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赵鹏 《中国水运》2014,(1):349-351
文中根据工程实践,对超高加筋土挡墙的稳定性进行了深入地研究。给出了针对高落差挡墙的设计方案,阐述了加筋土挡墙稳定性验算的方法和原理,系统地分析了加筋土挡墙的内部稳定性和外部稳定性,最后通过工程实例,验算了两阶超高加筋土挡墙的稳定|陛,给出了详细的计算结果,为加筋土挡墙的设计提供了理论依据和技术支持。  相似文献   

放眼望去,世博正在闪出一团耀眼的光亮,照亮了2010年的中国,照亮了2010年的上海,照亮了创新的追求,照亮了进步的渴望。  相似文献   

放眼望去,世博正在闪出一团耀眼的光亮,照亮了2010年的中国,照亮了2010年的上海,照亮了创新的追求,照亮了进步的渴望。  相似文献   

刘松 《港口科技》2012,(1):7-10
北良港#3变电所所供电力变化较大,导致其功率因素极低,为此进行了改造,使用了磁控电抗器。介绍了#3变电所的概况。提出了改造要达到的目标,详细介绍了改造方案,作了经济性分析。这一方案达到了节能降耗的目的。  相似文献   

国际海事组织从推动全球协调、统一履行国际海上人命安全公约(SOLAS)等六个重要公约的角度,建立并实施了自愿审核机制。中国政府积极参加该机制,于2009年11月7—18日自愿接受了IMO审核并取得良好的审核结果。通过审核工作,较好展现了我国政府履约的良好形象。维护了国家航运利益,促进了中国海事管理事权组织方式的改进,丰富和发展了大国海事公共治理内涵,也为全球协调统一履约发挥了积极的推动作用。海事系统通过迎审准备和接受审核,调整了理念,完善了战略规划,加强了能力建设,推动中国海事管理规范化、科学化、制度化发展。  相似文献   

结合工程实际,就配筋率对混凝土结构徐变效应的影响问题进行了探讨,分别建立了不同配筋率的多个有限元模型,计算了不同持荷时间的徐变值及徐变累计值,对配筋率的影响程度进行了分析,得出了一些可供设计参考的结论。  相似文献   

杜建军 《航海》2014,(6):40-44
本文从远东美西航线的优化选择,考虑了大洋环流和气象等因素,结合船舶运营实际情况,提出并尝试了诸多节油措施,获得了一定的效果,同时提高了船员的节能意识和技能,培养了船员注重细节,从点滴做起的良好节能习惯。  相似文献   

陈静  张翰林 《中国水运》2014,(11):105-107
简要介绍了监理企业从起步到现阶段的飞速发展,阐述了监理企业信息化的重要性,结合监理企业较为普遍的内部组织机构,分析了监理企业内部管理的运转流程,定制了符合监理企业自身要求、贴合监理企业实际工作需要的监理企业内部管理系统,包括编制了《监理企业内部管理系统总体数据规划》,构建了监理企业内部管理系统数据库,并在此基础上实现了监理企业内部管理系统的建立.  相似文献   

对分析土坡稳定的Bishop法和Fellenius法进行了详细的对比分析,得到了抗剪强度指标c,φ对两种方法对比的影响规律,比较了两法的优势,解释了Bishop法计算出现反常现象的原因,提出了Bishop法计算分析中应注意的问题,可指导土坡稳定分析计算.  相似文献   

基于GA的大型船舶制造企业风险管理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了运用遗传算法(GA)解决实际问题通常包括的步骤。探讨了散货船船体吊装顺序优化,建立了在给定周期下实现成本最小的目标函数,提出了一种改进GA来求解全局最优或者次优的装配顺序,采用了整数编码、单点交叉方法和新的变异方式。采用了最小偏差法,构造了FPSO船型优化的统一目标函数,采用了实数编码,以容量最大、造价最小为目标进行了多目标优化。  相似文献   

This work studies the combined effect of both geometrical characteristics (opening and initial imperfections) and age related damage (corrosion and cracks) on the local and global responses of thin rectangular steel plates. A series of experimental tests has been conducted for in-service steel plates with a circular opening and subjected to several damage actions and uni-axial compression. Different initial imperfection shapes and amplitudes, corrosion degradation levels and locked crack lengths are considered. Several collapse modes were observed and the reasons for their occurrence are discussed. The experimental results of force-displacement and stress––strain relationships are presented and the relevant dissipated energies, resilience and toughness are estimated. The experimental results are compared with published experimental results, confirming the complexity of the plate behaviour accounting for different damage scenarios.  相似文献   

Despite the many socio-economic similarities between Sweden and Norway, differences in jurisdiction, organisation, cooperation, and financing of long-distance passenger train and coach services have led to the development of four distinctively different ways of serving the markets. This paper describes how the train and coach markets have developed in the two countries, with emphasis on regulatory and industrial structure and a couple of performance variables.Looking at passenger rail, both countries separated infrastructure from operation over a decade ago. However, while Norwegian rail is characterised by an almost monopoly supplier, rail services in Sweden are partly decentralised to the responsibility of county authorities and are widely subjected to competitive tendering. The rest of the network is about to be opened up for on-the-track competition. Swedish Rail (SJ) has spent the last decades consolidating its core business (passenger rail) and sold out its other businesses. In contrast, the Norwegian state rail (NSB) has expanded its business to become a major bus operator and property owner, with extensions also into the Swedish market.The coach industry was more recently deregulated in both countries. The Swedish coach market is dominated by privately owned companies operating services to and from Stockholm. In Norway, state-owned NSB is a major coach operator on medium distance routes, and is also the largest partner of Nor-Way Bussekspress which totally dominates long-distance coach services. Further, the Norwegian coach market is characterised by cross-ownership and cooperation which has enabled an extensive route network which covers most of Norway.We find distinct differences in achievements in the two modes and in the two countries. Swedish rail services have succeeded in winning market shares and in renewing and developing both infrastructure and service levels to a greater extent than the Norwegian model. On the other hand, the Norwegian coach market seems to be more developed and efficient compared to its Swedish counterpart.The paper concludes with a discussion on the possible links between the different approaches and the performance observed, with the aim to stimulate further and more detailed research on some important issues.  相似文献   

航海风险识别、评估和控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
因航运业高速发展和海员职业流动性加快,导致全球高级船员紧缺,已引发高级船员提升周期缩短、航海经验不足等现象。航海事故造成人员伤亡、财产损失和污染海洋环境等已严重威胁公共安全,航海事故预防和风险控制越来越受到人们关注。船舶海上事故频发,与船员对海上风险,尤其是船员对人为因素与事故的关系的认识不足有关。通过重点介绍航海风险,提高船员对本船和自身存在的风险意识,采取相应的防范措施。  相似文献   

The evolution of maritime logistics as an emerging discipline has resulted, to a large extent, from the increasing and varied demands of shippers and customers and the rapidly changing role of ports in the context of supply and logistics chains. Scholars are becoming increasingly aware of the need to integrate logistics and supply chain management concepts in the maritime transportation chain and operations. This article aims to provide a review and foundation for understanding the domain of maritime logistics and to assess its potential as an emerging discipline. To do so, a framework for understanding the various aspects of maritime logistics strategy and implementation is developed. A synthesis of the existing knowledge on maritime logistics is done by integrating diverse explorations forming the basis of this framework. We draw upon the literature on maritime transport and ports and primarily theliterature that analyses concepts by adopting an economic or management perspective.  相似文献   

Previous trend studies have shown increasing nitrogen and phosphorus as well as decreasing silica concentrations in the water mass of the Baltic Sea. This has had an impact on the amount of primary production, but also on the quality and succession of plankton species. Present study examines the spatial and temporal patterns of potential nutrient limitations in the Baltic Sea for the time period 1970–2000. Generally, low concentrations of DSi can limit the diatom blooms and such conditions are found in the Gulf of Riga and Gulf of Finland during spring and summer. Nutrient ratios, DSi:DIN, DSi:DIP and DIN:DIP, are often used to determine which nutrient may limit the primary production. Annual long-term temporal trends of silica to inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus respectively show consistent decreasing patterns. The largest slopes are detected during spring and summer for DSi:DIN and during spring for DSi:DIP ratios. For the DIN:DIP ratio significant slopes are only found in a few locations despite increasing levels for both nutrients, displaying a large variation in trends. In the open Baltic Proper the present trends are positive during winter and negative during spring and autumn. Gulf of Finland and Gulf of Riga are areas where both DSi:DIP and DSi:DIN ratios are found close to the Redfield ratios for diatoms. Together with the evaluated trends these suggest that the Gulfs may become silica limited in a relatively near future. These findings give some implications on the development and impact of changing nutrient concentrations.  相似文献   

Spatial distribution patterns of epibenthic communities on the Galician continental shelf were studied using multivariate methods. Data came from 5 surveys carried out in 2002, 2003 and 2004. Beam trawls and otter trawls were used to study epibenthic communities along 8 transects perpendicular to the coastline. The role of depth, season, latitude and sediment characteristics was examined. Seven habitats were described according to bathymetry and sediment characteristics. There were weak linear relationships between environmental variables and species richness, biomass and species diversity. However, the canonical analysis showed that depth and sediment characteristics greatly influence smaller epibenthic communities sampled by beam trawl. Six assemblages were obtained for beam trawls: inner shelf mud, very fine sands, and fine sands, middle shelf sands, and outer shelf very fine sands, and fine sands. Five assemblages were identified for larger-sized and swimming epibenthos sampled with otter trawls. These assemblages were also determined according to depth and sediment type but sediment characteristics were less important. Otter trawl assemblages were the same as the beam trawl ones, except for on the outer shelf where no differences between sediment type were detected. For both gears, inner and outer shelf assemblages displayed a higher biotic variability than the middle shelf, as a consequence of a higher environmental heterogeneity. Typifying species were mainly eurytopic in the middle shelf, whereas eurytopic and stenotopic species characterised the inner and outer shelves.  相似文献   

A data and dynamics driven approach to estimate, decompose, organize and analyze the evolving three-dimensional variability of ocean fields is outlined. Variability refers here to the statistics of the differences between ocean states and a reference state. In general, these statistics evolve in time and space. For a first endeavor, the variability subspace defined by the dominant eigendecomposition of a normalized form of the variability covariance is evolved. A multiscale methodology for its initialization and forecast is outlined. It combines data and primitive equation dynamics within a Monte-Carlo approach.The methodology is applied to part of a multidisciplinary experiment that occurred in Massachusetts Bay in late summer and early fall of 1998. For a 4-day time period, the three-dimensional and multivariate properties of the variability standard deviations and dominant eigenvectors are studied. Two variability patterns are discussed in detail. One relates to a displacement of the Gulf of Maine coastal current offshore from Cape Ann, with the creation of adjacent mesoscale recirculation cells. The other relates to a Bay-wide coastal upwelling mode from Barnstable Harbor to Gloucester in response to strong southerly winds. Snapshots and tendencies of physical fields and trajectories of simulated Lagrangian drifters are employed to diagnose and illustrate the use of the dominant variability covariance. The variability subspace is shown to guide the dynamical analysis of the physical fields. For the stratified conditions, it is found that strong wind events can alter the structures of the buoyancy flow and that circulation features are more variable than previously described, on multiple scales. In several locations, the factors estimated to be important include some or all of the atmospheric and surface pressure forcings, and associated Ekman transports and downwelling/upwelling processes, the Coriolis force, the pressure force, inertia and mixing.  相似文献   

Climate change is having and will continue to have a range of negative impacts on social–environmental systems. Many ports, with their coastal locations and essential roles in regional and national economies, face particular exposure to storm impacts that may worsen with climate change. Currently in the United States port resilience planning falls primarily on port operators. Engaging a wider range of stakeholders in long-term seaport functioning may reduce risks from disruptive and potentially irreversible impacts of climate change. This study uses empirical data gathered through two case studies of highly exposed U.S. ports, Gulfport (MS) and Providence (RI), to identify strategies that port planners and external stakeholders consider feasible for enhancing their port's resilience. This article categorizes these resilience strategies and suggests the potential role that different stakeholders could play in facilitation and implementation.  相似文献   

The world’s oceans and coasts are awash in a sea of politics. The marine environment is increasingly busy, changing, and a site of degradation, marginalization, injustice, contestation and conflict over declining resources and occupied spaces at local to global scales. Themes of political ecology, such as power and politics, narratives and knowledge, scale and history, environmental justice and equity, are thus salient issues to understand in ocean and coastal governance and management. This subject review examines research on these themes of political ecology in the ocean and coastal environment and reflects on how the insights gained might be applied to governance and management. Political ecology provides important insights into: the influence of power in ocean management and governance processes; the manner in which narratives, knowledge, and scale are used to legitimize and shape policies and management efforts; the effects of historical trajectories on present circumstances, options, and practices; and the nature of inequities and environmental injustices that can occur in the marine environment. Moreover, ocean and coastal researchers, practitioners, and decision makers ought to engage with the political processes and injustices occurring in the ocean. Moving from critical insights to constructive engagements will ensure that political ecology helps to plant seeds of hope in the Anthropocene ocean.  相似文献   

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