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Data from a mooring line deployed midway between the Alboran Island and Cape Tres Forcas are used to study the time variability of the Alboran Sea from May 1997 to May 1998. The upper layer salinity and zonal velocity present annual and semiannual cycles characterised by a minimum in spring and autumn and a maximum in summer and winter. Temperature has the opposite behaviour to that of salinity indicating changes in the presence of the Atlantic water within the Alboran Passage. A large set of SST images is used to study these cycles. The decrease of salinity and velocity in our mooring location in spring and autumn seems to be related to the eastward drifting of the Western Alboran Gyre (WAG). The increase of salinity and velocity is caused by the Atlantic current flowing south of the Alboran Island and its associated thermohaline front. Conductivity–temperature–depth (CTD) data from two cruises along the 3°W are coherent with current meters and SST interpretations.During the period analysed, summer months are characterised by the stability of the two-gyre system, while in winter, the circulation is characterised by a coastal jet flowing close to the African shore. We use sea level differences across the Strait of Gibraltar for studying the variability of the Atlantic inflow. We discuss the changes in the Alboran Sea circulation and its relation with the variability of the inertial radius of the Atlantic inflow. Though our results are speculative, we find a possible relation between the disappearance of the two-gyre system and a reversal of the circulation in Gibraltar. Longer time series are needed to conclude, but comparison with previous works makes us think that the seasonal cycle described from May 1997 to May 1998 could be the most likely one for the Alboran Sea upper layer.  相似文献   

The optimal spectral decomposition (OSD) method is used to reconstruct seasonal variability of the Black Sea horizontally averaged chlorophyll-a concentration from data collected during the NATO SfP-971818 Black Sea Project in 1980–1995. During the reconstruction, quality control is conducted to reduce errors caused by measurement accuracy, sampling strategy, and irregular data distribution in space and time. A bi-modal structure with winter/spring (February–March) and fall (September–October) blooms is uniquely detected and accurately documented. The chlorophyll-a enriched zone rises to 15 m depth in winter and June, and deepens to 40 m in April and 35 m in August. The June rise of the chlorophyll-a enriched zone is accompanying by near-continuous reduction of upper layer maximum chlorophyll-a concentration.  相似文献   

The seasonal variation of the surface circulation in the Japan/East Sea (JES) and the Tsushima/Korea Straits (TKS) is reviewed and discussed, focusing on mesoscale and submesoscale variabilities.The monsoon modified by coastal geographical features near Vladivostok generates a dipole of vortex off Vladivostok which induces dramatic changes in the surface circulation in the northwest JES, splitting the Subpolar Gyre into two smaller gyres by generating the Vladivostok Dome. Between these two smaller gyres, the Northwest Thermal Front is formed and current reversal is induced along the North Korean coast. The winter monsoon also induces a current reversal along the Sakhalin coast. The volume transport of the surface Subpolar Gyre has two maxima in January and August. The maximum in August is induced by the summer intensification of the Liman-North Korean Cold Current and the shallow and narrow surface coastal jet generated by the sea ice and snow melting. The maximum in January is induced by the northwest monsoon and associated cooling.Salient features in the TKS are the submesoscale variabilities. In the western channel, submesoscale eddies with length scale of about 80 km and time scale of 5–6 days develop in the cold period. On the lee side of the Tsushima Islands, Karman-like vortex pairs are generated in the warm period. Anticyclonic vortices generated at the northern tip of the Tsushima Islands have a time scale of 5 to 8 days, length scale of 35 to 60 km, and propagate toward the JES with a phase speed of 8 cm/s. Cyclonic vortices south of the anticyclonic counter part of the vortex pairs are rather stationary with intermittent occasional propagation toward the east. The development of stratification seems to be necessary for the development of Karman-like vortex pairs.Summarizing the results above, a schematic surface circulation with seasonal change is proposed.  相似文献   

The Caspian Sea has a unique ecosystem that consists of endemic species. The deterioration of the unique ecosystem has become increasingly worrisome since a wide variety of pollutants have been released into the water. Water circulation plays a key role in advection and diffusion of these pollutants. In the present study, water circulation and thermohaline structures in the Caspian Sea were analyzed by means of a three dimensional numerical simulation. The effects of meteorological changes, river inflow, and an icing event were taken into account as boundary conditions. Numerical simulation was carried out for 20 years to achieve stable seasonal variations in model variables. As a result, the horizontal distributions of water temperature and salinity could be reproduced; the gradient of water temperature in the north–south direction, the decrease in water temperature along the east coast of the middle Caspian Sea due to coastal upwelling, and low salinity in the northern Caspian Sea. The icing event kept the water temperature in the northern Caspian Sea from decreasing to an unrealistic value. The observed cyclonic gyres were basically formed by the density-driven current due to thermohaline structure.  相似文献   

The characteristics and interannual variability of the deep water masses in the North and Central Aegean Sea are being investigated through the data sets of the Hellenic Navy Hydrographic Service (HNHS) and the MEDATLAS 1997 project. In the period between 1987 and 1993, the densest deep water in the Mediterranean has been produced in the Aegean Sea (with σθ densities reaching up to 29.6 kg/m3), contributing to what has been called the Eastern Mediterranean Transient. The examination of time series of mean integrated values of θ, S and σθ below the depth of 500 dbar reveals the significant deep water density increase after 1987 in all of the deep basins in the area. Data suggest that the density increase of 1987–1988 is mainly attributed to a temperature drop, while in 1993, an even more intense density increase is observed, characterized this time by an abrupt salinity increase. We assume that the increased salinity necessary to produce deep water masses with the observed characteristics was not locally produced but rather advected from the Levantine through the South Aegean. After 1993, no new deep water formation episodes have been observed. A series of ΘS diagrams derived from HNHS CTD casts covering the period between 1993 and 2000, depict the different characteristics of the deep water masses in the area. As 1993 marks the end of the formation period, observed differences between basins in that year must be attributed to different deep water formation sites. Thereafter, the stagnating deep water in the North and Central Aegean basins has been slowly gaining buoyancy by losing salt and gaining heat. The rate at which this phenomenon takes place varies between different deep basins. It is suggested that these variations are linked to the different volumes of each basin as well as to the general circulation features of the Aegean Sea.  相似文献   

The North Aegean Sea constitutes an important region of the Mediterranean Sea since in its eastern part the mesotrophic, low salinity and relatively cold water from the Black Sea (outflowing from the Dardanelles strait) meets the oligotrophic, warm and very saline water of Levantine origin, thus forming a thermohaline front. Mesozooplankton samples were collected at discrete layers according to the hydrology of the upper 100 m, during May 1997 and September 1998. In May highest biomass and abundance values (up to 66.82 mg m− 3 and 14,157 ind m− 3) were detected in the 10–20 m layer (within the halocline) of the stations positioned close to the Dardanelles strait. The front moved slightly southwards in September, characterized by high biomass and abundance values within the halocline layer. The areas moderately or non influenced by Black Sea water revealed lower standing stock values than the frontal area in both cruises and maxima were detected in the uppermost low salinity layer. Samples collected at the stations and/or layers more influenced by Black Sea water were distinguished from those collected at layers and/or stations more affected by Levantine waters in both periods. In May the former samples were characterized by the copepods Acartia clausi, Centropages typicus, Paracalanus parvus. The abundance of the above species decreased gradually with increasing salinity, in the horizontal and/or in the vertical dimension, with a parallel increase of the copepods Oithona plumifera, Oithona copepodites, Oncaea media, Ctenocalanus vanus, Farranula rostrata. During September the frontal area as well as that covered by the modified Black Sea water, were highly dominated by the cladoceran Penilia avirostris and doliolids. For both seasons, MDS plots, issued from the combination of mesozooplankton and water-type data, revealed the gradual differentiation of zooplankton composition from the frontal area towards the area covered by Levantine water, following the spreading and mixing of the Black sea water. The observed temporal and spatial variability in the distribution pattern of mesozooplankton standing stock and species composition seems to depend considerably on the variability of circulation and frontal flows.  相似文献   

Wave energy assessments in the Black Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present work aims to evaluate the wave energy resources in the Black Sea basin. The study is focused on the western part of the sea, which is traditionally considered as being more energetic. In order to give a first perspective of the wave climate, a medium-term wave analysis was carried out using in situ measured data. As a further step, a wave prediction system was implemented for the Black Sea. This was based on the simulating waves near-shore model, which is used for both wave generation and near-shore transformation. This methodology has the advantage that a single model covers the full scale of the modelling process. Various tests were performed considering data measured at three different locations. Special attention was paid to the whitecapping process, which is still widely considered to be the weak link in deep water wave modelling. Comparisons carried out against measured data show that the wave prediction system generally provides reliable results, especially in terms of significant wave heights and mean periods. By increasing the resolution in geographical space, the field distributions of wave energy were analysed for both high and average wave conditions. The analysis and the wave prediction system developed are a prerequisite for further investigations extended in time and with increased resolution in the near-shore direction.  相似文献   

The species composition, abundance, and biomass of micro- (>15 μm) and nano- (<15 μm) phytoplankton were studied along the southern Black Sea during June–July 1996 and March–April and September 1998. A total of 150 species were identified, 50% of them being dinoflagellates. The average total phytoplankton abundance changed from 77×103 cells l−1 in spring to 110×103 cells l−1 in autumn and biomass from 250 μg l−1 in summer to 1370 μg l−1 in spring. Based on the extensive sampling grid from June–July 1996, phytoplankton seemed to have a rather homogeneous biomass distribution in the southern Black Sea. In all periods, the coccolithophorid Emiliania huxleyi was the most abundant species, its contribution to the total abundance ranging from 73% in autumn to 43% in spring. However, in terms of biomass, diatoms made up the bulk of phytoplankton in spring (97%, majority being Proboscia alata) and autumn (73%, majority being Pseudosolenia calcar-avis), and dinoflagellates in summer (74%, Gymnodinium sp.). There was a remarkable similarity in the dominant species between the western and eastern regions of the southern Black Sea, indicating transport of phytoplankton within the basin.  相似文献   

The response of the Black Sea mean level to atmospheric pressure (AP) and wind forcing is investigated using 5 years of TOPEX/POSEIDON (T/P hereafter) data. A coherence analysis is first applied to mean sea level and pressure to examine the validity of the inverse barometer (IB) approximation over this area. As expected, it reveals very significant deviations from an IB response attributed to the narrowness of the Bosphorus Strait and its limiting role in water exchanges. A comparison is drawn with the Mediterranean Sea case. A single basin version of the Candela analytical model [Candela, J., 1991. The Gibraltar Strait and its role in the dynamics of the Mediterranean Sea. Dyn. Atmos. Oceans 15, 267–300], which takes linear friction at the strait into account, is then used. The model explains a significant part of the T/P mean sea level variance (about 30%, while the IB correction only explains 5% of its variance) and provides a means to correct the altimeter data for the pressure effect much better than the standard IB effect. The response of the mean sea level to wind forcing is then analysed. Coherence analysis between sea level and along-strait wind stress (WS) reveals a significant coherence at periods ranging from 40 to 100 days, with an almost steady phase of 270°. This result is confirmed with a multiple coherence analysis (mean sea level vs. WS and AP). A plausible mechanism is a piling-up of water at the northern or southern end of the strait due to along-strait wind forcing. The associated along-strait pressure gradient would modify the barotropic flow in the strait and then the mean sea level. Using an extension of the Candela model, we show that this mechanism is consistent with T/P mean sea level observations.  相似文献   

This work analyses a multidisciplinary data set including hydrological and meteorological data, satellite images, and fish larvae abundance from a high-frequency experiment conducted along a north–south transect across the Western Alboran Sea anticyclonic gyre. Four consecutive occupations of the transect, crossing the frontal area, evidenced the high-frequency variability of hydrological structures and its influence on the latitudinal and vertical distribution of fish larvae in a period of a few days. The influence of dynamical processes on fish larvae depends on the location of the spawning as well as on the larval fish position in the water column. Wind induced upwelling and/or the southward drift of the Atlantic current transport larvae of neritic species, such as Sardina pilchardus and Engraulis encrasicolus to open sea areas. At the same time, these events bring about alterations in the latitudinal and vertical distributions of mesopelagic fish larvae. The species with a relatively surface distribution, as Ceratoscopelus maderensis, were transported and accumulated to the south of the Atlantic Jet (AJ), while those with a deeper distribution in the water column, as Maurolicus muelleri or Benthosema glaciale, would be upwelled and concentrated to the north. This study shows that it is difficult to extract conclusions about the mean or preferential distributions of fish larvae when one single/synoptic survey is considered and that time evolution of hydrological structures has to be considered in order to conclude.  相似文献   

文章基于POM模式模拟了南海上层环流和热结构季节性变化特征,并且在此基础上初步探讨了南海环流和热结构的主要影响因素。研究结果表明:季风是控制南海上层环流季节性变化的决定性因素,冬、夏季是南海季风盛行期,环流特征也较为典型,而春、秋季节是季风转换期,上层环流出现多涡结构。南海热结构分布最直接影响因素是太阳辐射的季节性变化和地理纬度,并且存在季风和洋流影响所产生的热结构变化。除此之外,南海复杂地形和岸线也会间接影响南海环流形态和热结构分布。  相似文献   

The biological dynamics of the open northern Red Sea (21.5°–27.5° N, 33.5°–40° E) have not been studied extensively, due in part to both the inaccessibility of this desert region and political considerations. Remotely-sensed chlorophyll a data therefore provide a framework to investigate the primary patterns of biological activity in this oceanic basin. Monthly chlorophyll a data from the 8-year Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-View sensor (SeaWiFS) mission, and data from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), were analyzed with the Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC) online data analysis system “Giovanni”. The data indicate that despite the normal low chlorophyll a concentrations (0.1–0.2 mg m− 3) in these oligotrophic waters, there is a characteristic seasonal bloom in March–April in the northernmost open Red Sea (24° to 27.5° N) concurrent with minimum sea surface temperature. The location of the highest chlorophyll concentrations is consistent with a linear box model [Eshel, G., and Naik, N.H., 1997. Climatological coastal jet collision, intermediate water formation, and the general circulation of the Red Sea. J. Phys. Oceanogr. 27(7), 1233–1257.] of Red Sea circulation. Two years in the data set exhibited a different seasonal cycle consisting of a relatively weak northern spring bloom and elevated chlorophyll concentrations to the south (21.5° to 24° N).The data also indicate that large coral reef complexes may be sources of either nutrients or chlorophyll-rich detritus and sediment, enhancing chlorophyll a concentration in waters adjacent to the reefs.  相似文献   

Pigments, size and distribution of Phycoerythrin-containing unicellular cyanobacteria Synechococcus spp. within the euphotic zone were studied for the first time in April–May 1994 in the western and southwestern Black Sea by epifluorescence microscopy and flow-cytometry. Synechococcus was present in varying quantities at every station and depth studied. Surface spatial distribution of Synechococcus revealed that cells were much more abundant in offshore waters than near coastal regions under the direct influence of the Danube river. Minimum and maximum cell concentrations ranged between 9×102 and 1.45×105 cells/ml at the surface, between 2×103 and 1.23×105 cells/ml at the chlorophyll sub-maximum layer, and between 1.3×102 and 3.5×102 at the nitrite maximum layer. Cells at the chlorophyll sub-maximum layer (based on in-situ fluorometer readings) fluoresce brighter and longer than the ones at the surface and lower depths. Spectral properties of chromophore pigment types of total 64 clonal isolates from different depths down to the lower layer of the euphotic zone (60 m) in the southern Black Sea coast revealed that all have type 2 phycoerythrobilin in common, lacking in phycourobilin. In vivo fluorescence emission maxima for the phycoerythrobilin were about the same (578 nm) for all isolates. All isolates examined showed in vivo absorption maxima at between 435 and 442 nm and at about 681 nm due to chlorophyll-a. Based on the flow cytometer mean forward light scatter data for size distribution, it could be concluded that cells at the surface mixed layer (0–10 m) were larger in cell size than the cells at lower depths (20–60 m).  相似文献   

A Pacific basin-wide physical–biogeochemical model has been used to investigate the seasonal and interannual variation of physical and biological fields with analyses focusing on the Sea of Japan/East Sea (JES). The physical model is based on the Regional Ocean Model System (ROMS), and the biogeochemical model is based on the Carbon, Si(OH)4, Nitrogen Ecosystem (CoSiNE) model. The coupled ROMS–CoSiNE model is forced with the daily air–sea fluxes derived from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) and the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) reanalysis for the period of 1994 to 2001, and the model results are used to evaluate climate impact on nutrient transport in Mixed Layer Depth (MLD) and phytoplankton spring bloom dynamics in the JES.The model reproduces several key features of sea surface temperature (SST) and surface currents, which are consistent with the previous modeling and observational results in the JES. The calculated volume transports through the three major straits show that the Korea Strait (KS) dominates the inflow to the JES with 2.46 Sv annually, and the Tsugaru Strait (TS) and the Soya Strait (SS) are major outflows with 1.85 Sv and 0.64 Sv, respectively. Domain-averaged phytoplankton biomass in the JES reaches its spring peak 1.8 mmol N m− 3 in May and shows a relatively weak autumn increase in November. Strong summer stratification and intense consumption of nitrate by phytoplankton during the spring result in very low nitrate concentration at the upper layer, which limits phytoplankton growth in the JES during the summer. On the other hand, the higher grazer abundance likely contributes to the strong suppression of phytoplankton biomass after the spring bloom in the JES. The model results show strong interannual variability of SST, nutrients, and phytoplankton biomass with sudden changes in 1998, which correspond to large-scale changes of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO). Regional comparisons of interannual variations in springtime were made for the southern and northern JES. Variations of nutrients and phytoplankton biomass related to the PDO warm/cold phase changes were detected in both the southern and northern JES, and there were regional differences with respect to the mechanisms and timing. During the warm PDO, the nutrients integrated in the MLD increased in the south and decreased in the north in winter. Conversely, during the cold PDO, the nutrients integrated in the MLD decreased in the south and increased in the north. Wind divergence/convergence likely drives the differences in the southern and northern regions when northerly and northwesterly monsoon dominates in winter in the JES. Subjected to the nutrient change, the growth of phytoplankton biomass appears to be limited neither by nutrient nor by light consistently both in the southern and northern regions. Namely, the JES is at the transition zone of the lower trophic-level ecosystem between light-limited and nutrient-limited zones.  相似文献   

The ecosystem function of the oligotrophic Cretan Sea is explored through the development and application of a 3D ecological model. The simulation system comprises of two on-line coupled submodels: the 3D Princeton Ocean Model (POM) and the 1D European Regional Seas Ecosystem Model (ERSEM) adapted to the Cretan Sea. For the tuning and initialisation of the ecosystem parameters, the 1D version of the biogeochemical model is used.After a model spin up period of 10 years to reach a quasi-steady state, the results from an annual simulation are presented. A cost function is used as validation method for the comparison of model results with field data. The estimated annual primary and bacteria production are found to be in the range of the reported values. Simulation results are in good agreement with in situ data illustrating the role of the physical processes in determining the evolution and variability of the ecosystem.  相似文献   

Seasonal and inter-annual variations in surface freshwater fluxes in the Mediterranean Sea are examined. Evaporation and precipitation rates are estimated from ERA15, the re-analysis project carried out at the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) for the period 1979–1993. A seasonal cycle of river runoff is computed from a recent historical data set. The climatological mean for precipitation (326 mm/yr) is comparable to previous estimates, whereas that for evaporation (920 mm/yr) is low compared to other independent estimates, but regions of high and low evaporation rates are correctly located. The budget reveals an annual mean freshwater deficit in the Mediterranean of 480 mm/yr, lower than previous estimates because of the lower evaporation rate estimated by ECMWF. Consequently, the flows through the straits of Gibraltar and Sicily, deduced from the freshwater budget, are found to be slightly low.Seasonal and inter-annual variabilities of ERA15 precipitation are consistent with those deduced from independent precipitation estimates obtained with SSM/I observations for the 1988–1993 period. ECMWF and satellite estimates both agree on the amplitude of the seasonal cycle. The seasonal cycle of the river runoff has a globally small contribution to the freshwater budget, but is significant in summer when the precipitation is nearly null. The variability of the freshwater flux for the Mediterranean as a whole shows a strong seasonal cycle (amplitude of 50 mm/month), which seems to be mainly controlled by evaporation. The inter-annual variability of the freshwater flux, however, appears to be governed mainly by precipitation. Its amplitude, which is of the order of 50 mm/yr on average but may reach nearly 150 mm/yr for a particular year, is considered to be large but nevertheless not sufficient to explain differences observed in the estimates of the climatological mean freshwater flux proposed by various authors. The freshwater deficit in the Mediterranean Sea has globally increased by nearly 50 mm, mainly because of a decrease in precipitation over this 15-yr period.  相似文献   

Twelve years (1993–2005) of altimetric data, combining different missions (ERS-1/2, TOPEX/Poseidon, Jason-1 and Envisat), are used to analyse sea level and Eddy Kinetic Energy variability in the Bay of Biscay at different time-scales. A specific processing of coastal data has been applied, to remove erroneous artefacts. Likewise, an optimal interpolation has been used, to create a series of regional Sea Level Anomaly maps, merging data sets from two satellites.The sea level presents a trend of about 2.7 mm/year, which is within the averaged values of sea level rise in the global ocean. Frequency spectra show that the seasonal cycle is the main time-scale affecting the sea level and Eddy Kinetic Energy variability. The maximum sea level occurs in October, whilst the minimum is observed in April. The steric effect is the cause of this annual cycle. The Northern French shelf/slope presents intense variability which is likely due to internal tides. Some areas of the ocean basin are also characterised by intense variability, due to the presence of eddies.The Eddy Kinetic Energy, in turn, is higher from December to May, than during the rest of the year and presents a weak positive trend from April 1995 to April 2005. Several documented mesoscale events, occurring at the end of 1997 and during 1998, are analysed. Altimetry maps prove to be a useful tool to monitor swoddy-like eddies from their birth to their decay, as well as the inflow of seasonal slope water current into the southeastern corner of the Bay of Biscay.  相似文献   

The East Sea (Sea of Japan) is a unique marginal sea because it exhibits features of oceanic dynamics of much larger ocean basins. This semi-enclosed basin may be considered as a model or microcosm for understanding of how biological processes and distributions in pelagic ecosystem are interacting with physical processes in highly dynamic ocean regions. This overview summarizes the recent progresses concerning spatial and temporal variability of pelagic ecosystem components form an interdisciplinary point of view. Spatial characteristics of physical environments and biogeography in the region are distinguished mainly by the subpolar front. It was also found that long-term changes in biomass and community structure as well as those in the physical and biological environments are associated with climate variability in the region. We conclude by identifying main needs for the information and researches, particularly regular and long-term sampling, and permanent monitoring if possible.  相似文献   

There is an increasing number of ecological models for the North Sea around. Skogen and Moll (2000) [Skogen, M.D., Moll, A. 2000. Interannual variability of the North Sea primary production: comparison from two model studies. Continental Shelf Research 20 (2), 129–151] compared the interannual variability of the North Sea primary production using two state-of-the-art ecological models, NORWECOM and ECOHAM1. Their conclusion was that the two models agreed on an annual mean primary production, its variability and the timing and size of the peak production. On the other hand, there was a low (even negative dependent of area) correlation in the production in different years between the two models.In the present work, these conclusions are brought further. To try to better understand the observed differences between the two models, the two ecological models are run in an identical physical setting. With such a set-up also the interannual variability between the two models is in agreement, and it is concluded that the single most important factor for a reliable modeling of phytoplankton and nutrient distributions and transports within the North Sea is a proper physical model.  相似文献   

孤东油田海区泥沙淤积数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用平面二维潮流泥沙数学模型,对孤东油田海域的潮流场进行了数学模拟,并在此基础上对泥沙运动及淤积进行了数值模拟研究。针对该海区海堤蚀退较严重的现状,提出了保滩促淤方案,模拟结果比较理想。  相似文献   

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