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This study investigates the effect of traffic signal coordination on emissions and compares it with their effects on operational performance measures of delay and stops. Various platoon ratios are obtained by simulating cycle lengths and offsets. Our results indicate that the impact of the cycle length on delay is more significant than those on stops and emissions for under-saturation traffic conditions. Given a fixed cycle length, increasing the platoon ratio can reduce delay, stops, and emissions, with reduction in emissions being correlated with stops than delay. The effect on emissions from the platoon arrival with respect to the onset of green or red indication is identified. With the same cycle length and platoon ratio, the early arrival situation, when the leading vehicles of a platoon encounters the red signal, can generate more emissions than are associated with late platoon arrival, when the last few vehicles in a platoon are stopped at the intersection by the onset of the red signal.  相似文献   

Transit vehicles stopping to load/unload passengers on-line at a signalized intersection can obstruct the flow of other vehicles. The TRANSYT model ignores the delay to other traffic caused by this loading/unloading process. This can cause TRANSYT to use incorrect flow profiles, resulting in signal timings that cater to these profiles rather than the actual ones. This paper describes a new model for representing near-side transit stops in lanes shared by public transit and private vehicles, and its implementation into the TRANSYT-7F program. The results of an initial application of the proposed model are also described. The proposed model, which is a deterministic simulation model, is able to represent the effect of near-side transit stops on the other traffic; this representation covers both total and partial blockage of the approaches during the transit loading. The procedure has been incorporated into the TRANSYT-7F program. This allows appropriate representation of the adverse effects of transit loading on-line during a green phase. It thus encourages the TRANSYT optimizer to push transit loading to the red phases.  相似文献   

It has been demonstrated that while the TRANSYT traffic model simulates transit vehicles in mixed traffic operation, it does not adequately consider the effects of bus or streetcar stops on the travelled roadway near signalized intersections. Its assumption that the transit vehicles do not hold up other vehicles while they are loading and unloading passengers is also invalid when midblock stops occur in the travelled lanes. To account for the effects of transit stops, an alternative type of network formulation which uses dummy nodes and dummy links with appropriate link costs is proposed for modelling the effects of transit stops. It approximates transit stop dwells by discrete distributions, requiring 1 dummy node and 4 dummy links for each nonzero value used in the approximating distribution. Realism for such operation can be improved significantly, usually with the use of only 1 or 2 dummy nodes per transit stop. Parameters for the dummy links have been tested over a wide range, and a set of operational values is recommended. Flow profiles illustrating the need for and the effects of the recommended formulation are presented in the paper.  相似文献   

Oversaturation has become a severe problem for urban intersections, especially the bottleneck intersections that cause queue spillover and network gridlock. Further improvement of oversaturated arterial traffic using traditional mitigation strategies, which aim to improve intersection capacity by merely adjusting signal control parameters, becomes challenging since exiting strategies may (or already) have reached their “theoretical” limits of optimum. Under such circumstance, several novel unconventional intersection designs, including the well-recognized continuous flow intersection (CFI) design, are originated to improve the capacity at bottleneck intersections. However, the requirement of installing extra sub-intersections in a CFI design would increase vehicular stops and, more critically, is unacceptable in tight urban areas with closed spaced intersections. To address these issues, this research proposes a simplified continuous flow intersection (called CFI-Lite) design that is ideal for arterials with short links. It benefits from the CFI concept to enable simultaneous move of left-turn and through traffic at bottleneck intersections, but does not need installation of sub-intersections. Instead, the upstream intersection is utilized to allocate left-turn traffic to the displaced left-turn lane. It is found that the CFI-Lite design performs superiorly to the conventional design and regular CFI design in terms of bottleneck capacity. Pareto capacity improvement for every traffic stream in an arterial system can be achieved under effortless conditions. Case study using data collected at Foothill Blvd in Los Angeles, CA, shows that the new design is beneficial in more than 90% of the 408 studied cycles. The testing also shows that the average improvements of green bandwidths for the synchronized phases are significant.  相似文献   

This work examines the impact of heavy vehicle movements on measured traffic characteristics in detail. Although the number of heavy vehicles within the traffic stream is only a small percentage, their impact is prominent. Heavy vehicles impose physical and psychological effects on surrounding traffic flow because of their length and size (physical) and acceleration/deceleration (operational) characteristics. The objective of this work is to investigate the differences in traffic characteristics in the vicinity of heavy vehicles and passenger cars. The analysis focuses on heavy traffic conditions (level of service E) using a trajectory data of highway I‐80 in California. The results show that larger front and rear space gaps exist for heavy vehicles compared with passenger cars. This may be because of the limitations in manoeuvrability of heavy vehicles and the safety concerns of the rear vehicle drivers, respectively. In addition, heavy vehicle drivers mainly keep a constant speed and do not change their speed frequently. This work also examines the impact of heavy vehicles on their surrounding traffic in terms of average travel time and number of lane changing manoeuvres using Advanced Interactive Microscopic Simulator for Urban and Non‐Urban Networks (AIMSUN) microscopic traffic simulation package. According to the results, the average travel time increases when proportion of heavy vehicles rises in each lane. To reflect the impact of heavy vehicles on average travel time, a term related to heavy vehicle percentage is introduced into two different travel time equations, Bureau of Public Roads and Akçelik's travel time equations. The results show that using an exclusive term for heavy vehicles can better estimate the travel times for more than 10%. Finally, number of passenger car lane changing manoeuvres per lane will be more frequent when more heavy vehicles exist in that lane. The influence of heavy vehicles on the number of passenger car lane changing is intensified in higher traffic densities and higher percentage of heavy vehicles. Large numbers of lane changing manoeuvres can increase the number of traffic accidents and potentially reduce traffic safety. The results show an increase of 5% in the likelihood of accidents, when percentage of heavy vehicles increases to 30% of total traffic. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article proposes Δ-tolling, a simple adaptive pricing scheme which only requires travel time observations and two tuning parameters. These tolls are applied throughout a road network, and can be updated as frequently as travel time observations are made. Notably, Δ-tolling does not require any details of the traffic flow or travel demand models other than travel time observations, rendering it easy to apply in real-time. The flexibility of this tolling scheme is demonstrated in three specific traffic modeling contexts with varying traffic flow and user behavior assumptions: a day-to-day pricing model using static network equilibrium with link delay functions; a within-day adaptive pricing model using the cell transmission model and dynamic routing of vehicles; and a microsimulation of reservation-based intersection control for connected and autonomous vehicles with myopic routing. In all cases, Δ-tolling produces significant benefits over the no-toll case, measured in terms of average travel time and social welfare, while only requiring two parameters to be tuned. Some optimality results are also given for the special case of the static network equilibrium model with BPR-style delay functions.  相似文献   

In an attempt to reduce CO2 emissions from motorized transport, the Taiwanese government introduced an idling stop policy for vehicles in early 2007. This paper seeks to quantify the environmental benefits of the policy based on a stated preference analysis. Motorcyclists were surveyed at urban intersections in Taiwan, to identify the amount of time they would be willing to turn off their engines while waiting at traffic lights (the WTO). A contingent valuation framework based on stated preference questions was designed to determine the WTO. Results obtained from the Spike model showed that the average motorcyclist’s WTO is 82 s. In another analysis, in which other variables were taken into consideration, such as the possibility that the policy will be enacted as legislation, the expected WTO increased to 101 s. In both cases, an idling stop policy would have positive environmental effects, reducing gasoline usage by 1021 L per hour and reducing CO2 emissions by 0.56 metric tons per hour at the intersection studied during peak periods.  相似文献   

One of the most common measures of signalized intersection operation is the amount of delay a vehicle incurs while passing through the intersection. Traditional models for estimating vehicle delay at intersections generally assume fixed signal timing and uniform arrival rates for vehicles approaching the intersection. One would expect that highly variable arrival rates would result in much longer delays than uniform arrival rates of the same average magnitude. Furthermore, one might expect that signal timing that is adjusted according to traffic volume would result in lower delay signal when variations in flow warrant such adjustable timing. This paper attempts to test several hypotheses concerning the effects of variable traffic arrival rates and adjusted signal timing through the use of simulation. The simulation results corroborate the hypothesis concerning the effect of varying arrival rates. As the variance of the arrival rate over time increases, the average delay per vehicle also increases. Signal timing adjustments based on traffic appear to decrease delay when flow rates vary greatly. As flow variations stabilize, the benefits of signal adjustments tend to diminish.  相似文献   

Information from connected vehicles, such as the position and speed of individual vehicles, can be used to optimize traffic operations at an intersection. This paper proposes such an algorithm for two one-way-streets assuming that only a certain percentage of cars are equipped with this technology. The algorithm enumerates different sequences of cars discharging from the intersection to minimize the objective function. Benefits of platooning (multiple cars consecutively discharging from a queue) and signal flexibility (adaptability to demand) are also considered. The goal is to gain insights about the value (in terms of delay savings) of using connected vehicle technology for intersection control.Simulations are conducted for different total demand values and demand ratios to understand the effects of changing the minimum green time at the signal and the penetration rate of connected cars. Using autonomous vehicle control systems, the signal could rapidly change the direction of priority without relying on the reaction of drivers. However, without this technology a minimum green time is necessary. The results of the simulations show that a minimum green time increases the delay only for the low and balanced demand scenarios. Therefore, the value of using cars with autonomous vehicle control can only be seen at intersections with this kind of demand patterns, and could result in up to 7% decrease in delay. On the other hand, using information from connected vehicles to better adapt the traffic signal has proven to be indeed very valuable. Increases in the penetration rate from 0% up to 60% can significantly reduce the average delay (in low demand scenarios a decrease in delay of up to 60% can be observed). That being said, after a penetration rate of 60%, while the delays continue to decrease, the rate of reduction decreases and the marginal value of information from communication technologies diminishes. Overall, it is observed that connected vehicle technology could significantly improve the operation of traffic at signalized intersections, at least under the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

An important question for the practical applicability of the highly efficient traffic intersection control is about the minimal level of intelligence the vehicles need to have so as to move beyond the traffic light control. We propose an efficient intersection traffic control scheme without the traffic lights, that only requires a majority of vehicles on the road to be equipped with a simple driver assistance system. The algorithm of our scheme is completely decentralised, and takes into full account the non-linear interaction between the vehicles at high density. For vehicles approaching the intersection in different directions, our algorithm imposes simple interactions between vehicles around the intersection, by defining specific conditions on the real-time basis, for which the involved vehicles are required to briefly adjust their dynamics. This leads to a self-organised traffic flow that is safe, robust, and efficient. We also take into account of the driver comfort level and study its effect on the control efficiency. The scheme has low technological barrier, minimal impact on the conventional driving behaviour, and can coexist with the traffic light control. It also has the advantages of being easily scalable, and fully compatible with both the conventional road systems as well as the futuristic scenario in which driverless vehicles dominate the road. The mathematical formulation of our scheme permits large scale realistic numerical simulations of busy intersections, allowing a more complete evaluation of the control performance, instead of just the collision avoidance at the intersection.  相似文献   

The United States Department of Transportation has recently begun implementation of the national demonstration project for suburban Advanced Traffic Management Systems (ATMS) utilizing the Sydney Coordinated Adaptive Traffic System (SCATS). SCATS is an automated, real time, traffic responsive signal control strategy. The expected benefit from the system comes from its ability to constantly modify signal timing patterns to most effectively accommodate changing traffic conditions. The objectives of this research study were to analyze the differences in certain delay parameters which would occur as a result of implementing SCATS signal control. The study employed a macroscopic simulation procedure to compute intersection delay under both a strategy that changed signal timings once per hour and SCATS signal control. A comparison of delay under both forms of control is presented. The study findings demonstrated mixed results regarding the benefit of SCATS control. A general conclusion of the study was that SCATS distributed the delay across competing approaches more evenly. However, in some cases this resulted in an increase in the total intersection delay. The observed delay change was attributed primarily to the saturation equalization objective of the SCATS control program. SCATS attempts to allocate green time to the intersection approaches based on the degree of saturation. Under this philosophy the system is able to balance the percentage of green time between all approaches, resulting in more uniform delay.  相似文献   

In urban emergency evacuation, a potentially large number of evacuees may depend either on transit or other modes, or need to walk a long distance, to access their passenger cars. In the process of approaching the designated pick-up points or parking areas for evacuation, the massive number of pedestrians may cause tremendous burden to vehicles in the roadway network. Responsible agencies often need to contend with congestion incurred by massive vehicles emanating from parking garages, evacuation buses generated from bus stops, and the conflicts between evacuees and vehicles at intersections. Hence, an effective plan for such evacuation needs to concurrently address both the multi-modal traffic route assignment and the optimization of network signal controls for mixed traffic flows. This paper presents an integrated model to produce the optimal distribution of vehicle and pedestrian flows, and the responsive network signal plan for massive mixed pedestrian–vehicle flows within the evacuation zone. The proposed model features its effectiveness in accounting for multiple types of evacuation vehicles, the interdependent relations between pedestrian and vehicle flows via some conversion locations, and the inevitable conflicts between intersection turning vehicle and pedestrian flows. An illustrating example concerning an evacuation around the M&T stadium area has been presented, and the results indicate the promising properties of our proposed model, especially on reflecting the complex interactions between vehicle and pedestrian flows and the favorable use of high-occupancy vehicles for evacuation operations.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a new approach for controlling the traffic at isolated intersections. We assume that all vehicles are equipped with on-board units (ITS station) that make them able to wirelessly negotiate the “right of way” according to the measurements done by the positioning system during their travel. A vehicle is allowed to cross the intersection if the green color is displayed to the driver in an on-board screen. The control aims to smooth the traffic through the sequence of vehicles authorized to traverse the intersection. The main challenge raised with the assumption is that the sequence must be dynamically formed by a real time application. The dynamic behavior of the traffic is considered discrete, in order to determine the switching rule according to the instantly observed events. We propose a model based on Timed Petri Nets with Multipliers (TPNM) which allows us to propose the control policy through the structural analysis. The resulting switching rules are very simplistic and efficient for isolated intersections. Indeed, microscopic simulations show that they perform as well as the optimal sequence based on the detection of vehicles at the entrance of the intersection. Moreover, the proposed approach has been tested through a real intersection.  相似文献   

Traffic through a railroad yard is said to be heterogeneous if all the destinations are not served with the same frequency. This paper presents a study of railroad yards when traffic is heterogeneous and stationary, that is, without rush hour (or rush day) phenomena. Destinations (blocks) are grouped into categories that are served with the same frequency. The number of blocks and the frequency corresponding to each class are the only traffic characteristics that need to be known to analyze a given yard. With this information it is easy to determine the minimum number of tracks needed, and the number of switches per car; a numerical example is provided. The minimum number of required tracks is always larger than that for homogeneous traffic, but under the right conditions, the number of switches can be smaller. An approximation for large numbers of blocks is used to isolate the traffic factors that make the number of switches either large or small.  相似文献   

Traffic characteristics and operations at the signalised intersections of developing cities are significantly different from those at the similar intersections of cities in developed countries. Considering this, a new microscopic simulation technique, where a co-ordinate approach to modelling vehicle location is adopted, has been used for modelling the traffic operations at signalised intersections of developing cities. The model has been calibrated and validated on the basis of data collected from Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. It has been found that the concept of passenger car unit (PCU), which is widely used as a signal design parameter, is not applicable in case of mixed traffic comprising of both motorised and non-motorised vehicles. Therefore, using the developed simulation model the saturation flows at signalised intersections are investigated in an aggregate form of vehicles per hour. It has also been found that saturation flows in terms of aggregate vehicles are very much dependent on the approach width, turning proportion and composition of the traffic mix. Using the simulation results, an equation has also been regressed in order to be able to estimate the saturation flow from the influencing variables like road width, turning proportion, percentage of heavy and non-motorised vehicles.  相似文献   

The advancements in communication and sensing technologies can be exploited to assist the drivers in making better decisions. In this paper, we consider the design of a real-time cooperative eco-driving strategy for a group of vehicles with mixed automated vehicles (AVs) and human-driven vehicles (HVs). The lead vehicles in the platoon can receive the signal phase and timing information via vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication and the traffic states of both the preceding vehicle and current platoon via vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication. We propose a receding horizon model predictive control (MPC) method to minimise the fuel consumption for platoons and drive the platoons to pass the intersection on a green phase. The method is then extended to dynamic platoon splitting and merging rules for cooperation among AVs and HVs in response to the high variation in urban traffic flow. Extensive simulation tests are also conducted to demonstrate the performance of the model in various conditions in the mixed traffic flow and different penetration rates of AVs. Our model shows that the cooperation between AVs and HVs can further smooth out the trajectory of the latter and reduce the fuel consumption of the entire traffic system, especially for the low penetration of AVs. It is noteworthy that the proposed model does not compromise the traffic efficiency and the driving comfort while achieving the eco-driving strategy.  相似文献   

Work zones on motorways necessitate the drop of one or more lanes which may lead to significant reduction of traffic flow capacity and efficiency, traffic flow disruptions, congestion creation, and increased accident risk. Real-time traffic control by use of green–red traffic signals at the motorway mainstream is proposed in order to achieve safer merging of vehicles entering the work zone and, at the same time, maximize throughput and reduce travel delays. A significant issue that had been neglected in previous research is the investigation of the impact of distance between the merge area and the traffic lights so as to achieve, in combination with the employed real-time traffic control strategy, the most efficient merging of vehicles. The control strategy applied for real-time signal operation is based on an ALINEA-like proportional–integral (PI-type) feedback regulator. In order to achieve maximum performance of the control strategy, some calibration of the regulator’s parameters may be necessary. The calibration is first conducted manually, via a typical trial-and-error procedure. In an additional investigation, the recently proposed learning/adaptive fine-tuning (AFT) algorithm is employed in order to automatically fine-tune the regulator parameters. Experiments conducted with a microscopic simulator for a hypothetical work zone infrastructure, demonstrate the potential high benefits of the control scheme.  相似文献   

Most previous works associated with transit signal priority merely focus on the optimization of signal timings, ignoring both bus speed and dwell time at bus stops. This paper presents a novel approach to optimize the holding time at bus stops, signal timings, and bus speed to provide priority to buses at isolated intersections. The objective of the proposed model is to minimize the weighted average vehicle delays of the intersection, which includes both bus delay and impact on nearby intersection traffic, ensuring that buses clear these intersections without being stopped by a red light. A set of formulations are developed to explicitly capture the interaction between bus speed, bus holding time, and transit priority signal timings. Experimental analysis is used to show that the proposed model has minimal negative impacts on general traffic and outperforms the no priority, signal priority only, and signal priority with holding control strategies (no bus speed adjustment) in terms of reducing average bus delays and stops. A sensitivity analysis further demonstrates the potential of the proposed approach to be applied to bus priority control systems in real‐time under different traffic demands, bus stop locations, and maximum speed limits. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Driving cycles are an important input for state-of-the-art vehicle emission models. Development of a driving cycle requires second-by-second vehicle speed for a representative set of vehicles. Current standard driving cycles cannot reflect or forecast changes in traffic conditions. This paper introduces a method to develop representative driving cycles using simulated data from a calibrated microscopic traffic simulation model of the Toronto Waterfront Area. The simulation model is calibrated to reflect road counts, link speeds, and accelerations using a multi-objective genetic algorithm. The simulation is validated by comparing simulated vs. observed passenger freeway cycles. The simulation method is applied to develop AM peak hour driving cycles for light, medium and heavy duty trucks. The demonstration reveals differences in speed, acceleration, and driver aggressiveness between driving cycles for different vehicle types. These driving cycles are compared against a range of available driving cycles, showing different traffic conditions and driving behaviors, and suggesting a need for city-specific driving cycles. Emissions from the simulated driving cycles are also compared with EPA’s Heavy Duty Urban Dynamometer Driving Schedule showing higher emission factors for the Toronto Waterfront cycles.  相似文献   

The Connected Vehicle (CV) technology is a mobile platform that enables a new dimension of data exchange among vehicles and between vehicles and infrastructure. This data source could improve the estimation of Measures of Effectiveness (MOEs) for traffic operations in real-time, allowing to perfectly monitor traffic states after being fully adopted. However, as with any novel technology, the CV adoption will be a gradual process. This research focuses on determining minimum CV technology penetration rates that would guarantee accurate MOE estimates on signalized arterials. First, we present estimation methods for various MOEs such as average speed, number of stops, acceleration noise, and delay, followed by an initial assessment of the penetration rates required to accurately estimate them in undersaturated and oversaturated conditions. Next, we propose a methodology to determine the minimum CV market penetration rates to guarantee accurate MOE estimates as a function of traffic conditions, signal settings, sampling duration, and the MOE variability. A correction factor is also provided to account for small vehicle populations where sampling is done without replacement. The methodology is tested in a simulated segment of the San Pablo Avenue arterial in Berkeley, CA. The outcomes show that the minimum penetration rate required can be estimated within 1% for most MOEs under a wide range of traffic conditions. The proposed methodology can be used to determine if MOE estimates obtained with a portion of CV equipped vehicles can yield accurate enough results. The methodology could also be used to develop and assess control strategies towards improved arterial traffic operations.  相似文献   

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