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随着近年湄洲湾港口建设步伐的加快,船舶大型化明显,通航密度不断增加。由于LNG船舶进出港采取交通管制措施、个别作业区码头回旋水域占用主航道影响航道通航能力,唯一的进港主航道将无法适应湄洲湾港口快速发展的要求。本文在分析湄洲湾航道现状及存在问题的基础上,提出开辟湄洲湾第二通道方案,并提出提高航道通航能力的措施建议。  相似文献   

在平南三桥施工过程中,因其自身施工特性影响,会对施工水域及其附近航运范围内船舶的正常通航造成一定影响。文章通过研究该桥施工对通航环境及安全的影响情况,提出了保障施工水域安全通航的技术措施。  相似文献   

日前,《三峡升船机水域通航监管系统工程可行性研究报告》(简称《报告》)已获交通运输部批复。总投资达2035万元的三峡升船机水域通航监管系统工程将于明年正式开工建设,完工后,长江三峡通航管理局将在三峡大坝坝前通航水域对过坝船舶实施分离监管。根据《报告》,长江三峡通航管理局将在三峡大坝坝前通航水域内建设升船机雷达站、船舶信号指挥系统、CCTV  相似文献   

本文以赛江内河航道为研究对象,通过实地调研发现内河航道存在通航限制大、航道建设和养护滞后、船舶无序锚泊、通航小型船舶较多和上游采砂点不规范等问题,并从通航管理和安全管理两个方面提出了相应的风险防范对策及建议。  相似文献   

为提高内河航道通航安全性,对影响内河航道通航尺度条件、通航水流条件、通航气象条件、河床边界条件、航道布局条件的因素进行分析。在此基础上,提出针对性的管理手段,包括应用水文测量及预测技术保障通航水流条件、应用航道清淤技术保障河道边界条件、应用智能船舶技术保障航道布局条件等,以期提高内河航道的整体通航水平。  相似文献   

本文系统探讨了LNG船舶通航对港口运营影响问题的研究思路与方法,并探讨基于ANYLOGIC多智能体仿真建模平台建立多随机因素、多变量的港口航行作业系统仿真模型的技术方法。研究采用面向对象的建模方法,基于数据驱动对模型进行初始化,利用智能体消息传递来触发行为的通讯机制,建立了可模拟LNG船舶通航影响问题的港口航行作业系统仿真模型。经实例验证,本方法建立的仿真模型可以有效模拟复杂水域港口运营情况,并具备研究LNG船舶通航对港口运营影响问题所需的功能,模拟结果和分析方法可以为港口规划和LNG接收站项目决策提供科学依据。  相似文献   

结合内河船舶标准化工作进展,从狭义和广义两方面诠释内涵;借鉴欧美内河船舶发展经验,归纳内河船型标准化的发展规律;总结工作长期性特征,船型尺度发展及其与通航矛盾的关系。重新审视内河船舶标准化工作,提出了关于船舶船龄、最低配员、安全技术、绿色排放、舒适美观、先进智能等方面的建议,并助力深化相关标准研究和行业发展。  相似文献   

2021年上半年,深圳盐田港集装箱吞吐量648.63万标箱,同比增长21.23%,船舶进出港艘次33311艘次,同比增长13.1%.受盐田港"5.21疫情"影响,盐田港码头作业能力受到较大影响,大量计划挂靠盐田港的国际集装箱班轮被迫在锚地等待靠泊,其6月集装箱吞吐量仅为61.58万标箱,较去年同期减少46.96%,6月船舶进出港艘次2439艘次,较去年同期减少58.39%.据悉,为应对盐田港船舶滞港情况助力盐田港复工复产,深圳海事部门强化"零接触"监管,充分运用无人机、电子巡查等多种手段加大对大鹏湾锚地及周边水域的船舶动态监控力度,加强重点船舶交通组织,派驻海巡船艇对重点水域24小时驻守和动态巡查,协调南海救助局开展海空立体联动巡查,维护锚地良好通航秩序.同时,海事部门不断优化海事政务服务,针对滞港船舶落实24小时"秒批秒办"、进出港手续"一网通办"等举措,推动优化进出港作业流程,压缩各环节等待时间,助推船舶快进快出.6月24日,盐田港正式恢复全面生产,滞港船舶也顺利实现"清零".  相似文献   

港口管理过程中,须采用适当方法对航道水域通航安全进行综合评估,并根据评估结果制定相应改造或者优化方案。文章基于可拓学理论,以宁波舟山港航道为例,对航道水域通航安全进行综合评估,结果表明:宁波-舟山港航道通航环境安全等级整体较高;第5条航道处于中等危险水平,须采取改造措施。研究结果对提升港口管理水平、优化航道改造方案有积极价值。  相似文献   

平潭海峡大桥的建设备受两岸人民的关注,同时也是发展海西经济和打造平潭综合实验区的重要基础,而其中平潭海峡大桥所在的海坛海峡历来以海区岛屿,礁石,浅滩星罗棋布,气象水文环境复杂而著称,是福建沿岸较复杂的航道之一,大桥的建设期间给过往船舶通航带来了很大的影响。本文将以平潭海峡大桥建设为例,具体介绍施工期间船舶通航现状,以实际案例说明施工期间船舶通航存在问题,从而提出海上桥梁施工期间建立完善通航指示标志的规范及相关配套措施的建议。  相似文献   

This paper looks at the energy consumption and green house gas emissions of inland river shipping, and compares them with the performance of seagoing ships. The analysis is based on a case study of container shipping on the Yangtze River, China. Data were collected under both calm water and real navigation conditions, and energy efficiency operation indices under these conditions are calculated and analyzed. We find that the navigation environment can influence significantly the operational energy efficiency of inland river ships.  相似文献   

2019年2月18日中共中央、国务院印发了《粤港澳大湾区发展规划纲要》,其中航运清洁发展是重要的内容之一。面对粤港澳大湾区水路运输高速发展的态势,尤其是石油及其制品的运量快速增长,船舶及其有关作业活动对水域环境造成的污染风险越来越大,大湾区内各市均不同程度面临着严峻的船舶污染防治形势。为保障国家、行业以及《规划纲要》关于船舶污染防治措施和要求的落实,本研究对大湾区船舶污染风险进行了分析,梳理了大湾区船舶污染防治现状,并提出了相应的污染防治对策。  相似文献   

介绍了影响客(滚)船舱室内空气质量的各种因素,阐述了客(滚)船舱室室内空气品质的定义。通过实测,对三条航线的六艘船舶上不同等级客舱内的空气质量进行了调查分析,明确了影响舱室空气品质的主要因素为空调供风质量,并提出了改善的建议与措施。  相似文献   

伴随着"冰上丝绸之路"口号的提出,也为开发北极航道带来了空前的机遇。而北极航区有大量的浮冰存在,船舶航行时难免会遇到船与冰碰撞的问题。在查阅相关文献和掌握理论知识的基础上,利用ANSYS/LS-DYNA建立船舶--浮冰碰撞模型,分别对不同船舶夹芯式舷侧结构与普通结构和浮冰碰撞的损伤情况进行数值模拟计算,根据对数据结果的比较分析选取出一种较优的抗冰载荷作用的结构形式。  相似文献   

文章针对漓江旅游客船易受雷雨大风袭击的事故特点,分析了雷雨大风的形成原因,探讨了航向、风向、流向对航行安全的影响,建立了漓江旅游客船防抗雷雨大风的稳性衡准式,并提出了客船防抗雷雨大风的注意事项。  相似文献   

水运交通给人类带来了文明与进步,但同时也带来了交通事故、环境污染等公害,某些事故甚至已经到了灾害的程度。仅从交通安全的角度进行防范已经不够,需要从交通灾害的角度进行综合的防范。文章在提出水运交通灾害的概念基础上,构建了基于人、船、环境和管理四要素的水运交通灾害的致灾机理,改变了以前的跟随控制模式,并利用预警管理的思想,构筑了水运交通灾害的预警管理模式对策。  相似文献   

结合深圳地铁2222标项目工程施工过程中的实际情况,分析了项目施工过程中的安全风险控制及安全保障措施,并提出了地铁施工过程中风险源的防范措施与建议。  相似文献   

Ship energy efficiency management and control is an effective strategy to improve the marine economy and reduce CO2 emission. The determination of the best navigation speed under different working conditions is the basis and premise for real-time improvement of ship energy efficiency. In this paper, the working condition in short distance ahead of the ship related to navigation environment factors was predicted by the method of wavelet neural network, and then the best engine speed for the optimal energy efficiency under different working conditions could be determined through the established ship energy efficiency real-time optimization model. Further, by presetting the ship engine at this optimal speed, the ship energy efficiency could be guaranteed at the optimal state when the ship arrived at the navigation environment ahead of the ship, thus achieving real-time optimization of ship energy efficiency under different navigation environment factors. Experimental studies showed that the proposed optimization model was effective in energy saving and emission reduction, which could provide theoretical guidance for optimal sailing of the ship in service. Compared to traditional setting speed navigation methods, our proposed method has more practical significance to the improvement of ship energy efficiency.  相似文献   

To control SOx, NOx and particulate matter emission from ships, including cruise ships, emission control areas (ECAs) have been defined by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), which influences cruise planning. This paper investigates a mixed integer programming model to reschedule voyage plans by optimizing speeds, sailing patterns and ports-of-call sequences, hence reducing fuel costs. A tabu search based solution method is developed to solve the model. Computational tests on real-world data of cruise lines are conducted in order to explore the effects of ECA regulations on cruise shipping. The results show that the proposed model can save fuel costs under ECA regulations, and the designed solution method is efficient.  相似文献   

This paper deals with two speed optimization problems for ships that sail in and out of Emission Control Areas (ECAs) with strict limits on sulfur emissions. For ships crossing in and out of ECAs, such as deep-sea vessels, one of the common options for complying with these limits is to burn heavy fuel oil (HFO) outside the ECA and switch to low-sulfur fuel such as marine gas oil (MGO) inside the ECA. As the prices of these two fuels are generally very different, so may be the speeds that the ship will sail at outside and inside the ECA. The first optimization problem examined by the paper considers an extension of the model of Ronen (1982) in which ship speeds both inside and outside the ECA are optimized. The second problem is called the ECA refraction problem, due to its conceptual similarity with the refraction problem when light travels across two different media, and also involves optimizing the point at which the ship crosses the ECA boundary. In both cases the objective of the problem is to maximize daily profit. In addition to mathematical formulations, examples and sensitivity analyses are presented for both problems.  相似文献   

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