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在运输领域的主流话语中,公司化经营机制是道路客运的发展方向. 近几年来,南京-杭州、常州溧阳、淮安南京、南京-高淳等不同类别线路的成功改造,为各地提供了有益的借鉴.公司化经营机制以优美的乘车环境、优秀的员工素质、优质的服务标准和优良的运输信誉得到社会的广泛认可.  相似文献   

一、安全性的原则 寒带地区由于车内外温差大,车内空气水分含量高,所以非常容易在车辆的前风挡,司机窗上出现结霜的情况,从而会影响司机的视野清晰度;由于风雪较多,还会出现后视镜积雪的情况,都会影响到司机的视野,进而影响到安全性.同时寒冷的气候会导致制动管路结冰,影响行车的安全性.  相似文献   

以"落实十七大精神,打造和谐市场环境"为主题的长三角地区道路运输稽查联席会议12月11日在杭州召开,与以往不同的是,轮值东道主浙江在会议中邀请了福建、江西、安徽、山东、河南省运管局的代表列席,五省随后被正式吸收加入了这一组织,长三角道路运输联动稽查的范围实现了在上海、江苏、浙江原有地盘基础之上的"扩张".  相似文献   

<正>占领华尔街的幕后人物占领华尔街运动的最初策划者,他曾是耶鲁大学最优秀的人类学学者,就在将要获得终身教职的时候,被学校解聘;他将一场无助的小型集会转变成为举世瞩目的大型示威活动,但却决绝承认是活动的领袖;他质疑亚当·斯密的经典经济学理论,并与主流的经济学观点相左,但他的观点正在被人们接受,他就是著名的人类学家戴维-伯尔格。  相似文献   

所谓超市的进场费,实质上是大型零售企业变相收取租金的一种方式。这种状况的出现一方面源于大型商业企业在中国成功的急剧扩张,另一方面源于中小生产制造企业市场竞争的激烈造成的产品和商品相对过剩。于是出现了一个怪现象:许多中国制造的产品虽然漂洋过海,但它们在境外超市的售价,比在境内超市的售价还要便宜。当然,任何商业模式的产生和推广总有其必然性,一方愿打另一方愿挨的现象必然存在第三方被狠宰的可能,关于超市和商场的收费,需要的是理性分析,而不是一边倒的谴责。  相似文献   

莘莘的学子,当你迈着矫健的步伐前行,有多少人在为你默默地祝福,有多少人在为你保驾护航,在你迈向康庄大道的途中,还有无数默默为你奉献的,素昧平生的可人儿,那些奉献大爱的人们……不见不散的约定一座大山,一架小桥,一片爱心,一次凝聚,永恒的瞬间被幸福地定格  相似文献   

不同的高速铁路对并行的高速公路的影响是不尽相同的。目前,在我国大部分地区,开通时速250公里的动车组除了从民航分流一部分高端旅客外,还对公路这种面向中低端旅客的客运方式影响巨大,尤其是运距在200KM以上的中长客运。  相似文献   

<正>当城市的孩子们坐着轿车去上学的时候,在边远贫困地区,有一群和他们同样如花年龄的孩子,或踩着水中的石头,或溜着跨江的钢索,或伏在老师的背上,正跋涉在艰难的上学路上……这些孩子随时都可能上演生死考验,有些孩子甚至付出了生命的代价——2011年11月4日,在海南屯昌县乌坡镇一名15岁花季少女小敏,在她每天上学必经的断桥处被河水冲走,永远告别了她的学校。  相似文献   

“山东的竿艿、甘肃的大白菜、淮阴的辣椒、海南的南瓜、舟山的海鲜……从全国各地来到这里,又从这里走向四方。杭州餐桌上70%以上的食物,都是从我们这里中转的,我们是杭城百姓的‘菜篮子’。”杭州农副产品物流中心(以下简称“农副中心”)管委会副主任张国平不无自豪地说。  相似文献   

与消费者走得更近,从消费者的实际需求出发,是每一个企业都在倡导的发展之道,但在这条"靠近客户"的道路上,困难重重,需要的是企业的魄力和强大的执行力,并不是每一个企业都能真正做到的。壳牌统一在今年开启的"路试项目"以及大型的"路上实验室"全国路演,就展示了这样一个从用户实际需求出发,为用户提供最实用产品和服务解决方案的企业风采。此次路试,壳牌在山西太原和北京两地选择了20台卡车作为路试对象,为保证数据的准确,这些测试车辆都经过了严格  相似文献   

The role of transport policy in assisting inner city firms is still unclear. This paper raises several important policy questions and reviews the findings of past research, which suggest that transport problems are a major irritant to inner city firms but are unlikely to cause them to leave the area, and that the ability of transport improvements to attract new firms is uncertain.It describes and presents the results of a recent study designed to determine the effect of transport problems on manufacturing and service industries, whether such problems are more serious in the inner city, and which solutions would be most appropriate. The study involved a series of detailed case studies of inner and outer city firms in Leeds and London. It identified as the most serious problems, congestion, public-transport problems, parking shortages and on-site delays for commercial vehicles. Similar problems arose in all areas, but were more severe in inner than in outer areas, and in London than in Leeds.The most common effect was lost time, but reduced efficiency, lost business, staff dissatisfaction and recruitment problems also occurred. Management had difficulty costing the effects of such problems, and often overlooked those incurred by others. The problems were, for the most part, local or site-specific, and are likely to be amenable to low-cost solutions. However, congestion and parking problems in inner London appear to merit area-wide treatment.A series of recommendations is provided for policy-makers.Further details of the study reported here are contained in a series of working papers which are available from the Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the perceptions of key participants in the Dutch Cost–Benefit Analysis (CBA) practice regarding substantive problems when appraising spatial-infrastructure projects with CBA. Two research methods were applied. Firstly, 86 key participants in the Dutch CBA practice were interviewed in-depth in order to obtain an overview and a ranking of perceived substantive problems with CBA in the Netherlands. Secondly, the people interviewed were also asked to fill in a written questionnaire in which they were asked to rank the substantive problems once again, in order to improve the validity of the ranking; 74 of the participants completed this questionnaire. The most important conclusions of this paper are, firstly, that key participants in the Dutch CBA practice consider ‘problems with the estimation of the non-monetized project effects’ as the most important substantive problem cluster and ‘problems with monetizing project effects’ as the second most important substantive problem cluster. Secondly, key participants in the Dutch CBA practice consider the ‘problem analysis’ in a CBA to be a very important substantive problem. Thirdly, there is, in a broad sense, consensus among the different groups in the Dutch CBA practice concerning their perception of the seriousness of problem clusters and the way they rank the problem clusters. Fourthly, a large part of the substantive problems mentioned by the key participants in the Dutch CBA practice are non-specific CBA problems.  相似文献   

The problems on scheduling and schedule co‐ordination usually have conflicting objectives related to user's cost and operator's cost. Users want to spend less time to wait, transfer and travel by public buses. Operators are interested in profit making by lesser vehicle operating cost and having a minimum number of buses. As far as level of service is concerned users are interested in lesser crowing while operators are concerned with maximizing profit and thus to have higher load factors. In schedule co‐ordination problems transfer time plays an important role. Users are interested in coordinating services with in acceptable waiting time whereas operators prefer to have lesser services and want to meet higher demands, which invariably increases waiting time. These problems have multiple conflicting objectives and constraints. It is difficult to determine optimum solution for such problems with the help of conventional approaches. It is found that Genetic Algorithm performs well for such multi objective problems.  相似文献   

The paper presents a review of the available literature on a class of problems denoted as dynamic routing-and-inventory (DRAl) problems. They are characterized by the simultaneous relevance of routing and of inventory issues in a dynamic environment, within the framework of distribution logistics. A classification scheme is first proposed for these problems. Then the results obtained in this area are summarized. Finally, the papers available in the literature are clustered and discussed according to the proposed scheme.  相似文献   

This paper describes two types of rail transportation problems in detail. These are train routing and makeup, and empty car distribution problems. Some of the recent optimization models which address these problems are reviewed and the areas for potential improvements in rail transportation literature are identified. The type of interactions which exist between routing, makeup, and empty car distribution decisions are highlighted and potential areas for future research are identified.  相似文献   

在铁路行业高度垄断,铁路运营普遍效益欠佳和地方政府财力有限的现实环境下,特别是国铁集团近年来大力推行“一省一公司”合资铁路重组整合的改革,对省级铁路平台的发展带来了新的巨大的问题挑战,本文结合当前在全国大力推行的合资铁路重组改革的背景,分析了省级铁路平台在改革中将面临的重大问题,包括既有投融资能力难以支撑大规模规划项目建设、已建铁路运营大规模亏损、铁路行业建设运营高度垄断严重以及铁路土地综合开发进展迟缓等一系列问题,并针对以上问题提出相关的对策建议。  相似文献   

文章结合南宁市农村地区交通安全现状,分析了当前农村道路交通安全工作中存在的主要问题,提出了解决问题的对策与思路。  相似文献   

We study the freight forwarder’s shipment planning problem in an airfreight forwarding network where a set of cargo shipments have to be transported to given destinations. We provide mixed integer programming formulations that use piecewise-linear cargo rates and account for volume and weight constraints, flight departure/arrival times, as well as shipment-ready times.After exploring the solution of such models using CPLEX, we devise two solution methodologies to handle large problem sizes. The first is based on Lagrangian relaxation, where the problems decompose into a set of knapsack problems and a set of network flow problems. The second is a local branching heuristic that combines branching ideas and local search. The two approaches show promising results in providing good quality heuristic solutions within reasonable computational times, for difficult and large shipment consolidation problems.  相似文献   

文章结合具体工程实例,阐述了超高过渡段简支连续梁桥施工存在的主要问题,分析了问题产生的原因,并提出了相应的解决对策。  相似文献   

These days, transportation and logistic problems in large cities are demanding smarter transportation services that provide flexibility and adaptability. A possible solution to this arising problem is to compute the best routes for each new scenario. In this problem, known in the literature as the dial-a-ride problem, a number of passengers are transported between pickup and delivery locations trying to minimize the routing costs while respecting a set of prespecified constraints. This problem has been solved in the literature with several approaches from small to medium sized problems. However, few efforts have dealt with large scale problems very common in massive scenarios (big cities or highly-populated regions). In this study, a new distributed algorithm based on the partition of the requests space and the combination of the routes is presented and tested on a set of 24 different scenarios of a large-scale problem (up to 16,000 requests or 32,000 locations) in the city of San Francisco. The results show that, not only the distributed algorithm is able to solve large problem instances that the corresponding sequential algorithm is unable to solve in a reasonable time, but also to have an average improvement of 9% in the smaller problems. The results have been validated by means of statistical procedures proving that the distributed algorithm can be an effective way to solve high dimensional dial-a-ride problems.  相似文献   

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