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This paper investigates some features of non-linear travel time models for dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) that adopt traffic on the link as the sole determinant for the calculation of travel time and have explicit relationships between travel time and traffic on the link. Analytical proofs and numerical examples are provided to show first-in-first-out (FIFO) violation and the behaviour of decreasing outflow with increasing traffic in non-linear travel time models. It is analytically shown that any non-linear travel time model could violate FIFO in some circumstances, especially when inflow drops sharply, and some convex non-linear travel time models could show behaviour with outflow decreasing as traffic increases. It is also shown that the linear travel time model does not show these behaviours. A non-linear travel time model in general form was used for analytical proofs and several existing non-linear travel time models were adopted for numerical examples. Considering the features addressed in this study, non-linear travel time models seem to have limitations for use in DTA in practical terms and care should be taken when they are used for modelling time-varying transportation networks.  相似文献   

In recent years, increasing attention has been drawn to the development of various applications of intelligent transportation systems (ITS), which are credited with the amelioration of traffic conditions in urban and regional environments. Advanced traveler information systems (ATIS) constitute an important element of ITS by providing potential travelers with information on the network's current performance both en-route and pre-trip. In order to tackle the complexity of such systems, derived from the difficulty of providing real-time estimations of current as well as forecasts of future traffic conditions, a series of models and algorithms have been initiated. This paper proposes the development of an integrated framework for real-time ATIS and presents its application on a large-scale network, that of Thessaloniki, Greece, concluding with a discussion on development and implementation challenges as well as on the advantages and limitations of such an effort.  相似文献   

A number of approaches have been developed to evaluate the impact of land development on transportation infrastructure. While traditional approaches are either limited to static modeling of traffic performance or lack a strong travel behavior foundation, today’s advanced computational technology makes it feasible to model an individual traveler’s response to land development. This study integrates dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) with a positive agent-based microsimulation travel behavior model for cumulative land development impact studies. The integrated model not only enhances the behavioral implementation of DTA, but also captures traffic dynamics. It provides an advanced yet practical approach to understanding the impact of a single or series of land development projects on an individual driver’s behavior, as well as the aggregated impacts on the demand pattern and time-dependent traffic conditions. A simulation-based optimization (SBO) approach is proposed for the calibration of the modeling system. The SBO calibration approach enhances the transferability of this integrated model to other study areas. Using a case study that focuses on the cumulative land development impact along a congested corridor in Maryland, various regional and local travel behavior changes are discussed to show the capability of this tool for behavior side estimations and the corresponding traffic impacts.  相似文献   

Foresee traffic conditions and demand is a major issue nowadays that is very often approached using simulation tools. The aim of this work is to propose an innovative strategy to tackle such problem, relying on the presentation and analysis of a behavioural dynamic traffic assignment.The proposal relies on the assumption that travellers take routing policies rather than paths, leading us to introduce the possibility for each simulated agent to apply, in real time, a strategy allowing him to possibly re-route his path depending on the perceived local traffic conditions, jam and/or time already spent in his journey.The re-routing process allows the agents to directly react to any change in the road network. For the sake of simplicity, the agents’ strategy is modelled with a simple neural network whose parameters are determined during a preliminary training stage. The inputs of such neural network read the local information about the route network and the output gives the action to undertake: stay on the same path or modify it. As the agents use only local information, the overall network topology does not really matter, thus the strategy is able to cope with large and not previously explored networks.Numerical experiments are performed on various scenarios containing different proportions of trained strategic agents, agents with random strategies and non strategic agents, to test the robustness and adaptability to new environments and varying network conditions. The methodology is also compared against existing approaches and real world data. The outcome of the experiments suggest that this work-in-progress already produces encouraging results in terms of accuracy and computational efficiency. This indicates that the proposed approach has the potential to provide better tools to investigate and forecast drivers’ choice behaviours. Eventually these tools can improve the delivery and efficiency of traffic information to the drivers.  相似文献   


Under Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), real-time operations of traffic management measures depend on long-term planning results, such as the origin–destination (OD) trip distribution; however, results from current planning procedures are unable to provide fundamental data for dynamic analysis. In order to capture dynamic traffic characteristics, transportation planning models should play an important role to integrate basic data with real-time traffic management and control. In this paper, a heuristic algorithm is proposed to establish the linkage between daily OD trips and dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) procedures; thus results from transportation planning projects, in terms of daily OD trips, can be extended to estimate time-dependent OD trips. Field data from Taiwan are collected and applied in the calibration and validation processes. Dynamic Network Assignment-Simulation Model for Advanced Road Telematics (DYNASMART-P), a simulation-based DTA model, is applied to generate time-dependent flows. The results from the validation process show high agreement between actual flows from vehicle detectors (VDs) and simulated flows from DYNAMSART-P.  相似文献   

This paper presents a review and classification of traffic assignment models for strategic transport planning purposes by using concepts analogous to genetics in biology. Traffic assignment models share the same theoretical framework (DNA), but differ in capability (genes). We argue that all traffic assignment models can be described by three genes. The first gene determines the spatial capability (unrestricted, capacity restrained, capacity constrained, and capacity and storage constrained) described by four spatial assumptions (shape of the fundamental diagram, capacity constraints, storage constraints, and turn flow restrictions). The second gene determines the temporal capability (static, semi-dynamic, and dynamic) described by three temporal assumptions (wave speeds, vehicle propagation speeds, and residual traffic transfer). The third gene determines the behavioural capability (all-or-nothing, one shot, and equilibrium) described by two behavioural assumptions (decision-making and travel time consideration). This classification provides a deeper understanding of the often implicit assumptions made in traffic assignment models described in the literature. It further allows for comparing different models in terms of functionality, and paves the way for developing novel traffic assignment models.  相似文献   

A predictive continuum dynamic user-optimal (PDUO-C) model is formulated in this study to investigate the dynamic characteristics of traffic flow and the corresponding route-choice behavior of travelers within a region with a dense urban road network. The modeled region is arbitrary in shape with a single central business district (CBD) and travelers continuously distributed over the region. Within this region, the road network is represented as a continuum and travelers patronize a two-dimensional continuum transportation system to travel to the CBD. The PDUO-C model is solved by a promising solution algorithm that includes elements of the finite volume method (FVM), the finite element method (FEM), and the explicit total variation diminishing Runge-Kutta (TVD-RK) time-stepping method. A numerical example is given to demonstrate the utility of the proposed model and the effectiveness of the solution algorithm in solving this PDUO-C problem.  相似文献   

There is significant current interest in the development of models to describe the day-to-day evolution of traffic flows over a network. We consider the problem of statistical inference for such models based on daily observations of traffic counts on a subset of network links. Like other inference problems for network-based models, the critical difficulty lies in the underdetermined nature of the linear system of equations that relates link flows to the latent path flows. In particular, Bayesian inference implemented using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods requires that we sample from the set of route flows consistent with the observed link flows, but enumeration of this set is usually computationally infeasible.We show how two existing conditional route flow samplers can be adapted and extended for use with day-to-day dynamic traffic. The first sampler employs an iterative route-by-route acceptance–rejection algorithm for path flows, while the second employs a simple Markov model for traveller behaviour to generate candidate entire route flow patterns when the network has a tree structure. We illustrate the application of these methods for estimation of parameters that describe traveller behaviour based on daily link count data alone.  相似文献   

Moving bottlenecks in highway traffic are defined as a situation in which a slow-moving vehicle, be it a truck hauling heavy equipment or an oversized vehicle, or a long convey, disrupts the continuous flow of the general traffic. The effect of moving bottlenecks on traffic flow is an important factor in the evaluation of network performance. This effect, though, cannot be assessed properly by existing transportation tools, especially when the bottleneck travels relatively long distances in the network.This paper develops a dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) model that can evaluate the effects of moving bottlenecks on network performance in terms of both travel times and traveling paths. The model assumes that the characteristics of the moving bottleneck, such as traveling path, physical dimensions, and desired speed, are predefined and, therefore, suitable for planned conveys.The DTA model is based on a mesoscopic simulation network-loading procedure with unique features that allow assessing the special dynamic characteristics of a moving bottleneck. By permitting traffic density and speed to vary along a link, the simulation can capture the queue caused by the moving bottleneck while preserving the causality principles of traffic dynamics.  相似文献   

In this paper, a predictive dynamic traffic assignment model in congested capacity-constrained road networks is formulated. A traffic simulator is developed to incrementally load the traffic demand onto the network, and updates the traffic conditions dynamically. A time-dependent shortest path algorithm is also given to determine the paths with minimum actual travel time from an origin to all the destinations. The traffic simulator and time-dependent shortest path algorithm are employed in a method of successive averages to solve the dynamic equilibrium solution of the problem. A numerical example is given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

We study the use of the System Optimum (SO) Dynamic Traffic Assignment (DTA) problem to design optimal traffic flow controls for freeway networks as modeled by the Cell Transmission Model, using variable speed limit, ramp metering, and routing. We consider two optimal control problems: the DTA problem, where turning ratios are part of the control inputs, and the Freeway Network Control (FNC), where turning ratios are instead assigned exogenous parameters. It is known that relaxation of the supply and demand constraints in the cell-based formulations of the DTA problem results in a linear program. However, solutions to the relaxed problem can be infeasible with respect to traffic dynamics. Previous work has shown that such solutions can be made feasible by proper choice of ramp metering and variable speed limit control for specific traffic networks. We extend this procedure to arbitrary networks and provide insight into the structure and robustness of the proposed optimal controllers. For a network consisting only of ordinary, merge, and diverge junctions, where the cells have linear demand functions and affine supply functions with identical slopes, and the cost is the total traffic volume, we show, using the Pontryagin maximum principle, that variable speed limits are not needed in order to achieve optimality in the FNC problem, and ramp metering is sufficient. We also prove bounds on perturbation of the controlled system trajectory in terms of perturbations in initial traffic volume and exogenous inflows. These bounds, which leverage monotonicity properties of the controlled trajectory, are shown to be in close agreement with numerical simulation results.  相似文献   

A cell-based variant of the Merchant-Nemhauser (M-N) model is proposed for the system optimum (SO) dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) problem. Once linearized and augmented with additional constraints to capture cross-cell interactions, the model becomes a linear program that embeds a relaxed cell transmission model (CTM) to propagate traffic. As a result, we show that CTM-type traffic dynamics can be derived from the original M-N model, when the exit-flow function is properly selected and discretized. The proposed cell-based M-N model has a simple constraint structure and cell network representation because all intersections and cells are treated uniformly. Path marginal costs are defined using a recursive formula that involves a subset of multipliers from the linear program. This definition is then employed to interpret the necessary condition, which is a dynamic extension of the Wardrop’s second principle. An algorithm is presented to solve the flow holding back problem that is known to exist in many discrete SO-DTA models. A numerical experiment is conducted to verify the proposed model and algorithm.  相似文献   

A multimodal, multiclass stochastic dynamic traffic assignment model was developed to evaluate pre‐trip and enroute travel information provision strategies. Three different information strategies were examined: user optimum [UO], system optimum [SO] and mixed optimum [MO]. These information provision strategies were analyzed based on the levels of traffic congestion and market penetration rate for the information equipment. Only two modes, bus and car, were used for evaluating and calculating the modal split ratio. Several scenarios were analyzed using day‐to‐day and within day dynamic models. From the results analyzed, it was found that when a traffic manager provides information for drivers using the UO strategy and drivers follow the provided information absolutely, the total travel time may increases over the case with no information. Such worsening occurs when drivers switch their routes and face traffic congestion on the alternative route. This phenomenon is the 'Braess Paradox'.  相似文献   

This study proposes a formulation of the within-day dynamic stochastic traffic assignment problem. Considering the stochastic nature of route choice behavior, we treat the solution to the assignment problem as the conditional joint distribution of route traffic, given that the network is in dynamic stochastic user equilibrium. We acquire the conditional joint probability distribution using Bayes’ theorem. A Metropolis–Hastings sampling scheme is developed to estimate the characteristics (e.g., mean and variance) of the route traffic. The proposed formulation has no special requirements for the traffic flow models and user behavior models, and so is easily implemented.  相似文献   

This paper describes an algorithm for routing freight over a rail network whose tracks are controlled by several carriers in a manner that follows current industrial practices. In particular, the freight is routed to minimize the number of interline transfers and to maximize the revenue division for the originating carrier. The algorithm is based upon generalizing a shortest path algorithm to allow vector valued link impedances.  相似文献   

This paper presents results from a research case study that examined the distribution of travel time of origin–destination (OD) pairs on a transportation network under incident conditions. Using a transportation simulation dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) model, incident on a transportation network is executed under normal conditions, incident conditions without traveler information availability, and incident conditions assuming that users had perfect knowledge of the incident conditions and could select paths to avoid the incident location. The results suggest that incidents have a different impact on different OD pairs. The results confirm that an effective traveler information system has the potential to ease the impacts of incident conditions network wide. Yet it is also important to note that the use of information may detriment some OD pairs while benefiting other OD pairs. The methodology demonstrated in this paper provides insights into the usefulness of embedding a fully calibrated DTA model into the analysis tools of a traffic management and information center.  相似文献   

The paper proposes a first-order macroscopic stochastic dynamic traffic model, namely the stochastic cell transmission model (SCTM), to model traffic flow density on freeway segments with stochastic demand and supply. The SCTM consists of five operational modes corresponding to different congestion levels of the freeway segment. Each mode is formulated as a discrete time bilinear stochastic system. A set of probabilistic conditions is proposed to characterize the probability of occurrence of each mode. The overall effect of the five modes is estimated by the joint traffic density which is derived from the theory of finite mixture distribution. The SCTM captures not only the mean and standard deviation (SD) of density of the traffic flow, but also the propagation of SD over time and space. The SCTM is tested with a hypothetical freeway corridor simulation and an empirical study. The simulation results are compared against the means and SDs of traffic densities obtained from the Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS) of the modified cell transmission model (MCTM). An approximately two-miles freeway segment of Interstate 210 West (I-210W) in Los Ageles, Southern California, is chosen for the empirical study. Traffic data is obtained from the Performance Measurement System (PeMS). The stochastic parameters of the SCTM are calibrated against the flow-density empirical data of I-210W. Both the SCTM and the MCS of the MCTM are tested. A discussion of the computational efficiency and the accuracy issues of the two methods is provided based on the empirical results. Both the numerical simulation results and the empirical results confirm that the SCTM is capable of accurately estimating the means and SDs of the freeway densities as compared to the MCS.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a new model for the within-day Dynamic Traffic Assignment (DTA) on road networks where the simulation of queue spillovers is explicitly addressed, and a user equilibrium is expressed as a fixed-point problem in terms of arc flow temporal profiles, i.e., in the infinite dimension space of time’s functions. The model integrates spillback congestion into an existing formulation of the DTA based on continuous-time variables and implicit path enumeration, which is capable of explicitly representing the formation and dispersion of vehicle queues on road links, but allows them to exceed the arc length. The propagation of congestion among adjacent arcs will be achieved through the introduction of time-varying exit and entry capacities that limit the inflow on downstream arcs in such a way that their storage capacities are never exceeded. Determining the temporal profile of these capacity constraints requires solving a system of spatially non-separable macroscopic flow models on the supply side of the DTA based on the theory of kinematic waves, which describe the dynamic of the spillback phenomenon and yield consistent network performances for given arc flows. We also devise a numerical solution algorithm of the proposed continuous-time formulation allowing for “long time intervals” of several minutes, and give an empirical evidence of its convergence. Finally, we carry out a thorough experimentation in order to estimate the relevance of spillback modeling in the context of the DTA, compare the proposed model in terms of effectiveness with the Cell Transmission Model, and assess the efficiency of the proposed algorithm and its applicability to real instances with large networks.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to explore the possibility of solving the traffic assignment problem with elastic demands by way of its dual problem. It is shown that the dual problem can be formulated as a nonsmooth convex optimization problem of which the objective function values and subgradients are conveniently calculated by solving shortest path problems associated with the transportation network. A subgradient algorithm to solve the dual problem is presented and limited computational experience is reported. The computational results are encouraging enough to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the off-line stochastic dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) problem as part of a hybrid framework that combines off-line and on-line strategies to solve the on-line DTA problem. The primary concept involves the explicit recognition of stochasticity in O–D demand and/or network supply conditions to determine a robust off-line a priori solution that serves as the initial solution on-line. This strategy ensures that the computationally intensive components, which exploit historical data, are executed off-line while circumventing the need for very accurate on-line O–D demand forecast models. Thereby, efficient on-line reactive strategies could be used to address unfolding traffic conditions. The paper investigates the robustness of the off-line a priori DTA solution under plausible on-line situations. The results illustrate the superiority of the a priori solution over the currently used mean O–D demand-based solution for on-line route guidance applications.  相似文献   

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