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公路建设是促进经济发展的重要项目,而公路养护是保证公路通车安全以及延长公路使用年限的重要方式。公路养护是公路建设工作的重要内容,其养护质量直接影响着公路建设的经济效益。当前,经济的发展以及城市化的建设使得公路工程项目的建设数量逐渐增多,为尽可能降低公路的维修成本,相关企业单位需要重视公路养护质量的提升。此次论文先是对公路养护工程施工中质量管理意义进行了分析,随后又对公路养护工程施工的管理问题展开了探讨,并得出了公路养护工程施工中质量管理对策。  相似文献   

本文结合作者近年来的公路管理经验,分析了当前公路养护中低碳生态科学管理策略的应用,强调了公路养护管理的必要性,探讨了公路养护管理的基本方针,对低碳生态科学管理策略运用进行分析,以提高公路的经济效益,只有坚持以"以预防为主,防治结合"的基本方针,才能做好公路养护管理工作,实现公路经济效益的最大化,从而体现出公路养护管理的重要意义。  相似文献   

针对目前公路CAD系统大多缺乏对设计过程支持的现状,从公路设计的特点出发,探讨了公路CAD系统对设计过程支持的基本内容,建立了基于约束的公路设计过程模型,并提出将公路仿真技术融入公路设计过程中,建立了基于构件-软总线公路仿真与设计协同框架,从而提高计算机辅助系统对公路设计的支持层次.  相似文献   

近二十多年来,我国公路隧道建设得到了迅速发展,隧道建设长度、断面形式和处理方法日益丰富,从事公路隧道建设的人员也越来越多。相继推出的《公路隧道通风照明设计规范》、《公路隧道设计规范》、《公路隧道交通工程设计规范》、《公路隧道设计细则》等行业规范,对推进我国公路隧道建设技术进步,规范和指导其设计行为起到了重要作用。目前,公路隧道技术已自成体系,全面修订或新编了隧道设计施工规范,但是,许多公路隧道建设技术人员仍感觉在工作  相似文献   

文章通过对公路行车状况、道路线形、公路景观、驾驶特性及经济影响等方面的分析,构建了沙漠公路后评价体系,并结合塔里木沙漠公路进行了验证,为沙漠公路的后评价工作提供理论依据。  相似文献   

为适应公路桥梁养护发展需要,规范和加强公路桥梁养护管理工作,进一步提高公路桥梁养护水平和公共服务能力,交通运输部修改了1991年颁布的《公路桥梁养护管理工作制度》,日前公布了新的《公路桥梁养护管理工作制度》。  相似文献   

文章针对"十二五"时期公路行业发展需要,阐述了创建学习型公路行业的必要性,分析了当前公路行业发展现状与存在的问题,提出了创建学习型公路行业的对策。  相似文献   

中国公路投融资政策演变及趋势   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
刘斌 《综合运输》2004,(5):36-39
论文回顾了我国公路管理体制的变迁过程,划分为:计划经济体制、事业性投资体制、道路收费制度和经营权转让和股份制四个主要阶段。在这个变化过程中,不断吸纳公路建设资金,缓解公路需求与公路供给不足的矛盾是公路政策发展的主线。因此,以现行的公路政策思路,为了解决公路中短期债务问题,公路政策有进一步加快经营权转让,推行投资主体多元化的趋势,在完成了路网建设以后,公路政策实现回归。  相似文献   

本文分析了一级公路的技术特点和功能特征,总结了近年来我国一级公路的发展态势,并在研究分析未来一级公路发展需求的基础上,提出了推进我国一级公路发展的思路和建议。  相似文献   

高寒地区是我国较为偏远的地区,公路病害是高寒地区常出现的问题,公路翻浆在高寒的地区是极为严重的问题。由于公路翻浆的问题在公路中是比较突出的问题,一旦发生公路翻浆病害,将会造成公路的严重损害,阻碍了车辆在公路的正常运行,并增加了行使车辆的安全隐患。本文通过对公路翻浆的原因进行分析,提出了有效针对高寒地区公路翻浆病害的预防及处治措施,进而有效地规避公路翻浆病害的产生,提高公路的整体质量,促进我国公路事业的长远发展。  相似文献   

公路线形的选择和布设,是公路工程进入设计阶段的第一个步骤,其合理性将直接影响着后续设计过程,因此做好公路设计的布线工作尤其重要。文章结合林区公路设计现状,归纳和总结了林区公路设计中合理布线的基本步骤、原则和方法,并以大桂山林场旧路改造项目为例,介绍了林区公路合理布线的注意事项。  相似文献   

This paper presents a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) as a tool which can help highway engineers review a completed highway design to improve its constructability. The GIS can link different data sets together using geographical location as the common key between the data sets to perform various spatial operations. In this paper, the GIS is used to integrate various highway design data using a common milepost referencing system. The GIS allows the integration of the highway design information by establishing common spatial relationships between various highway design features and their geographical locations. The GIS can provide a comprehensive platform upon which all aspects of the highway project review process can be built. This paper also addresses the interface of GIS with the existing highway project data bases and computer-aided design files. The proposed GIS-based highway design review system can improve the constructability of the highway design at an early design review stage.  相似文献   

文章根据农村公路的特点和绩效评价要求,建立了农村公路建设项目绩效评价指标体系,并以HW农村公路建设项目为实例,采用模糊综合法对该农村公路建设项目管理绩效进行了评价,其结果可为农村公路建设项目投资与管理提供参考依据。  相似文献   

This study discusses the unbalanced development of Chinese inter-provincial high-grade highway from 1997 to 2013. It does so from the viewpoint of the inter-provincial Gini coefficient based on per capita mileage of high-grade highway, which is decomposed according to such dimensions as the increment of the Gini coefficient, the Gini coefficient of different types of high-grade highway, and the Gini coefficient between and within inland and coastal areas. The Gini coefficient of China’s per capita mileage of inter-provincial high-grade highway shows a declining trend year by year. According to the results from the decomposition of the contribution rate of different types of high-grade highway, the unbalanced development of inter-provincial high-grade highway is caused mainly by that of first- and second-grade highway. According to the results from the decomposition related to the increment of the Gini coefficient of China’s per capita mileage of inter-provincial high-grade highway, the decrease of the Gini coefficient from 1997 to 2013 was mainly the result of balanced distribution of high-grade highway among regions in China. According to the results from the decomposition of the Gini coefficient between and within inland and coastal areas, the unbalanced development of inter-provincial high-grade highway in China from 1997 to 2013 was caused mainly by the unbalanced development of inter-provincial high-grade highway in inland areas. Therefore, the authors argue that the government should pay more attention to protecting the environment and providing a suitable scale of highway network, which could promote long-term sustainable development.  相似文献   

供配电系统是高速公路中的重要组成部分,近年来随着我国高速公路建设的迅速发展,供配电系统的电力支出费用越来越大。高速公路的供配电节能技术既要保证公路电力设施的安全性又要保证其节能性,文章针对我国高速公路供配电系统的运营现状,分析供配电节能技术,希望可以有效促进我国高速公路经济效益的增长。  相似文献   

公路景观评价是衡量公路工程对环境影响程度的标准。文章使用熵权法来研究旅游公路景观综合评价中各指标的重要性,建立了评价指标体系和熵权模型,并针对公路景观构成要素设计指标的重要性进行问卷调查计算分析。结果表明,沿线生态环境类指标是旅游公路评价中最重要的指标,其次是公路设计要素类指标,最后是路域文化景观类指标。  相似文献   

文章以某水库库区公路改建工程为实例,探讨了水库库区公路勘察设计的原则和重点,并从保证公路运营安全和控制工程造价角度对该库区公路改建设计方案进行了综合比选。  相似文献   

公路隧道交通安全措施探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
保障公路隧道的交通安全不仅事关隧道内司乘人员的生命安全,对隧道本身的结构安全同样有很大的影响。从公路隧道的总体设计、交通工程设施、防火、隧道内装、洞口增减光设施、火灾的预防与救援、隧道的运营管理、宣传教育和交通法规等多方面对影响公路隧道交通安全的因素和相关措施进行了探讨,旨在为公路隧道交通安全措施的研究提供一些思路。  相似文献   

In 2009, the US government spent more than $42 billion on the federal-aid highway program. Most of this money was raised from motor vehicle taxes, whose proceeds are deposited in the highway trust fund. Federal motor vehicle user taxes flow into the fund and aid expenditures flow out from it to build and maintain highways and other transportation infrastructure. With so much money at stake it should be no surprise that expenditure decisions are the subject of intense political debate. Chief among these debates is the conflict between donor states, whose residents pay more in highway user taxes than the state receives in federal highway aid and donee states, whose residents pay less in highway user taxes than the state receives in highway aid. While this geographic redistribution has been masked recently by infusions of general fund revenue into the trust fund, the debate nevertheless continues. This paper attempts to understand why some states are donors and others are donees by simultaneously testing four hypotheses about the geographic redistribution of federal highway dollars that relate to a state’s highway need, economic condition, level of urbanization, and representation on the key Congressional oversight committees. The analyses show that redistribution does not favor states with larger highway systems, more highway use, or lower median incomes, all of which are different indicators of need. Instead, states that are less urban and better represented on the four key Congressional committees generally benefit from redistribution. These findings indicate that the user tax revenues are not used in places where they are most needed. Thus they provide little empirical support for any compelling policy argument for continued geographic redistribution of federal highway user tax dollars.  相似文献   

公路交通可以有效地引导和促进城镇化的发展,在规划公路网的时候,一定要动态的、全局的考虑城镇化的发展规律。在满足公路交通需求的同时,要尽可能减少过境交通对未来城镇市内交通的干扰,最好采用切线方式连接公路和小城镇。在规划城镇路边建筑的时候也要尽量减少对公路的干扰,建议采用平行的和纵深发展的辅路的方法连接路边建筑和公路,减少了对公路的干扰,并且有利于新城镇的规划建设。  相似文献   

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