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本文在新冠肺炎疫情传播防控基本措施、科学技术应用和客运常规管理的基础上,通过强化运输组织与人员管理、设施设备和物资管理、转运过程的组织实施等三个方面对特殊人员运输进行系统性地研究和实践,形成科学有效、可推广的防疫运输体系,介绍了浙江省丽水市新冠肺炎疫情期间特殊人员与物资转运过程中流程再造的做法,对进一步完善社会应急保障体系并最终打赢疫情防控阻击战具有现实的指导意义。  相似文献   

正在加快解决行业当前存在问题、发挥好复工复产"先行官"作用的同时,应坚持可持续发展的思路,重新审视疫情期间公路货运行业暴露的短板并给出相应解决措施,促进行业长远健康发展。2020年1月爆发的新冠肺炎疫情,是建国以来的一场非常战役,全社会面临重大挑战。为防控疫情,多地政府采取了封闭式管控和交通限制,面对庞大的防疫物资和生活物资紧急调运需求,公路货运从开始的混乱到后期的有序,在挑战中经受住了严峻的考验,发挥了重要作用。由于处在疫情防控和复工复产的  相似文献   

正"终于采购到一定量的防疫物资和生活必需品了,能暂时缓解项目部的防疫工作压力。"看着自己辗转当地多处商店采购回的满满几大箱物资,高源长长地舒了一口气。新冠肺炎疫情期间,中国港湾西非区域中心决定将阿比让港口扩建项目营地,建设成为西非区域临时集中防疫隔离点。彼时项目正处于收尾阶段,"人手少、工作重,我们的防疫工作开展困难且压力巨大。"项目部党支部书记潘志刚神情凝  相似文献   

侯淑芬  黄嘉博  王坤 《综合运输》2023,(10):163-167
新冠肺炎疫情席卷全球,防疫封控区基本生活物资的供应和配送,是维护社会稳定的重要工作。因疫情爆发的不确定性,实时做好防疫准备至关重要。通过期权契约机制与防疫封控区附近的连锁商超建立物资保障供应链,进行末端的物资配送,并基于防疫配送特点,以物流成本最低为目标,建立生活物资分配与配送路径规划模型,能够及时调配、搬运、配送生活物资。  相似文献   

正疫情对产业发展既是挑战也是机遇。在此期间,无人配送作为现实需求被广泛应用到战"疫"之中,而作为新兴产业,无人配送未来将如何发展也成为一个重要问题。2020年伊始,突如其来的新冠肺炎病毒肆虐全国,一场没有硝烟的"战争"就此展开。自疫情发生以来,全国人民上下一心众志成城,坚决做好防疫抗疫工作。在此期间,也催生出了各种"无接触配送""无人经济"消费场景的需求,医院、社区、办公园区……无人配送被广泛应用到战  相似文献   

正新冠肺炎疫情来势汹汹,既是对全社会应急能力的检验,更是对交通物流企业的一次能力"大考",中交兴路挺身而出!新冠肺炎疫情突然来袭,武汉"封城",公路货运成为保畅通、保运输、防疫情的中坚力量。一边是疫情防控,一边是复工复产,双重压力之下,如何全力保障物资运输和道路通畅?根据全国道路货运车辆公共监管  相似文献   

新冠肺炎疫情影响下美国西海岸港口出现严重拥堵,导致国际物流和供应链局部断裂。本文首先从供需平衡角度分析洛杉矶港和长滩港的能力适应性问题,根据锚地船舶数量、平均停泊时间等指标对港口拥堵程度进行分析。然后分析美国政府采取的缓解港口拥堵措施,并对政策实施效果进行评价。最后从提升港口服务可靠性、推动疫情防控跨国合作、加强港口生产动态监测等方面对我国港口高质量发展提出对策建议。  相似文献   

李焱茹  薛锋 《综合运输》2022,(4):137-143
基于非典疫情与新冠疫情的异同点,本文通过对比非典疫情对四川省旅客运输影响,分析新冠肺炎疫情对四川省旅客运输造成的影响。经比较,新冠肺炎疫情对四川省旅客运输的影响大于非典疫情时期造成的影响,运输恢复花费时间更长,但对运输行业长期发展趋势影响不大;对交通固定资产投资影响较小;对运输企业造成的冲击较严重;私家车出行量有所增加。最后,提出完善危机管理机制、帮扶运输企业和推动智能化运输发展等建议,以应对新冠肺炎疫情带来的影响和危机。  相似文献   

正面对新的形势,道路客运企业只有做好战略规划,远谋近施,拥抱挑战,危中觅机,才能趟出一条生存之路。新冠肺炎疫情来势汹汹,一度让整个客运行业按下了"暂停键",但是"停运不停车",疫情之下,诸多道路客运企业一边积极参与抗疫之战,一边以新思维开拓新市场谋求发展。济宁交运集团便是其中之一!  相似文献   

2021年12月15日,世界卫生组织卫生紧急项目技术主管玛丽亚·范·科霍夫在新闻发布会上表示,"奥密克戎"毒株正在多个国家和地区快速传播,但在现有防疫手段能广泛应用的前提下,如果能继续控制新冠病毒的传播并减少死亡率,新冠肺炎大流行"非常有希望"在2022年结束.  相似文献   

为了研究同时具有超大落差、长距离和变径的山区复杂地形管道通球技术方法,分析了通球中发生卡球、窜漏和爆管等主要风险种类及其危害性,建立了清管器在下坡段管道内运动和受力模型,设计了变径清管器并进行了模拟通球试验,制定了以水推动变径清管器列车运行、“气体弹簧”缓冲、背压减速、清管器跟踪等多种措施的通球方案。实践表明:直板式聚氨酯钢丝刷变径清管器设计满足通球要求,“气体弹簧”是控制清管器下坡球速防止弥合水击的有效措施,为类似管道的通球操作及投产运行提供了参考。  相似文献   

Marketing control enables effective and efficient use of marketing resources. This study uses intervention analysis to assess the effectiveness of a transit system change in Chattanooga, Tennessee. The goal of the change was to improve the effectiveness of the transit system, although, “effectiveness” was not formally defined before the change. In this study, four measures of effectiveness were used: total ridership, total operating revenues, the ratio of total operating revenues to total revenue miles, and the ratio of total passenger trips to total revenue miles. Intervention analysis showed that three out of four of these measures had been improved by the transit system change.  相似文献   

The concept of accessibility has been variously interpreted as being the “nearness to places,” the “nearness to activities” and more recently the “ease of participating in activities.” With each of these qualitative interpretations, there has also been a variety of quantitative definitions of accessibility. This paper shows that many of the proposed definitions of accessibility can in fact be gathered together to form a spectrum of accessibility measures. These measures differ with respect to the factors included in their formulation and their degree of behavioural interpretation.

Existing measures of accessibility are shown to be deficient in one major aspect. That is, they assume that for any one measure of accessibility there is but one origin of trips. Thus, in estimating the accessibility of a point within a region it is assumed that all potential trips, which contribute to the accessibility of that point, start from that single point. In view of the considerable amount of evidence demonstrating the widespread, and increasing, occurrence of trip‐linking such a proposition must be viewed as being rather doubtful.

In the light of this, the paper proceeds to develop a measure of accessibility which explicitly accounts for the linking of trips. The implications of this measure, compared to a conventional unlinked‐trip accessibility measure, are discussed as are some problems which are foreseen in the practical implementation of such a measure.  相似文献   

Physical inactivity of children and adolescents is a major public health challenge of the modern era but, when adequately promoted and nurtured, active travel offers immediate health benefits and forms future sustainable and healthy travel habits. This study explores jointly the choice and the extent of active travel of young adolescents while considering walking and cycling as distinct travel forms, controlling for objective urban form measures, and taking both a “street-buffer” looking at the immediate home surroundings and a “transport-zone” looking at wider neighborhoods. A Heckman selection model represents the distance covered while cycling (walking) given the mode choice being bicycle (walk) for a representative sample of 10–15 year-olds from the Capital Region of Denmark extracted from the Danish national travel survey. Results illustrate the necessity of different urban environments for walking and cycling, as the former relates to “street-buffer” urban form measures and the latter also to “transport-zone ” ones. Results also show that lessening the amount and the density of car traffic, diminishing the movement of heavy vehicles in local streets, reducing the conflict points with the density of intersections, and intervening on crash frequency and severity, would increase the probability and the amount of active travel by young adolescents. Last, results indicate that zones in rural areas and at a higher percentage of immigrants are likely to have lower probability and amount of active travel by young adolescents.  相似文献   

The paper explores barriers for designing and implementing policies for the transition to more environmentally sustainable urban mobility, and strategies for overcoming these barriers in three Norwegian cities. Empirical data has been collected by interviewing key informants and analysing relevant documents. The findings show that there is broad political support for placing sustainable mobility high on the political agenda. Challenges appear when policy measures are designed and implemented. Cultural, legal, political, organisational, financial and knowledge-related barriers are identified. Many similar barriers are identified in the three case cities, but differences also appear. The results indicate that the size of the cities as well as the type of policy packages implemented are important factors, impacting both the type and strength of barriers. Several strategies for overcoming barriers have been implemented in the three case cities with success. The implementation of policy packages with a combination of “push” and “pull” measures is perhaps the most important strategy. In addition, using communication strategically and allowing for trials and step-by-step introduction of policy measures are success factors. Better methods for stakeholder involvement and planning tools for bicyclists and pedestrians may increase the acceptance of policy measures and speed up the transition toward sustainable mobility.  相似文献   

The reliability and vulnerability of critical infrastructures have attracted a lot of attention recently. In order to assess these issues quantitatively, operational measures are needed. Such measures can also be used as guidance to road administrations in their prioritisation of maintenance and repair of roads, as well as for avoiding causing unnecessary disturbances in the planning of roadwork. The concepts of link importance and site exposure are introduced. In this paper, several link importance indices and site exposure indices are derived, based on the increase in generalised travel cost when links are closed. These measures are divided into two groups: one reflecting an “equal opportunities perspective”, and the other a “social efficiency perspective”. The measures are calculated for the road network of northern Sweden. Results are collected in a GIS for visualisation, and are presented per link and municipality. In view of the recent great interest in complex networks, some topological measures of the road network are also presented.  相似文献   

This paper presents a fuzzy controller for freeway ramp metering, which uses rules of the form: IF “freeway condition” THEN “control action.” The controller has been designed to consider varied levels of congestion, a downstream control area, changing occupancy levels, upstream flows, and a distributed detector array in its rule base. Through fuzzy implication, the inference of each rule is used to the degree to which the condition is true. Using a dynamic simulation model of conditions0fj at the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, the action of the fuzzy controller is compared to the existing “crisp” control scheme, and an idealized controller. Tests under a variety of scenarios with different incident locations and capacity reductions show that the fuzzy controller is able to extract 40 to 100% of the possible savings in passenger-hours. In general, the fuzzy algorithm displays smooth and rapid response to incidents, and significantly reduces the minute-miles of congestion.  相似文献   

Public transport subsidies play an important role in the present Belgian mobility policy. The introduction of “free” bus transport in Hasselt in 1997 was an important event. Later, the Flemish government in cooperation with the regional public transport company elaborated the so-called “third-payer system” for target groups. The price of public transport is not paid by the user or the provider, but partly or completely by a “third party”. In how far these measures contribute to a more sustainable mobility system has caused much debate.In the academic year 2003–2004, a “free public transport” initiative was introduced for the students of Flemish colleges and universities in Brussels. These students had the opportunity to obtain a refunded annual season ticket on Brussels public transport. Brussels was selected for the case study, because in the same city there is a group of students that benefits from the measure, and another group (students from French speaking universities and colleges) that does not. In order to examine the effects of this measure, we conducted a survey among the students to examine their present travel behaviour (number of trips, motives, modal choice …) and the changes with the travel behaviour of the previous year. In addition we compare the current travel behaviour between the students benefiting from the measure, and those who do not.  相似文献   

The development and testing of a traffic control scheme for the high density sectors of the Manhattan Central Business District (CBD) is described. The proposed control scheme is based on “spillback avoidance” approach rather than the conventional “progressive movement” approach. This plan is characterized by signal splits which reflect the need to service the growing east-west cross street demands in the direction of travel, yet provide near optimal offsets and splits to the north-south arterial traffic. Under this scheme, the signal offsets for the cross streets exhibit a “backward progression” which is optimal (or near optimal) for streets with long queues and slow discharge headways. Netsim was executed to simulate traffic operations with the existing and proposed signal timing patterns on one of the test networks. Comparison of the results indicated that the number and duration of spillback blockages were markedly decreased, with a concommitant reduction in vehicle travel time and number of stops, coupled with an increase in vehicle trips serviced. A before-and-after field study yielded similar results, with the new control scheme providing a 20% reduction in overall travel time.  相似文献   

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