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作为我国自行研制的全球卫星定位与通信系统,北斗卫星导航系统目前已在国防、海事、交通、农业等领域推广使用。本文从车载北斗卫星导航系统在应急救援中应用的角度出发,首先简述了国内外卫星导航系统发展历史,比较了各类系统的优缺点;随后回顾了北斗卫星导航系统在道路交通领域的应用历程;最后针对车载北斗卫星导航系统如何更好的应用于应急救援工作,重点从应急救援预案编制、预警信息发布、救援力量调度和应急救援过程管控等方面提出了若干建议和思路。  相似文献   

道路车辆清障救援服务是保障道路运输安全畅通的重要组成部分,是道路交通安全保障失效情况下的一种补救措施。文中阐述了国内外道路车辆清障救援行业现状,分析了我国道路清障救援行业存在的问题。在此基础上,提出了道路车辆清障救援服务标准体系架构,以促进我国清障救援社会化、规范化、专业化、市场化。  相似文献   

为进一步优化江西省高速公路运输应急救援管理体系,完善高速公路运输应急救援机制,提升高速公路应急救援效率。本文通过分析江西省高速公路运输应急救援现状,总结出江西省高速公路运输应急救援机制存在的问题,问题主要在联动机制运转效率、救援队伍应急水平以及应急管理保障能力方面。最后提出了江西省高速公路运输应急救援机制的优化策略。  相似文献   

王子余 《综合运输》2020,(9):120-126
高速铁路救援站选址是应急管理的重要内容,直接影响线路运营安全和运输效益。本文结合现有高速铁路运输组织救援理论和方法,针对长大坡道高速铁路技术条件和技术特征,以相邻两紧急救援站最大距离为基础,从紧急救援站备选点位置、备选点间隔距离等方面构建了紧急救援站布局模型,并选用西成高铁新场街-佛坪区间紧急救援站布局对模型进行了验证。  相似文献   

本文在分析公路自然灾害类型及对交通影响的基础上,针对雨涝灾害、冰雪灾害、地质灾害,研究提出了所需应急抢险设备物资,为进一步研究救援资源布局、救援资源配置和救援调度方法奠定理论基础。  相似文献   

正首部近年来,安全生产应急管理"一案三制"(预案、体制、机制、法制)建设明显加强,全国形成了比较完整的安全生产应急救援体系。但是,在生产安全事故应急实践中,依然存在应急救援预案实效性不强、应急救援队伍能力不足、应急资源储备不充分、事故现场救援机制不够完善、救援程序不够明确、救援指挥不够科学等问题,尤其是在一些基层企业违章指挥、盲目  相似文献   

针对我国救援装备功能相对单一和复杂道路条件、复杂的道路车辆事故状态以及救援行业与发达国家存在的差距等问题,文章提出了模块化救援装备是适应社会发展的必然趋势,是救援行业对未来救援装备的必然选择,并结合多年的从业经验系统性的提出了模块化定义、模块化评价、模块化设计技巧等,对模块化设计具有很好的指导意义,同时指出要以装备水平的提升带动整个行业的健康发展,培养研发人员模块化设计理念和能力。  相似文献   

正进入中国特色社会主义新时代,党中央、国务院更加重视应急管理体系和救援能力建设,特别是抗击新冠病毒战疫城市管控中,体现出越来越高的安全需要。航空应急救援具有响应速度快、机动能力强、救援范围广、应急功能多、立体实施效果好的特点和优势,是完成应急救援  相似文献   

从探索低空空域保障模式入手,研究构建航空应急救援低空绿色通道的必要性,分析目前航空应急救援存在的薄弱环节,提出构建航空应急救援低空绿色通道的设想,带动湖北省应急救援航空体系建设.  相似文献   

针对道路交通事故综合救援装备专用作业装置存在功能不匹配、性能适应性差等问题,参照《清障车》(QC/T 645)和《道路车辆清障救援操作规范》(JT/T 891),提出了道路交通事故清障救援装备专用作业装置的测试与评价方法。并在此基础上,以某型道路交通事故综合救援装备为例,分别选取空载、额定载荷、超载、侧绞盘载荷、托臂载荷、扶正等系列工况测评。验证结果表明:该型道路交通事故综合救援装备的功能和性能均合格。  相似文献   

针对高速公路突发事件应急响应滞后、处置效率不高的问题,从突发事件的自动发现、影响评估、预案生成、资源配置、效果评估等多维角度进行系统全面的研究,推动建立跨区域跨部门应急联动救援机制。采用GIS地图技术、Electron框架技术等方法构建基于分布协作的高速公路重大突发事件快速响应与决策支持平台,实现对突发事件发现、响应、处置、救援及事后分析等环节的全流程管理,提升应急处置效能和效率。  相似文献   

文章针对云南省公路养护管理与应急抢险现状,分析了现代应急救援与公路养护管理的特征和需求,确定了养护管理与应急抢险在线平台的系统构成内容,并对平台的软、硬件系统进行了集成和研发,最后通过云南省应急抢险和养护管理实例证明了平台具有的实用性、可靠性和先进性。  相似文献   

道路疏散应急系统作为承载应急救援、疏散活动的关键性基础设施,发挥着举足轻重的作用。道路应急疏散管理日渐成为灾害管理、应急响应过程中的重要举措。本文针对道路应急疏散的理论、方法和实践问题进行研究,提出道路疏散应急预案,明确应急救援的范围和体系,建立各个系统之间的联动机制,以便做出实时的紧急响应,减小事故的危害。  相似文献   

针对艰险山区高速铁路隧道的防灾救援难题,文章依托秦岭马白山隧道,提出了适合该隧道的新型紧急救援站结构型式,并利用FDS软件模拟隧道内纵向通风时列车着火后的烟气扩散,确定了规范中尚未给出的紧急救援站隔离区长度参数。结果表明:(1)秦岭马白山隧道新型紧急救援站结构型式应包括疏散区、隔离区以及待避救援区;(2)利用FDS数值模拟时,在不考虑纵向通风下,烟气沿下坡方向的扩散长度为295 m;考虑沿下坡方向通风时烟气最远扩散长度为980 m,建议隔离区长度设置为1000 m。  相似文献   

某隧道坍塌救援抢险方案探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章对某隧道"关门"坍塌事故救援抢险的成功经验进行了总结,并针对救援的方式和效果进行了分析,归纳了救援抢险成功所需各种条件以及保证措施,同时指出了救援过程中可能出现的各种问题及应采取的应急预案.这些经验和措施对类似事故中应急救援抢险方案的制定和选择有借鉴意义.  相似文献   

Li  Zhi-Chun  Liu  Qian 《Transportation》2020,47(1):445-473

This paper addresses the deployment issue of emergency rescue stations in an urban transportation corridor, with an aim to effectively reduce the casualties in traffic accidents. On the basis of urban population density, an accident rate distribution function for a corridor is first presented and calibrated, and a damage cost function is proposed to capture the correlation between rescue time and deteriorating health condition of injured passengers. A continuum model is then developed for determining the optimal number and locations of the rescue stations along the corridor and the medical service resource distribution at rescue stations subject to a capital budget constraint. The solution properties of the proposed model are explored analytically. Numerical examples are provided to show the effects of population density, urban form and different deployment schemes (even and uneven) on the rescue station locations. A case study of Wuhan China is employed to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed methodology in improving the performance of the emergency rescue system.



The purpose of this paper was to show how vehicle positioning data collected through global positioning systems (GPS) or similar applications can be used in quality control programs of public transit operators to better assess the quality and performance of transportation services, and improve them. The paper describes the concept of the integration between quality control programs and vehicle monitoring systems, presents a case study where the concept has been successfully implemented, and discusses the benefits from the adoption of such an approach. The implementation of the concept is characterized by efficiency, accuracy, reliability, and optimization: efficiency in terms of data flow; accuracy and reliability in terms of quality and performance indicator values; and optimization in terms of optimum use of the available information technology infrastructure. The paper places particular emphasis on aspects relating to the interface between urban transportation services, vehicle positioning technology, and policy-making.  相似文献   

There are various activities now taking place in ITS research and development in Japan. Advanced information and communication technologies have been applied to improve public transport systems, as well as automated highway systems. In the first part of this paper, we show three examples of public transport systems recently developed in ITS environment. These transport systems are operated in local cities and towns in Japan: the travel information system for tram users in Hiroshima, the demand responsive bus system in Nakamura and the co‐operative use of electric vehicle in Ebina. In the second part of the paper, we explain how we have monitored individual passenger on public transport using cellular phones for location positioning. Location positioning technology for mobile object is essential for the operation and management of ITS supported public transport systems. Furthermore, such accurate and detailed positioning data can be utilized for travel behaviour analysis in demand modeling. The mobile instrument and monitoring systems shown in this paper can be combined with any of the case studies of ITS application to public transport systems.  相似文献   

基于GSM下管道流量泄漏监测与定位系统   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
针对管道泄漏,设计了基于GSM 下远程泄漏监测与定位系统,由管网监测终端实时采集管网流量、流速、流向和压力,通过GPRS网络实现远程数据传输;系统基于GIS技术构建,针对管网突发性的爆管和地下泄漏特点,综合运用了负压波和流量检测法进行泄漏模式识别与漏点定位,可及时、准确地发现和定位泄漏点.  相似文献   


Vehicle positioning is a key requirement for many safety applications. Active safety systems require precise vehicle positioning in order to assess the safety threats accurately, especially for those systems which are developed for warning/intervention in safety critical situations. When warning drivers of a local hazard (e.g. an accident site), accurate vehicle location information is important for warning the right driver groups at the right time. Global positioning system and digital maps have become major tools for vehicle positioning providing not only vehicle location information but also geometry preview of the road being used. Advances in wireless communication have made it possible for a vehicle to share its location information with other vehicles and traffic operation centres which greatly increases the opportunities to apply vehicle positioning technologies for improving road safety. This paper presents a state‐of‐the‐art review of vehicle positioning requirements for safety applications and vehicle positioning technologies. The paper also examines key issues relating to current and potential future applications of vehicle positioning technologies for improving road safety.  相似文献   

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