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从渠化原则、目标、方法、内容及效果,对路口渠化做了详细的阐述。  相似文献   

通过对平面信号控制交叉口交通优化设计,对提高交叉口通行能力有着重要作用.本文以盐城市胜利路与海阔路交叉口为例,针对分析交叉口现状交通量、交叉口渠化现状、混合交通冲突点,信号配时现状,提出改善措施,提高交叉口的通行能力和安全水平.  相似文献   

陈亮 《运输经理世界》2023,(19):151-153
市政道路平面交叉口处路况复杂且多变,为了更好地建设市政道路平面交叉口,做好交叉口的交通组织设计,对市政道路的交叉口分类进行介绍,分析各类交叉口的通行能力,对交叉口的交通路径优化方法进行分析。在此基础上,提出市政道路平面交叉口渠化设计策略,为改进城市交通组织方式、改善城市道路平面交叉口交通拥堵状况提供思路和方法。  相似文献   

文章介绍了道路平面交叉口竖向设计的原则和一般形式,阐述了常用的交叉口竖向设计方法及适用性,并结合工程设计实例,对比分析了两套拟定交叉口竖向设计方案的优缺点,得出最优方案,为今后城市道路交叉口竖向设计提供参考。  相似文献   

城市平面交叉口是城市交通冲突和事故频繁发生的地点。文章针对城市道路平面交叉口的交通安全现状,分析了平面交叉口的安全影响因素,提出引入事故率和冲突率为评价指标,建立了灰色理论评价方法,为城市道路平面交叉口的安全治理提供理论支持。  相似文献   

随着我国经济的发展,公路的交通量日益增多,而一些不规则的交叉口成为公路交通的瓶颈,给交通带来了不便。为了解决这个问题,结合具体的不规范公路交叉口设计实例,从多方面对不规则交叉口的优化设计提出建议,希望能对类似的不规则交叉口设计提供有效的参考。  相似文献   

文章基于现今城市干道平面交叉口交通流量密集的状况,分析讨论影响平面交叉口安全管理的因素,提出了交叉口安全管理方法和一些改进措施,为提高城市道路交叉口的交通安全管理提供依据。  相似文献   

文章针对城市平面交叉口交通污染严重的问题,分析城市平面交叉口交通及行为特性、影响机动车排放的相关因素,从平面交叉口交通规划、交通控制二个方面阐述汽车排放优化措施。  相似文献   

It is well recognized that the left-turning movement reduces the intersection capacity significantly, because exclusive left turn phases are needed to discharge left turn vehicles only. This paper proposes the concept of Left-Hand Traffic (LHT) arterial, on where vehicles follow left-hand traffic rules as in England and India. The unconventional intersection where a LHT arterial intersects with a Right-Hand Traffic (RHT) arterial is named as symmetric intersection. It is only need three basic signal phases to separate all conflicts at symmetric intersection, while it at least need four signal phases at a conventional intersection. So, compared with the conventional intersection, the symmetric intersection can provide longer green time for the left-turning and the through movement, which can increase the capacity significantly. Through-movement waiting areas (TWAs) can be set at the symmetric intersection effectively, which can increase the capacity and short the cycle length furthermore. And the symmetric intersection is Channelized to improve the safety of TWAs. The Binary-Mixed-Integer-Linear-Programming (BMILP) model is employed to formulate the capacity maximization problem and signal cycle length minimization problem of the symmetric intersection. The BMILP model can be solved by standard branch-and-bound algorithms efficiently and outputs the lane allocation, signal timing decisions, and other decisions. Experiments analysis shows that the symmetric intersection with TWAs can increase the capacity and short the signal cycle length.  相似文献   

How to manage signalized intersections under oversaturated conditions is a long-standing problem in traffic science and engineering. However, although research works in this area date back to 1960s, an on-line control strategy with theoretically bounded performance is missing, even for the control of an isolated intersection under oversaturation. This paper makes one step further in this area by proposing a QUEUE-based quasi-optimal feedback control (abbreviated as QUEUE) strategy for an isolated oversaturated intersection. The QUEUE strategy is intuitive, simple, and proved to match the off-line optimum in the case of constant demand. More importantly, the bounds of sub-optimality of the QUEUE strategy can be specified quantitatively in general piece-wise constant demand cases. To better deal with the maximum queue constraints, the oversaturation period is divided into the queuing period and the dissipation period with two different objectives. In the queuing period, the primary objective is to keep the queue length within the maximum value; but for the dissipation period, the primary objective is to eliminate all queues at the earliest time. Interestingly, we found that both control objectives can be realized with the same QUEUE strategy. Numerical examples show that the QUEUE strategy approximates the off-line optimum very well. The average sub-optimality in comparison with the off-line optimum in the challenging conditions with Poisson distributed random demand is below 5%.  相似文献   

Reservation-based intersection control is a revolutionary idea for using connected autonomous vehicle technologies to improve intersection controls. Vehicles individually request permission to follow precise paths through the intersection at specific times from an intersection manager agent. Previous studies have shown that reservations can reduce delays beyond optimized signals in many demand scenarios. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that signals can outperform reservations through theoretical and realistic examples. We present two examples that exploit the reservation protocol to prioritize vehicles on local roads over vehicles on arterials, increasing the total vehicle delay. A third theoretical example demonstrates that reservations can encourage selfish route choice leading to arbitrarily large queues. Next, we present two realistic networks taken from metropolitan planning organization data in which reservations perform worse than signals. We conclude with significantly positive results from comparing reservations and signals on the downtown Austin grid network using dynamic traffic assignment. Overall, these results indicate that network-based analyses are needed to detect adverse route choices before traffic signals can be replaced with reservation controls. In asymmetric intersections (e.g. local road-arterial intersections), reservation controls can cause several potential issues. However, in networks with more symmetric intersections such as a downtown grid, reservations have great potential to improve traffic.  相似文献   

An important question for the practical applicability of the highly efficient traffic intersection control is about the minimal level of intelligence the vehicles need to have so as to move beyond the traffic light control. We propose an efficient intersection traffic control scheme without the traffic lights, that only requires a majority of vehicles on the road to be equipped with a simple driver assistance system. The algorithm of our scheme is completely decentralised, and takes into full account the non-linear interaction between the vehicles at high density. For vehicles approaching the intersection in different directions, our algorithm imposes simple interactions between vehicles around the intersection, by defining specific conditions on the real-time basis, for which the involved vehicles are required to briefly adjust their dynamics. This leads to a self-organised traffic flow that is safe, robust, and efficient. We also take into account of the driver comfort level and study its effect on the control efficiency. The scheme has low technological barrier, minimal impact on the conventional driving behaviour, and can coexist with the traffic light control. It also has the advantages of being easily scalable, and fully compatible with both the conventional road systems as well as the futuristic scenario in which driverless vehicles dominate the road. The mathematical formulation of our scheme permits large scale realistic numerical simulations of busy intersections, allowing a more complete evaluation of the control performance, instead of just the collision avoidance at the intersection.  相似文献   

This paper presents an integrated model for optimizing lane assignment and signal timing at tandem intersection, which is introduced recently. The pre‐signal is utilized in the tandem intersection to reorganize the traffic flow; hence, the vehicles, regardless of whether left‐turns or through vehicles, can be discharged in all the lanes. However, the previous work does not consider the extra traffic disruption and the associated delay caused by the additional pre‐signal. In the paper, the extra delay aroused by the coordination is incorporated in a lane assignment and signal timing optimization model, and the problem is converted into a mixed‐integer non‐linear programming. A feasible directions method is hence introduced to solve the mixed‐integer non‐linear programming. The result of the optimization shows that the performance of the tandem intersection is improved and the average delay is minimized. The comparison between the tandem and the conventional configuration is presented, and the results verify that the former shows better performance than the latter. In addition, the optimal sequence corresponding to the turning proportion and the optimal lane assignment at the upstream approach of the pre‐signal are presented. Furthermore, if the number of lanes is equal in all arms, the paper proves that the average delay will be reduced if lane assignment is proportional to the turning proportion and the vehicles with low proportion are discharged in advance. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Work zones exist widely on urban arterials in the cities that are undergoing road construction or maintenance. However, the existing studies on arterial work zones are very limited, especially on the work zones at urban intersections, although they have a severe negative impact on the urban traffic system. For the first time, this study focuses on how work zones reduce intersection capacity. A type of widely observed work zone, the straddling work zone that straddles on a road segment and an intersection, is studied. A linear regression model and a multiplicative model suggested by Highway Capacity Manual are proposed respectively to determine the saturation flow rate of the signal intersection with the straddling work zone. The data of 22 straddling work zones are collected and used to evaluate the performances of the proposed models. The results display that the linear regression model outperforms the multiplicative model suggested by Highway Capacity Manual. The study also reveals that reducing approach (or exit) lanes and the mixture of motor vehicles and non‐motor vehicles (and pedestrians) can significantly decrease the capacity of the intersection with straddling work zone. Therefore, in setting a straddling work zone, workers should try to ensure that the intersection approach and exit are unobstructed and set a separation for non‐motors and pedestrians to avoid mixed traffic flow. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Proper intersection sight distance can effectively lower the possibility of intersection accidents. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (2011) provide a series of recommended dimensions of intersection sight triangles for uncontrolled and stop/yield‐controlled intersections. However, in reality, although the actual intersection design for unsignalized intersections satisfies the requirements of sight distance and clear sight triangle in American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials' guideline, there are still a large number of crashes occurring at unsignalized intersections for drivers running stop/yield signs or failing to slow down. This paper presents a driving simulator study on pre‐crash at intersections under three intersection field of view (IFOV) conditions. The aim was to explore whether better IFOVs at unsignalized intersections improve their emergent collision avoidance performance under an assumption of valid intersection sight distance design. The experimental results show drivers' ability to identify potential hazards to be significantly affected by their IFOVs. As drivers' IFOV improved, drivers were more likely to choose braking actions to avoid collisions. Better IFOVs were also associated with significant increases in brake time to intersection and significant reductions in deceleration rate and crash rate, thus leading to a lower risk of traffic crash involvement. The results indicate that providing a better IFOV for drivers at intersections should be encouraged in practical applications in order to improve drivers' crash avoidance capabilities. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Lane-based road information plays a critical role in transportation systems, a lane-based intersection map is the most important component in a detailed road map of the transportation infrastructure. Researchers have developed various algorithms to detect the spatial layout of intersections based on sensor data such as high-definition images/videos, laser point cloud data, and GPS traces, which can recognize intersections and road segments; however, most approaches do not automatically generate Lane-based Intersection Maps (LIMs). The objective of our study is to generate LIMs automatically from crowdsourced big trace data using a multi-hierarchy feature extraction strategy. The LIM automatic generation method proposed in this paper consists of the initial recognition of road intersections, intersection layout detection, and lane-based intersection map-generation. The initial recognition process identifies intersection and non-intersection areas using spatial clustering algorithms based on the similarity of angle and distance. The intersection layout is composed of exit and entry points, obtained by combining trajectory integration algorithms and turn rules at road intersections. The LIM generation step is finally derived from the intersection layout detection results and lane-based road information, based on geometric matching algorithms. The effectiveness of our proposed LIM generation method is demonstrated using crowdsourced vehicle traces. Additional comparisons and analysis are also conducted to confirm recognition results. Experiments show that the proposed method saves time and facilitates LIM refinement from crowdsourced traces more efficiently than methods based on other types of sensor data.  相似文献   

Traffic signals on urban highways force vehicles to stop frequently and thus causes excessive travel delay, extra fuel consumption and emissions, and increased safety hazards. To address these issues, this paper proposes a trajectory smoothing method based on Individual Variable Speed Limits with Location Optimization (IVSL-LC) in coordination with pre-fixed traffic signals. This method dynamically imposes speed limits on some identified Target Controlled Vehicles (TCVs) with Vehicle to Infrastructures (V2I) communication ability at two IVSL points along an approaching lane. According to real-time traffic demand and signal timing information, the trajectories of each approaching vehicle are made to run smoothly without any full stop. Essentially, only TCVs’ trajectories need to be controlled and the other vehicles just follow TCVs with Gipps’ car-following model. The Dividing RECTangles (DIRECT) algorithm is used to optimize the locations of the IVSLs. Numerical simulation is conducted to compare the benchmark case without vehicle control, the individual advisory speed limits (IASL) and the proposed IVSL-LC. The result shows that compared with the benchmark, the IVSL-LC method can greatly increase traffic efficiency and reduce fuel consumption. Compared with IASL, IVSL-LC has better performance across all traffic demand levels, and the improvements are the most under high traffic demand. Finally, the results of compliance analysis show that the effect of IVSL-LC improves as the compliance rate increases.  相似文献   

This research proposed an eco-driving system for an isolated signalized intersection under partially Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAV) environment. This system prioritizes mobility before improving fuel efficiency and optimizes the entire traffic flow by optimizing speed profiles of the connected and automated vehicles. The optimal control problem was solved using Pontryagin’s Minimum Principle. Simulation-based before and after evaluation of the proposed design was conducted. Fuel consumption benefits range from 2.02% to 58.01%. The CO2 emissions benefits range from 1.97% to 33.26%. Throughput benefits are up to 10.80%. The variations are caused by the market penetration rate of connected and automated vehicles and v/c ratio. No adverse effect is observed. Detailed investigation reveals that benefits are significant as long as there is CAV and they grow with CAV’s market penetration rate (MPR) until they level off at about 40% MPR. This indicates that the proposed eco-driving system can be implemented with a low market penetration rate of connected and automated vehicles and could be implemented in a near future. The investigation also reveals that the proposed eco-driving system is able to smooth out the shock wave caused by signal controls and is robust over the impedance from conventional vehicles and randomness of traffic. The proposed system is fast in computation and has great potential for real-time implementation.  相似文献   

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