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The marine shipping industry faces challenges to reduce engine exhaust emissions and greenhouse gases(GHGs) from ships, and in particular, carbon dioxide. International regulatory bodies such as the International Maritime Organization and National Environmental Agencies of many countries have issued rules and regulations to drastically reduce GHG and emissions emanating from marine sources. This study investigates the possibility of using natural gas and hydrogen as alternative fuels to diesel oil for marine gas turbines and uses a mathematical model to assess the effect of these alternative fuels on gas turbine thermodynamic performance. Results show that since natural gas is categorized as a hydrocarbon fuel, the thermodynamic performance of the gas turbine cycle using natural gas was close to that of the diesel case. However, the gas turbine thermal efficiency was found to be slightly lower for natural gas and hydrogen fuels compared to diesel fuel. 相似文献
This paper introduces a new idea of controlling cavitation around a hydrofoil through a passive cavitation controller called artificial cavitation bubble generator(ACG). Cyclic processes, namely, growth and implosion of bubbles around an immersed body, are the main reasons for the destruction and erosion of the said body. This paper aims to create a condition in which the cavitation bubbles reach a steady-state situation and prevent the occurrence of the cyclic processes. For this purpose, the ACG is placed on the surface of an immersed body, in particular, the suction surface of a 2 D hydrofoil. A simulation was performed with an implicit finite volume scheme based on a SIMPLE algorithm associated with the multiphase and cavitation model. The modified k-ε RNG turbulence model equipped with a modification of the turbulent viscosity was applied to overcome the turbulence closure problem. Numerical simulation of water flow over the hydrofoil equipped with the ACG shows that a low-pressure recirculation area is produced behind the ACG and artificially generates stationary cavitation bubbles. The location, shape, and size of this ACG are the crucial parameters in creating a proper control. Results show that the cavitation bubble is controlled well with a well-designed ACG. 相似文献
This paper presents a simulator model of a marine diesel engine based on physical, semi-physical, mathematical and thermodynamic equations, which allows fast predictive simulations. The whole engine system is divided into several functional blocks: cooling, lubrication, air, injection, combustion and emissions. The sub-models and dynamic characteristics of individual blocks are established according to engine working principles equations and experimental data collected from a marine diesel engine test bench for SIMB Company under the reference 6M26SRP1. The overall engine system dynamics is expressed as a set of simultaneous algebraic and differential equations using sub-blocks and S-Functions of Matlab/Simulink. The simulation of this model, implemented on Matlab/Simulink has been validated and can be used to obtain engine performance, pressure, temperature, efficiency, heat release, crank angle, fuel rate, emissions at different sub-blocks. The simulator will be used, in future work, to study the engine performance in faulty conditions, and can be used to assist marine engineers in fault diagnosis and estimation(FDI) as well as designers to predict the behavior of the cooling system, lubrication system, injection system, combustion, emissions, in order to optimize the dimensions of different components. This program is a platform for fault simulator, to investigate the impact on sub-blocks engine’s output of changing values for faults parameters such as: faulty fuel injector, leaky cylinder, worn fuel pump, broken piston rings, a dirty turbocharger, dirty air filter, dirty air cooler, air leakage, water leakage, oil leakage and contamination, fouling of heat exchanger, pumps wear, failure of injectors(and many others). 相似文献
基于旅游类舰船的消费需求不断增加和机器人产业的逐渐普及,设计一种应用于游轮上的船用服务机器人。面对船舶复杂的工作环境等特点,该机器人位置跟踪和姿态跟踪控制显得尤为关键。首先根据驱动原理建立运动学模型,其次借鉴Backstepping方法设计虚拟控制的虚拟反馈,并结合Lyapunov函数构造出具有全局渐近稳定的轨迹跟踪控制器。最后并通过仿真实验证明该法具有稳定性好、响应时间短和稳态误差较小的优点,对机器人技术应用于船舶方向的研究产生了一定的积极影响。 相似文献
The exhaust volute is a device that can change the exhaust direction of the ship’s gas turbine to reduce the flow loss of the high-temperature and high-speed turbine exhaust gas in the box-type exhaust volute, thereby improving its power output performance. This paper first investigates the internal flow field characteristics of the exhaust volute via numerical simulation and reveals the main source of the internal resistance loss of the volute. On the premise of not affecting the installation s... 相似文献
In this study, a series of numerical calculations are carried out in ANSYS Workbench based on the unidirectional fluid–solid coupling theory. Using the DTMB 4119 propeller as the research object, a numerical simulation is set up to analyze the open water performance of the propeller, and the equivalent stress distribution of the propeller acting in the flow field and the axial strain of the blade are analyzed. The results show that FLUENT calculations can provide accurate and reliable calculations of the hydrodynamic load for the propeller structure. The maximum equivalent stress was observed in the blade near the hub, and the tip position of the blade had the largest stress. With the increase in speed, the stress and deformation showed a decreasing trend. 相似文献
In power production, gas turbines are commonly used components that generate high amount of energy depending on size and weight. They function as integral parts of helicopters, aircrafts, trains, ships, electrical generators, and tanks. Notably, many researchers are focusing on the design, operation, and maintenance of gas turbines. The focal point of this paper is a DEMATEL approach based on fuzzy sets, with the attempt to use these fuzzy sets explicitly. Using this approach, the cause–effect diagram of gas turbine failures expressed in the literature is generated and aimed to create a perspective for operators. The results of the study show that, connecting shaft has been broken between turbine and gear box selected the most important cause factor andsufficient pressure fuel does not come for fuel pump is selected the most important effect factor, according to the experts. 相似文献
With the current revolution in Shipping 4.0, a tremendous amount of data is accumulated during vessel operations. Data quality(DQ) is becoming more and more important for the further digitalization and effective decision-making in shipping industry. In this study, a practical DQ assessment method for raw data in vessel operations is proposed. In this method, specific data categories and data dimensions are developed based on engineering practice and existing literature. Concrete validation rules... 相似文献
一种基于强跟踪滤皮器的自适应故障预报方法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
随着预测维修在企业中的推广,故障预报技术逐渐得到人们的重视。本文提出了一种基于强跟踪滤波器的自适应故障预报方法,能够对一类带时变参数的非线性系统进行故障预报。并且通过仿真验证了当系统带有示知噪声时,这种方法依然具有较好的故障预报能力。 相似文献
一种基于正则粒子滤波器的目标跟踪算法 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
滤波技术是实现多目标跟踪的核心技术之一.粒子滤波器是基于序贯Monte Carlo仿真方法的非线性滤波算法.本文采用正则粒子滤波算法来代替标准的粒子滤波算法.正则粒子滤波算法是基于正则再采样算法,即根据后验密度的离散分布重建它的连续分布,然后从后验分布的连续近似中采样获得再采样粒子,从而能减少粒子的退化现象.仿真结果表明,该算法的跟踪误差要小于标准粒子滤波算法,并且具有更好的跟踪性能、较高的实用价值和广泛的应用前景. 相似文献
一种色噪声环境下的阵列扩展方法(英文) 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
An array extension method in a noisy environment was proposed to improve angular resolution and array gain. The proposed method combines the FOC (fourth-order cumulants) technique with the ETAM (extended towed array measurements) method to extend array aperture and suppress Gaussian noise. First, successive measurements of a virtual uniform linear array were constructed by applying fourth-order cumulants to measurements of uniform linear array; Gaussian noise in these measurements was also eliminated. Then, the array was extended by compensating phase differences using the ETAM method. Finally, the synthetic aperture was extended further by the fourth-order cumulants technique. The proposed FOC-ETAM-FOC method not only improves angular resolution and array gain, but also effectively suppresses Gaussian noise. Furthermore, it inherits the advantages of the ETAM method. Simulation results showed that the FOC-ETAM-FOC method achieved better angular resolution and array gain than the ETAM method. Furthermore this method outperforms the ETAM method in Gaussian noise environment. 相似文献
In this paper, we investigate the properties of an alternative material for use in marine engineering, namely a rigid and light sandwich-structured composite made of expanded polystyrene and fiberglass. Not only does this material have an improved section modulus, but it is also inexpensive, light, easy to manipulate, and commercially available in various sizes. Using a computer program based on the finite element method, we calculated the hogging and sagging stresses and strains acting on a prismatic boat model composed of this material, and determined the minimum sizes and maximum permissible stresses to avoid deformation. Finally, we calculated the structural weight of the resulting vessel for comparison with another structure of comparable dimensions constructed from the commonly used core material Divinycell. 相似文献
This paper proposes a new method for ship recognition and classification using sound produced and radiated underwater. To do so, a three-step procedure is proposed. First, the preprocessing operations are utilized to reduce noise effects and provide signal for feature extraction. Second, a binary image, made from frequency spectrum of signal segmentation, is formed to extract effective features. Third, a neural classifier is designed to classify the signals. Two approaches, the proposed method and the fractal-based method are compared and tested on real data. The comparative results indicated better recognition ability and more robust performance of the proposed method than the fractal-based method. Therefore, the proposed method could improve the recognition accuracy of underwater acoustic targets. 相似文献
In this study, a one-dimensional simulation was performed to evaluate the performance of in-cylinder combustion to control NOx emissions on a four-stroke, six-cylinder marine medium-speed diesel engine. Reducing the combustion temperature is an important in-cylinder measure to decrease NOx emissions of marine diesel engines. The Miller cycle is an effective method used to reduce the maximum combustion temperature in a cylinder and accordingly decrease NOx emissio... 相似文献
The present paper investigated and analyzed swirler material consisting of mild steel which was subjected to service for the period of one year in a 30 MW marine boiler. Due to the presence of high temperatures in the furnace coupled with the corrosive marine environment swirler material showed accelerated degradation and material wastage. An investigation into the feasibility of manufacturing the existing swirler with an alternate material or coating the swirler material with a thermal barrier coating was undertaken. Based on their properties and performance, SS 304 and SS 316 were proposed as the replacement materials for the swirler. The other alternative of coating the existing swirlers with a form thermal barrier coating to observe for any improvement in their performance at elevated temperatures was also tested. Stellite, which is a Ni-Co based coating, was carried out on the MS samples and the same were exposed to same temperatures mentioned above. The performance of the available options was evaluated with respect to the grain structure of the material, the hardness value of the materials and deterioration at elevated temperatures. Investigation showed the proposed materials/ coatings like SS 304, SS 316 and Stellite coating revealed that SS 316 is the material best suited for high temperature application. 相似文献
This paper presents a constructive design of new controllers that force underactuated ships under constant or slow time-varying sea loads to asymptotically track a parameterized reference path, that guarantees the distance from the ship to the reference path always be within a specified value. The control design is based on a global exponential disturbance observer, a transformation of the ship dynamics to an almost spherical form, an interpretation of the tracking errors in an earth-fixed frame, an introduction of dynamic variables to compensate for relaxation of the reference path generation, p-times differentiable step functions, and backstepping and Lyapunov's direct methods. The effectiveness of the proposed results is illustrated through simulations. 相似文献
This paper studies the algorithm of the adaptive grid and fuzzy interacting multiple model(AGFIMM) for maneuvering target tracking, while focusing on the problems of the fixed structure multiple model(FSMM) algorithm's cost-efficiency ratio being not high and the Markov transition probability of the interacting multiple model(IMM) algorithm being difficult to determine exactly. This algorithm realizes the adaptive model set by adaptive grid adjustment, and obtains each model matching degree in the model set by fuzzy logic inference. The simulation results show that the AGFIMM algorithm can effectively improve the accuracy and cost-efficiency ratio of the multiple model algorithm, and as a result is suitable for engineering applications. 相似文献
与传统的5083或6082系列铝合金相比,5059铝合金材料具有更好的力学性能和耐腐蚀性。但目前的焊接规范或船级社规范缺少相应的疲劳等级曲线,不利于船用铝合金5059结构的疲劳评估。同时,薄板铝合金的焊接结构存在较大的初始焊接缺陷,导致焊接拐角处的应力集中效应更加明显。较大的焊接变形给拐角附近应力集中效应和疲劳强度的精确评估带来了较大挑战。本文设计了四种典型的船用焊接接头开展疲劳试验,并将获得的疲劳数据用于拟合得到相应的疲劳等级曲线。在此基础上,进一步验证了名义应力、热点应力、有效缺口应力和缺口应力强度因子法评估对接、十字、T型焊接接头疲劳寿命的准确性和可靠性。此外,一些量化的结论可以用于指导船用铝合金5059焊接结构的应力场和疲劳评估。 相似文献
In this study,a model is developed to simulate the dynamics of an internal combustion engine,and it is calibrated and validated against reliable experimental data,making it a tool that can effectively be adopted to conduct emission predictions.In this work,the Ricardo WAVE software is applied to the simulation of a particular marine diesel engine,a four-stroke engine used in the maritime field.Results from the bench tests are used for the calibration of the model.Finally,the calibration of the model and its validation with full-scale data measured at sea are presented.The prediction includes not only the classic engine operating parameters for a comparison with surveys but also an estimate of nitrogen oxide emissions,which are compared with similar results obtained with emission factors.The calibration of the model made it possible to obtain an overlap between the simulation results and real data with an average error of approximately 7% on power,torque,and consumption.The model provides encouraging results,suggesting further applications,such as in the study on transient conditions,coupling of the engine model with the ship model for a complete simulation of the operating conditions,and optimization studies on consumption and emissions.The availability of the emission data during the sea trial and validated simulation results are the strengths and novelties of this work. 相似文献