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Traffic assignment is usually determined solely on the basis of minimum travel time through the network. The present study on traffic assignment has taken into account not only traffic performance but also air quality over the street. A simple model of highway air pollution is developed by considering macroscopic material balance of polluted air mass over a segment of a highway that passes through an urban area, A new traffic assignment scheme has been developed based on the air pollution model. The optimal traffic assignment obtained by the new scheme is affected significantly by meteorological conditions.  相似文献   

随着经济的快速发展,高速公路通车里程得到快速增长,道路客、货运量及周转量不断高速发展,但高速公路的交通安全问题已经成为一个重要的研究课题。本文首先分析了浙江省高速公路交通事故的特点,然后运用轨迹交叉论进行交通事故的原因分析,识别浙江省高速公路危险源,最后有针对性地提出了浙江省高速公路交通事故防治措施。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on computational model development for the probit‐based dynamic stochastic user optimal (P‐DSUO) traffic assignment problem. We first examine a general fixed‐point formulation for the P‐DSUO traffic assignment problem, and subsequently propose a computational model that can find an approximated solution of the interest problem. The computational model includes four components: a strategy to determine a set of the prevailing routes between each origin–destination pair, a method to estimate the covariance of perceived travel time for any two prevailing routes, a cell transmission model‐based traffic performance model to calculate the actual route travel time used by the probit‐based dynamic stochastic network loading procedure, and an iterative solution algorithm solving the customized fixed‐point model. The Ishikawa algorithm is proposed to solve the computational model. A comparison study is carried out to investigate the efficiency and accuracy of the proposed algorithm with the method of successive averages. Two numerical examples are used to assess the computational model and the algorithm proposed. Results show that Ishikawa algorithm has better accuracy for smaller network despite requiring longer computational time. Nevertheless, it could not converge for larger network. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A number of approaches have been developed to evaluate the impact of land development on transportation infrastructure. While traditional approaches are either limited to static modeling of traffic performance or lack a strong travel behavior foundation, today’s advanced computational technology makes it feasible to model an individual traveler’s response to land development. This study integrates dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) with a positive agent-based microsimulation travel behavior model for cumulative land development impact studies. The integrated model not only enhances the behavioral implementation of DTA, but also captures traffic dynamics. It provides an advanced yet practical approach to understanding the impact of a single or series of land development projects on an individual driver’s behavior, as well as the aggregated impacts on the demand pattern and time-dependent traffic conditions. A simulation-based optimization (SBO) approach is proposed for the calibration of the modeling system. The SBO calibration approach enhances the transferability of this integrated model to other study areas. Using a case study that focuses on the cumulative land development impact along a congested corridor in Maryland, various regional and local travel behavior changes are discussed to show the capability of this tool for behavior side estimations and the corresponding traffic impacts.  相似文献   

Evaluation of green wave policy in real-time railway traffic management   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In order to face the expected growth of transport demand in the next years, several new traffic control policies have been proposed and analyzed both to generate timetables and to effectively manage the traffic in real-time. In this paper, a detailed optimization model is used to analyze one such policy, called green wave, which consists in letting trains wait at the stations to avoid speed profile modifications in open corridors. Such policy is expected to be especially effective when the corridors are the bottleneck of the network. However, there is a lack of quantitative studies on the real-time effects of using this policy. To this end, this work shows a comparison of the delays obtained when trains are allowed or not to change their speed profile in open corridors. An extensive computational study is described for two practical dispatching areas of the Dutch railway network.  相似文献   

This paper addresses a general stochastic user equilibrium (SUE) traffic assignment problem with link capacity constraints. It first proposes a novel linearly constrained minimization model in terms of path flows and then shows that any of its local minimums satisfies the generalized SUE conditions. As the objective function of the proposed model involves path‐specific delay functions without explicit mathematical expressions, its Lagrangian dual formulation is analyzed. On the basis of the Lagrangian dual model, a convergent Lagrangian dual method with a predetermined step size sequence is developed. This solution method merely invokes a subroutine at each iteration to perform a conventional SUE traffic assignment excluding link capacity constraints. Finally, two numerical examples are used to illustrate the proposed model and solution method.  相似文献   

This study developed a methodology to model the passenger flow stochastic assignment in urban railway network (URN) with the considerations of risk attitude. Through the network augmentation technique, the urban railway system is represented by an augmented network in which the common traffic assignment method can be used directly similar to a generalized network form. Using the analysis of different cases including deterministic travel state, emergent event, peak travel, and completely stochastic state, we developed a stochastic equilibrium formulation to capture these stochastic considerations and give effects of risk aversion level on the URN performance, the passenger flow at transfer stations through numerical studies. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of dynamic travel time (DTT) forecasting within highway traffic networks using speed measurements. Definitions, computational details and properties in the construction of DTT are provided. DTT is dynamically clustered using a K-means algorithm and then information on the level and the trend of the centroid of the clusters is used to devise a predictor computationally simple to be implemented. To take into account the lack of information in the cluster assignment for the new predicted values, a weighted average fusion based on a similarity measurement is proposed to combine the predictions of each model. The algorithm is deployed in a real time application and the performance is evaluated using real traffic data from the South Ring of the Grenoble city in France.  相似文献   

A procedure is developed for estimating highway speeds as a combined function of both traffic volumes and the geometric and environmental conditions surrounding the highway. The proposed method applies a general set of passenger car equivalent units (pcu's) for trucks, recreational vehicles, and opposing flows, in order to reduce traffic volumes to a single variable, which can then be introduced at either an average level, or at contrasting high and low levels, along with geometric/environmental conditions into a multiple linear regression equation which treats all of the factors simultaneously. The procedure is applied to estimate various speeds om rural 2-lane highways inOntario, using a data bank compiled in 1980. Equations are developed for the 10th, 50th and 90th percentile operating speeds. Speeds in Ontario are found to be affected by: traffic volumes, by direction and type of vehicle; access to adjacent land use; access from other highways; speed limit; existence of an extra lane; and grade These Ontario findings are tempered by a lack of severe grades on high-volume roads, and by standard road widths. Thus is recommended that the described procedure be re-applied in another jurisdiction using data which incorporate a wider range of grades, and road widths.  相似文献   

This paper presents various methods of estimating the full marginal cost (FMC) of highway passenger transportation. First, the computation of FMC is performed using the marginal cost functions, most of which were developed by Ozbay et al. [Ozbay, K., Bartin, B., Berechman, J., 2001. Estimation and evaluation of full marginal costs of highway transportation in New Jersey. Journal of Transportation and Statistics 4 (1)]. FMC is defined and calculated as “total cost per trip” as explained in this paper. However, in multiple origin-destination and multiple route highway networks, the practical application of the network-wide FMC concept is complicated. These issues are addressed in detail in this paper. Therefore, in the second method, a multiple route based FMC approach is proposed for a given origin-destination pair in the network. It is observed that the marginal values of different paths vary as much as 28%. Third, a comparison of FMC estimation results of two distinct measurement tools is presented. The FMC estimation is performed between a selected OD pair using the static transportation planning software output (TransCAD). The same analysis is repeated using the stochastic traffic simulation software output (PARAMICS). The differences in FMC values estimated by static transportation planning software and microscopic traffic simulation software are discussed.  相似文献   

For planning and design of a bus rapid transit system and for the analysis of multimodal corridors, methodology is required for simulating bus traffic operation on a Transitway. Macroscopic models of vehicle flow are gaining popularity due to their capability to analyze complex operations and yet offer efficiency in development and applications. A macroscopic model is developed for the investigation of travel time, energy and emissions that correspond to bus volume levels on the Transitway. This paper describes the travel time part of the model. The model treats stochastic characteristics of bus traffic and passenger activities. Also, safety regimes in vehicle flow and factors affecting minimum headways in station areas are incorporated. The model is verified by comparing simulated travel time for the Ottawa-Carleton Transitway with actual data.  相似文献   

The benefit, in terms of social surplus, from introducing congestion charging schemes in urban networks is depending on the design of the charging scheme. The literature on optimal design of congestion pricing schemes is to a large extent based on static traffic assignment, which is known for its deficiency in correctly predict travel times in networks with severe congestion. Dynamic traffic assignment can better predict travel times in a road network, but are more computational expensive. Thus, previously developed methods for the static case cannot be applied straightforward. Surrogate‐based optimization is commonly used for optimization problems with expensive‐to‐evaluate objective functions. In this paper, we evaluate the performance of a surrogate‐based optimization method, when the number of pricing schemes, which we can afford to evaluate (because of the computational time), are limited to between 20 and 40. A static traffic assignment model of Stockholm is used for evaluating a large number of different configurations of the surrogate‐based optimization method. Final evaluation is performed with the dynamic traffic assignment tool VisumDUE, coupled with the demand model Regent, for a Stockholm network including 1240 demand zones and 17 000 links. Our results show that the surrogate‐based optimization method can indeed be used for designing a congestion charging scheme, which return a high social surplus. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new activity-based transit assignment model for investigating the scheduling (or timetabling) problem of transit services in multi-modal transit networks. The proposed model can be used to generate the short-term and long-term timetables of multimodal transit lines for transit operations and service planning purposes. The interaction between transit timetables and passenger activity-travel scheduling behaviors is captured by the proposed model, as the activity and travel choices of transit passengers are considered explicitly in terms of departure time choice, activity/trip chain choices, activity duration choice, transit line and mode choices. A heuristic solution algorithm which combines the Hooke–Jeeves method and an iterative supply–demand equilibrium approach is developed to solve the proposed model. Two numerical examples are presented to illustrate the differences between the activity-based approach and the traditional trip-based method, together with comparison on the effects of optimal timetables with even and uneven headways. It is shown that the passenger travel scheduling pattern derived from the activity-based approach is significantly different from that obtained by the trip-based method, and that a demand-sensitive (with uneven headway) timetable is more efficient than an even-headway timetable.  相似文献   

2019年12月份爆发的新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情蔓延全国。疫情期间,全国范围交通管控导致交通状态明显有别于正常状态。为此,本文从公路、铁路、水路、民航、城市交通等多种交通方式出发选取客运指标,利用合成指数方法构建人员流动指数。在省级层面构建省际人员流动指数和省内人员流动指数,分析疫情期间省际和省内人员流动指数特征,以及公路、铁路、水路、民航、城市交通等各项子指标的变化特征,旨在准确监控疫情期间客运交通状态,准确掌握各种交通方式受疫情影响程度,为特殊时期管理部门对旅客运输采取针对性管控提供依据。  相似文献   

This paper presents a convergent simplicial decomposition algorithm for the variational inequality formulation of the asymmetric traffic assignment problem. It alternates between generating minimum path trees based on the cost function evaluated at the current iterate and the approximate solving of a master variational inequality subject to simple convexity constraints. Thus it generalizes the popular Frank-Wolfe method (where the master problem is a line search) to the asymmetric problem. Rules are given for dropping flow patterns which are not needed to express the current iterate as a convex combination of previous patterns. The results of some computational testing are reported.  相似文献   

In 1987, the NSW Government commenced deregulation of the long-distance bus industry in NSW. This immediately led to greater inter-modal competition and contestability within the context of changing passenger markets.This study utilises categorical data analysis methods to examine the emerging passenger markets of inter-modal competitors (bus and rail) and to assess the relative importance of socioeconomic and travel related variables which affect the use of bus and rail services along the high volume Sydney-Canberra and Sydney-North Coast corridors.Conclusions from the study indicate varied passenger markets within a relatively new contestable environment which are mode and corridor specific. Results are indicative of the need for competitors to develop marketing strategies conducive to the demands of the travelling public in order to enhance viability and commercial opportunities.  相似文献   

An aggregate air traffic flow model based on a multicommodity network is used for traffic flow management in the National Airspace System. The problem of minimizing the total travel time of flights in the National Airspace System of the United States, subject to sector capacity constraints, is formulated as an Integer Program. The resulting solution achieves optimal delay control. The Integer Program implemented for the scenarios investigated has billions of variables and constraints. It is relaxed to a Linear Program for computational efficiency. A dual decomposition method is applied to solve the large scale Linear Program in a computationally tractable manner. A rounding algorithm is developed to map the Linear Program solution to a physically acceptable result, and is implemented for the entire continental United States. A 2-h traffic flow management problem is solved with the method.  相似文献   

Detailed studies of traffic safety, as highway design consistency evaluation, require having the geometric definition of the alignment. An efficient and reliable procedure has been developed for obtaining this geometric definition for two-lane rural highways. The method is based on getting data of the highway by means of a GPS receiver mounted in a car and the subsequent processing of this information. The data taken in the highway are differentially corrected and points in the roadway centerline are estimated by means of a developed calculation algorithm. Finally, the highway alignment is defined by means of a parametric cubic smoothing spline. In this paper, the developed method and its application to the M-607 highway, located in Madrid (Spain), is exposed.  相似文献   

A model of highway traffic noise is formulated based on vehicle types. The data were collected from local highways in Thailand with free-flow traffic conditions. First, data on vehicle noise was collected from individual vehicles using sound level meters placed at a reference distance. Simultaneously, measurements were made of vehicles’ spot speeds. Secondly, are data for building the highway traffic noise model. This consists of traffic noise levels, traffic volumes by vehicle classification, average spot speeds by vehicle type, and the geometric dimension of highway sections. The free-flow traffic noise model is generated from this database. A reference energy mean emission level (the basic noise) level for each type of vehicles is developed based on direct measurement of Leq (10 s) from the real running condition of each type of vehicles. Modification of terms and parameters are used to make the model fit highway traffic characteristics and different types of vehicle.  相似文献   

Since the passage of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act in 1991, a significant number of state highway agencies have started to develop and implement statewide travel demand models to meet policy and legislative development needs. Currently, however, a lack of up-to-date multimodal and inter-regional passenger travel data hampers analysts’ ability to conduct quantitative assessments of long-distance travel infrastructure investment needs, at both the national and statewide levels. Despite these data limitations, but also largely shaped by them, long-distance travel modelling has become an increasingly popular topic in recent years. This paper reviews several methodologies for multimodal inter-regional travel demand estimation, drawing examples from both state-specific modelling within the USA and from fully national models being developed and applied in other parts of the world, notably in Europe.  相似文献   

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