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文章从合理性的一般哲学解释出发,论证出综合交通线网规划方案合理性存在的必然性,然后分别从多方式合理分工、各交通线路分阶段整体推进、交通线网投资实施总体控制、交通网络构建符合OD分布规律、以及线网规划目标考虑资源消耗限制等方面,深入分析合理的综合交通体系应具备的特征,并由此推荐系列评价指标集,从而为综合交通线网规划方案合理性评价提供理论依据。  相似文献   


The problem of generating a set of “good” transportation alternatives during the early and intermediate stages of transportation planning is addressed in this paper. A linear programming model of a multi‐modal transportation system is developed. The model is run interactively to determine optimal operating levels for all modes for various transport policy decisions. The model described is a component of a composite network generation model incorporating dynamic changes. The linear programming component determines optimal operating policies for given points in time. The composite model incorporates these in a dynamic programming framework to determine optimal staged investment policies over several time periods.  相似文献   


Rural Africa is starved of transport services. The transport routes run towards the export enclaves and the coast.

The political, social and developmental rural transport benefits are discussed. Rural transport will help (i) integrate the country and ease its governance; (ii) widen markets; (iii) induce increased agricultural output, through new technologies, reduced transport costs, etc. The transport cost savings should be passed on to rural firms and producers. The paper warns against their accruing only to middlemen — agricultural parastatals inclusive, thereby stifling the benefits to production. This could happen under some forms of pan‐territorial pricing. Negative aspects of road development, e.g. the substitution of local goods by imports, increased migration and noise, are noted.

The place and role of project appraisal in rural road planning is acknowledged. The broad‐based development packages approach associated with Integrated Rural Development Projects has, despite its attractions, some pitfalls. It favours well established villages and ignores distribution benefits within villages.

Project appraisal can be used to justify socially uneconomic transport developments. However, rural road investment projects with immediate negative returns are unlikely to be funded. Given clear priorities, short of elaborate cost/benefit analysis, obvious road investments choices can be made by the local community. Greater public accountability of transport planners and peoples’ participation in determining rural transport needs and priorities is emphasized. Increased rural road maintenance especially through self‐help schemes and increased use of traditional modes of transport, e.g. walking, animal and water transport, is recommended.  相似文献   

To study the effect of different transport policies on reducing the average comprehensive travel cost (CTC) of all travel modes, by increasing public transport modal share and decreasing car trips, an optimization model is developed based on travel cost utility. A nested logit model is applied to analyze trip modal split. A Genetic Algorithm is then used to determine the implementation of optimal solutions in which various transport policies are applied in order to reduce average CTC. The central urban region of Beijing is selected as the study area in this research. Different policies are analyzed for comparison, focusing on their optimal impacts on minimizing the average CTC utility of all travel modes by rationally allocating trips to different travel modes in the study area. It is found that the proposed optimization model provides a reasonable indication of the effect of policies applied.  相似文献   

The transport sector creates much environmental pressure. Many current policies aimed at reducing this pressure are not fully effective because the behavioural aspects of travellers are insufficiently recognised. Insights from behavioural economics can contribute to a better understanding of travel behaviour and choices, and the impact of these on policies. Nevertheless, few studies have examined this issue. We review these and provide a broader, more encompassing perspective on environmental policy focused on transport, and taking into account bounded rationality as well as social preferences.  相似文献   

In Brazil, the explosion of informal transport activity during the past decade has had profound effects on formal public transport systems and is a source of great controversy in the urban transportation sector. A variety of policies have been proposed to manage the growth of the sector. This study seeks to understand how proposed policies will impact the users of these systems. A corridor in Rio de Janeiro with substantial informal activity was used as a case study. Measures of welfare changes in a discrete choice framework were used to estimate proposed policies’ impacts on users. Eleven candidate policies were evaluated, ranging from the eradication of the informal modes and investment in formal modes, to the legalization of the informal modes. Benefits were compared with costs and the distribution of benefits across income classes was explored. Net benefits from some policies were found to be substantial. Legalizing the informal sector was found to benefit users slightly but further investments in the sector are probably inefficient. Users benefited most from improvements in formal mass transit modes, at roughly 100–200 dollars per commuter per year. Finally, policies to foster a competitive environment for the delivery of both informal and formal services were shown to benefit users about 100 dollars per commuter per year. Together, the regulation of the informal sector and investments in the formal sector serve to reinforce the movement towards competitive concessions for services and help reduce the impacts of cartelization and costly in-road competition.
Ronaldo BalassianoEmail:

Increase of congestion at container deep seaports and shortage of capacity has led inland transport systems worldwide to rely more and more on inland terminals, and on the use of high capacity modes of transport to generate economies of scale and reduce negative effects of trucking. In this setting, planning the transport of maritime containers between a deep seaport and a final inland destination must also consider due dates and soft time windows, the latter known as Demurrage and Detention (D&D). In this paper, we formalize the concept of D&D, model the multimodal planning problem, and assess the impact of different D&D regimes on the emerging inland transport systems. By means of an experimental framework, we compare different D&D policies and provide managerial insights. The experiments highlight the effects of existing D&D regimes on transport efficiency and provide guidelines for their choice in practice. D&D are shown to have a twofold effect: first to limit consolidation opportunities and force the use of trucks as buffer, and second to push containers to dwell unnecessarily at the seaports.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the impact of three freight transport policies aiming to promote railroad intermodal transport in Europe, and examines the case of Belgium as a testing ground. These policies consist in subsidizing intermodal transport operations (such as in Belgium, to stimulate rail transport), internalizing external costs (as recommended by the European Union in order to foster cleaner modes), and adopting a system perspective when optimizing the location of inland intermodal terminals. The study proposes an innovative mixed integer intermodal freight location-allocation model based on hub-location theory and deals with non-linear transport costs in order to replicate economies of distance. Our analysis suggests that subsidizing has a significant impact on the volumes transported by intermodal transport, and, to a lesser extent, that optimizing terminal location increases the competitiveness of intermodal transport. On the other hand, according to our assumptions, internalizing external costs can negatively impact the promotion of intermodality. This finding indicates that innovative last-mile transports are needed in order to reduce the external impacts of drayage operations.  相似文献   


Intermodal road-rail freight transport works best within markets with relatively large flows occurring over long distances, which corresponds poorly to the current demand for transport in the European Union. The purpose of this paper is to compare the capabilities of conventional European intermodal transport, with special reference to the competitiveness in markets with small flows over short distances, and to explore innovative concepts. Using a technological systems approach, key functions are identified as being the inducement and blocking mechanisms that affect the development and diffusion path of this 'small flows over short distances' (SFSD) system, providing a tool for empirical delineation of the system. These concepts are illustrated and analysed through a case study of the Swedish development project Light-combi. The results show that market and financial uncertainties, insufficient network connectivity and policies favouring the existing technology paradigm, severely hamper the development and diffusion of SFSD systems.  相似文献   

When public transport is the main means of travel in urban areas, management and planning are easy and the main objective can be to minimise costs for the demand available, i.e. maximise profit. However when public transport faces competition from other modes of transport, and activities can be undertaken in a variety of locations, then the management and planning of public transport services is considerably more difficult.This paper examines a methodology for representing consumer behaviour when faced with alternative travel decisions, in order to identify the demand for public transport and to help operators adjust services and prices to maximise demand, when considering people's disposable income, the alternative modes and activity locations available. From this it is possible to devise criteria for maximising consumer surplus in a city, taking into account social benefits.  相似文献   

The record of public involvement in the transportation planning process in the United States has been uneven and, at times, disappointing. It is therefore a matter of some satisfaction that the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (ISTEA), recognizes that public involvement and input is essential in transportation plan-making. However, little guidance is available to planners as to how participatory democracy could possibly be enhanced and improved in the existing transportation planning process. As matters stand today, the predominant use of technical rationality in the planning process, to the exclusion of communicative action, has probably been the biggest problem. This paper introduces the concepts of communicative action to buttress and complement technical rationality, currently used in the transportation planning process. A real-life case-study is presented to demonstrate how communicative action was successfully used in a problem-ridden planning situation. Validity claims as suggested by Habermas in his Theory of Communicative Action are used in this case-study. It is concluded that academic institutions as well as planning agencies will have to make a concerted effort to educate and train planners not only to be involved with the engineering of our infrastructure, but also to be equally concerned with coping with the social, economic and political dimensions of planning.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the efficiency and political acceptability of road pricing and infrastructure policies targeted at relieving urban congestion. It combines a stylized transport model of an urban road network with a model of the political process that incorporates interactions between voters, citizen interest groups and politicians to explore the possibilities to reach political acceptability for efficient transport policies. In a numerical illustration, the paper compares a set of pricing and investment policies in terms of efficiency and acceptability. The illustration shows how conflicting interests can lead to non-efficient policies being chosen.  相似文献   

Dynamic transport planning refers to the analysis of the problem of choice of implementation date of the construction or improvement of transport facilities. This analysis may also include consideration of stage construction or progressive improvements in quality and/or capacity over time, beginning from some relatively low standard. A transport facility is defined as a vehicle (e.g., automobile, airplane) or a supporting facility (e.g., highway, port).There appears at present to be a serious lack of any truly comprehensive evaluation of the essentials of the problem of choice of implementation date. It is the intent of the ensuing presentation to help to rectify that situation by introducing new concepts which structure the timing problem. The concepts are based on a suggested classification of future traffic and definitions of independent and indivisible facilities. In addition, volume of traffic and benefits of a transport facility are recognized to be dependent on calendar time and the facility's age.Presently, no uniform theoretical framework exists for establishing the optimal time for constructing new facilities or improving existing ones. A framework based on the aforementioned concepts is introduced. It distinguishes between the phasing of projects through time in the absence of budget constraints and this phasing in the presence of such restrictions. The specific procedures suggested in this paper for the analysis of the problem of choice of implementation date apply to any individual transport facility and tend to unify the concepts involved in dynamic transport planning.The article concludes with a survey of current approaches to dynamic transport planning and discusses these in the light of the above framework.The study was supported by the Urban Mass Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation.  相似文献   

The trans-European transport network (TEN-T) encompasses the major planned transport infrastructure in Europe, ranging from high speed rail to port infrastructure. Projects in this category are considered priority projects and receive European subsidies; but these have been insufficient to get these projects off the ground. This paper addresses two research questions. First, it sketches the basic economics of cross-boundary infrastructure projects: what pricing and investment policies can we expect, what is the role of through traffic and high fixed costs of infrastructure? Second, it examines briefly what lessons the EU could draw from the experience of other existing federal funding institutions like the US and Germany. These ideas are used to propose a new subsidy scheme for the TEN-T projects.  相似文献   

The task of transport planning is to determine cost-effective methods of providing and improving mobility, which can include minimizing traffic congestion. A cost-effective solution to transport problems should consist of a land use pattern, a transport system an a set of road pricing policies that together bring demand and supply into balance in an efficient and equitable way. The conventional approach aimed to produce comprehensive, long-term plans for land use and transport in considerable detail, but tended to ignore the role of road pricing policy, thus ending up with solutions that might not be efficient or economical. This feature of sub-optimal road pricing policy is accentuated by the overall growth in car use, which has generated problems with the efficient use of road space. This paper presents a computer analysis system (or model) which will enable the analysis of coordinated tunnel toll pricing policies by optimising an “objective function” while satisfying the associated and other constraints. The possibility of integrating the optimal road pricing policies in the land use and transport planning are discussed. A case study based on Hong Kong data demonstrates the efficiency of optimizing tolls on two of the three harbour crossing tunnels in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

轨道交通建设前期工作对工程造价的影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合部分城市轨道交通前期工作的实际,介绍了轨道交通建设中线网规划、线路沿线土地利用规划的制定、客流预测以及线路敷设方式的确定等前期工作对地铁造价不同的影响方式和影响程度,提出了降低前期投资的几个方法和建议。  相似文献   

Non-motorised transport modes such as walking and biking are environmentally friendly, cheap and reasonably fast alternatives for trips up to a distance of some 3.5 km. Their importance for longer trips follows when a multimodal perspective is used: the use of the car implies short walking trips to a parking place. For public transport the same holds true for walking and biking to a public transport stop. Recognition of the multimodal character of these trips means that the number of moves made by pedestrians increases with a factor of about 6; the increase in distance is about 40%. Implications are discussed for average travel speeds, daily travel-time budgets, parking policies and policies to stimulate public transport.  相似文献   

Environmental equity considerations should be an essential ingredient of any sustainable transport strategy. Yet, it is unclear how environmental equity considerations can be incorporated into the sustainable transport discourse in a meaningful manner. The paper explores the multiple facets of the meaning of environmental equity in the case of transport. Then, the issues that need to be addressed in any analysis of each facet are delineated. On this basis it is suggested that the conventional environmental equity analysis, whereby the affected areas are compared to unaffected areas, is unlikely to render robust or meaningful results. Rather, the focus of research should be on the equity implications of policies geared to mitigate transport systems' environmental externalities, and on comparisons of users of the different transportation systems to those exposed to the negative environmental externalities of these systems. The results of such studies could provide direct inputs into comprehensive balanced policy packages within a sustainable transport strategy.  相似文献   

The interdependence and complexity of socio-technical systems and availability of a wide variety of policy measures to address policy problems make the process of policy formulation difficult. In order to formulate sustainable and efficient transport policies, development of new tools and techniques is necessary. One of the approaches gaining ground is policy packaging, which shifts focus from implementation of individual policy measures to implementation of combinations of measures with the aim of increasing efficiency and effectiveness of policy interventions by increasing synergies and reducing potential contradictions among policy measures. In this paper, we describe the development of a virtual environment for the exploration and analysis of different configurations of policy measures in order to build policy packages. By developing systematic approaches it is possible to examine more alternatives at a greater depth, decrease the time required for the overall analysis, provide real-time assessment and feedback on the effect of changes in the configurations, and ultimately form more effective policies. The results from this research demonstrate the usefulness of computational approaches in addressing the complexity inherent in the formulation of policy packages. This new approach has been applied to the formulation of policies to advance sustainable transportation.  相似文献   

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