,不准装运"的规定,特制定本办法.  相似文献   

权家祥 《集装箱化》2009,20(2):12-14
舱单的主要功能是向有关方宣示(报告)所载货物的相关内容。海运舱单是指进口境船舶负责人或其代理人向海关、商检、边检、海事和码头等部门递交的反映运输工具所载货物情况的载货清单。海运舱单由船公司或船代缮制,是进出口货物配载的详细清单,直接反映进出口货物情况。  相似文献   

张爱东  吴宏梅 《中国港口》2002,(7):41-42,39
2002年4月28日九届人大常委会第二十七次会议审议通过了关于修改《中华人民共和国进出口商品检验法》(以下简称《商检法》)的决定,修改后的商检法将于2002年10月1日起正式施行,这是入世后全国人大常委会审议通过的第一部法律修正案,为我国履行入世承诺拉开了帷幕,同时也为我国健全法制、完善法规体系,实行依法治国迈出了坚实的一步.  相似文献   

陈长庚  刘澎 《集装箱化》2010,21(10):12-14
<正>口岸环境涉及内容很广,主要分为2类:一是与货物进出口岸相关的服务企业,包括港口码头、船货代理、海上运输、公路运输、铁路运输、金融、法律事务等单位;二是与货物进出口岸相关的政府部门,包括交通运输主管、海关、边防、检验检疫、卫检、商检、海事、引航、公安等部门。  相似文献   

石化行业进出口贸易形势分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2003年,我国石油和化工行业进出口贸易快速增长,又创历史新高。2003年全行业进出口贸易额达1133.5亿美元,比上年净增281.1亿美元,增长33%,占全国进出口贸易总额(8512.1亿美元)的13.3%;原油进口量连续刷新记录,达到9112.6万吨。总体看,去年我国石油和化工行业进出口贸易形势良好,今年有望继续保持适度增长。  相似文献   

ICSBCHINA是由中国陕西进出口商品检验局与荷兰鹿特丹国际集装箱检验鉴定局、英国摩迪TOTTRUP有限公司共同合资组建的,为目前首家经国家商检总局批准并正式注册的从事集装箱检验和进出口商品检验的专业公司。公司自1995年成立以来,先后在天津、大连、青岛、宁波、厦门、广州、福州等地设立了办公室,公司总部设在上海。  相似文献   

ICSB-CHINA是由中国陕西进出口商品检验局与荷兰鹿特丹国际集装箱检验鉴定局、英国摩迪TOTTRUP有限公司共同合资组建的,为目前首家经国家商检总局批准并正式注册的从事集装箱检验和进出口商品检验的专业公司。公司自。1995年成立以来,先后在天津、大连、青岛、宁波、厦门、广州、福州等地设立了办公室,公司总部设在上海。  相似文献   

第一条 为加强和统一进出口集装箱的检验鉴定和监督管理工作.保讯集装箱所装进出商品的质量、数量,维护对外贸易有关各方的合法权益,根据《商检法》及其《实施条例》等有关法律法规,结合本省实际,制定本规定。  相似文献   

海运货物保险对于进出口贸易来说是不可缺少的环节,直接关系到有关贸易方的利益是否得到保障。此文结合具体案例针对某些保险公司对进出口贸易办理保险手续的要求存在的问题提出具体建议,从而既保护进出口商的利益,也防止保险公司的客户的潜在流失,促进我国保险事业的发展。  相似文献   

青岛港前湾港区四期工程位于前湾港区南岸,规划10个专业化集装箱泊位。1#~4#泊位平面布置基于10个泊位进行统筹设计,其中1#~4#泊位设计泊位长度1 320 m,为国内最深的专业化集装箱泊位。码头前方配置了当今最大型的双40 ft集装箱岸桥,堆场作业采用双悬臂式轨道式场桥。地基处理方式以因地制宜、因时制宜为原则,处理方法多样。道路面层采用改性沥青混凝土路面,替代了常规使用的水泥混凝土或高强连锁块路面。生产运营自动化程度高,管理系统先进,轨道场桥预留全自动化控制系统。设计中全面树立建设"资源节约型、环境友好型"港口的理念,从细节上入手,广泛采用各类环保、节能措施和设备。  相似文献   

摘要:为满足海关对港口进出1:2货物的监管要求,设计一种用于港1:2作业监管场所进出口货物的电子卡口系统。介绍该项目设计方案和流程实现。在秦皇岛港建设两个电子卡口系统,实现了对通过卡口通道的进出车辆24小时视频监控。项目取得良好的社会效益和经济效益。  相似文献   

结合青岛前湾招商局国际集装箱码头工程设计施工和运行情况,分析总结了轨道式集装箱龙门起重机(RMG)堆场工艺布置特点、设备选型及配备数量的确定、RMG重箱堆场的设计与施工中的亮点和RMG装卸工艺模式在我国集装箱码头中的应用前景.实践表明,RMG作为集装箱码头的装卸模式,实现了低碳环保、节能高效.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to estimate an empirical model of bilateral dry-cargo seaborne import flows in the international economy. Seaborne trade elasticities are estimated for the first time, utilizing the Constant Ratio of Elasticities of Substitution Homogeneous/Homothetic (CRESH) function, a function very rarely used in the past. Highly disaggregated data on volumes of seaborne trade, published by the UN, distinguish between five types of cargo according to the type of ship used for its transportation, and 30 trading regions according to the major sea-lancs used by ships internationally. Multistage budgeting is employed to make the problem of estimation tractable. An empirical model for dry-bulk cargo is estimated based on the CRESH function. Estimation of bilateral export price elasticities enables comparison of the degree of competition in each import market over export regions, and amongst import markets themselves. Risk-averse ship owners may utilize such a comparison to operate in world shiplanes with low degree of competition.  相似文献   

世界石油市场和中国海运量现状及发展预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
概述了国际原油生产消耗和贸易、进出口主要国家与地区及海运量航线基本情况,进行了国际成品油海运市场分析和中国原油进口量与国内成品油海运量预测,以期在总体上为中国石油多渠道稳定供应安全和港航油运企业发展决策提供借鉴。  相似文献   

金晖 《水运工程》2006,(12):98-102
介绍招商局深圳前湾物流园区围堰工程的设计与施工,根据地形地质、施工及使用条件的不同。围堰采取分阶段、多方案并存实施,并制定了一整套严谨的监(检)测措施。  相似文献   

The efficient integration of logistics modes is critical for international cargo shipping. The local transportation connecting to the export port then plays a vital role in such integration. This paper investigates the problems of carrier selection in the China Pearl River delta area, with respect to international shipping. The analytical hierarchy process (AHP) model is constructed based on a comprehensive industrial interviews and statistical analysis. Rather than simply ranking the given alternatives, we use AHP is used to analyse the weakness and strength of impacting factors in carrier selection. The model is implemented under different types of shipper. Seven criteria are statistically summarized from the questionnaire for evaluating eight different modes. The results are useful to those liner companies serving the PRD region in relationship to port selection and fleet deployment.  相似文献   

The efficient integration of logistics modes is critical for international cargo shipping. The local transportation connecting to the export port then plays a vital role in such integration. This paper investigates the problems of carrier selection in the China Pearl River delta area, with respect to international shipping. The analytical hierarchy process (AHP) model is constructed based on a comprehensive industrial interviews and statistical analysis. Rather than simply ranking the given alternatives, we use AHP is used to analyse the weakness and strength of impacting factors in carrier selection. The model is implemented under different types of shipper. Seven criteria are statistically summarized from the questionnaire for evaluating eight different modes. The results are useful to those liner companies serving the PRD region in relationship to port selection and fleet deployment.  相似文献   

The port industry has undergone a rationalization process over the last decade. An increasing proportion of port management and operations is being taken over by global port operating groups. Many port operators who previously ran only their local business now extend their business scope to the regional or global scale; today's port operators can be regarded as multinational corporations. In the era of global economy, a port no longer enjoys a natural monopoly, as was the case in the past. To cope with this changing business environment, a certain form of competition and co-operation among ports is necessary so as to provide services that fit into shipping lines' strategies. It is suggested that ports have to concentrate on new ways for co-operation in an effort to establish a countervailing power. This paper proposes a new strategic option known as co-opetition, the combination of competition and co-operation, for the port industry, and explains a case of co-opetition between the container ports in Hong Kong and South China. The results of this research will provide a useful insight into the port industry, which is currently required to carry out its business in an ever-changing business environment.  相似文献   

全球国际集装箱运输的发展,给上海港的发展带来了机遇与挑战.上海港提出的东北亚战略和国际化战略,就是要依托上海港口的优势,为客户提供港口装卸两端延伸物流服务,从而充分利用港口物流资源,将上海港建成东北亚地区的集装箱枢纽港;同时,发展腹地,走向国际,以国际物流为重点,以综合运输网和信息网为支持,加速现代化国际型全功能的、世界一流的国际航运中心的建设.  相似文献   

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