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The goal of this paper is to illustrate how in juvenile and adult subtropical marine planktonic copepods various structures or morphological features function in concert to detect prey and predators. Without motion by either food (e.g. flagellate, ciliate) or feeder (e.g. feeding current) or both (e.g. Acartia spp. and ciliate) few feeding activities will occur. Through motion a food particle is either perceived mechanically or chemically to be followed by appendage activities. A combination of mechano- and chemosensors on their cephalic appendages (and probably on other extremities) serve juvenile and adult copepods to perceive signals. Perception is followed by alternation of motion and sensing by these appendages, or by no motion at all (e.g. behavior by Eucalanus pileatus when perceiving a weak hydrodynamic signal). Non-moving and extended sensors (setae) are best suited for mechanical/hydrodynamic perceptions in those copepods which lack a feeding current and hardly move. Numerous mechanosensors arranged in three dimensions on the first antennae (A1) are required to perceive the precise location of moving prey at a distance (e.g. Oithona feeding on ciliates but also sinking particles). Those copepods which create a weak or intermittent feeding current can supplement nutrition with carnivory, which requires perception by the A1 (e.g. Centropages velificatus adults). These two groups require, in addition to perception of prey motion/location, rapid motion by their appendages (A1, second maxillae M2, etc.) to capture the prey. Nauplii, which satiate at far lower food levels than adults, have one of several means of food acquisition: encounter through forward motion, perception through feeding current, or perception of a moving food particle. The nearly continuous motion of most calanoid nauplii makes them vulnerable to predation because all three pairs of appendages are usually moving. Opposite are nauplii of cyclopoid and a few calanoid species which move only occasionally. Copepodid stages and adults use non-moving and often extended setae on the tips of their A1 to perceive predators at a distance. This structure and their pronounced escape motion may reduce their vulnerability to predation as compared to nauplii.  相似文献   

The small pelagic fish represents the link between nekton and demersal communities, and they are an important food source for some demersal fish species. In the autumns between 1993 and 2002, 74,869 stomach contents of 25 demersal fish species were analysed during the scientific surveys organized by the Instituto Español de Oceanografía. These species represent the demersal fish community of the southern Bay of Biscay. An important part of their diet (39% by volume) was composed of pelagic fish species (e.g. Engraulis encrasicolus, Gadiculus argenteus, Micromesistius poutassou, Trachurus trachurus, Sardina pilchardus, Scomber scombrus). Among all these prey species, the relevance of M. poutassou and G. argenteus stood out because of their high abundance both in the diets and during the scientific surveys. The relevance of pelagic fish as prey increased with predator size, reaching more than 60% of the diet by volume in the length range 25–29 cm. However, fish predators larger than 50 cm depended less on pelagic fish (33%), since they were also able to feed on other sources such as megafaunal invertebrates, mainly cephalopods. The pelagic fish resource was primarily exploited by 12 demersal fish species, with Merluccius merluccius and Zeus faber being the main ones feeding on small pelagics, which was related to the vertical movement of predators and prey through the water column. Survey abundance indices were used as indicators of prey abundance in the ecosystem, both for biomass and number. There was evidence for density-dependant feeding by predators on E. encrasicolus, G. argenteus and T. trachurus, while the main discrepancies between abundance in the stomachs and in the surveys were due to differential availability of prey length classes in the environment. Small prey species and individuals were exploited by most demersal fish while large prey species were less accessible to predators.  相似文献   

We monitored the feeding success (percent feeding incidence at length and mean feeding ratio at length) of Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida) and sand lance (Ammodytes sp.) larvae in relation to prey density, light, temperature and potential predator density under the ice cover of southeastern Hudson Bay in the spring of 1988, 1989 and 1990. Both prey density and light limited larval fish feeding. The relationship between feeding success and actual food availability (nauplii density X irradiance) was adequately described by an Ivlev function which explained 64 and 76% of the variance in Arctic cod and sand lance feeding success respectively. By affecting both prey density and irradiance, the thickness of the Great Whale River plume (as defined by the depth of the 25 isohaline) was the main determinant of prey availability. Arctic cod and sand lance larvae stopped feeding when the depth of the 25 isohaline exceeded 9 m. Limitation of feeding success attributable to freshwater inputs occurred exclusively in 1988, the only time when the depth of the 25 isohaline exceeded the 9 m threshold. The close dependence of larval fish feeding success on the timing of the freshet and plume dynamics suggests a direct link between climate and survival of Arctic cod and sand lance larvae. The actual impact of climate fluctuations and/or hydro-electric developments on recruitment will depend on the fraction of the larval dispersal area of the two species that is affected by river plumes.  相似文献   

Marine food web dynamics are determined by interactions within and between species and between species and their environment. Global change directly affects abiotic conditions and living organisms, impinging on all trophic levels in food webs. Different groups of marine researchers traditionally study different aspects of these changes. However, over medium to long time scales perturbations affecting food webs need to be considered across the full range from nutrients to top predators. Studies of end-to-end marine food webs not only span organism sizes and trophic levels, but should also help align multidisciplinary research to common goals and perspectives. Topics are described that bridge disciplinary gaps and are needed to develop new understanding of the reciprocal impacts of global change on marine food webs and ocean biogeochemistry. These include (1) the effects of nutrients on biomass and production, (2) the effects of varying element ratios on food web structure and food quality, (3) bulk flows of energy and material in food webs and their efficiencies of transfer, (4) the ecological effects of species richness and the roles of microbial organisms, (5) the role of feeding behaviour in food web dynamics and trophic controls, (6) the spatial dynamics of communities and links between different food webs, (7) the combined effects of body size and behaviour in determining dynamics of food webs, and (8) the extent to which the ability of marine organisms (and communities) to adapt will influence food web dynamics. An overriding issue that influences all topics concerns the time and space scales of ecosystem variability. Threads link different nodes of information among various topics, emphasizing the importance of tackling food web studies with a variety of modelling approaches and through a combination of field and experimental studies with a strong comparative approach.  相似文献   

The classic view of the Antarctic pelagic system has suggested that food web dynamics are dominated by the diatom-krill food web link. Recent observations, however, have indicated that this is an oversimplification and that the antarctic food web has a complexity similar to that found in lower latitude systems. More specifically, small particulate feeding protozoans appear to have a much greater importance than was previously assumed.Only a few studies have been sufficiently extensive to characterize the Antarctic pelagic protozoan assemblage. These indicate that heterotrophic flagellates (dinoflagellates and other heterotrophic nanoplankton) and ciliates (mostly non-loricate oligotrichs) dominate the protozooplankton assemblages in surface waters. The combined biomass of protozooplankton has been reported to comprise from < 7 to > 75% of the total nano- and microplankton biomass depending on season and location. Protozoans are also found in sea ice communities where their abundances exceed those typically found in the plankton. Several protozoan species occupy both ice and water habitats, suggesting that seasonally melting sea ice may be the source of ice-edge protozooplankton assemblages.The feeding rates of protozooplankton in Antarctic waters are poorly documented. Consumption estimates based on clearance rates and some preliminary grazing experiments, however, indicate that the protozooplankton should be capable of utilizing a significant proportion of the daily primary and bacterioplankton production. Protozoans may contribute to vertical flux, but present evidence suggests that their contribution will be lower than from other sources.  相似文献   

Individual based numerical simulations of the copepod, Oithona davisae, feeding on motile prey, Oxyrrhis marina, under variable turbulent conditions are performed. These simulations correspond to laboratory observations conducted by Saiz et al. [Saiz, E., Calbet, A., and Broglio, E., 2003. Effects of small-scale turbulence on copepods: the case of Oithona Davisae. Limnol. Oceanogr., 48:1304–1311.].The flow field in the simulation is reconstructed by a kinematic simulation whose characteristic scales are derived from the grid mesh and the dissipation rates of the laboratory experiments. The kinematic simulation provides a simplified model, which while not fully realistic, captures the basic relevant feature of turbulence. A hop and sink swimming behaviour is prescribed for O. davisae, while O. marina moves along helical paths with random changes of directions.Three possible effects are tested: the existence of a time threshold in the duration of the contacts between predator and prey, a progressive reduction of the perceptive distance with increasing turbulence level and an abrupt reduction in feeding of O. davisae when the flow speed, in relation to the copepod position, is higher than a prescribed threshold. This last approach introduces an intermittency in the feeding which depends on the variations of velocity both in space and time within the numerical box.The introduction of the time threshold causes a dome-shaped relationship between the simulated enhancement factor and the dissipation rate, while with the other two effects, a monotonic decrease in the enhancement factor is observed, with values reasonably close to the ones observed in the laboratory experiment. In all the cases, the use of realistic values of biological parameters (e.g. swimming behaviour) reproduces response curves in the range of the observations.  相似文献   

The North Bay of Biscay continental shelf is a major French demersal fishery, but little was known on the trophic food web of its benthic communities. In order to determine the benthic trophic web, the objectives of this study are to describe the macro- and megafaunal benthic community structure (species richness, abundance and biomass) and to establish the trophic pathways (food sources and trophic levels) by applying carbon and nitrogen stable isotopic analysis to the main benthic and demersal species (invertebrates and fish). Two distinct benthic communities have been identified: a muddy sand community within the central part of the bay, and an outer Bay of Biscay Ditrupa sand community of higher species richness, abundance and biomass than the muddy sand community. Deposit-feeders, suspension feeders and predators, distributed in three main trophic levels, dominate both communities. Large differences in stable carbon ratio values within the primary consumers provide evidence of two different food sources: i) a pelagic food source made up of recent sedimenting particulate organic matter on which zooplankton and suprabenthos feed and ii) a benthic detrital food source supplying deposit feeders and partly benthic suspension feeders. Differences in isotopic signatures were also observed within the upper trophic levels that allowed estimation of the contribution of each food source component to the diet of the upper consumers. Finally, the use of stable isotopic composition together with the species' feeding strategy allow identification of the main differences between the trophic functioning of the two benthic communities and highlight the importance of the role of detrital pathways in the carbon cycling within the continental shelf benthic trophic web.  相似文献   

Mercury (Hg) levels in the Beaufort Sea beluga population have been increasing since the 1990's. Ultimately, it is the Hg content of prey that determines beluga Hg levels. However, the Beaufort Sea beluga diet is not understood, and little is known about the diet Hg sources in their summer habitat. During the summer, they segregate into social groups based on habitat use leading to the hypothesis that they may feed in different food webs explaining Hg dietary sources. Methyl mercury (MeHg) and total mercury (THg) levels were measured in the estuarine-shelf, Amundsen Gulf and epibenthic food webs in the western Canadian Arctic collected during the Canadian Arctic Shelf Exchange Study (CASES) to assess their dietary Hg contribution. To our knowledge, this is the first study to report MeHg levels in estuarine fish and epibenthic invertebrates from the Arctic Ocean. Although the Mackenzie River is a large source of Hg, the estuarine-shelf prey items had the lowest MeHg levels, ranging from 0.1 to 0.27 μg/g dry weight (dw) in arctic cisco (Coregonus autumnalis) and saffron cod (Eleginus gracilis) respectively. Highest MeHg levels occurred in fourhorn sculpin (Myoxocephalus quadricornis) (0.5 μg/g dw) from the epibenthic food web. Beluga hypothesized to feed in the epibenthic and Amundsen Gulf food webs had the highest Hg levels matching with high Hg levels in associated food webs, and estuarine-shelf belugas had the lowest Hg levels (2.6 μg/g dw), corresponding with the low food web Hg levels, supporting the variation in dietary Hg uptake. The trophic level transfer of Hg was similar among the food webs, highlighting the importance of Hg sources at the bottom of the food web as well as food web length. We propose that future biomagnification studies incorporate predator behaviour with food web structure to assist in the evaluation of dietary Hg sources.  相似文献   

Freshwater copepods live in habitats characterized by a high degree of instability. To survive occasional deterioration of their environment copepods have evolved adaptive mechanisms like dormancy or migration in order to avoid lethal conditions and to synchronize growth and reproduction with favourable abiotic and biotic conditions. Typical life cycles of harpacticoid, calanoid and cyclopoid copepods are presented to show strategies that have evolved to survive threatening environmental conditions.  相似文献   

The distribution and diet of larval and juvenile Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida) were studied during summer 2005 in the coastal Canadian Beaufort Sea. A total of 275 individuals were captured and the highest abundance was observed at station depths of 20–30 m. This corresponds well with the location of the frontal zone where the Mackenzie River plume water and open sea water meet. Diet examinations were performed on 220 Arctic cod, which were found undamaged from sampling. We observed a gradual decrease in prey number per fish and increase in prey size as larvae grew which corresponded to a shift from Rotifera and nauplii towards larger copepodid stages. However, at all sizes, the larvae remain generalists and feed on a broad range of organisms. Environmental changes due to climate warming could have a two-fold impact on fish larvae feeding in the studied region. First, the potential for increased primary production may lead to increased zooplankton production that may impact the feeding and nutrition positively. On the other hand, greater discharge of turbid water from the Mackenzie River may reduce light penetration in the water column that may negatively influence the ability of visual predators to successively forage.  相似文献   

Twelve epipelagic copepod species were reviewed to compare their adaptations to the short primary production season and low temperatures which characterise the Southern Ocean. The species show a spectrum of adaptations, but three broad life cycle strategies were defined: (1) herbivorous in summer, a short reproductive period and winter diapause at depth (Calanoides acutus and possibly Ctenocalanus citer); (2) predominantly omnivorous/detritivorous diet, an extended period of feeding, growth and reproduction and less reliance on diapause at depth (Metridia gerlachei, Calanus propinquus, Calanus simillimus, Oithona similis, Microcalanus pygmaeus, and possibly Oncaea curvata and Oithona frigida); (3) overwintering and feeding within sea ice as early nauplii or copepodids (Stephos longipes and Paralabidocera antarctica). The large species Rhincalanus gigas appears to be intermediate between strategies (1) and (2). Contrasting species from groups (1) and (2), namely C. acutus and O. similis, were selected for more detailed comparison. For C. acutus, maximum (probably food saturated) feeding and egg production rates are well below equivalent values for Calanus spp. at lower latitudes. Likewise, summer growth and moulting rates are slower, and the growth season of this herbivore is only 2–4 months. Therefore, both the low summer temperatures and short primary production season seem to dictate a long (1 year) life cycle for C. acutus. A collation of data on O. similis revealed that its abundance increases about tenfold from the Antarctic shelf northwards to the Polar Frontal Zone, where abundances are similar to those in temperate and tropical shelf seas. In contrast to C. acutus, O. similis appears to remain in the epipelagic and reproduce there year-round, although the food sources which sustain this are still uncertain.  相似文献   

During the last 30 years, at-sea studies of seabirds and marine mammals in the oceans south of the Subtropical Front have described an association with major frontal areas. More recently, the advancement in microtechnology has allowed the tracking of individuals and investigations into how these marine predators actually use the frontal zones. In this review, we examine 1) the relative importance to apex predators of the different frontal zones in terms of spatial distribution and carbon flux; 2) the processes that determine their preferential use; and 3) how the mesoscale dynamics of frontal structures drive at-sea foraging strategies of these predators. We review published results from southern waters and place them in a broader context with respect to what has been learned about the importance of fronts in oceans farther north.Some fronts constitute important boundaries for seabird communities in southern waters. At a mesoscale the maximum values of seabird diversity and abundance correspond to the location of the main fronts. At-sea surveys show a strong curvilinear correlation between seabird abundance and sea surface temperatures. High mean species richness and diversity for whales and seabirds are consistently associated with the southern water mass boundary of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, the Subtropical Front and the Subantarctic Front; in the case of the Polar Front mean seabird densities are more variable. At small-scales, variation in seabird occurrence has been directly related to the processes at fronts in a limited number of cases. A significant positive relation was found between some plankton feeding species and frontal temperature gradient–phytoplankton variables.Telemetric studies have revealed that several apex predators (penguins, albatrosses, seals) perform long, directed foraging trips either to the Subtropical front or Polar Front, depending on locality. Seabirds with low flight costs, such as albatrosses, are able to reach fronts at long distances from colonies, showing variable foraging strategies as a function of the distances involved. Diving birds such as King penguins, that travel at a higher cost and lower speed, rely on the predictable spatial distribution of mesopelagic fish found close to the Polar Front. They may use the currents associated with eddies as oceanographic cues in the active search for frontal zones. Once in these areas they dive preferentially in and below the depth of the thermocline where catches per unit effort are high. Elephant seals concentrate foraging activity principally inside or at the boundary of cyclonic eddies. These mesoscale features appear to offer exceptional productivity favourable for foraging by various diving top predators.The connection between biophysical parameters at fronts and predators is likely to be made through biological enhancement. Top predators appear to forage at locations where prey are advected by physical processes and others where prey are produced locally. Long-term research on at-sea distributions and demographic parameters of top predators are essential to assess the consequences of potential shift in front distributions in relation to global warming. Such environmental changes would add to the impact of fish extraction by the industrial fisheries on the southern food webs.  相似文献   

Topological constraints on the dynamics of wasp-waist ecosystems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Small pelagic fish species like anchovy or sardines are of high ecological and economical importance. As marine food webs are fished down, these small pelagics tend to be more exploited and overfished. It is not yet very well known what the possible effects of their collapse can be, therefore there is an urgent need to outline a theoretical framework for understanding their dynamics. These fish occupy very special position in food webs, ensuring energy transfer between species lower and higher levels, while forming narrow “wasp-waists” poor in number of species (but very abundant). Our purpose was to quantify the interaction structure of model food webs of equal complexity but different levels of “wasp-waistedness”. We analysed the topological properties of the webs by characterising every direct and indirect interactions between individual species, as well as by assessing the relative positional importance of each species in each web. We found that (1) the shorter the interaction pathways considered, the weaker the predictive power of node degree for positional importance, (2) the importance of species varies more in wasp-waist food webs, (3) if longer indirect chain effects are considered, indirect effects can well be stronger than direct ones, (4) interactions between coexisting wasp-waist species are stronger than the average, and (5) the “self-regulatory” looping effects are also stronger for wasp-waist species. Based on the topological properties of the networks, our results describe constraints acting on the dynamical behaviour of wasp-waist ecosystems. We give explanations, from this viewpoint, for regime shifts in which one WW species replaces another, and for the unpredictable dynamics of these fish stocks. From a marine conservation viewpoint, we illustrate that as the abundance of wasp-waist species decreases, the architecture of energy flows becomes highly vulnerable and unreliable. We provide an approach for quantifying these structural changes.  相似文献   

Evaluation of the behaviors of fish that belong to higher levels of the food web is important from the viewpoint of resource management and other environmental issues. Especially for adult fish that can swim against the surrounding currents, it is quite important to consider migration effects when modeling fish behavior. In the present study, a model of fish behavior is developed that considers the migration effect by incorporating a preference for various environmental factors. The species to be modeled, Pagrus major, was chosen because its high value as a food makes it representative of an exploited fish species. In the developed model, the direction of the fish movement is determined by the strength of preference for environmental factors of water temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, and prey density. The model is coupled with a hydrodynamic model and a lower-trophic ecosystem model, which predict the physical environment and water quality of the target area. Numerical simulations are carried out to reproduce the spatial distribution and seasonal variations of the ecosystem in the East Seto Inland Sea. Proper parameters for fish behavior were obtained through the processes of model tuning. As a result of the simulations, we clarified that the environmental conditions have a sizeable influence on the migration and distribution of Pagrus major. The developed model is also able to reproduce the fish biomass variation in time and space, which will provide more detailed information for resource management of the fish.  相似文献   

Key to the predictive understanding of many nearshore marine ecosystems is the transport of larvae by ocean circulation processes. Many species release thousands to billions of larvae to develop in pelagic waters, but only a few lucky ones successfully settle to suitable habitat and recruit to adult life stages. Methodologies for predicting the larval dispersal are still primitive, and simple diffusive analyses are still used for many important applications. In this study, we investigate mechanisms of larval dispersal using idealized simulations of time-evolving coastal circulations in the California Current system with Lagrangian particles as models for planktonic larvae. Connectivity matrices, which describe the source-to-destination relationships for larval dispersal for a given larval development time course, are used to diagnose the time–space dynamics of larval settlement. The resulting connectivity matrices are shown to be a function of several important time scales, such as the planktonic larval duration, the frequency and duration of larval release events and inherent time scales for the coastal circulations. Many important fishery management applications require knowledge of fish stocks on a year-to-year or generation-to-generation basis. For these short time scales (typically less than 1 year), larval dispersal is generally far from a simple diffusive process and the consideration of the stochastic and episodic nature of larval dispersal is required. This work provides new insights into the spatial–temporal dynamics of nearshore fish stocks.  相似文献   

This paper is based on an advanced ecosystem model of the Baltic Sea (ERGOM [J. Mar. Sys. 25 (3–4) (2005) 405]), but with an increased resolution of the zooplankton stage variable [J. Plankton Res. 23 (2001) 1217; ICES Marine Science 219 (2003) 208]. The model copepods are represented by five stages: eggs, an aggregated variable of nauplii, two aggregated groups of copepodites and adults. The transfer among the stages, i.e., hatching, molting and reproduction, is controlled by food availability and temperature.As usual, the model food web is truncated at the level of zooplankton. The study explores the effects of different parametrization of zooplankton mortality and looks in particular on light-dependent rates. The light climate may serve a proxy for the effects of visual feeding of fish larvae and fish. Different choices of the mortality parameters can result in remarkable differences in abundances and biomass of the model zooplankton and in the timing of its development.It is found that the different choices of mortality affect the development of populations in several ways: Relative small initial differences of abundances at the beginning of the spring bloom are important for the development of the model populations. Higher mortality rates are less important at food rich conditions than at scarce resources. At low phytoplankton levels, the individual development of the copepods through the stages can be faster for elevated mortality rates because then less animals have to share the available food.  相似文献   

The role of copepods in the colonization and emigration processes of benthos and drift of an irrigation canal were studied. During the 3 first years of existence of the canal, fifteen species of copepods were recorded (1 diaptomid, 11 cyclopoids, 3 harpacticoids). Copepod succession in the canal was initially represented by lentic species, then by predatory species like Macrocyclops albidus that developed with the proliferation of filamentous algae and epibionts during the first two years. Primary consumers appeared from the beginning of the flowing conditions but started to dominate only from the third year. Smaller species associated with the bed sediments like the harpacticoid species Nitocra hibernica, were late colonizers. The latter as well as Paracyclops fimbriatus and Eucyclops serrulatus were the dominant copepod species in the canal. Total copepod density in the benthos ranged from 15,800 to 68,000 ind./m2, with a mean of 7.6% of the total zoobenthos. Copepods constituted up to 25% of the total faunal drift density, ranging from 50 to 140 ind./m3. Their highest abundance was observed around midnight. A three-fold increase of the discharge temporarily affected the drift density, but did not change the diel rhythm of the drift. Cyclopoid copepods namely P. fimbriatus (54.77%), copepodid cyclopoids (20.76%) and E. serrulatus (16.11%) formed the main part of the drift samples. The harpacticoid Nitocra hibernica was a minor participant in the drift processes.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of the wide world growth in low-cost airlines has resulted in a focus on their pricing strategies, on issues of cost recovery and on their impact on the traffic and market shares of legacy carriers or other low-cost carriers when they are in competition, either directly or at adjacent airports.This paper provides a brief overview of the characteristics of these low-cost carriers as well as their history and geography. It goes on to outline ways in which these carriers compete and manage demand, ranging from price competition to advertising; some of these methods directly reflect their special characteristics. Some empirical evidence is presented which indicates a correlation in fare setting behaviour between competitors and insights are offered on cost recovery.The impact of the start-up of low-cost carriers is also analysed, focusing on their impacts on other low-cost carriers. The case of Ryanair competing with easyJet on London-Venice is examined along with Southwest and Frontier on Denver-Las Vegas.  相似文献   

The vertical and horizontal distribution of mesozooplankton biomass and its composition, together with the reproduction and development of the three dominant herbivorous copepods Calanus finmarchicus, C. glacialis and C. hyperboreus, were studied in the Northeast Water between the end of May and end of July, 1993. Biomass varied between 0.15 and 10.6 g m−2 and was lower on the shallow banks. Highest biomass was found on the shelf slope and in the entrances to Belgica and Westwind Troughs. There was no seasonal trend during the study period. Among the zooplankton taxa, copepods were dominant, with 84% biomass of all other taxa, followed by chaetognaths with 14%. The large Calanus species made up 91% of copepod biomass. The most abundant species, C. glacialis, inhabited areas of low current speeds on Belgica and Ob Bank, C. hyperboreus dominated shelf slope and trough stations, while C. finmarchicus was most abundant in the Return Atlantic Current along the shelf slope and also eastern Belgica Trough. C. glacialis was the only Calanus species spawning during this period, but young copepodites of the other species were also abundant. Egg production of C. glacialis was at a maximum by our arrival and continued to at least mid August. According to the results from starvation experiments, its egg production was fuelled by food uptake, but was decoupled from phytoplankton chlorophyll until July, indicating ice-algae and microzooplankton as an alternative food source. Only when the polynya approached its maximum extent was a close relationship to phytoplankton established. Due to both spatial and temporal heterogeneity of the occurrence of young copepodite stages it was impossible to follow the growth of cohorts of developmental stages. Herbivorous carbon requirements estimated from egg production rates were mostly less than one third of the phytoplankton stock. From egg production and the distribution of young stages, the outer Westwing Trough seems to be the centre of biological activities. This may be related to the formation of young ice in winter in this area, which was found to carry a large mass of under-ice algae. High biomass but low production in Belgica Trough indicate this as an advective and expatriated community of C. finmarchicus and C. hyperboreus, where grazing is negligible, at least during early summer.  相似文献   

In marine coastal areas many planktonic species produce resting stages (cysts) that sink to the bottom. Integrated sampling from both the water column (to collect active stages), and sediments (to collect cysts), could be useful to achieve more complete information about plankton composition.In the framework of the “INTERREG II Albania-Italy Project” an oceanographic survey was carried out aboard the r/v “Italica” from 20 to 31 October 2000. The survey interested the northern Albanian coast (Gulf of Drin) and the northern Apulian coast (Gulf of Manfredonia) on the opposite sides of the South Adriatic Sea. The plankton was collected from 14 stations. A total of 188 categories were recognized in plankton samples. Among those categories, 130 species were recognized (87 of phytoplankton, 43 of microzooplankton), and only 53 (40.8%) resulted common to both the Adriatic sides. A total of 69 cyst morphotypes were recognized in sediment samples; 38 of them were classified at the level of species. A statistical analysis of the micro-zooplankton species abundance showed a segregation of the two areas better than that obtained with the phytoplankton. Cyst distribution in the sediments showed a good gulf-segregation too. In addition, they allowed us to find complementary information, particularly for dinoflagellates. The most abundant species in the water column were not equally dominant as resting stages in the sediments. Sediment sampling allowed further information about the composition of the plankton communities, and suggested us to search for a new method to enhance the yield of less abundant cysts.  相似文献   

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