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The shrinking of Arctic ice triggers off a new round of competition and dispute in this region, among traditional Arctic states and non-Arctic actors. Like its East Asia neighbours, China sees the melting Arctic Ocean a unique opportunity for itself and international trade generally. The changing physical landscape of the Arctic region will certainly have a major impact on China’s economic future which is very dependent on international shipping. This paper assesses the impact of the ice-free Arctic on the development of marine transport industry in China. The author discusses the potential new routes with the Arctic’s melting and the opportunities that it brings to China’s maritime transportation industry. Challenges that China faces in future shipping through the Arctic will be also addressed from political, legal, economic and environmental dimensions, followed by a preliminary exploration of ways to solution of these challenges.  相似文献   

介绍了钢管桩防腐蚀的方案。以舟山煤炭中转码头工程为背景,阐述了外海大型码头钢管桩的涂料结合牺牲阳极防腐蚀的设计方案并简要介绍牺牲阳极块体的安装施工工艺。对保护效果进行了检测,结果表明该防腐设计方案有效。达到了预期效果。  相似文献   

泸州港口经济发展的SWOT分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"十一五"期间,是泸州长江"黄金水道"建设的黄金时期,也是泸州港口经济发展的重要战略机遇期.运用SWOT分析方法对泸州港经济发展的内部优势、劣势及外部的机会和挑战进行了全面、系统分析.以求提升泸州港口综合竞争力,探求泸州港口经济发展战略、实现泸州发展战略和打造川南港口经济中心.  相似文献   

《珠江三角洲地区改革发展规划纲要》的颁布实施,对珠三角地区经济社会的发展具有重要战略意义,为珠三角地区船舶工业和航运业的发展提供了历史机遇。本文以珠江三角洲地区相关的船检分支机构[主要以广州海事局(广东省船舶检验局广州分局)为例]如何把握这一历史时期,更好地履行船舶检验职责和体现公共服务职能,发挥专业优势为船舶工业和航运业发展服务,在服务地方经济建设的同时实现自身科学发展为课题进行思考,提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

已经30年的中国国际海事会展依然吸引全球嘉宾,即使在全球金融危机的影响下,也没有消褪来自全球各地的航运、造船业的热情。主办方统计数据显示,第十五届中国国际海事会展面积超过了55000平方米,比上届增长了约40%,共有30个国家和地区的1200多家单位参展。而以“危机、挑战与机遇”为主题的高级海事论坛,更是一场精英云集、宏论嘉言精彩迭出的业界盛宴。  相似文献   

加入WTO对我国海运服务贸易的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
我国加入WTO不仅给我们带来了严峻的挑战,也为我们提供了新的发展机遇。我国在进一步开放海运服务贸易市场的同时,必须采取适当的措施保护我国航运企业免遭毁灭性打击,促进我国海运服务贸易业的繁荣与发展。  相似文献   

Beach erosion presents a hazard to coastal tourism facilities, which provide the main economic thrust for most Caribbean small islands (CSIs). Ad hoc approaches to addressing this problem have given way to the integrated coastal zone management (ICZM) approach, which recommends data collection, analysis of coastal processes, and assessment of impacts. UNESCO's Coast and Beach Stability in the Caribbean (COSALC) project has provided most CSIs with an opportunity to monitor their beaches and collect over 10 years of data. Research has been directed at integrating these data with geographic information systems (GIS) and other information technologies to develop a prototype beach analysis and management system (BAMS) for CSIs. This article presents the results of phase I development of this effort, which includes the development of tools for integrating spatial and non-spatial coastal data, estimating long-term beach erosion/accretion and sand volume change trends at individual beaches, identifying erosion-sensitive beaches, and mapping beach erosion hazards. The Southeast Peninsula, St. Kitts, is used as a case study to develop these tools and demonstrate system functionality.  相似文献   

全球海运的发展催生出以转运货物形式服务于周边区域和远洋运输的中转港,它们在全球贸易及运输体系中占据重要地位,形成了明显的特征格局。在中转港形成因素及分类研究的基础上,总结全球范围中转港发展格局和发展特征,探讨不同区域中转港的发展趋势。结果表明,当前全球航运格局重心在亚太地区,国际中转港主要分布在远东-西欧-北美主航线,而扼守关键区位则容易催生出中转大港。同时,未来各区域的中转港发展将随着经济全球化与国际贸易的深入发展而变动,并受船舶大型化、服务软环境等显著影响。  相似文献   

This article is concerned with an analytical summary of how the Japanese container ports have been taking place overcapacity problem in a systematic way. It focuses on institutional aspects of the overcapacity problem from the viewpoint of accounting cost and opportunity cost. The first issue arises due to the port authority's accounting system and insufficient disclosures of financial statements of port business to the port users and taxpayers. The second issue is inherently related to resource allocation between the state government and local governments through the budget system and income distribution programmes. Since a proper allocation of economic resources in the port sector as a whole will depend on investment decisions being taken within a coherent framework for ensuring that costs are passed on to port users, these issues are closely related to each other in reality. Although the budget system is completely controlled by the state government, the local governments have authoritative power over port planning, financing, and management, which is assured by the Ports and Harbours Law. The overcapacity problem appears to be an inevitable result.  相似文献   

This article is concerned with an analytical summary of how the Japanese container ports have been taking place overcapacity problem in a systematic way. It focuses on institutional aspects of the overcapacity problem from the viewpoint of accounting cost and opportunity cost. The first issue arises due to the port authority's accounting system and insufficient disclosures of financial statements of port business to the port users and taxpayers. The second issue is inherently related to resource allocation between the state government and local governments through the budget system and income distribution programmes. Since a proper allocation of economic resources in the port sector as a whole will depend on investment decisions being taken within a coherent framework for ensuring that costs are passed on to port users, these issues are closely related to each other in reality. Although the budget system is completely controlled by the state government, the local governments have authoritative power over port planning, financing, and management, which is assured by the Ports and Harbours Law. The overcapacity problem appears to be an inevitable result.  相似文献   

2008年美国金融危机爆发后,我国进出口迅速下滑,经济增速受到明显影响。在这种情况下,中央政府迅速采取了财政性的刺激经济政策,加大内需拉动经济增长。经过一年的努力,基本实现了全年经济增长达到8%的目标。就年底经济的活跃程度看,全年经济增长可能达到9%。  相似文献   


Demand for sea space brought about by increasing container-shipping traffic has important implications on how this space is managed and used. This is particularly important given the long-term nature, high-asset specificity, high- opportunity cost of investment, and significant economic impact of container port activity on a locality. The challenge is especially pressing for ports, which are facing constraints in seaside capacity where container traffic also has to co-exist with the needs of other types of ship traffic. This challenge is likely be multiplied for next generation container ports, which are expected to handle even larger traffic volumes. These ports are also likely to face competing sea space demands from other economic and social activities especially when they are concurrently major confluences of trade, logistics, and urban populations. This is the first research to investigate in detail the impact and importance of investigating sea space requirements from the perspective of cargo traffic composition and ship capacity. Results show that transshipment containers can generate much higher demand for sea space due to the higher volume of shipping capacity that accompanies such traffic. Sustainability issues and managerial and policy implications pertaining to the development of next generation container ports are provided.  相似文献   

针对长江三峡枢纽通过能力提升的过坝运输需求预测问题,研究长江上游区域经济发展、产业结构与三峡枢纽过坝货运量的发展变化关系,构建基于长江上游区域产业结构测度的三峡枢纽过坝货运量预测模型,预计2020、2030、2040和2050年长江三峡枢纽货运量分别约为1. 61、2. 54、3. 10和3. 17亿t。研究表明:采用基于区域产业结构测度的方法预测三峡枢纽过坝货运量具有一定的参考意义;同时,发现长江三峡枢纽过坝货运量约在2040年左右将进入平稳发展阶段,该结论有待进一步探讨。  相似文献   

重庆内河运输条件优越。大力发展重庆水运,将极大地促进重庆经济迅猛发展。结合重庆水运的实际情况,从可持续发展的角度,建立了一套科学、有效、全面的评价重庆水运可持续发展能力的指标体系。采用层次分析法确定指标权重,对重庆水运进行综合评价。通过实例分析验证了指标体系对重庆水运可持续发展能力评价的合理性,为重庆水运走可持续发展道路提供决策依据。  相似文献   

丁敏  孙文一 《港口科技》2007,(10):12-15
国家将天津滨海新区的发展纳入到"十一五"总体发展规划中,给天津港的发展带来前所未有的机遇。介绍了天津滨海新区的情况,研究了天津滨海新区发展的现状,分析了滨海新区的发展给天津港带来的历史机遇,指出天津港要抓住这一机遇,加快自身的建设,实现自身的跨越式发展。  相似文献   

随着我国经济的发展,重型钢结构工业厂房在各领域的应用越来越广泛。结合某工业厂房工程重型钢结构设计的实践,就厂房钢结构的主要设计理念、结构形式的特点和典型节点的结构处理方法等内容作简要介绍,可供同类型工业厂房的结构设计参考。  相似文献   

全球国际集装箱运输的发展,给上海港的发展带来了机遇与挑战.上海港提出的东北亚战略和国际化战略,就是要依托上海港口的优势,为客户提供港口装卸两端延伸物流服务,从而充分利用港口物流资源,将上海港建成东北亚地区的集装箱枢纽港;同时,发展腹地,走向国际,以国际物流为重点,以综合运输网和信息网为支持,加速现代化国际型全功能的、世界一流的国际航运中心的建设.  相似文献   

Considering the present trends of urbanization and motorization in India, there is an urgent need for integration, revitalization and renewal of the smaller towns and cities to make urban areas in India more sustainable. Unless our regional space is reorganized to upgrade development of towns and cities and integrate them with each other and the larger cities, the urbanization process in India will become unsustainable. It is argued that High Speed Rail (HSR) can play a role in achieving this more balanced and sustainable development of towns and cities, opening up opportunities for growth across a wider, inter-connected, region, with the benefit of taking the pressure of the larger cities to absorb additional burgeoning populations. This paper will make the case that in the current Indian context, current patterns of mega-city growth are unsustainable, and that HSR can play an important role in providing opportunities for medium and smaller size cities through their interconnections. It begins by highlighting the role that railways have played in India and other countries, noting that merely economic analysis of their costs and benefits generally underestimated their contributions to development. It then provides an introduction to HSR and its potential impact in general, before applying this to the example of the State of Karnataka in South India.  相似文献   

我国作为航运大国,研制开发自主知识产权的AIS,具有巨大的社会效益和经济效益。在分析AIS主要使用技术的基础上,对AIS的核心部件——信息处理器进行了硬件设计和软件编程,实现了AIS通信的底层软硬件支持,为进一步开发功能完善的AIS产品奠定了基础。  相似文献   

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