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瓯江口水文泥沙特征分析   总被引:14,自引:7,他引:7  
在大量实测资料的基础上,对瓯江口海区的地貌特征、河道径流特征、河道输沙特征、潮汐特征、潮流特征、余流特征、波浪特征、含沙量特征、泥沙来源、盐度特征、悬沙粒径和底质粒径特征、瓯江南北口的分流和分沙特征、中水道和北水道的分流和分沙特征进行了分析,根据实测资料分析得到了瓯江口挟沙力公式,得到了平衡水深公式,为瓯江河口的工程开发建设和科学研究提供了基础资料。主要研究成果表明:(1)瓯江口的潮汐属正规半日潮类型,平均潮差在4 m以上,属强潮河口;(2)潮流属正规浅海半日潮流类型,呈往复流动,潮流动力强;(3)瓯江为少沙河流,多年平均年悬移质输沙量为205.1万t;(4)瓯江南北口的平均涨潮分流比为21%和79%,落潮平均分流比为26%和74%;(5)瓯江南北口的平均涨潮分沙比为20%和80%,落潮平均分流沙比为22%和78%。  相似文献   

付桂 《水运工程》2018,(2):105-110
长江来水来沙变化影响因素众多,除自然因素外,人类活动对河流水沙运动影响越来越显著。作为长江流域的终端,长江口地区既受自然因素影响,同时也显著地受到流域人类活动的影响。通过对比分析徐六泾站与大通站的水量和沙量,得出大通站能够作为代表流域进入长江口水沙情势的控制站。利用大通站的水文数据,统计分析1950—2011年的径流量、数量及输沙粒径的变化,得出长江口近期来水来沙量及输沙粒径的变化。研究结果表明:1)长江流域年来水量没有发生趋势性变化;2003年后三峡水库发挥调蓄作用,来水量年内分配呈现洪季径流量减少,枯季径流量增加的特征。2)1986年以来长江流域来沙量大幅减少,季节变化总体呈现洪季比例减小、枯季比例增大的特征。2003年三峡水库蓄水后,来沙量进一步减小,洪季输沙量明显减小。3)2003年前后大通站悬沙中值粒径变化不显著,从粒度组分上看粒度略有粗化。  相似文献   

长江口近期来沙量变化及其对河势的影响分析*   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
李保  付桂  杜亚南 《水运工程》2012,(7):129-134
长江来水来沙变化影响因素众多,除自然因素外,人类活动对河流水沙运动影响越来越显著。作为长江流域的终端,长江口地区既受自然因素影响,同时也显著地受到流域人类活动的影响。采用Mann-Kendall法分析大通站近几十年的泥沙监测资料,结果表明:近几十年来,大通站的年均输沙量一直呈下降趋势,2003年大通站的年均输沙量出现显著下降。长江口来沙量减少主要是由于流域来沙量的显著减少,与水库工程拦沙、长江上游水土保持工程、人工采沙及中游河道泥沙淤积等因素有关。长江口来沙量减少对南支及口外三角洲影响相对明显,均表现为冲刷特征,对此长江口综合治理相关部门应当充分给予重视。  相似文献   

九段沙北侧输沙对长江口深水航道的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了研究南汇边滩促淤圈围工程对长江口九段沙滩面输沙和南导堤越堤水沙运动带来的影响,在长江口整体潮 流河工模型上,采用定床输沙物理模型试验方法,研究了九段沙沿程滩面泥沙起动后的跨槽越堤输移,根据底沙在北槽的 分布分析了促淤圈围工程对北槽航道的影响。研究表明:无论有无圈围工程,九段沙的底沙均能够越堤进入长江口深水航 道,但促淤工程使九段沙头部进入北槽航道的泥沙略有减少,九段沙中部进入北槽航道的泥沙略有增加。  相似文献   

One of the main challenges associated with anchoring offshore platforms is the logistic needed to install them in deep water. The growing need for high capacity anchors has prompted the development of new systems where the feasibility of transporting them out to sea is a crucial consideration. With respect to torpedo piles used by Petrobras in Brazil, new platforms installed in deep water required robust anchoring systems, and a cluster of small torpedoes was considered instead of one large torpedo. However, torpedo pile installation is hindered by deep water streams, which can deviate their trajectory during the fall. This is of great concern for the design of torpedo pile clusters because the distance between the piles cannot be controlled during installation. The present study aims to determine the variation in the load capacity of a cluster or array of single piles as a function of the distance between the piles and the load direction after installation on the seabed. To that end, a series of centrifuge tests were carried out on pile clusters installed in loose sand, varying the distance between the piles and the loading direction. The results show considerable interactions between the adjacent piles depending on the load direction and pile spacing. The optimal spacing for maximum cluster efficiency was determined, and comparisons were made with values from the literature for capped pile clusters.  相似文献   

利用长江口12.5 m深水航道洪、枯季水文测验资料,分析深水航道悬沙的时空分布特征。结果表明:南港圆圆 沙段含沙量小,垂线分布相对均匀;北槽中段含沙量大,垂向分布不均匀。细颗粒泥沙絮凝、盐淡水分层与河口滞流点是 北槽中段形成高含沙量且垂向分布不均匀的主要原因。北槽中段含沙量的时空分布特征,与12.5 m深水航道的回淤变化特 征具有一致性,表明北槽中段的航道回淤可能以悬沙淤积为主;而南港圆圆沙段含沙量低,且垂向相对均匀,表明该区段 航道回淤受悬沙的影响较小。  相似文献   

The annual pattern of vertical particle flux in the Northeast Water (NEW) Polynya was recorded from August 1992 to July 1993 by means of moored time-series sediment traps. A distinct seasonal pattern in sedimentation was observed, with highest flux rates during August–October 1992. During this time 40–70% of the annual total sedimented matter (dry weight, DW) and the components, carbonate, particulate organic carbon and nitrogen (POC and PON), particulate biogenic silica (bPSi) and biogenic matter were recorded: 9.83, 2.04, 1.03, 0.69, 0.14 and 5.55 g m−2, respectively. Microscopic analysis of the particles revealed that diatoms contributed about 10% of the POC flux, but up to 40% of the POC flux originated from the houses and faeces of appendicularians during the period of highest flux rates. In contrast, faecal pellets were only a minor component of sedimenting POC after the opening of the polynya in June 1993. During this period a sedimentation event of Melosira arctica dominated the microscopically recognizable fraction of the POC. Following the low winter values a significant deviation in POC flux in March documented an early onset of plankton growth and a rapid response to the formation of a winter polynya paralleled by a local change in ice conditions. This was supported by the stable nitrogen isotope signature of the sedimented matter, also indicating an early onset of plankton production in the NEW Polynya. However, the overall amplitude of the Δ15N signal in the sinking particles showed only small variations (<4‰) and was significantly below the amplitude observed in sedimented material from the Northern North Atlantic ( 8‰). The composition of the sedimented matter, comprising mainly fast sinking particles (appendicularian houses, faecal peliets and Melosira aggregates) lead us to conclude that sedimentation in the NEW Polynya was spatially heterogeneous.  相似文献   

With the continuous growing of the aquaculture industry and increasingly limited fish farming sites at close to shore areas both in Norway and worldwide, there is a need to develop fish farms suitable for aquaculture production in typical offshore environments. For this purpose, SALMAR has developed and deployed the Ocean Farm 1 facility for offshore fish farming.The main purpose of this paper is to develop a reliable numerical model and investigate the motion responses of the Ocean Farm 1 structure in waves and current. The established numerical model consists of the Ocean Farm 1's frame structure (with rigidly-connected circular column components), the net and the mooring system. The hydrodynamic external loads and coefficients of the frame structure are obtained by using potential flow theory. The quadratic drag load on the individual circular columns of the frame structure is formulated by a given drag coefficient. The loads on the net are formulated by using the screen model, where the Reynold number dependent lift and drag forces are formulated as a function of the solidity ratio Sn of the net, relative inflow angle and velocity. The hydrodynamic loads on the mooring lines are formulated using the Morison's equation and the structural responses of the mooring lines are obtained using a nonlinear FE model.With the developed numerical model, time domain simulations are performed. The simulation results are firstly validated against measured data from the decay tests, current tests, and regular wave tests. After the validation, numerical simulations are performed in different irregular wave and current combined weather conditions and the obtained motion response of Ocean Farm 1 are discussed and compared with available measurement data.  相似文献   

刘猛  朱亮  张宏伟  李为华 《水运工程》2012,(11):107-111
基于试验数据和实测地形,初步分析了航槽开挖对长江口北槽水流及河势的影响.结果表明:1)12.5 m航槽开挖引起北槽主槽尤其航槽内流速显著增加;2)在计算北槽航槽开挖后槽内流速时,乐培九公式计算结果吻合较好;3)12.5 m航槽开挖对北槽河势变化产生显著影响,是引起2009年以后北槽河势显著变化的一个主要原因,因此在分析评价长江口深水航道以及其它相关的航道整治工程治理效果时,应充分考虑航槽开挖所带来的影响.  相似文献   

防止船舶垃圾污染有关规则及对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王伟勇  龚浩 《机电设备》2005,22(5):28-31
从介绍国际海事组织有关防止船舶垃圾造成污染的规则着手,分析了船舶垃圾的主要来源,提出了相应的处理对策,同时也介绍了必要的处理设备.  相似文献   

The biogeochemistry of the sulfur cycle in a ca. 5-m-long sediment core from the eastern slope (221 m water depth) of the Landsort Deep in the west-central Baltic Sea was investigated by analyzing the solid phase records of sulfur isotopes and pyrite textures, besides selected main and minor elements. The sediments were deposited during post-glacial history of the Baltic Sea when the basin experienced alteration of brackish (Yoldia Sea, Littorina Sea) and freshwater (Baltic Ice Lake, Ancylus Lake) conditions. The stable isotopic composition of total sulfur was analyzed as a function of depth. In selected samples pyrite (FeS2), greigite (Fe3S4), and barite (BaSO4) fractions were separated for isotope analyses. Pyrite textures were analyzed by SEM and optical microscopy.Microbial reactions associated with the oxidation of organic matter resulted in assemblages of authigenic sulfide minerals which for the post-Ancylus Lake brackish water environment are dominated by pyrite and for freshwater environments by Fe-monosulfides. The sulfur isotopic composition of the brackish water Littorina Sea sediments (δ34S between −40 and −27‰ vs. V-CDT) is believed to be determined by cellular sulfate reduction rates and reactions involving intermediate sulfur species. The availability of reactive iron and decomposable organic matter as well as sedimentation rate and the chemocline position are important variables upon the δ34S values of sulfides in brackish water environment. The syn-depositional abundance of sulfur and organic matter, and transport of dissolved sulfur species vs. rates of microbial reactions determine δ34S in the freshwater sediments. The upper part of the Ancylus Lake sediments is sulfidized by downward diffusing H2S and/or sulfate from overlying brackish water sediments. Minor concretionary barite formation in the freshwater sediments is most likely due to the reaction of pore water sulfate diffusing downward from brackish water sediments with barium desorbed from freshwater sediments. The size distribution of pyrite framboids in the brackish sediments indicates that the formation mainly occurred from anoxic pore waters, although some pyrite formation in an anoxic water column cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

散化码头化学品水污染危害性评估与应急对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文提出了散化码头三类典型液体化学品水污染危害性评估模式,建立其计算机模型,决定事故发生时的应急对策原则。  相似文献   

Installation of floating wind turbines at the offshore site is a challenging task. A significant part of the time efficiency and costs are related to the installation methods which are sensitive to weather conditions. This study investigates a large floating dock concept, which can be used to shield a floating wind turbine during installation of tower, nacelle, and rotor onto a spar foundation. In this paper, the concept is described in detail, and a design optimisation is carried out using simple design constraints. Hydrodynamic analysis and dynamic response analysis of the coupled system of the optimum dock and spar are conducted. Two spars of different sizes are considered, and the motion responses of the spars with and without the dock in irregular waves are compared. Through analysis of the motion spectra and response statistics, dynamic characteristics of the coupled system is revealed. The present design of the dock reduces the platform-pitch responses of the spars and potentially facilitates blade mating, but may deteriorate the heave velocity of the spars in swell conditions. Finally, future design aspects of the floating dock are discussed.  相似文献   

文章针对《2000年有毒有害物质污染事故防备、反应与合作议定书》的生效情况、适用范围与基本要求,结合我国现状,分析了我国加入该议定书的必要性、可行性以及面临的挑战,提出了我国应采取的应对措施与加入议定书的立场建议。  相似文献   

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