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刘小涛 《游艇业》2011,(1):71-71
游艇是现代高档、时尚的旅游工具之一.游艇消费已成为国内外富裕群体追求向往的生活目标。游艇消费在我国具有十分广阔的空间.尤其是在海南这块神奇的热土和拥有全国三分之二蓝色国土的宝岛上推进国际旅游岛建设.发展游艇产业具有得天独厚的优势。  相似文献   

我国大陆玻璃钢游艇业的现状及发展构想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
游艇是用于游览的船艇,是人们用是享乐的一种用具。它的拥用量也反映了一个国家或地区的富有程度。例如,大多数发展中国家很少有家庭游乐型的高档私人游艇,而欧美等发达国家则拥有为数众多的家庭游艇,仅美国年销售量就达六、七十万条,且其中相当数量为价值百万美元以上的豪华型游艇。目前国内外游艇是金属材质的较少,大多采用玻璃钢材质。  相似文献   

随着中国社会经济的发展以及人们生活水平的提高,游艇逐步走入人们的视线。游艇作为一种水上娱乐用的高档消费品,它集航海、运动、休闲等功能于一体。在欧美等发达国家,游艇为私人拥有或租赁使用,而中国游艇多作为一种高级娱乐方式,部分也作为中国海警的专用执法艇。游艇产业作为海洋产业的一部分,具有巨大的经济效益。但就中国来说,游艇产业刚刚起步,具有较大的发展空间。  相似文献   

毫无疑问,游艇是一个非常奢侈的玩物。它是继F1赛车和高尔夫球之后的又一高档娱乐活动,并且可谓是最为昂贵的娱乐方式。一艘游艇的价格动辄上百万元,甚至还有上亿元的。游艇消费在中国起步不过10年,但已经拥有了相当一部分消费群体。对于绝大多数中国人来说,游艇消费还是极端奢侈的。这使它远离了普通民众的生活并保持了一种神秘的魅力。但是业内人士普遍认为,中国市场是最有发展潜力的游艇市场。  相似文献   

陈建钊  李健 《游艇业》2006,(6):38-41
随着世界经济的向前发展,游艇文化日渐普及,作为游艇大众化的排头兵——小型游艇越来越多地走进了普通大众的日常休闲生活中,对大多数小型游艇主而言,他们不需要向高档游艇俱乐部付高额的会费和停泊费来玩游艇,因为每次游玩结束。他们可以用游艇拖车直接把游艇拖回自家院子或者车库中停放。  相似文献   

巴富仕游艇会是上海浦江沿岸规模最大的游艇会之一,也是巴富仕游艇公司为了广大的游艇爱好者精心打造的,集高档会所、游艇、游艇码头租赁于一体,私密、专业的综合性游艇俱乐部。  相似文献   

李健 《船艇》2005,(B07):99-109
但是,在11年前香港百年游艇庆典的当天,著名的维多利亚海面,大出风头的游艇不是那些设施华贵、造价不菲的欧美顶级豪华游艇,而是由香港本土制造的一种不太起眼的游艇,这种名叫中式游艇的船艇数量最多,洋洋洒洒地布满香港海域各处。据香港游艇协会统计,全香港拥有的5000多艘在册游艇不中,这种中式游艇的数量最多,高峰时期全港拥有存量达1500艘之多!是人丁兴旺的游艇家族!  相似文献   

Cherry 《游艇业》2012,(9):48-53
今年,杰鹏游艇成功引进荷兰皇家造船厂FEADSHIP45米级(F45)超级定制游艇(HELIX)。HELIX无论从尺度还是造价上都已然成为中国游艇市场进一步繁荣.和国人拥有顶级私人游艇的一个重要里程碑。FEADSHIPF45拥有气势恢宏的身姿,不拘一格的内在。能让人们真正体验到何谓“激情、休闲、优雅和回归自然”于一体的顶端生活真谛。  相似文献   

首批在南海生产的澳洲游艇,其半成品于2009年12月9日在威利时游艇有限公司顺利下线,并在一周内出口到澳大利亚。该项目是澳洲知名的WHITTLEY游艇集团在全球的第三个战略布点,首期投资600万美元,预计年产高档游艇400艘,年产值超过1亿元。  相似文献   

2014年8月4日。中集集团旗下PRIDE MEGA YACHTS(普莱德游艇公司)荣耀宣布88.8米拥有六层甲板的超级豪华游艇“Illussion”号已售出。标志着普莱德游艇已经成功打入世界大型超级豪华游艇市场,并成为一个具有独特竞争优势和成熟工艺的游艇品牌。  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to show if and how European maritime education and training institutions have met the increasing enrolment of women, and how shipping in general has reacted to gender equality. WMU has partly been the source for finding data related to studies in a multicultural and gender (minority) mixture of students and professors. In addition to a questionnaire to maritime education and training institutions, unstructured conversations with WMU students and professors have contributed to fact findings. Apparently, there is more to be done in order to have women compete on a level playing field in the sphere of shipping. Shipping is historically male dominated and conservative, so it is well understood that there are ropes to be untied. In this article, there are examples on how stakeholders in society have introduced policies on how to meet diversities. It is recommended that universities seriously pursue this trend. I wish to appeal to educational institutions to publish a university policy on the gender perspective and diversity management in general. The policy must be in writing in order for staff and students to understand and remember the content of the policy. This is an issue that should follow the quality assurance aims and goals and should be posted in a public place within the university’s premises for everybody to be reminded.  相似文献   

It is virtually impossible for a US public port authority to be totally proactive in its behaviour since there are too many major factors that affect its future that cannot be controlled or even anticipated by the port staff. Conversely, it is also virtually impossible for a public port authority to be totally reactive since the time window between decision and implementation often exceeds the time window of opportunity. For a public port authority to maintain long-term viability, it must constantly review the facilities it owns, the services it offers, and the source of the revenues it generates. This on-going review should determine how well the Port is adhering to its mission and accomplishing its goals and objectives as set out in the Port's strategic plan. Today, a major management challenge for any viable Port is prioritizing goals and maintaining a policy that ensures clear focus on the highest priority goals. Determining priorities amongst capital projects should be high on the list of any public port authority. This paper provides an overview of the decision-making processes used by American public port authorities in evaluating new capital projects and, we hope, an insight into processes for determining the desirability of expanding, contracting, or terminating present facilities and services.  相似文献   

概率性能基础的使用寿命设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
氯盐环境下钢筋混凝土结构过早被破坏,很多因素影响混凝土的使用寿命,这些因素随着环境和时间而变化,是随机变量,应采用数理统计方法处理或采用荷载抗力分项系数法设计,在使用寿命设计中,输入一个代表值进行计算,如果这个数值是该变量的平均值,计算结果的使用寿命只有50%的保证率。如果按95%的分位数取扩散系数值,各影响因素(包括扩散系数)用分项系数来反映可靠指标,则可提高使用寿命保证率到95%,但目前使用寿命设计具有不确定性,在结构使用期间应对结构性能进行跟踪维护,对有关性能进行定期检验,据以进行使用寿命再设计,也许进行多次再设计,以确保结构有设计要求较长的使用寿命。  相似文献   

可控被动式减摇水舱控制策略研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
从未减摇和装减摇水舱后的船舶运动方程出发,对可控被动式减摇水舱的水舱控制策略进行了研究,指出应从充分发挥减摇水舱的性能角度出发,选择水舱的最佳控制策略。从能量最少角度考虑,当波浪频率远离船舶谐摇频率时,可以考虑选择关闭水舱的方式进行控制。仿真结果表明,存在一个最佳控制策略,能够使水舱的性能得到充分发挥,这时水舱减摇效果最高。  相似文献   

海上工程跨越航道,施工时需要占用航道。为了尽量减少施工对船舶通航的影响,需要设置临时航道,但是目前尚无针对临时航道的设计规范。针对临时航道的设计船型、宽度、选线、底高程、助航标志、施工区警示标志等问题进行探讨。港珠澳大桥岛隧工程龙鼓西水道临时航路经历4次转换,通过专题论证和专家研讨确定不同施工阶段的临时水道关键技术参数和航标布置方案,在实际应用中证明是可行的。表明不能完全按正常航道的通航要求来设计临时航道,需要与施工计划、船舶调度、现场管理相结合。  相似文献   

The commonest version of the legend of St Ursula tells how she was betrothed to a prince but obtained a 3-year moratorium because she wished to remain a virgin [1]. She spent this time cruising with 11 noble companions, each of whom occupied a ship with 1000 more. After visiting Cologne and Basle and making a pilgrimage to Rome they were all massacred by Huns for their Christianity, Ursula having refused to marry the chief. Variations on this legent include providing her with a Cornish origin and saying that she sailed to Brittany with 11 000 maidens. Whatever her origin and whatever happened to her, it is now thought that the remarkable number of her companions may have stemmed from a medieval copyist's error. This involved expanding the abbreviation 'XI MV' into '11 000 virgins' when it should have read '11 virgin-martyrs'. Whilst there is no real evidence for any of the story (her cult was suppressed by the Roman Catholic authorities in the reforms of 1969) it may be contended that morals may be drawn from it.  相似文献   

黄裕安 《世界海运》2003,26(4):9-10
船舶利用VHF协助避碰越来越为驾驶人员所接受。然而,通过VHF达成的避碰协议的效力却一直未被法律定性,由此而引发的碰撞事故尽管不多却成为海事审判中悬而未决的一大难题。随着VHF的使用在航海实践中日益普及,法律需要严肃面对这种由船舶之间的驾驶人员达成的避碰协议的法律效力问题。  相似文献   

付爱伟 《中国水运》2007,7(6):185-187
监事会是随着市场经济的发展而产生出来的,在公司治理结构中占有重要地位,我国从引入监事会到发展到现在虽然取得了一定成就但是仍然存在诸多不足,对于作为我国国民经济主体的国有企业,在这方面又有自己独到的特点,如何对监事会进行改进以便能真正实现其监督职能成为整个社会所关注的问题。  相似文献   


Although New Zealand has a population of 3 million and a coastline of about 10,000 miles there are already heavy pressures on some parts of it. Historically, subdivisions of less than 10 acres require the setting aside of a one‐chain esplanade reserve as part of a general reserve contribution. Some national and regional parks also include significant areas of coast. Recently the Lands and Survey Department has commenced a detailed study of the coastline. Another very recent development is the requirement of an Environmental Impact Report for all major government works. The Waitemata Harbour has been the subject of a detailed study and the reports are now beginning to appear. There has been a heavy demand for shallow bays and estuaries for sanitary land fill, as well as for dredge fill. The main pressure on the coast at present is for holiday cottage sites and some legislative changes may be necessary. In the future new marinas will probably be considered particularly in relation to the extent they provide for the general public rather than a selected few. Industry is only just beginning to make an impact upon the coast. New power stations, natural gas or thermonuclear, are likely to be located on the coastline and this would bring some environmental problems. Recently, it has been argued that to ensure wise use of the coastline there should be national, rather than local or regional, control by a specially appointed Coastal Commission.  相似文献   

针对船员劳务合同中优先权问题进行了探讨,指出在船员与船舶所有人没有劳动合同的情况下,船员仍对劳动报酬享有船舶优先权;船员劳动服务机构就船员工资及船员人身伤亡不享有船舶优先权。  相似文献   

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