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A major source of urban freeway delay in the U.S. is non-recurring congestion caused by incidents. The automated detection of incidents is an important function of a freeway traffic management center. A number of incident detection algorithms, using inductive loop data as input, have been developed over the past several decades, and a few of them are being deployed at urban freeway systems in major cities. These algorithms have shown varying degrees of success in their detection performance. In this paper, we present a new incident detection technique based on artificial neural networks (ANNs). Three types of neural network models, namely the multi-layer feedforward (MLF), the self-organizing feature map (SOFM) and adaptive resonance theory 2 (ART2), were developed to classify traffic surveillance data obtained from loop detectors, with the objective of using the classified output to detect lane-blocking freeway incidents. The models were developed with simulation data from a study site and tested with both simulation and field data at the same site. The MLF was found to have the highest potential, among the three ANNs, to achieve a better incident detection performance. The MLF was also tested with limited field data collected from three other freeway locations to explore its transferability. Our results and analyzes with data from the study site as well as the three test sites have shown that the MLF consistently detected most of the lane-blocking incidents and typically gave a false alarm rate lower than the California, McMaster and Minnesota algorithms currently in use.  相似文献   

Different regions have established traffic noise prediction models to adapt to their particular environmental characteristics. This paper aimed to develop a traffic noise prediction model for mountainous cities. In China, the traffic noise prediction model HJ 2.4-2009, which itself is based on the sound pressure level corrected for roadway gradients (RGs), has been receiving widespread acceptance. On the basis of the model in HJ 2.4-2009, the RG correction coefficient was proposed to modify the original model and a per-vehicle noise prediction model was built using a multilayer feedforward artificial neural network (ANN) model. The data collected from a municipal road of a hilly city, Chongqing, was used to train and validate the ANN model. The predictor variables comprised the per-vehicle noise value, vehicle type, vehicle velocity, and roadway gradient. The results showed that the modified HJ 2.4-2009 model incorporating the gradient correction coefficient achieved a significantly higher R2 for mountainous cities than the original model. Besides, the ANN-based noise prediction model achieved considerable accuracy improvement over the empirical predictive equations.  相似文献   

Lane‐changing involves many concerns about safety and efficiency which makes it one of the most difficult tasks of driving. It is indeed quite personal since drivers operate vehicles according to their integrated perception of comprehensive circumstances rather than individual rules. A lane‐changing decision support model is developed in this study using artificial neural networks (ANN). The advantages of the ANN approach lie in the learning capability. Due to its nature, an ANN model can consolidate various kinds of information surrounding the vehicle for the drivers and generate reliable results to help control vehicles. It then becomes a useful mechanism to assist drivers in judging current situations and making the right decisions. Several preliminary validations and comparisons are conducted with the field survey data. It is confirmed that the ANN model mimics traffic characteristics more accurately than conventional methods. This product would expedite the implementation of relevant applications in the intelligent transportation systems context. In particular, the ANN model can be adapted to individual driver characteristics. This reveals practical feasibility and significant market potential for customized in‐vehicle equipment.  相似文献   

Traffic arrivals tend to be random at signals near to the perimeter of a network (or near to traffic generators in a network). Within the signal network, however, surges in traffic demand are reduced due to limitations on the amount of traffic passing through intersections imposed by signals, resulting in more uniform arrivals from cycle to cycle. Such uniformity is a desirable property at signals as underutilization of green periods may be reduced and levels of service improved. This may have serious implications within networks where it may be possible to improve the capacity of critical intersections by the strategic placing and timing of signals at less critical locations. The analysis of such options is, however, restricted by most, if not all, of the currently available evaluation methods. Relatively simple modifications of delay formulae are proposed to overcome these restrictions.  相似文献   

Travel surveys based on global positioning system (GPS) data have exponentially increased over the past decades. Trip characteristics, including trip ends, travel modes, and trip purposes need to be detected from GPS data. Compared with other trip characteristics, studies on trip purpose detection are limited. These studies struggle with three types of limitations, namely, data validation, classification approach-related issues, and result comparison under multiple scenarios. Therefore, we attempt to obtain full understanding and improve these three aspects when detecting trip purposes in the current study. First, a smartphone-based travel survey is employed to collect GPS data, and a surveyor-intervened prompted recall survey is used to validate trip characteristics automatically detected from the GPS data. Second, artificial neural networks combined with particle swarm optimization are used to detect trip purposes from the GPS data. Third, four scenarios are constructed by employing two methods for land-use type coding, i.e., polygon-based information and point of interest, and two methods for selecting training dataset, i.e., equal proportion selection and equal number selection. The accuracy of trip purpose detection is then compared under these scenarios. The highest accuracies of 97.22% for the training dataset and 96.53% for the test dataset are achieved under the scenario of polygon-based information and equal proportion selection by comparing the detected and validated trip purposes. Promising results indicate that a smartphone-based travel survey can complement conventional travel surveys.  相似文献   

Models of discrete choice analysis are usually based on the random utility framework. They assume that decision makers make decisions that maximize their utility. Alternative formulations of the problem have also been proposed in the literature. These approaches model the decision makers’ perceptions of the attributes of the various alternatives using fuzzy sets and linguistic variables, and the decision process itself, using concepts from approximate reasoning and fuzzy control. The underlying assumption is that decision makers use a few simple rules that relate their vague perceptions of the various attributes to their preferences towards the available alternatives. The paper extends this approach by incorporating rule weights, which capture the importance of a particular rule in the decision process. It also presents an approach for calibrating the weights using concepts from neural networks. A case study, involving mode choice, is used to demonstrate the potential of the approach and compare it to alternative formulations and methodologies.  相似文献   

Establishment of effective cooperation between vehicles and transportation infrastructure improves travel reliability in urban transportation networks. Lack of collaboration, however, exacerbates congestion due mainly to frequent stops at signalized intersections. It is beneficial to develop a control logic that collects basic safety message from approaching connected and autonomous vehicles and guarantees efficient intersection operations with safe and incident free vehicle maneuvers. In this paper, a signal-head-free intersection control logic is formulated into a dynamic programming model that aims to maximize the intersection throughput. A stochastic look-ahead technique is proposed based on Monte Carlo tree search algorithm to determine the near-optimal actions (i.e., acceleration rates) over time to prevent movement conflicts. Our numerical results confirm that the proposed technique can solve the problem efficiently and addresses the consequences of existing traffic signals. The proposed approach, while completely avoids incidents at intersections, significantly reduces travel time (ranging between 59.4% and 83.7% when compared to fixed-time and fully-actuated control strategies) at intersections under various demand patterns.  相似文献   

The integration of electric vehicles (EVs) will affect both electricity and transport systems and research is needed on finding possible ways to make a smooth transition to the electrification of the road transport. To fully understand the EV integration consequences, the behaviour of the EV drivers and its impact on these two systems should be studied. This paper describes an integrated simulation-based approach, modelling the EV and its interactions in both road transport and electric power systems. The main components of both systems have been considered, and the EV driver behaviour was modelled using a multi-agent simulation platform. Considering a fleet of 1000 EV agents, two behavioural profiles were studied (Unaware/Aware) to model EV driver behaviour. The two behavioural profiles represent the EV driver in different stages of EV adoption starting with Unaware EV drivers when the public acceptance of EVs is limited, and developing to Aware EV drivers as the electrification of road transport is promoted in an overall context. The EV agents were modelled to follow a realistic activity-based trip pattern, and the impact of EV driver behaviour was simulated on a road transport and electricity grid. It was found that the EV agents’ behaviour has direct and indirect impact on both the road transport network and the electricity grid, affecting the traffic of the roads, the stress of the distribution network and the utilization of the charging infrastructure.  相似文献   

Logit model is one of the statistical techniques commonly used for mode choice modeling, while artificial neural network (ANN) is a very popular type of artificial intelligence technique used for mode choice modeling. Ensemble learning has evolved to be very effective approach to enhance the performance for many applications through integration of different models. In spite of this advantage, the use of ANN‐based ensembles in mode choice modeling is under explored. The focus of this study is to investigate the use of aforementioned techniques for different number of transportation modes and predictor variables. This study proposes a logit‐ANN ensemble for mode choice modeling and investigates its efficiency in different situations. Travel between Khobar‐Dammam metropolitan area of Saudi Arabia and Kingdom of Bahrain is selected for mode choice modeling. The travel on this route can be performed mainly by air travel or private vehicle through King Fahd causeway. The results show that the proposed ensemble gives consistently better accuracies than single models for multinomial choice problems irrespective of number of input variables. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Regional travel models in the United States are clearly evolving from conventional models towards a new generation of more behaviorally realistic activity-based models. The new generation of regional travel demand models is characterized by three features: (1) an activity-based platform, that implies that modeled travel be derived within a general framework of the daily activities undertaken by households and persons, (2) a tour-based structure of travel where the tour is used as the basic unit of modeling travel instead of the elemental trip, and (3) micro-simulation modeling techniques that are applied at the fully-disaggregate level of persons and households, which convert activity and travel related choices from fractional-probability model outcomes into a series of discrete or “crisp” decisions.While the new generation of model has obvious conceptual advantages over the conventional four-step models, there are still numerous technical issues that have to be addressed as well as a better understanding of practical benefits should be achieved before the new generation of models can fully replace conventional models. The paper summarizes the recent successful experience in the development and application of activity-based demand models for Metropolitan Planning Organizations in the US. Moving activity-based approaches into practice is analyzed in a broad context of travel demand modeling market tendencies and policy implications.  相似文献   

Intelligent transport systems provide various means to improve traffic congestion in road networks. Evaluation of the benefits of these improvements requires consideration of commuters’ response to reliability and/or uncertainty of travel time under various circumstances. Various disruptions cause recurrent or non-recurrent congestion on road networks, which make road travel times intrinsically fluctuating and unpredictable. Confronted with such uncertain traffic conditions, commuters are known to develop some simple decision-making process to adjust their travel choices. This paper represents the decision-making process involved in departure-time and route choices as risk-taking behavior under uncertainty. An expected travel disutility function associated with commuters’ departure-time and route choices is formulated with taking into account the travel delay (due the recurrent congestion), the uncertainty of travel times (due to incident-induced congestion) and the consequent early or late arrival penalty. Commuters are assumed to make decision on the departure-time and route choices on the basis of the minimal expected travel disutility. Thus the network will achieve a simultaneous route and departure-time user equilibrium, in which no commuter can decrease his or her expected disutility by unilaterally changing the route or departure-time. The equilibrium is further formulated as an equivalent nonlinear complementarity problem and is then converted into an unconstrained minimization problem with the use of a gap function suggested recently. Two algorithms based on the Nelder–Mead multidimensional simplex method and the heuristic route/time-swapping approach, are adapted to solve the problem. Finally, numerical example is given to illustrate the application of the proposed model and algorithms.  相似文献   

The emergence of electric unmanned aerial vehicle (E-UAV) technologies, albeit somewhat futuristic, is anticipated to pose similar challenges to the system operation as those of electric vehicles (EVs). Notably, the charging of EVs en-route at charging stations has been recognized as a significant type of flexible load for power systems, which often imposes non-negligible impacts on the power system operator’s decisions on electricity prices. Meanwhile, the charging cost based on charging time and price is part of the trip cost for the users, which can affect the spatio-temporal assignment of E-UAV traffic to charging stations. This paper aims at investigating joint operations of coupled power and electric aviation transportation systems that are associated with en-route charging of E-UAVs in a centrally controlled and yet dynamic setting, i.e., with time-varying travel demand and power system base load. Dynamic E-UAV charging assignment is used as a tool to smooth the power system load. A joint pricing scheme is proposed and a cost minimization problem is formulated to achieve system optimality for such coupled systems. Numerical experiments are performed to test the proposed pricing scheme and demonstrate the benefits of the framework for joint operations.  相似文献   

In this study, we allow using alternative transportation modes and different types of vehicles in the hub networks to be designed. The aim of the problem is to determine the locations and capacities of hubs, which transportation modes to serve at hubs, allocation of non-hub nodes to hubs, and the number of vehicles of each type to operate on the hub network to route the demand between origin-destination pairs with minimum total cost. Total cost includes fixed costs of establishing hubs with different capacities, purchasing and operational costs of vehicles, transportation costs, and material handling costs. A mixed-integer programming model is developed and a variable neighborhood search algorithm is proposed for the solution of this problem. The heuristic algorithm is tested on instances from the Turkish network and CAB data set. Extensive computational analyzes are conducted in order to observe the effects of changes in various problem parameters on the resulting hub networks.  相似文献   


In order for traffic authorities to attempt to prevent drink driving, check truck weight limits, driver hours and service regulations, hazardous leaks from trucks, and vehicle equipment safety, we need to find answers to the following questions: (a) What should be the total number of inspection stations in the traffic network? and (b) Where should these facilities be located? This paper develops a model to determine the locations of uncapacitated inspection stations in a traffic network. We analyze two different model formulations: a single-objective optimization problem and a multi-objective optimization problem. The problems are solved by the Bee Colony Optimization (BCO) method. The BCO algorithm belongs to the class of stochastic swarm optimization methods, inspired by the foraging habits of bees in the natural environment. The BCO algorithm is able to obtain the optimal value of objective functions in all test problems. The CPU times required to find the best solutions by the BCO are found to be acceptable.  相似文献   

Real traffic data and simulation analysis reveal that for some urban networks a well-defined Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram (MFD) exists, which provides a unimodal and low-scatter relationship between the network vehicle density and outflow. Recent studies demonstrate that link density heterogeneity plays a significant role in the shape and scatter level of MFD and can cause hysteresis loops that influence the network performance. Evidently, a more homogeneous network in terms of link density can result in higher network outflow, which implies a network performance improvement. In this article, we introduce two aggregated models, region- and subregion-based MFDs, to study the dynamics of heterogeneity and how they can affect the accuracy scatter and hysteresis of a multi-subregion MFD model. We also introduce a hierarchical perimeter flow control problem by integrating the MFD heterogeneous modeling. The perimeter flow controllers operate on the border between urban regions, and manipulate the percentages of flows that transfer between the regions such that the network delay is minimized and the distribution of congestion is more homogeneous. The first level of the hierarchical control problem can be solved by a model predictive control approach, where the prediction model is the aggregated parsimonious region-based MFD and the plant (reality) is formulated by the subregion-based MFDs, which is a more detailed model. At the lower level, a feedback controller of the hierarchical structure, tries to maximize the outflow of critical regions, by increasing their homogeneity. With inputs that can be observed with existing monitoring techniques and without the need for detailed traffic state information, the proposed framework succeeds to increase network flows and decrease the hysteresis loop of the MFD. Comparison with existing perimeter controllers without considering the more advanced heterogeneity modeling of MFD highlights the importance of such approach for traffic modeling and control.  相似文献   

This paper specifies a dispatching decision support system devoted to managing intermodal logistics operations while countering delay and delay propagation. When service disruptions occur within a logistics network where schedule coordination is employed, a dispatching control model determines through an optimization process whether each ready outbound vehicle should be dispatched immediately or held to wait for some late incoming vehicles. Decisions should consider potential missed-connection costs that may occur not only at the next transfer terminals but also at hubs located further downstream. Numerical examples and a sensitivity analysis with different slack time settings for attenuating delay propagation are presented.  相似文献   

Vehicle discharge headway at signalized intersections is of great importance in junction analysis. However, it is very difficult to simulate the discharge headway of individual queued vehicle because of the great variations in the driver behaviors, vehicle characteristics and traffic environment. The current study proposes a neural network (NN) approach to simulate the queued vehicle discharge headway. A computer-based three-layered (NN) model was developed for the estimation of discharge headway. The widely used backpropagation algorithm has been utilized in training the NN model. The NN model was trained, validated with field data and then compared with other headway models. It was found that the NN model performed better. Model sensitivity analysis was conducted to further validate the applicability of the model. Results showed that the NN model could produce reasonable discharge headway estimates for individual vehicles.  相似文献   

The vehicle routing problem (VRP) is a critical and vital problem in logistics for the design of an effective and efficient transportation network, within which the capacitated vehicle routing problem (CVRP) has been widely studied for several decades due to the practical relevance of logistics operation. However, CVRP with the objectives of minimizing the overall traveling distance or the traveling time cannot meet the latest requirements of green logistics, which concern more about the influence on the environment. This paper studies CVRP from an environmental perspective and introduces a new model called environmental vehicle routing problem (EVRP) with the aim of reducing the adverse effect on the environment caused by the routing of vehicles. In this research, the environmental influence is measured through the amount of the emission carbon dioxide, which is a widely acknowledged criteria and accounts for the major influence on environment. A hybrid artificial bee colony algorithm (ABC) is designed to solve the EVRP model, and the performance of the hybrid algorithm is evaluated through comparing with well-known CVRP instances. The computational results from numerical experiments suggest that the hybrid ABC algorithm outperforms the original ABC algorithm by 5% on average. The transformation from CVRP to EVRP can be recognized through the differentiation of their corresponding optimal solutions, which provides practical insights for operation management in green logistics.  相似文献   

Taxis are increasingly becoming a prominent mobility mode in many major cities due to their accessibility and convenience. The growing number of taxi trips and the increasing contribution of taxis to traffic congestion are cause for concern when vacant taxis are not distributed optimally within the city and are unable to find unserved passengers effectively. A way of improving taxi operations is to deploy a taxi dispatch system that matches the vacant taxis and waiting passengers while considering the search friction dynamics. This paper presents a network-scale taxi dispatch model that takes into account the interrelated impact of normal traffic flows and taxi dynamics while optimizing for an effective dispatching system. The proposed model builds on the concept of the macroscopic fundamental diagram (MFD) to represent the dynamic evolution of traffic conditions. The model considers multiple taxi service firms operating in a heterogeneously congested city, where the city is assumed to be partitioned into multiple regions each represented with a well-defined MFD. A model predictive control approach is devised to control the taxi dispatch system. The results show that lack of the taxi dispatching system leads to severe accumulation of unserved taxi passengers and vacant taxis in different regions whereas the dispatch system improves the taxi service performance and reduces traffic congestion by regulating the network towards the undersaturated condition. The proposed framework demonstrates sound potential management schemes for emerging mobility solutions such as fleet of automated vehicles and demand-responsive transit services.  相似文献   

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