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This paper describes an integrated set of models for the estimation of the capacity of an airfield and the associated delays. The aim is to develop a decision support tool suitable for airport planning at the strategic level. Thus, the emphasis is on obtaining reliable approximations to the quantities of interest quickly and with a limited set of inputs. The models account for the dynamic characteristics of airfield capacity and demand, as well as for some stochastic aspects of airfield operations. They are sensitive to airfield geometry, the operational characteristics of the airfield and of the local air traffic control system, and the characteristics of the local air traffic demand for airport access and services. Through its integrated structure, the decision support tool can account for interactions among operations at different parts of the airfield.  相似文献   

The airport planning and decision making process exhibits various trade‐offs and complications due to the large number of stakeholders having different, and sometimes conflicting, objectives regarding the assessment of airport performance. As a result, the airport performance assessment necessitates the use of advanced modelling capabilities and decision support systems or tools in order to capture the multifaceted aspects, interests and measures of airport performance like capacity, delays, safety, security, noise and cost‐effectiveness. Presently, airport decision makers lack decision support tools able to provide an integrated view of total airport (both airside and landside) operations and analyse at a reasonable effort and decision‐oriented manner the various trade‐offs involved among different airport performance measures. The objective of this paper is twofold: (i) to describe the decision‐oriented modelling framework and development process of a decision support system for total airport operations management and planning, and (ii) to demonstrate the decision support capabilities and basic modelling functionalities of the proposed system. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Rational decision-making requires an assessment of advantages and disadvantages of choice possibilities, including non-market effects (such as externalities). This also applies to strategic decision-making in the transport sector (including aviation). In the past decades various decision support and evaluation methods have been developed in which a market evaluation played a prominent role. The intrinsic limitations of these approaches were also increasingly recognised. Gradually, a variety of adjusted multidimensional methods has been developed over the past years to complement conventional cost–benefit analysis (CBA). These methods aim to investigate and evaluate all relevant impacts of a choice possibility (e.g., project, plan, or programme) on the basis of a multitude of important policy criteria (so-called multicriteria methods). They have a particular relevance in case of non-priced or qualitative effects. There is a clear need for a systematic and polyvalent multicriteria approach to many actual planning issues, such as land use or transportation. This paper offers a new evaluation framework based on a blend of three types of approaches, viz. Regime Analysis, the Saaty method and the Flag Model. All these methods have been developed separately in the past; the paper makes an effort to offer a cohesive framework, which can be used for the e valuation of spatial-economic and environmental-economic policy issues. This new tool is tested by means of a case study on conflicting plans (and policy views) for airport expansion options in the Maastricht area in the southern part of The Netherlands.  相似文献   


The state of the art in airport terminal design has essentially remained unchanged since the 1970s, relying on the use of detailed simulation together with empirical and statistical formulae for sizing the terminal. Air transport has altered considerably since then, with increased use of air travel for both business and leisure, together with the increased use of ‘hub’ terminals in which the terminal acts as an interchange stop on a journey involving several flights. The use of simulation involves a detailed analysis of the terminal design under one set of conditions. To change the design or operating conditions involves a complete resimulation using the new design parameters which is time consuming and computationally expensive.

By using a knowledge based approach, a system can be provided which has the flexibility and speed required to explore the consequences of implementing design decisions in a variety of conditions, together with the ability to use and alter facility sizing methodologies to reflect current and future design guidelines.  相似文献   

Hazardous materials routing constitutes a critical decision in mitigating the associated transportation risk. This paper presents a decision support system for assessing alternative distribution routes in terms of travel time, risk and evacuation implications while coordinating the emergency response deployment decisions with the hazardous materials routes. The proposed system provides the following functionalities: (i) determination of alternative non-dominated hazardous materials distribution routes in terms of cost and risk minimization, (ii) specification of the hazardous materials first-response emergency service units locations in order to achieve timely response to an accident, and (iii) determination of evacuation paths from the impacted area to designated shelters and estimation of the associated evacuation time. The proposed system has been implemented, used and evaluated for assessing alternative hazardous materials routing decisions within the heavily industrialized area of Thriasion Pedion of Attica, Greece. The implementation of the aforementioned functionalities is based on two new integer programming models for the hazardous materials routing and the emergency response units location problems, respectively. A simplified version of the routing model is solved by an existing heuristic algorithm developed by the authors. A new Lagrangean relaxation heuristic algorithm has been developed for solving the emergency response units location problem. The focus of this paper is on the exposition of the proposed decision support system components and functionalities. Special emphasis is placed on the presentation of the two new mathematical models and the new solution method for the location model.  相似文献   

Decision making for airport terminal planning, design and operations is a challenging task, since it should consider significant trade-offs regarding alternative operational policies and physical terminal layout concepts. Existing models and tools for airport terminal analysis and performance assessment are too specific (i.e., models of specific airports) or general simulation platforms that require substantial airport modelling effort. In addition, they are either too detailed (i.e., microscopic) or too aggregate (i.e., macroscopic), affecting, respectively, the flexibility of the model to adapt to any airport and the level of accuracy of the results obtained. Therefore, there is a need for a generic decision support tool that will incorporate sufficient level of detail for assessing airport terminal performance. To bridge this gap, a mesoscopic model for airport terminal performance analysis has been developed, that strikes a balance between flexibility and realistic results, adopting a system dynamics approach. The proposed model has a modular architecture and interface, enabling quick and easy model building and providing the capability of being adaptable to the configuration and operational characteristics of a wide spectrum of airport terminals in a user-friendly manner. The capabilities of the proposed model have been demonstrated through the analysis of the Athens International Airport terminal.  相似文献   

This article reports on a field investigation into the ways that transportation agencies use quantitative and qualitative information for making strategic decisions regarding airport ground access. The study analyzes the value of this information for planning airport ground access improvements at seven major international airport sites.The major finding of the research is that quantitative modeling for strategic decision support is very difficult, costly and time consuming. Modelers are confident that the models are accurate and reliable but executives generally lack confidence in the results. Transportation officials believe that the information supplied is flawed by a number of defects that minimize its value for strategic decision makers. The information defects described in this article provide an analysis of the structural difficulty of using quantitative modeling for transportation problems of strategic importance. To date, qualitative information is not frequently used, but some transportation agencies are considering its application to designing transportation services. Although this study is limited to airport ground access, the authors feel that this evidence, in conjunction with the evidence from other studies in the transportation area, dictates a need for wariness in the development of decision support systems for transportation planners. Developers of decision support systems for transportation planners must be aware of modeling costs and defects and consider how to improve the timeliness, relevance and credibility of information quantitative models provide transportation executives. Fundamentally it is important to recognize that decision makers tend, either singularly or in concert with other individuals or groups, to be the champions of a long-term vision for the community. When modeling produces inconsistent or wide ranging results that contradict their position, decision makers may not only discard modeling activities, but lose confidence in the models altogether. As a consequence, transportation planners are faced with the challenge of how to improve quantitative modeling. The most reliable and effective means for improvement is incorporation of qualitative techniques which provide greater understanding of customer perceptions and human behavior.  相似文献   

From the point of view of the feasibility of providing growth in road capacity parallel to the predicted growth in traffic as well in terms of impact on the environment and health, current trends in transportation are unsustainable. Transport problems are expected to worsen due to the fact that worldwide automobile ownership tripled between 1970 and 2000, and the movement of goods is projected to increase by 50% by 2010. Similar trends can be seen in an even more dramatic way in Turkey. The Turkish transport network has not followed a planned growth strategy, due to political factors. There is no transportation master plan which aims to integrate the transport modes in order to provide a balanced, multimodal system. This study proposes a decision support system that guides transportation policy makers in their future strategic decisions and facilitates analysis of the possible consequences of a specific policy on changing the share of transportation modes for both passenger and freight transportation. For this purpose, based on the wide spectrum of critical issues encountered in the transportation sector, several scenarios have been built and analysed.  相似文献   


A number of studies have been carried out on the factors determining port choice, derived from the perspectives of shippers, carriers or both. Recently, some studies using multi-criteria analysis, more specifically Saaty's analytical hierarchy process (AHP), have been undertaken to address port competitiveness and port selection by shipping lines. Based on a review of the literature on port selection, this article proposes a decision support system (DSS) for port selection using AHP methodology. The proposed DSS is web-based and thus it can be accessed by more decision makers and data collection can be carried out faster. Moreover, AHP addresses the issue of how to structure a complex decision problem, identify its criteria, measure the interaction among them and finally synthesise all the information to arrive at priorities, which depict preferences. AHP is able to assist port managers in obtaining a detailed understanding of the criteria and address the port selection problem utilising multi-criteria analysis. This article presents the architecture and the port selection procedure of the web-based DSS, and then illustrates three different cases. It shows how technology advancement can bring positive effects of strategic planning to shipping firms.  相似文献   

Efficient planning of Airport Acceptance Rates (AARs) is key for the overall efficiency of Traffic Management Initiatives such as Ground Delay Programs (GDPs). Yet, precisely estimating future flow rates is a challenge for traffic managers during daily operations as capacity depends on a number of factors/decisions with very dynamic and uncertain profiles. This paper presents a data-driven framework for AAR prediction and planning towards improved traffic flow management decision support. A unique feature of this framework is to account for operational interdependency aspects that exist in metroplex systems and affect throughput performance. Gaussian Process regression is used to create an airport capacity prediction model capable of translating weather and metroplex configuration forecasts into probabilistic arrival capacity forecasts for strategic time horizons. To process the capacity forecasts and assist the design of traffic flow management strategies, an optimization model for capacity allocation is developed. The proposed models are found to outperform currently used methods in predicting throughput performance at the New York airports. Moreover, when used to prescribe optimal AARs in GDPs, an overall delay reduction of up to 9.7% is achieved. The results also reveal that incorporating robustness in the design of the traffic flow management plan can contribute to decrease delay costs while increasing predictability.  相似文献   

Shipping hazardous material (hazmat) places the public at risk. People who live or work near roads commonly traveled by hazmat trucks endure the greatest risk. Careful selection of roads used for a hazmat shipment can reduce the population at risk. On the other hand, a least time route will often consist of urban interstate, thus placing many people in harms way. Route selection is therefore the process of resolving the conflict between population at risk and efficiency considerations. To assist in resolving this conflict, a working spatial decision support system (SDSS) called Hazmat Path is developed. The proposed hazmat routing SDSS overcomes three significant challenges, namely handling a realistic network, offering sophisticated route generating heuristics and functioning on a desktop personal computer. The paper discusses creative approaches to data manipulation, data and solution visualization, user interfaces, and optimization heuristics implemented in Hazmat Path to meet these challenges.  相似文献   

Current geographic information systems typically offer limited analytical capabilities and lack the flexibility to support spatial decision making effectively. Spatial decision support systems aim to fill this gap. Following this approach, this paper describes an operational system for integrated land-use and transportation planning called Location Planner. The system integrates a wide variety of spatial models in a flexible and easy-to-use problem solving environment. Users are able to construct a model out of available components and use the model for impact analysis and optimization. Thus, in contrast to existing spatial decision support systems, the proposed system allows users to address a wide range of problems. The paper describes the architecture of the system and an illustrative application. Furthermore, the potentials of the system for land-use and transportation planning are discussed.  相似文献   

The use of remote terminals to relieve airport congestion leads rather naturally to queueing systems with batch arrivals occuring at fixed time intervals to a multiple server service facility. In this paper arrival point steady-state solutions to the D[X]/M/c queueing system are presented. Solution of the steady-state equation WP = W and Neuts' method of solving the GI[X]/M/c system are used to obtain steady-state system size densities. Results obtained using the two methods are compared with each other as well as with simulation results.  相似文献   

This paper specifies a dispatching decision support system devoted to managing intermodal logistics operations while countering delay and delay propagation. When service disruptions occur within a logistics network where schedule coordination is employed, a dispatching control model determines through an optimization process whether each ready outbound vehicle should be dispatched immediately or held to wait for some late incoming vehicles. Decisions should consider potential missed-connection costs that may occur not only at the next transfer terminals but also at hubs located further downstream. Numerical examples and a sensitivity analysis with different slack time settings for attenuating delay propagation are presented.  相似文献   

Little is known about the sources of public support for transit systems even though the perceptions of transit users and potential users have been extensively documented. Research reported here examines dimensions of public support for the first U.S. downtown people mover during three critical phases in the system's life: construction, shakedown, and operations. The method employed was a community sample survey with home interviews. Data analysis showed that the public—who were virtually all nonusers—were largely favorable toward the system during the construction phase. During the shakedown phase, when system reliability was extremely low, many attitudes toward the system became less favorable, especially perceptions of performance and direct community impacts. Later, reliability improved, and attitudes which had become less favorable tended to grow more favorable once again. It is suggested that a system's performance can influence many aspects of public support for a transit system, even among nonusers. This pattern has implications for system planners who must depend on public good will for continuing support of transit systems. In particular, extensive pretesting of new systems should occur before the fare gates are opened to patrons.  相似文献   

In this paper, a decision support approach is proposed for condition-based maintenance of rails relying on expert-based systems. The methodology takes into account both the actual conditions of the rails (using axle box acceleration measurements and rail video images) and the prior knowledge of the railway track. The approach provides an integrated estimation of the rail health conditions to support the maintenance decisions for a given time period. An expert-based system is defined to analyse interdependency between the prior knowledge of the track (defined by influential factors) and the surface defect measurements over the rail. When the rail health conditions is computed, the different track segments are prioritized, in order to facilitate grinding planning of those segments of rail that are prone to critical conditions. In this paper, real-life rail conditions measurements from the track Amersfoort-Weert in the Dutch railway network are used to show the benefits of the proposed methodology. The results support infrastructure managers to analyse the problems in their rail infrastructure and to efficiently perform a condition-based maintenance decision making.  相似文献   

This paper presents a real-time traffic network state estimation and prediction system with built-in decision support capabilities for traffic network management. The system provides traffic network managers with the capabilities to estimate the current network conditions, predict congestion dynamics, and generate efficient traffic management schemes for recurrent and non-recurrent congestion situations. The system adopts a closed-loop rolling horizon framework in which network state estimation and prediction modules are integrated with a traffic network manager module to generate efficient proactive traffic management schemes. The traffic network manger adopts a meta-heuristic search mechanism to construct the schemes by integrating a wide variety of control strategies. The system is applied in the context of Integrated Corridor Management (ICM), which is envisioned to provide a system approach for managing congested urban corridors. A simulation-based case study is presented for the US-75 corridor in Dallas, Texas. The results show the ability of the system to improve the overall network performance during hypothetical incident scenarios.  相似文献   

Perturbations of flight schedules may occur everyday. Poor scheduling of flights may result in a substantial loss of profit and decreased levels of service for air carriers. This research aims at developing a framework to help carriers in handling schedule perturbations caused by the breakdown of aircraft. The framework is based on a basic schedule perturbation model constructed as a dynamic network from which several perturbed network models are developed for scheduling following incidents. These network models are formulated as pure network flow problems or network flow problems with side constraints. The former are solved using the network simplex method while the latter are solved using Lagrangian relaxation with subgradient methods. To show how to apply the framework in the real world, a case study focusing on the operations of a major Taiwan air carrier in East Asia is presented.  相似文献   

Video image processing system (VIPS) is more efficient than other detecting systems. However, VIPS involves outdoor images and is very sensitive to the external environment, which could greatly decrease its accuracy according to rapid environmental changes. To obtain accurate traffic data accordingly, VIPS must address the problems such as growing shadows in transition; distortion of images due to the headlights at night; noises caused by the rain, snow or fog; and occlusions. This study intends to accurately calculate traffic data while addressing the shadow and occlusion problems, which are the most difficult tasks for the image‐detector‐based traffic data system. In this study, an algorithm for the individual vehicle tracking collection was developed to address the occlusion problem and to eliminate the noises or shadows caused by external environmental factors. A traffic data collection system was also proposed in order to accurately track individual vehicles that pass through the detection region. In addition, establishing an integrated system with shadow removal and occlusion handling using an image processing was also proposed. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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