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This paper proposes a theoretical methodology and practical data collection approach for modeling enroute driver behavioral choice under Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATIS). The theoretical framework is based on conflict assessment and resolution theories popularized in psychology and applied to models of individual consumer behavior. It is posed that enroute assessment and adjustment is a reactionary process influenced by increased conflict arousal and motivation to change. When conflict rises to a level at which conflict exceeds a personal threshold of tolerance, drivers are likely to alter enroute behavior to alleviate conflict through either route diversion of goal revision. Assessment and response to conflict arousal directly relate to the driver's abilities to perceive and predict network conditions in conjunction with familiarity of network configurations and accessible alternate routes.Data collection is accomplished through FASTCARS (Freeway andArterialStreetTrafficConflictArousal andResolutionSimulator), in interactive microcomputer-based driving simulator. Limited real-world implementation of ATIS has made it difficult to study or predict individual driver reaction to these technologies. It is contended here that in-laboratory experimentation with interactive route choice simulators can substitute for the lack of real-world applications and provide an alternate approach to data collection and driver behavior analysis. This paper will explain how FASTCARS is useful for collecting data and testing theories of driver behavior.  相似文献   

Providing commuters with traffic information or advising them of alternative routes during traffic incidents can alleviate congestion. For decades, advanced traveler information services (ATIS) have been devised and dedicated to this role. ATIS comprises a wide variety of technologies across the world, including radio traffic information (RTI) advisory service. RTI is common in both developed and developing countries. Although extensive literature and evaluation results of ATISs and RTI are available in developed countries, little attention has been devoted to that in developing countries. This work provides a modeling platform to study drivers' response to en route traffic information provided by Radio‐Payam broadcasting service in Tehran, the capital city of the developing country of Iran. The results are compared with counterpart cases in developed countries. Past studies and this study have employed conventional discrete models for drivers' response, such as ordered logit and ordered probit. This work evaluates the accuracy level of these conventional models in comparison with a developed neural‐network (NN) model, because it has been widely proven that NN models are highly precise. It has also been found that, apart from reliability, the conventional models are within an acceptable level of prediction accuracy compared with the NN models. The results show a high degree of similarities between the case of Tehran and its counterparts in the developing countries. The results also deliver some insights on how to improve or better implement the ATIS technologies. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


This paper investigates some features of non-linear travel time models for dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) that adopt traffic on the link as the sole determinant for the calculation of travel time and have explicit relationships between travel time and traffic on the link. Analytical proofs and numerical examples are provided to show first-in-first-out (FIFO) violation and the behaviour of decreasing outflow with increasing traffic in non-linear travel time models. It is analytically shown that any non-linear travel time model could violate FIFO in some circumstances, especially when inflow drops sharply, and some convex non-linear travel time models could show behaviour with outflow decreasing as traffic increases. It is also shown that the linear travel time model does not show these behaviours. A non-linear travel time model in general form was used for analytical proofs and several existing non-linear travel time models were adopted for numerical examples. Considering the features addressed in this study, non-linear travel time models seem to have limitations for use in DTA in practical terms and care should be taken when they are used for modelling time-varying transportation networks.  相似文献   

A multimodal, multiclass stochastic dynamic traffic assignment model was developed to evaluate pre‐trip and enroute travel information provision strategies. Three different information strategies were examined: user optimum [UO], system optimum [SO] and mixed optimum [MO]. These information provision strategies were analyzed based on the levels of traffic congestion and market penetration rate for the information equipment. Only two modes, bus and car, were used for evaluating and calculating the modal split ratio. Several scenarios were analyzed using day‐to‐day and within day dynamic models. From the results analyzed, it was found that when a traffic manager provides information for drivers using the UO strategy and drivers follow the provided information absolutely, the total travel time may increases over the case with no information. Such worsening occurs when drivers switch their routes and face traffic congestion on the alternative route. This phenomenon is the 'Braess Paradox'.  相似文献   

This paper models the growth rate and the saturation market penetration level for advanced traveler information system (ATIS) products/services with heterogeneous drivers. The price of using and the benefit gained from ATIS services are considered two key factors in explaining the growth of adoption of ATIS products. The information benefit is measured as the travel time saving between equipped and unequipped drivers and evaluated by a mixed stochastic and deterministic network equilibrium model. A modified logistic type growth model is adopted to describe the cumulative adoption of ATIS products over years. The final stationary equilibrium level of ATIS market penetration is so determined that the value of the information provided will decline to the point at which no new users will find it advantageous to purchase that service. The endogenous growth and stationary equilibrium model of market penetration of ATIS services is useful for forecasting the growth process and the impacts on the system performance of ATIS.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of having cooperative adaptive cruise control (CACC) embedded vehicles on traffic flow characteristics of a multilane highway system. The study identifies how CACC vehicles affect the dynamics of traffic flow on a complex network and reduce traffic congestion resulting from the acceleration/deceleration of the operating vehicles. An agent-based microscopic traffic simulation model (Flexible Agent-based Simulator of Traffic) is designed specifically to examine the impact of these intelligent vehicles on traffic flow. The flow rate of cars, the travel time spent, and other metrics indicating the evolution of traffic congestion throughout the lifecycle of the model are analyzed. Different CACC penetration levels are studied. The results indicate a better traffic flow performance and higher capacity in the case of CACC penetration compared to the scenario without CACC-embedded vehicles.  相似文献   

This paper presents a unified approach for improving travel demand models through the application and extension of supernetwork models of multi-dimensional travel choices. Proposed quite some time ago, supernetwork models solved to stochastic user equilibrium can provide a simultaneous solution to trip generation, distribution, mode choice, and assignment that is consistent with disaggregate models and predicts their aggregate effects. The extension to incorporate the time dimension through the use of dynamic equilibrium assignment methods is proposed as an enhancement that is necessary in order to produce realistic models. A variety of theoretical and practical problems are identified whose solution underlies implementation of this approach. Recommended future research includes improved algorithms for stochastic and dynamic equilibrium assignment, new methods for calibrating assignment models, and the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology for data and model management.  相似文献   


Many urban university campuses are considered major trip attractors. Considering the multimodal and complex nature of university campus transportation planning and operation, this paper proposes a dynamic traffic simulation and assignment analysis approach and demonstrates how such a methodology can be successfully applied. Central to the research is the estimation of trip origindestinations and the calibration of a parking lot choice model. Dynamic simulation is utilized to simulate multiple modes of transportation within the transportation network while further assigning these modes with respect to various mode-specific roadway accessibilities. A multiple vehicle-class simulation analysis for planning purposes becomes a critical capability to predict how faculty and staff who once parked within the campus core choose other nearby alternate parking lots. The results highlight the effectiveness of the proposed approach in providing integrated and reliable solutions for challenging questions that face urban university campus planners and local transportation jurisdictions.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the reliability of information on prevailing trip times on the links of a network as a basis for route choice decisions by individual drivers. It considers a type of information strategy in which no attempt is made by some central controller or coordinating entity to predict what the travel times on each link would be by the time it is reached by a driver that is presently at a given location. A specially modified model combining traffic simulation and path assignment capabilities is used to analyze the reliability of the real-time information supplied to the drivers. This is accomplished by comparing the supplied travel times (at the link and path levels) to the actual trip times experienced in the network after the information has been given. In addition, the quality of the decisions made by drivers on the basis of this information (under alternative path switching rules) is evaluated ex-post by comparing the actually experienced travel time (given the decision made) to the time that the driver would have experienced without the real-time information. Results of a series of simulation experiments under recurrent congestion conditions are discussed, illustrating the interactions between information reliability and user response.  相似文献   

A cell-based variant of the Merchant-Nemhauser (M-N) model is proposed for the system optimum (SO) dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) problem. Once linearized and augmented with additional constraints to capture cross-cell interactions, the model becomes a linear program that embeds a relaxed cell transmission model (CTM) to propagate traffic. As a result, we show that CTM-type traffic dynamics can be derived from the original M-N model, when the exit-flow function is properly selected and discretized. The proposed cell-based M-N model has a simple constraint structure and cell network representation because all intersections and cells are treated uniformly. Path marginal costs are defined using a recursive formula that involves a subset of multipliers from the linear program. This definition is then employed to interpret the necessary condition, which is a dynamic extension of the Wardrop’s second principle. An algorithm is presented to solve the flow holding back problem that is known to exist in many discrete SO-DTA models. A numerical experiment is conducted to verify the proposed model and algorithm.  相似文献   

A number of approaches have been developed to evaluate the impact of land development on transportation infrastructure. While traditional approaches are either limited to static modeling of traffic performance or lack a strong travel behavior foundation, today’s advanced computational technology makes it feasible to model an individual traveler’s response to land development. This study integrates dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) with a positive agent-based microsimulation travel behavior model for cumulative land development impact studies. The integrated model not only enhances the behavioral implementation of DTA, but also captures traffic dynamics. It provides an advanced yet practical approach to understanding the impact of a single or series of land development projects on an individual driver’s behavior, as well as the aggregated impacts on the demand pattern and time-dependent traffic conditions. A simulation-based optimization (SBO) approach is proposed for the calibration of the modeling system. The SBO calibration approach enhances the transferability of this integrated model to other study areas. Using a case study that focuses on the cumulative land development impact along a congested corridor in Maryland, various regional and local travel behavior changes are discussed to show the capability of this tool for behavior side estimations and the corresponding traffic impacts.  相似文献   

In this study, to incorporate realistic discrete stochastic capacity distribution over a large number of sampling days or scenarios (say 30–100 days), we propose a multi-scenario based optimization model with different types of traveler knowledge in an advanced traveler information provision environment. The proposed method categorizes commuters into two classes: (1) those with access to perfect traffic information every day, and (2) those with knowledge of the expected traffic conditions (and related reliability measure) across a large number of different sampling days. Using a gap function framework or describing the mixed user equilibrium under different information availability over a long-term steady state, a nonlinear programming model is formulated to describe the route choice behavior of the perfect information (PI) and expected travel time (ETT) user classes under stochastic day-dependent travel time. Driven by a computationally efficient algorithm suitable for large-scale networks, the model was implemented in a standard optimization solver and an open-source simulation package and further applied to medium-scale networks to examine the effectiveness of dynamic traveler information under realistic stochastic capacity conditions.  相似文献   

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