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正我国2017年拟新增80万个充电桩支持新能源车发展我国计划在2017年内新增80万个充电桩,用来支持持续增长的新能源汽车(NEV)市场的发展,其中公共和非公共充电桩分别为10万和70万个;后者主要用于满足出租车、公共汽车和商业用车的充电需求。2016年中国新增了10万个公共充电桩,目前总数已达到15万个。据悉,新增的充电桩将主要被安置在城  相似文献   

正一面是消费者担心纯电动车无处充电,一面是大量建成的充电桩无人问津。新能源汽车推广所面临的窘境,怎么破?如何让闲置的充电桩"动"起来?如何让充电桩与车一路同行,不再分离?作为"充电桩"的家族一员,万马股份早在2014年就已投资1亿元设立爱充网,试水充电桩运营,相关APP和Web均已上线使用,针对充电设施浪费、使用率低的问题似乎给出了较好答案。  相似文献   

正作为整个新能源汽车最下游的一环——充电基础设施,却是决定着电动汽车跑起来、跑出去的关键一步。但是目前,这一关键之步仍存在诸多痛点。"我们车站只有40多个充电桩,近200辆电动公交车用起来十分紧张。"山东一客运企业负责人向记者抱怨:"充电桩紧缺,为了满足运营需求,车辆一闲下来就得进行补电。"类似的现象在很多地方都有出现。不光是商用电动车,还有普通的乘用电动车,都存在着"充电难"、"等桩难"等问题。  相似文献   

权利要求 1.一种中高压电能变换系统,其特征在于:该中高压电能变换系统包括电源侧变换器装置,负载侧变换器装置和电源侧滤波装置;该电源侧滤波装置电连接在电源和该电源侧变换器装置之间,该电源侧变换器装置用于将该电源提供的第一种交流电能转换成直流电能或者将直流电能转换成交流电能以回馈给该电源;该负载侧变换器装置与该电源侧变换器装置电连接,该负载侧变换器装置用于将该直流电能转换成第二种交流电能,并将该第二种交流电能提供给负载,或者将第二种交流电能转换成直流电能,并将该直流电能回馈给该电源侧变换器装置;其中,该电源侧变换器装置至少包括形成嵌套式中点导向拓扑架构的第一变换器模块和第二变换器模块.  相似文献   

电动汽车是当前汽车研究领域的重点发展方向,为适应电动汽车产业的发展趋势,当前社会基础设施建设开始重点建设能为电动汽车充电的充电桩,由于充电桩的基础设施建设技术还未成熟,在进行基础设施建设的过程中发现,部分充电桩存在安全隐患或无法充电等故障,因此专家开始研究充电桩设施检测技术,通过应用充电桩设施检测技术,构建设施检测能力,继续优化充电桩及相关技术。本文对电动汽车充电桩设施检测的能力建设进行了分析研究,在进行研究的过程中针对充电桩设施检测对象、检测设备、检测方法进行了全面研究,以上多种要素是构建充电桩设施检测能力建设的关键,对于优化及推动充电桩设施检测具有重要作用。  相似文献   

正凭借着省钱、环保,新能源汽车快速成为车市的新宠。新能源汽车产业如火如荼,但充电基础设施建设方面却明显滞后。一场大规模的"造桩运动"蓄势而发,造桩的痛点是否迎刃而解?万马的集中式快充站似乎找到破解之法。"2017年内计划建成充电桩90万个。其中,公共充电桩10万个,私人充电桩80万个。"这是国家能源局在《2017年能源工作指导意见通知》中明确提出的积极推进充电桩建设,这一数量较2016年年底充电桩保有量有超过  相似文献   

正凭借着省钱、环保,新能源汽车快速成为车市的新宠。新能源汽车产业如火如荼,但充电基础设施建设方面却明显滞后。一场大规模的"造桩运动"蓄势而发,造桩的痛点是否迎刃而解?"2017年内计划建成充电桩90万个。其中,公共充电桩10万个,私人充电桩80万个。"这是国家能源局在《2017年能源工作指导意见通知》中明确提出的积极推进充电桩  相似文献   

正"为更好地实现"绿色交通"的理念,推动更多岛城市民使用纯电动汽车出行,6月15日,交运集团青岛阳光新能源有限公司开展了共享充电桩免费使用活动,让岛城市民更好地体验共享充电桩的方便与快捷。"  相似文献   

为使建设的高速公路服务区充电设施能更好地满足新能源汽车出行需要,文章对高速公路服务区新能源汽车充电用户需求及用电特性进行了分析,对充电桩设计、施工及经营管理进行了探讨,并给出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

随着社会电气化水平的提高,新能源汽车成为人们的新宠儿. 如何快速寻找充电桩,这个曾经困扰很多车主的问题,已经不再棘手.点开"e充电"APP,附近的充电桩一目了然,充电桩类型、目前使用状态等一一显示. 车主享受到的便捷充电服务得益于国家电网持续建设完善的智慧车联网平台,该平台是全球覆盖面最广、数量最多、服务能力最强的电动汽车运营服务平台.截至2020年年底,智慧车联网平台累计接入各类运营主体充电桩103万个,覆盖全国93%的公共充电桩.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the market potential and environmental benefits of replacing internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles with battery electric vehicles (BEVs) in the taxi fleet in Nanjing, China. Vehicle trajectory data collected by onboard global positioning system (GPS) units are used to study the travel patterns of taxis. The impacts of charger power, charging infrastructure coverage, and taxi apps on the feasibility of electric taxis are quantified, considering taxi drivers’ recharging behavior and operating activities. It is found that (1) depending on the charger power and coverage, 19% (with AC Level 2 chargers and 20% charger network coverage) to 56% (with DC chargers and 100% charger network coverage) of the ICE vehicles can be replaced by electric taxis without driving pattern changes; (2) by using taxi apps to find nearby passengers and charging stations, drivers could utilize the empty cruising time to charge the battery, which may increase the acceptance of BEVs by up to 82.6% compared to the scenario without taxi apps; and (3) tailpipe emissions in urban areas could be significantly reduced with taxi electrification: a mixed taxi fleet with 46% compressed-natural-gas-powered (CNG) and 54% electricity-powered vehicles can reduce the tailpipe emissions by 48% in comparison with the fleet of 100% CNG taxis.  相似文献   

This study explores how to facilitate the electric vehicle (EV) diffusion from a two-sided market platform competition. We develop a stylized model depicting the platform competition between electric and gasoline vehicles by combining indirect network effects of consumer and energy supplier sides as well as vehicle manufacturers’ profits. The findings of this study provide several meaningful strategic and policy implications for EV manufacturers and policymakers who wish to enhance EV diffusion. First, EV sales are significantly influenced by indirect network effects from the energy supplier side to the consumer side, and vice versa. This implies that EV manufacturers who wish to boost EV diffusion should implement a strategy providing energy suppliers with incentives to willingly join the EV platform. Second, the dynamic nature of the effects of energy costs on platform competition might render counter-intuitive evidence that the drop in oil prices does not always negatively influence EV sales. This requires EV manufacturers to prepare a contingent strategy adjusting to such unexpected conditions. Third, governments should consider the energy supplier side as well as the consumer side in designing EV diffusion policies. When governments have a very challenging EV diffusion target, a balanced policy, which treats both gasoline and electric vehicle technologies fairly, may be more effective than a consumer subsidy policy.  相似文献   

When substituting conventional with electric vehicles (EV) a high annual mileage is desirable from an environmental as well as an economic perspective. However, there are still significant technological limitations that need to be taken into consideration. This study presents and discusses five different charging strategies for two mobility applications executed during an early stage long-term field test from 2013 to 2015 in Germany, which main objective was to increase the utilization within the existing technological restrictions. During the field test seven EV drove more than 450,000 km. For four out of five presented charging strategies the inclusion of DC fast charging is indispensable. Based on the empirical evidence five key performance indicators (KPI) are developed. These indicators give recommendations to economically deploy EV in commercial fleets. The results demonstrate that the more predictable the underlying mobility demand and the more technical information is available the better the charging strategies can be defined. Furthermore, the results indicate that a prudent mix of conventional and DC fast charging allows a high annual mileage while at the same time limiting avoidable harmful effects on the battery.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a case study on planning the locations of public electric vehicle (EV) charging stations in Beijing, China. Our objectives are to incorporate the local constraints of supply and demand on public EV charging stations into facility location models and to compare the optimal locations from three different location models. On the supply side, we analyse the institutional and spatial constraints in public charging infrastructure construction to select the potential sites. On the demand side, interviews with stakeholders are conducted and the ranking-type Delphi method is used when estimating the EV demand with aggregate data from municipal statistical yearbooks and the national census. With the estimated EV demand, we compare three classic facility location models – the set covering model, the maximal covering location model, and the p-median model – and we aim to provide policy-makers with a comprehensive analysis to better understand the effectiveness of these traditional models for locating EV charging facilities. Our results show that the p-median solutions are more effective than the other two models in the sense that the charging stations are closer to the communities with higher EV demand, and, therefore, the majority of EV users have more convenient access to the charging facilities. From the experiments of comparing only the p-median and the maximal covering location models, our results suggest that (1) the p-median model outperforms the maximal covering location model in terms of satisfying the other’s objective, and (2) when the number of charging stations to be built is large, or when minor change is required, the solutions to both models are more stable as p increases.  相似文献   

This paper studies the heterogeneous energy cost and charging demand impact of autonomous electric vehicle (EV) fleet under different ambient temperature. A data-driven method is introduced to formulate a two-dimensional grid stochastic energy consumption model for electric vehicles. The energy consumption model aids in analyzing EV energy cost and describing uncertainties under variable average vehicle trip speed and ambient temperature conditions. An integrated eco-routing and optimal charging decision making framework is designed to improve the capability of autonomous EV’s trip level energy management in a shared fleet. The decision making process helps to find minimum energy cost routes with consideration of charging strategies and travel time requirements. By taking advantage of derived models and technologies, comprehensive case studies are performed on a data-driven simulated transportation network in New York City. Detailed results show us the heterogeneous energy impact and charging demand under different ambient temperature. By giving the same travel demand and charging station information, under the low and high ambient temperature within each month, there exist more than 20% difference of overall energy cost and 60% difference of charging demand. All studies will help to construct sustainable infrastructure for autonomous EV fleet trip level energy management in real world applications.  相似文献   

Electric Vehicles (EV) are highly beneficial due to their reliance on electricity and Climate Change response yet EV sales are lower than would be expected due to range anxiety. If a potential buyer cannot be assured of having constantly-available and compatible charging stations, they will not purchase an EV. To increase the sales of EVs through improved charger availability, this paper examines parking configurations, charger design, convenient “EV only” parking, free charging, etiquette in unplugging another’s vehicle, and legislation. Data were derived from academic publications, trade market press, conversations, personal observations, and laws. The results show that chargers are often in a lot’s corner and thus accessible only to one vehicle, EV owners leave their charged car in the space, drivers use EV spaces for parking, etiquette cards are not understood, and legislation makes it illegal to unplug another’s EV. Improvements include less convenient charger spots, an octopus charger in the middle of the parking lot, modest charging fees to foster turnover, chargers that indicate an EV is charged, education and legislation about etiquette cards, and legislation that allows an individual to unplug another’s charged EV. Improvements to charging should be implemented simultaneously to lessen range anxiety and realize the environmental benefits from reductions in gasoline consumption and mobile source air pollution.  相似文献   

The benefit of eco-driving of electric vehicles (EVs) has been studied with the promising connected vehicle (i.e. V2X) technology in recent years. Whereas, it is still in doubt that how traffic signal control affects EV energy consumption. Therefore, it is necessary to explore the interactions between the traffic signal control and EV energy consumption. This research aims at studying the energy efficiency and traffic mobility of the EV system under V2X environment. An optimization model is proposed to meet both operation and energy efficiency for an EV transportation system with both connected EVs (CEVs) and non-CEVs. For CEVs, a stage-wise approximation model is implemented to provide an optimal speed control strategy. Non-CEVs obey a car-following rule suggested by the well-known Intelligent Driver Model (IDM) to achieve eco-driving. The eco-driving EV system is then integrated with signal control and a bi-objective and multi-stage optimization problem is formulated. For such a large-scale problem, a hybrid intelligent algorithm merging genetic algorithm (GA) and particle swarm optimization (PSO) is implemented. At last, a validation case is performed on an arterial with four intersections with different traffic demands. Results show that cycle-based signal control could improve both traffic mobility and energy saving of the EV system with eco-driving compared to a fixed signal timing plan. The total consumed energy decreases as the CEV penetration rate augments in general.  相似文献   

Electric vehicles (EVs) were recently reintroduced to the global car market. These are an improvement over their predecessors in performance and electric driving range. Although the uptake of EVs has been notable in a short period of time, most government goals for adoption have not been met. This paper reviews a growing body of peer-reviewed literature assessing factors affecting EV adoption. Several important gaps in knowledge are identified. First, there is mixed evidence of the effectiveness of government incentives in encouraging EV uptake and particularly little knowledge in regards to issues of timing and magnitude. The literature shows that public charging infrastructure is an important factor associated with EV uptake, though the direction of causality is yet unclear. Public charging infrastructure can ease range anxiety, particularly for battery electric vehicles, but there is little guidance as to the way in which government should best go about ensuring the provision of infrastructure. Lastly, the nascent EV market means that studies primarily rely on surveys about hypothetical situations. There is strong evidence that actual purchases are much lower than consumers’ stated preferences. Improving understanding of this “attitude–action” gap is important to better informing studies of EV uptake over time.  相似文献   

Take-up rates of electric vehicles (EV) are increasing and are predicted to accelerate rapidly. Public EV charging networks will be required to support future EV fleets. If unplanned, public charging networks are highly likely to be suboptimal. Planners need to understand and plan for future EV charging infrastructure requirements, particularly public DC fast charging networks, as both the upfront investment costs and the consequences of misallocation are high. However, the task of determining the optimal locations and allocations (types and numbers) of public EV charging infrastructure is complicated as it requires knowledge of many variables. These include EV driver behaviors, driving patterns, predicting evolutionary changes in EV and EV charging technologies, future EV take-up rates, and what investment may or may not occur in the absence of government funding support.  相似文献   

Policymakers often seek to increase the visibility of plug-in electric vehicle (PEV) chargers in public locations in effort to build familiarity and interest in PEVs. However, it is not clear if the visibility of public charging stations actually has an impact on PEV demand. The purposes of the present study are to (1) assess the current levels of visibility for public PEV charging infrastructure within Canada and (2) identify whether or not a statistically significant relationship exists between consumer awareness of public charging infrastructure and interest in purchasing a PEV. We use data collected from a sample of 1739 Canadian new-vehicle buyers in 2013. About 18% of Canadian respondents have seen at least one public charger, while the proportion is highest in British Columbia (31%). We find a significant bivariate relationship between public charger awareness and PEV interest. However, when controlling for multiple explanatory variables in regression analyses, the relationship is weak or non-existent. While perceived existence of at least one charger exhibits no significant relationship with PEV interest, perceived existence of multiple chargers can have a weak but significant relationship. Thus, public charger awareness is not a strong predictor of PEV interest; other variables are more important, such as the availability of level 1 (110/120-volt) charging at home.  相似文献   

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