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This paper presents new data on distribution patterns of modern benthic foraminifera and other microfossils from the Canadian Arctic, specifically the Beaufort Shelf and slope. The material was collected in June to August of 2004 and is the first of its kind in this area to be collected since 1970. We examined the smaller sizes (45–63µm) as well as > 63µm and discovered that many species had been severely underrepresented in previous studies. Deep sea forms, that had been overlooked previously, were common on the shelf; two species (Elphidiella arctica and Ammotium cassis) appeared in preliminary results to be indicators of methane seepage; and it was possible to make determinations of sea-ice coverage using a combination of foraminifera and tintinnids (planktic ciliates). Our data indicated the presence of many of the same species as previous studies from this area, but improved techniques of sample processing greatly increased the number of specimens and species found (particularly the small deep sea arctic species Buliminella hensoni and Bolivina arctica) which provide much more reliable data for paleoceanographic determinations. One of the primary objectives for this work was to provide baseline data to help determine paleo-ice cover; these data cover a broad range of conditions on the Beaufort Shelf that make it possible to achieve this objective as well as improving what it is known about the assemblages on this shelf as compared to other arctic shelf areas, such as the Siberian Shelf).  相似文献   

The distribution of picophytoplankton (0.2–2 µm) and nanophytoplankton (2–20 µm) in the Beaufort Sea–Mackenzie Shelf and Amundsen Gulf regions during autumn, 2002 is examined relative to their ambient water mass properties (salinity, temperature and nutrients: nitrate + nitrite, phosphate, and silicate) and to the ratio of variable to maximum fluorescence, Fv/Fm. Total phytoplankton and cell abundances (< 20 µm) were mainly correlated with salinity. Significant differences in picophytoplankton cell numbers were found among waters near the mouth of the Mackenzie River, ice melt waters and the underlying halocline water masses of Pacific origin. Picophytoplankton was the most abundant phytoplankton fraction during the autumnal season, probably reflecting low nitrate concentrations (surface waters average ~ 0.65 µM). The ratio Fv/Fm averaged 0.44, indicating that cells were still physiologically active, even though their concentrations were low (max Chl a = 0.9 mg m− 3). No significant differences in Fv/Fm were evident in the different water masses, indicating that rate limiting conditions for photosynthesis and growth were uniform across the whole system, which was in a pre-winter stage, and was probably already experiencing light limitation as a result of shortening day lengths.  相似文献   

Zooplankton communities were studied in southeastern Beaufort Sea (Arctic Ocean) in September–October 2002. Cluster analysis and non-metric multidimensional scaling revealed three distinct mesozooplankton assemblages. A neritic assemblage occurred on the Mackenzie Shelf and in Franklin Bay, while distinct off-shelf assemblages prevailed in the Cape Bathurst Polynya and on the Beaufort Slope respectively. Over 95% of the mesozooplankton was comprised of eight copepod taxa. Pseudocalanus spp. contributed predominantly to the discrimination of the three assemblages and was the only significant indicator of the Shelf assemblage. Oithona similis, Oncaea borealis, Metridia longa and Calanus hyperboreus were indicators of the Polynya assemblage. Cyclopina sp. and Microcalanus pygmaeus were indicative of the overall off-shelf community (Polynya and Slope assemblages). The importance of omnivores and carnivores increased from the shelf to the polynya and the slope. Station depth and duration of reduced ice conditions during summer (< 50% ice concentration) underpinned the distribution of the assemblages (r2 = 0.71 and 0.45 respectively). The abundance of Pseudocalanus spp. was independent of depth and increased with the duration of reduced ice conditions (rs = 0.438). The abundance of Cyclopina sp., M. pygmaeus and other indicators of the offshore assemblages followed the opposite trend (rs = − 0.467 and − 0.5 respectively). Under continued climate warming, a reduction of the ice cover will affect the biogeography of mesozooplankton on and around the Mackenzie Shelf, to the potential advantage of Pseudocalanus spp. and other calanoid herbivores.  相似文献   

On the basis of classical hydrographic and nutrient analysis, water masses and their spreading in the Northeast Water (NEW) Polynya were investigated from RV Polarstern ARK IX (1993) data. It is shown that a local water body, East Greenland Shelf Water, occupies the top layer in the NEW and that this water is different from Polar Water exported from the Arctic Polar Ocean. Polar Water, as well as the underlying and also imported Knee Water, follows a path crossing the broad East Greenland Shelf diagonally from northeast to southwest but both waters do not enter the NEW Polynya. Intermediate waters in the NEW are also modified locally. A local source of silicate, contributing to an intermediate silicate maximum in the trough system, is identified in the centre of the anticyclonic movement over Belgica Bank. Furthermore, it is confirmed that there is no one-directional through-flow of deeper waters in the trough system. Belgica Trough and Westwind Trough contain two different water types of Atlantic origin, which are not directly related to Return Atlantic Waters. The deeper waters in Norske Trough are supplied from Belgica Trough over a sill of about 250 m depth.  相似文献   

Organically complexed and total dissolved copper and nickel were measured in the Thermaikos Gulf waters during winter 1998. Total concentrations ranged from 1.13 nmol/L to 7.02 nmol/L for copper and from 3.04 nmol/L to 9.50 nmol/L for nickel. The C18 Sep-Pak solid phase extraction technique was used in order to determine the amount of copper and nickel complexed with the hydrophobic component of the dissolved organic matter (DOM). Up to 32.4% of total copper and 4.57% of total nickel were complexed with the DOM extracted by C18. By applying HPLC analysis it was shown that the majority of the organic compounds retained by C18 had intermediate to low polarity. Using the absorbance ratio a254/a436 it was possible to unravel that humic substances of both terrestrial and marine origin were present in the Thermaikos Gulf and their distribution followed the dilution of riverine waters. Moreover our results indicated that organic binding of both Cu and Ni was stronger with the hydrophobic compounds of terrestrial origin than with those of marine origin.  相似文献   

Mapping the water constituents from remotely sensed ocean color data enables a better understanding of the dispersal patterns of river-borne substances in the Gaoping (formerly spelled Kaoping) River, Shelf and Canyon (KPRSC) system. Based on twelve MODIS-Aqua images in the KPRSC region taken in 2005, we apply a newly developed GA-SA approach to derive maps of chlorophyll-a concentration (Chl-a), colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) and non-algal particle/detritus/mineral (NAP). The results demonstrated that the different characteristics of Chl-a, CDOM and NAP make them ideal tracers for observing large-scale dispersal patterns. With ancillary information of averaged daily precipitation, the daily wind field obtained from QuikSCAT (Quick Scatterometer), and the 8-day composite of the temperature field obtained from MODIS-Aqua, we categorized the surface dispersal patterns as coastal, northwestward and frontal patterns. Also, for the first time, we observed a sudden increase of biomass on a large scale from a pair of ocean color images taken over only a 2-day interval. Another remarkable feature is the interaction between the southeastward flow and the intrusion of the Kuroshio Branch, resulting in complicated patterns with various scales of vortex structures and current fronts. The observed features could be used for model validation of the flow field of the KPRSC system.  相似文献   

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