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刘建洲 《时代汽车》2022,(3):179-180
随着人们的生活水平的不断提高,汽车的种类与数量也在不断的增加,汽车的应用给人们的生活带来了很多的便利,使远距离的出行变的更加轻松。不同用途的汽车给人们带来的帮助是不一样的,例如农机的使用提高了农作效率,清扫车的使用减轻了环卫工人的工作量,清洁效果也更好。汽车中最重要的部件就是发动机,发动机一旦出现故障,会加速其他零件的磨损程度,降低汽车的使用寿命。本文主要介绍了汽车发动机容易出现的故障问题并提出了相应的解决措施,讲述了发动机的维护与保养措施,希望对相关的工作人员有所帮助。  相似文献   

简述客车柴油发动机冷却系统维护与保养的重要性和方法。  相似文献   

党的二十大报告指出要建设交通强国,就要求职业学校培养出更多的实用型人才。本文主要针对快修连锁店维修人员岗位要求,结合培养方案,以汽车底盘维护保养为例,对教学实施报告进行详细的阐述。  相似文献   

由于摩托车车架的结构随车型、材质和设计的不同而不同,因此,车架维护保养方式也不尽相同。下而介绍几种常见车架的维护与保养方法。 1 踏板车车架老式的铁壳踏板车,采用大型冲压件车身替代车架受力,车身和车架合二为一,见图1。这种以车  相似文献   

汽车轮胎对行驶安全性起着十分重要的作用。文中主要介绍了汽车轮胎保养与维护的前提,研究和论述了汽车轮胎保养的手段、汽车轮胎的正确维护方法及维修技巧。  相似文献   

针对混合动力汽车的结构特点,提出正确使用与维护混合动力电动汽车的内容和方法,以确保其各项性能良好发挥.  相似文献   

前桥是商用车的重要总成,也是保安件,其能否安全可靠高效的运行不仅关系到整车的故障率、出勤率、投资回报率、更关系到车主的安全。对前桥进行科学有效的维护与保养是重要保障条件。本文以HY9.5T鼓式制动前桥为例,简述了前桥维修应具备的条件与手段、装拆要求、保养要求、维修与清洁方法等。  相似文献   

综述电池的使用保养及维护的相关常识,为维护人员提供参考,以确保蓄电池使用安全和提高蓄电池的使用寿命。  相似文献   

从汽车维修实践出发,提出检测和维修汽车电子组合仪表的注意事项,叙述各型号电子组合仪表的控制策略,列出帕萨特B5轿车组合仪表常见故障代码及排除方法。  相似文献   

介绍了纯电动城市客车抢修车的功能要求、总体布局、故障电池更换接驳方案并介绍了实现抢修车功能接驳小车、提升装置、车厢三个主要装置,通过功能装置的试制、试验对接驳小车、提升装置进行了完善。该车经交付城市客车商业化运营单位使用得到了用户的充分肯定。  相似文献   

方振华 《时代汽车》2021,(8):182-183
随着信息网络技术的快速发展,汽车维修行业也逐步埋入信息化时代。现代化技术的大量应用,让汽车不再是传统单一的机械结构,众多复杂的系统与构件也让很多传统维修手段不再适用,如何针对性开发更为高效的汽车维修方案,提高汽车维修效率与质量,已经成为众多行业工作者的关注重点。信息技术与汽车维修行业的结合,让汽车维修技术的发展更为迅速,通过在技术层面的优化与改进,汽车维修整体效果得到大幅度加强。在本文中,笔者将会针对信息技术在汽车维修中的应用进行初步分析与探讨,希望借此可对相关从业人员起到一定借鉴价值。  相似文献   

纯电动汽车传动系参数匹配的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了纯电动汽车传动系参数的选择对电动汽车性能的影响,指出电动机额定功率/转矩必须与传动系参数相匹配,对电动汽车传动系传动比与挡位数的确定原则进行了探讨。以某一型号纯电动汽车为研究对象,分析了采用手动五挡变速器时两个挡位的驱动力图,提出去掉机械齿轮变速器而代之以固定速比的传动系是行之有效的,理论上可以提高传动系效率,减小能量消耗。  相似文献   

In this paper, an optimal torque distribution approach is proposed for electric vehicle equipped with four independent wheel motors to improve vehicle handling and stability performance. A novel objective function is formulated which works in a multifunctional way by considering the interference among different performance indices: forces and moment errors at the centre of gravity of the vehicle, actuator control efforts and tyre workload usage. To adapt different driving conditions, a weighting factors tuning scheme is designed to adjust the relative weight of each performance in the objective function. The effectiveness of the proposed optimal torque distribution is evaluated by simulations with CarSim and Matlab/Simulink. The simulation results under different driving scenarios indicate that the proposed control strategy can effectively improve the vehicle handling and stability even in slippery road conditions.  相似文献   

燃料电池在中国的发展及其在电动车辆上的应用   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
综述了燃料电池在中国的发展现状。指出可以用于电动车辆动力源的燃料电池种类,包括碱性燃料电池、磷酸燃料电池、固体氧化物燃料电池和质子交换膜燃料电池,中国近年来燃料电池发动机的研发则主要集中在质子交换膜燃料电池上。质子交换膜燃料电池在汽车上的规模应用有助于降低燃料消耗,减少大气污染。燃料电池技术应用于电动车辆的过程中还需要解决一系列问题,这些问题涉及燃料的制备、储存和分配以及燃料电池发动机的小型化、燃料电池汽车整车的重新设计、成本的降低等。笔者对这些问题进行了初步的分析。  相似文献   

The new vehicle platforms for electric vehicles (EVs) that are becoming available are characterised by actuator redundancy, which makes it possible to jointly optimise different aspects of the vehicle motion. To do this, high-level control objectives are first specified and solved with appropriate control strategies. Then, the resulting virtual control action must be translated into actual actuator commands by a control allocation layer that takes care of computing the forces to be applied at the wheels. This step, in general, is quite demanding as far as computational complexity is considered. In this work, a safety-oriented approach to this problem is proposed. Specifically, a four-wheel steer EV with four in-wheel motors is considered, and the high-level motion controller is designed within a sliding mode framework with conditional integrators. For distributing the forces among the tyres, two control allocation approaches are investigated. The first, based on the extension of the cascading generalised inverse method, is computationally efficient but shows some limitations in dealing with unfeasible force values. To solve the problem, a second allocation algorithm is proposed, which relies on the linearisation of the tyre–road friction constraints. Extensive tests, carried out in the CarSim simulation environment, demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

The coordinated control of vehicle actuators is gaining more and more importance as new platforms are becoming available, with chassis endowed with many different actuators that may help controlling the vehicle motion. Furthermore, wheel individual motors allow using a single system to apply both positive and negative torques at the wheels, which can be actuated independently one from the other. In electric vehicles (EVs), moreover, such a freedom in the actuation mechanisms opens the way to the combined optimisation of performance and energy consumption issues. In this paper, the problem of minimum-time manoeuvring in EVs is addressed, and the proposed strategy is compared against a benchmark, a-causal optimal solution showing that only a negligible loss of performance is experienced.  相似文献   

航空地面电源车主要用于飞机地面启动和通电检查等场合。介绍了我部新装备的某新型航空地面电源车的特性,对使用过程中曾出现的故障进行了分析,结合电源车的特点总结出了维护建议。  相似文献   

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