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功能目的翻译理论强调译文的目标读者在翻译过程中起核心和决定作用。翻译始终要以目标读者为导向,以翻译功能执行和翻译目标实现为导向。作为一种起到指示、引导作用的文体,交通公示语的功能特点鲜明。英译交通公示语的受众是外国读者,在翻译过程中以读者为导向实属必然和必要。本文在功能目的翻译理论框架下,描述了交通公示语英译中出现的影响目的实现、造成功能缺陷的错误,分析了错误产生的原因,提出了改进交通公示语翻译的策略。  相似文献   

交通公示语的翻译一直是专家、学者们研究的热点话题。交通公示语的翻译质量和水平不仅体现着国家和城市的国际化水平,也体现着国民文化素质的高低。然而,从本质上来说,交通公示语是一种言语交际行为,与特定的社会、文化因素和具体的情景因素相联系。因此,交通公示语的翻译仅仅追求语义上的准确是不够的,必须将语用因素纳入其中。本文从语用角度列举了交通公示语英译的典型语用失误,并对其成因进行深层的社会、文化分析,最后提出了解决交通公示语英译的语用失误的对策。  相似文献   

随着对外开放政策的深化,我国全球联系性更为紧密,国外优秀的知识、技术不断地被引入我国,我国对于国外的思想也有着更加深入的认识并且将其内化到我国各个领域。与此同时,政府积极对外进行中华文化宣传。在这一过程中,翻译扮演着十分重要的角色。随着中外日常往来和经济关联性的增加,我国和其他国家的交流更为频繁,国内各个城市也在不断加快和世界接轨的步伐。此时对于城市交通而言,交通公示语逐步开始双语化。本文分析了交通公示语英译的影响因素,再以交通系统的公示语英译个案为语料,提出了交通公示语英译的改进建议。  相似文献   

交通公示语是在交通公共服务中所使用一种公共话语,有服务社会、公示信息、引起注意、促进理解、激发行动、加深印象等功能。本文从语言学视角探析交通公示语的语用策略,提出了公示语要重视与交通参与者合作和对交通参与者尊重,重视语言运用效率和意图表达清晰,重视明确公示的目的与意图等思路。  相似文献   

交通标识及公示语都具有直观性、简明性,所传达的信息容易被人理解。但是,也有一些标识语不常见,用语也比较生僻,翻译要避免语义上的差错。交通标识语的翻译错误主要起因于文化、思维方式或心理维度等方面的差异。公示语作为一种特殊的语言交际工具,其翻译要遵循一些原则,运用一定的翻译技巧。本文从功能分类及语言特色对交通标识或公示语进行分析,通过图片示例及其翻译,促进公众对交通公示语或标识更好的理解认识。  相似文献   

交通标识语在人们的日常生活中起着重要的作用,它不仅代表着一个城市的外在形象,同时也影响着城市公共交通的各个方面。在交通标识语中以英译公示语最为典型,英译公示语在为外籍游客提供各种帮助的同时还代表着自身的国际形象。因此从某种意义上来说英译交通标识语的正确性对于提高我国国际形象有着深远的影响。然而,目前在很多城市错误的英译交通标识语几乎随处可见,对于我国城市交通的国际形象造成了负面的影响。因此,本文分析了公共交通标识语英译的常见错误,并提出了公共交通标识语英译的改进措施。  相似文献   

从节约用地与地下空间开发看中国大城市地铁建设与发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡阀洲 《综合运输》1997,(5):16-18,15
<正> 从70年代末、80年代初,中国大城市交通紧张以来,我们一直在探索,出路在哪里?长期以来,人们一直把目光仅仅盯在非常有限的地面空间上,城市的各种建设和道路、交通等各种设施,以及居民的全部生活都集中在这个空间上。尽管城市象“摊大饼”似的不断向郊外扩展,四周的农村不断被划入城区,大量的农田和菜地不断被占用,建成区范围因此不断在扩大,用地不断在增加;然而这并没有使城市地面空间的拥挤状况获得根本改善,恰恰相反,由于城市人口的大量增加,拥挤更厉害了,许多城市市中心区的城市生活空间质量都超过2万人/km~2的拥挤标准,市中心商业区甚至达到了8~10  相似文献   

谢娇娜 《综合运输》2023,(1):112-115
本文以中国铁路中英双语广播为研究对象,基于生态学翻译视角,从“语言、交际、文化”三个维度出发,阐述生态翻译学理论在有声公示语翻译中的适用性,从译者中心论视域下提出规范我国铁路有声公示语翻译策略,提高我国铁路广播翻译标准化水平,为中国高铁走出去战略提供支持与服务。  相似文献   

张运 《综合运输》2006,(12):55-57
伴随城市的发展,其负面效应总是存在的:主城区交通负担日益加重、城市生态环境不断恶化、货物装卸形成的对人行道甚至交通主干道的占用加剧、空气污染严重、交通出行困难、城区居民日益增加的不满……这是任何国家在城市化进程中所面临的普遍问题,尤其在一些经济发达城市,车辆运行速度在城市中心区几乎到了与步行同步的程度。  相似文献   

随着城市化的进程不断加快,人口高度集中的城市对交通的需求逐步增大交通堵塞也成了影响城市居民生活质量的重要问题。为解决这一问题,依据为居民出行提供更为多元化的原则,地铁成了城市交通网络的重要组成部分,可以有效缓解地面交通的压力。然而,在地铁施工的过程中,不科学的施工技术直接威胁施工人员的生命安全以及地铁投入使用后的运行安全。通过对目前地铁施工技术控制与改进措施进行分析,希望能为相关从业人员工作改进提供一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

最近一次见到杨和平,是在2005年11月6日召开的"全国出租汽车行业管理经营研讨会"上.他作为中国道路运输协会副会长、中国道路运输协会出租汽车与汽车租赁分会理事长,受到记者和业内人士的关注.  相似文献   

Matyas  Melinda  Kamargianni  Maria 《Transportation》2019,46(5):1951-1968
Transportation - The Mobility as a Service (MaaS) concept has recently taken the transport industry by storm. However, as applications and research on it are limited, there is still little evidence...  相似文献   

浙江省台州汽运董事长郑志坚在最近的一次谈话中,探讨了汽运企业如何缩短从"经营品牌"到"品牌经营"的过程.在指出必须把握三个环节的同时,阐释了企业完全可以通过品牌建设收获"品牌经营"的硕果.  相似文献   

疲劳驾驶者,"罚睡"一觉后养足精神再上路.这招儿不错.听说2006年春节长假,超过4000名贵州司机被"罚睡".  相似文献   

This article presents the findings of model and field research into narrow inductive loop used as vehicle wheels detector in normal traffic conditions. The efficiency of the solution was compared with that of strip, polymeric piezoelectric detectors. The findings confirmed that narrow inductive loops can be successfully applied as wheel detectors.  相似文献   

随着广州地铁5号线客运量的不断增长,早高峰期间5号线下行列车满载率极高,出现小故障时,容易造成大晚点。本文对目前早高峰期间5号线的客流及故障晚点情况进行分析,并提出相关应对措施,将早高峰期间5号线小故障的影响降到最低。  相似文献   

Western literature abounds with powerful imagery of mobility and travel, extolling the richness of experience and learning that can only happen along the way. The more common policy and research contexts consider travel and mobility as an important means to an end, valued relative to the destination activity. This review builds on the research that considers on-the-way benefits in order to expand this perspective as a part of transport studies. The question posed is if there is a place to evaluate mobility as a life-enhancing activity in its own right, directly contributing to the capacity for autonomy and freedom of choice that are central elements of personal well-being. Motility or mobility capital, defined as the capacity for mobility, offers a theoretical context for this purpose. The literature has adopted motility for its ability to broaden the understanding of mobility choices, by structuring a role for material, human, social and cultural capital as contributing to an individual’s capacity for mobility. The context of individual capital implies that motility holds value not only as an input to mobility choices, but also through its exchange value with other forms of capital, thereby promoting broader contexts for human flourishing. Therefore, motility has value as a policy objective for its contribution to individual well-being and this article further argues that it is through mobility experiences that this type of capital can be advanced.  相似文献   

Surface soil (0–10 cm) samples from 60 sampling sites along the length of railway tracks on the territory of Srem (the western part of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, itself part of Serbia) were collected and analyzed for seven polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and ten heavy metals in order to see how the distance from the railroad affects the concentration of some organic and inorganic pollutants in the soil. Samples were taken at a distance of 0.03–4.19 km from the railway. For the soil extraction was used USEPA 3540S method. The extracts were purified on a silica-gel column (USEPA 3630C). The analysis of the extracts was performed by gas chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry. PCBs were not detected only at two locations. Mean total concentration of PCBs for all other sampling locations was 0.0043 ppm dry weight (dw) with a range of 0.0005–0.0227 ppm dw. According to values of Nemerow pollution index Cu, Co, Zn and Ni were the most ubiquitous heavy metals in the area near railroad. Based on these results, it can be said that railway transport is a potential source of PCBs and some heavy metals.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an alternative approach to understanding travel behaviour —the study of behavioural intentions. The communality of this and the revealed behaviour approach are outlined and the use of controlled experimental methods illustrated in an analysis of empirical data on behavioural intentions of citizens with respect to changes in the levels of transport service, and the introduction of an area licensing scheme for travel in a central city area in Australia.This research was completed while Jordan Louviere was at Cambridge Systematics Inc., Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.  相似文献   

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