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Reporter: Chinese auto industry has been in a situation of scattering, chaos and laggard. How do you think we should change it completely with China's WTO entry? Du: The situation you mentioned is a chronic disease of Chinese auto industry which suggests the development of Chinese auto industry is not satisfying. In fact, you could see the same situations in developed  相似文献   

Over the recent years the Chinese government has enacted a series of regulations and policies to develop the automotive industry. Meanwhile, the rules are found not so perfect. This article tries to do some analysis in terms of independent development, co…  相似文献   

In 2002, the total investment in fixed assets of the auto industry was over 300 billion yuan. But the problems of investment scattering and insufficient R & D capabilities have not been resolved, which will restrain the healthy and orderly development of the auto industry.  相似文献   

Fourthly, the situation of duplication of similar projects with scattering and turmoil in the auto industry was not radically altered. Since the issue of the Industrial Policies for the Motor Industry, the above-mentioned has somehow changed. However, driven by the excessive profits derived from high tariffs and the strict market access limit, some localities and organs still indulge in the construction of auto projects and the momentum is ever increasing. As a result, the limited capital and market resources have not been used effectively.  相似文献   

China automotive industry, as a sector di-rectly related with ITS, has been watching at-tentively the development and progress of ITS in Europe, America and Japan. Great importance attached to ITS, which integrates many modern hi-techs in one, will not only promote the mar-  相似文献   

Ⅰ. Strategic Concept for the development of EV and SFV The development of EV and SFV is one of the objective requirements for the auto industry in the 21st century by sustainable development strategy. It is also a practicable way of developing China auto industry in line with the environmental protection policy and the energy develop  相似文献   

The 7th Beijing Auto Show has ended. The show posed the vital question: how can we accelerate the technical development of China's auto industry? Passenger cars represent the cream of automotive technology, but the enter-prises which have been given priority by the Chinese government for many years do not have the technical capacity to develop models independently; they have no car brands of their own and no intellectual property rights. Although  相似文献   

Reporter: Please say something about the entire structure of Chinese auto industry after the WTO entry, and what do you think it should do to cope with the new challenges? Zhang: This is an old question we have talked about for years. Now China is already an official member of the WTO and what we discussed before should become specific policies or measures.  相似文献   

Over the recent years, along with the expansion ofits auto industry, China has becomeone of the countries in the world where the number of motor vehicles increases mostrapidly. By the end of 2003, its vehicle population totaled 2.421 million (not includingmotorcycles), including 7.71 million cars. The proportion of passenger vehicles hit 51.3percent for the first time in the same year. The Chinese government designated the auto industry as one of its pillars. In the TenthFive-year Plan th…  相似文献   

As a new information industry, E-commerce is becoming a new growth point of economy, and changing the development of traditional industries such as the auto industry. E-commerce would ultimately bring it profound changes. Therefore, many countries are employing E-commerce to impel the development of the auto industry rapidly. As the final large market, China has to keep up with the trend of global auto development. If we did not explore and establish E-commerce actively, with WTO coming, we  相似文献   

The principle of accelerating the independent development of China's auto industry in an atmosphere of open competition stated in the Tenth-Five-Year-Plan for the auto industry is based on a serious analysis of China's auto industry in terms of the current situation, conditions and problems faced, which mainly includes:  相似文献   

For decades, experts on the auto industry have been debating what direction it should take for the future and the Japanese, Korean and Latin American examples have been used for some time. Recently, a new way of thinking has emerged: as China’s auto industry can hardly catch up with the advanced countries in the current fields, why should it not start down another path and adopt new technical approaches. Thus, we could follow the lead of auto industries in western countries and our auto ind…  相似文献   

It is stimulated in the Tenth-Five-Year-Plan period that by the year of 2010, the Chinese auto industry should become the pillar industry by means of integration of competition and self-development. According to incomplete statistics, by 2005, the demand will be: 3.6 million units of motor vehicle engines, of which petrol engines will be 2.288 million units, diesel engines 1.232 million units and the substitute engines 80,000 units. And the  相似文献   

1. Development trend As an important part of automobile, auto parts are the base of the auto industry. At the age of economic globalization and along with the change of the auto industry, the world auto parts industry is presenting new development trend. First, since the late 80’s and early 90’s, promoted by economic globalization, the world auto industry has fastened restructuring. The number of powerful auto makers is now 12 from 30 in 1980. The restructuring of auto makers has broken the…  相似文献   

Editor's Note: Since 1985, CATARC has been conducting research into the field of China's auto industry policies and their effectiveness. The fruits and experience of our long-term study and the close relationship with government departments are part of the advantage of CATARC in the field of policy researches. Mr. HAN Mei, the vice Director of CATARC Beijing  相似文献   

More than 20 years have passed since 1984 when Beiqi and AMC (became part of Chrysler in 1987) established China's first joint venture in the auto industry to produce the Jeep. The history can be divided into two phases. The 1980 witnessed a lot of technology being introduced from abroad and since the late 1990's the joint ventures have been engaged in "market for technology". The mass joint ventures have improved the entire auto industry through introducing funds, technology and management, and given impetus to the development of other segments.  相似文献   

The automotive industry in China is widely expected to double in size by the end of the decade. Accordingly the Chinese government has assigned high priority to the development of the automotive industry and cooperative projects between foreign and Chinese partners in the auto industry.  相似文献   

In 2004, China produced a total of 350,000 special purpose vehicles, 25 percent higher than in the previous year, an increase much higher than the auto-industry average. Urban logistics vehicles are becoming individualized, varied and specialized. This has not only brought opportunities for auto makers, but also improved the quality of the industry. The urban special vehicles will feature five major characteristics: Inter-city special purpose vehicles are becoming bigger while inner city one…  相似文献   

1 The Investment Situation of Auto Industrial Powers in China Chinese auto industry has made rapid progress after development of 50 years. However it is still at the infant stage. The government has to protect it by means of long-term, rigorous tariff and non-tariff devices. But the U.S., Japan and other European countries have made investment into Chinese auto industry, because it's incontrovertible that China is the most potential market in the world.  相似文献   

2002 is the first year for China that entered into of the WTO in 2001. China's auto industry will be confronted with the opportunity and challenge from the WTO and it will greatly change China's auto industry. Under the pressures from both domestic demand and external world, the organization structure, product mix and market  相似文献   

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