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交通运输是塑造区域发展格局的重要力量。国家"十三五"现代综合交通运输体系规划提出,要突出对"一带一路"建设、京津冀协同发展、长江经济带发展三大战略和新型城镇化、脱贫攻坚的支撑保障,提高国际通道保障能力和互联互通水平,形成便捷高效、开放融合、安全绿色的现代综合交通运输体系。新时期的交通发展,必须着力发挥三个作用:一是增强引领作用,构建交通促进区域协调发展新机制;二是发挥先导作用,完善以城市群为主体形态的新型城镇化空间格局;三是强化支撑作用,打造国际互联互通网络。  相似文献   

"珠江-西江经济带"航道保护工作属于国家战略中的一项重要工程,与"一带一路"倡议建设密切相关。航道跨域保护的重要目标是要维持航道的良好通航条件,保障航道的顺利、持续通航。跨区域航道保护工作面临着地区之间协商困难、经济发展水平差异和政策供给不足等方面问题,应从政策供给和部门合作等方面来完善相关机制。  相似文献   

G108连接陕西省关中、陕南的三个经济发展重点区域,一是我国重要的煤炭产地——渭北黑腰带组成城市韩城市;二是国家西部大开发重要增长极之一,正在快速发展的国际化大都市——西安及关天经济区的核心区域;三是陕西省三大经济板块之一——汉中盆地城镇化快速发展地带。  相似文献   

交通运输业是经济社会实现快速发展的重要保障,是实现国家和区域可持续发展的必要基础,承担着推动经济社会实现高质量发展的历史使命。本文介绍了交通运输发展的内涵,结合建成小康社会、生态文明建设、交通强国建设等战略目标对交通运输发展总体要求,对评价指标体系进行了初步构建。在此基础上对初选评价指标体系进行了"四个检验",同时运用变异系数、相关系数等方法进行了评价指标体系的优化调整。本文所研究构建的评价指标体系及优化调整方法可为行业管理部门开展相关工作、制定相关政策提供参考。  相似文献   

海南省省委副书记、省长卫留成在第三届泛珠三角区域合作与发展论坛上发表主旨演讲时表示,琼州海峡跨海通道工程是完善区域交通网络的重要内容。完善的交通网络是泛珠区域紧密合作和协调发展的重要支撑,区域高速公路一体化将成为泛珠区域交通合作发展的重点。跨海通道工程无论是在国家高速公路网中,还是在区域交通规划中,都具重要作用。琼州海峡公路通道是同江-三亚国道主干线的一段,还有沈阳-海口和兰州-海口国家高速公路也需要跨越琼州海峡。规划的泛珠区域高速公路网中,广州-三亚高速公路也需要跨越琼州海峡。  相似文献   

在"一带一路"倡议的引领下,我国充分依托和有关国家的双边和多边合作机制,积极发展与带路沿线国家的经济合作关系。高速铁路作为交通运输领域科学技术高度集成的一体化系统,在满足人们出行需求的同时,也在推动着全球区域经济发展。"一带一路"倡议的提出,对于包括高速铁路相关产业在内的基础设施互联互通和产业链全球布局具有重要意义。本文在回顾和总结中国高铁发展历程的基础上,分析在"一带一路"倡议背景下,中国高速铁路新的发展机遇。从国际化经营、高铁产能释放、工程技术柔性提升、全球产业融合等方面,研究"一带一路"对中国高铁发展的影响。  相似文献   

城市群作为推进城镇化的主体形态,是促进区域协调发展的重要载体,环鄱阳湖生态城市群是江西省参与"一带一路"和长江经济带建设的重要平台。立足环鄱阳湖生态城市群区位条件及发展阶段,对其发展现状和面临问题进行分析。结合"一带一路"、长江经济带等国家战略分析了城市群发展面临的新形势和新要求,从城市群空间结构和经济发展动力角度分析新常态下城市群交通发展呈现的新特征。以支撑区域开放发展为目标提出强化城市群面向区域的互联互通网络,提升航空通达能力,优化水运效率、降低水运成本等交通发展建议;从促进城市群内聚发展角度提出优化城市群综合运输组织模式,完善城际交通网络的发展策略。  相似文献   

『重点加强六大区域港口建设』今后五年是我国港口和城市发展的重要战略机遇期,为保障沿海港口又快又好地健康发展,国家制定了《长江三角洲、珠江三角洲、渤海湾三区域沿海港口建设规划(2004-2010)》。作为对这个规划的补充和完善,在天津刚刚结束的“首届中国港口城市市长高峰论坛”上,交通部部长李盛霖专门谈到了应重点加强几大区域港口的建设,并做了初  相似文献   

李芏巍 《人民交通》2021,(16):54-65
当前,以物流与综合交通"枢纽城市"为载体布局建设,是国家现代化强国建设的一个重要标志.文章从国家出台推进物流与交通建设的纲领性文件与解读,对枢纽经济与城市发展和策划理论框架的辩证研究,前瞻性地探究"国家物流枢纽和综合交通枢纽"城市发展的大机遇的结论.在此基础上,文章相关概念及理论,在城市发展战略下如何对"枢纽城市"策划进一步研究,得出一些有价值的思想、理念和观念,揭示一些新特征,以"枢纽经济"推动"枢纽城市"发展提供更多的指导意见,这对国家级"枢纽城市"的建设具有重要意义.  相似文献   

罗萍 《综合运输》2006,(12):23-26
亚欧大陆桥是连接陆桥沿线国家和地区重要的经济纽带,是亚欧国际贸易重要的物流通道,也是保障能源供应和国家经济安全的重要通道。加快建设和完善以天津港为桥头堡的新亚欧大陆桥,对于提升我国环渤海区域的经济竞争力、区域经济协调发展总体战略的实施、探索我国新时期区域经济发展模式具有重要意义。  相似文献   


Sea space planning and congestion management is receiving more attention. However, little work on sea space capacity and strategy analyses can be found in the literature. Compared to other transportation systems, a sea space system has some special features that require consideration. The system capacity also depends on the pattern of traffic using the system. In this paper, we model a sea space as a directional network and capacity models for berthing areas, anchorage areas, fairways and their intersections, as well as the entire sea space system are developed. These models can be used to compute capacity for any given traffic pattern which can be extracted from vessel trip records or from traffic forecasts. To implement these models, a software system called Sea Space Capacity and Strategy Analysis System (SCSAS) has been developed in Visual C + + and is now being used in Singapore.  相似文献   

跨海架空管道主要位于浅海区域,检验人员难以接近,大部分检验项目只能采用非接触式检验方法。根据跨海架空管道的特点,介绍了管体腐蚀状况检测及安全评价方法,并提出了具体步骤和方法。该方法可实现对管体缺陷的检测,对检测中发现的超标缺陷进行安全评价,且具有检测时不停输、不去除防腐涂层、实时在线检测的特点。应用上述方法对某跨海架空管道进行了检测评价,通过对管体腐蚀缺陷的检测评价,提出了确保管道安全运行应采取的措施。  相似文献   

This article proposes a decision model for a ship-owner who contemplates the benefits of sailing north via the Northern Sea Route (NSR) or south via the Suez Canal Route (SCR) when transporting oil products from Russia to Asia. The decision is based on potential cost and transit time savings that change on a monthly basis according to sailing conditions and the area along the NSR. This study is applied to a 1A Ice-Class Panamax tanker vessel sailing through the NSR compared to a Panamax tanker vessel sailing through the SCR. It concludes that the NSR provides a competitive advantage in the months from August to November when conservative assumptions on ice conditions (higher bound) are considered for the level of ice thickness encountered along the route and from July to November when a lower bound is assumed.  相似文献   

依托JZ9-3W油田建设工程,结合国产柔性管道本身特性和所依托油田海域条件,对柔性管道铺设工艺、专用滚筒以及铺设后的检试验方法等进行研究,以达到在海洋利用国产柔性管道来输送油、气及水的设想,旨在降低海上石油开发成本,提高油田开发效率和效益。该技术已经成功应用于工程实践,可以为今后海底国产柔性管道铺设施工提供指导。  相似文献   

The feasibility of implementing short sea shipping (SSS) between two specific ports has been typically approached on the operative level, in terms of time and cost for a specific origin–destination pair. This paper focuses on the strategic level. Particularly, its goal is to study the potential of SSS in different industrial sectors by analysing their freight-distribution strategies. To achieve the objective, some standard freight-distribution strategies are defined based on the requirements of the industry, the demand and the product being transported. The information is complemented with a survey of more than 100 Spanish companies distributing internationally. As a result it is concluded that there are economies of scale related to the size of the carrier (the ship) and its capacity to absorb the variability in demand. This potential increases with the cargo value. Additionally, a framework of supply/distribution chains is provided which can help to identify potential customers/sectors and the feasibility of new potential shipping lines. The value of this paper resides in its approach (strategic, instead of operational/tactical), and the solid groundwork point provided for future researchers.  相似文献   

Some scholars consider that today’s market conditions are in favor of the Northern Sea Route (NSR) rather than the Suez Canal Route (SCR). However, the number of bulk carriers using the NSR remains extremely limited, despite higher fuel prices since 2009 and subsequent significant fuel savings. In 2013, there were 53 transits via the Arctic, out of which 27 by oil tankers and 6 by bulk carriers. In this article we show that this result might be attributable to a factor, which is not considered in most studies: the spot freight rate to fuel ratio which governs ship owners’ decisions regarding the sailing speed. Due to a low ratio since 2011, the speed of vessels on the SCR is at its lowest level, and potential NSR fuel savings are too limited to provide a viable alternative. We further argue that, contrary to most studies, internalizing NSR environmental benefits marginally improves the attractiveness of the NSR.  相似文献   

文章以厦门某海湾大桥的钢板桩施工实践为例,对浅海区桥梁下构施工方案进行探讨,对比分析了钢吊箱围堰、钢套箱围堰、钢板桩围堰三个施工方案的经济性与技术性,确定采用钢板桩围堰施工方案,并对其设计要点、施工技术及注意事项进行了介绍。  相似文献   

中交二航局结合以色列Ashdod港复杂海况下的水工护岸工程,对传统碎石桩施工工艺进行优化,建立了复杂海况下碎石桩施工各相关工艺技术措施,研发和设计了专门用于复杂海况下施工的碎石桩施工平台。文章简要介绍了自升式碎石桩平台在以色列Ashdod港工程中的应用,简述了其工作原理以及在中长周期波涌浪海域施工的若干技术优势,并对其进行了能效分析,展示了自升式碎石桩平台在提升效率、减少消耗、降低排放的广泛前景。  相似文献   

根据水下悬浮隧道的主要特征,将水下悬浮隧道管段简化为两端简支梁力学模型.从水中悬浮隧道受力状态分析,推导了圆形截面形式悬浮隧道在涡激力作用下,做垂直于来流方向振动的微分方程.采用平均法对振动微分方程求解,得到了悬浮隧道在定常流状态下的幅频关系.建立定常振幅失稳的双尖点突变模型,导出了其失稳判据.根据失稳判据确定了在其他条件不变的情况下洋流的临界流速.研究结果表明,水下悬浮隧道的失稳不仅取决于洋流速度和涡泄频率,而且还与悬浮隧道结构尺寸、材料性质等有关.  相似文献   

In view of the ongoing discussions concerning the possible designation of the Mediterranean Sea as a Sulphur Emission Control Area (SECA), a modal split model was applied to a case involving the transportation of consolidated cargoes between Thessaloniki, Greece and industrial hubs of northern Germany. A road-only option was assessed against a combined-transport route involving a ferry (Greece–Italy) and a truck-on-train (Italy–Austria) service. The logit model used considers two variables as determinants of the modal selection: transport cost and time. The data are derived from interviews with a small transport service provider, typical for Greece, and are based on actual trips made (revealed preferences). The results predict that the designation of the Mediterranean as a SECA will cause a modal shift in favour of the road-only route by 5.2%, which under certain assumptions can reach 17.1%. However, the environmental implications of the resulting modal choices, calculated through the EcoTransIT World web based tool, are positive in relation to all emissions examined. This is attributed to the longer distance of the combined-transport option in comparison to the road-only one and, the poor environmental performance of the Ro-Pax vessels basically due to the need to maintain a relatively high speed.  相似文献   

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