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The design of mechatronic systems of rail vehicles requires performing verification and validation in the real-time mode. One useful validation instrument is the application of software-in-the-loop, hardware-in-the-loop or processor-in-the-loop simulation approaches. All of these approaches require development of a real-time model of the physical system. In this paper, the investigation of the usage of the model of the locomotive's bogie test rig created in Gensys multibody software has been performed and the calculation time for each time step has been analysed. The verification of the possibility of the usage of such an approach for real-time simulation has been made by means of a simple data transferring process between Gensys and Simulink through the TCP/IP interface. The limitations and further development issues for the proposed approach have been discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

The numerical wheel wear prediction in railway applications is of great importance for different aspects, such as the safety against vehicle instability and derailment, the planning of wheelset maintenance interventions and the design of an optimal wheel profile from the wear point of view. For these reasons, this paper presents a complete model aimed at the evaluation of the wheel wear and the wheel profile evolution by means of dynamic simulations, organised in two parts which interact with each other mutually: a vehicle's dynamic model and a model for the wear estimation. The first is a 3D multibody model of a railway vehicle implemented in SIMPACK?, a commercial software for the analysis of mechanical systems, where the wheel–rail interaction is entrusted to a C/C++user routine external to SIMPACK, in which the global contact model is implemented. In this regard, the research on the contact points between the wheel and the rail is based on an innovative algorithm developed by the authors in previous works, while normal and tangential forces in the contact patches are calculated according to Hertz's theory and Kalker's global theory, respectively. Due to the numerical efficiency of the global contact model, the multibody vehicle and the contact model interact directly online during the dynamic simulations.

The second is the wear model, written in the MATLAB® environment, mainly based on an experimental relationship between the frictional power developed at the wheel–rail interface and the amount of material removed by wear. Starting from a few outputs of the multibody simulations (position of contact points, contact forces and rigid creepages), it evaluates the local variables, such as the contact pressures and local creepages, using a local contact model (Kalker's FASTSIM algorithm). These data are then passed to another subsystem which evaluates, by means of the considered experimental relationship, both the material to be removed and its distribution along the wheel profile, obtaining the correspondent worn wheel geometry.

The wheel wear evolution is reproduced by dividing the overall chosen mileage to be simulated in discrete spatial steps: at each step, the dynamic simulations are performed by means of the 3D multibody model keeping the wheel profile constant, while the wheel geometry is updated through the wear model only at the end of the discrete step. Thus, the two parts of the whole model work alternately until the completion of the whole established mileage. Clearly, the choice of an appropriate step length is one of the most important aspects of the procedure and it directly affects the result accuracy and the required computational time to complete the analysis.

The whole model has been validated using experimental data relative to tests performed with the ALn 501 ‘Minuetto’ vehicle in service on the Aosta–Pre Saint Didier track; this work has been carried out thanks to a collaboration with Trenitalia S.p.A and Rete Ferroviaria Italiana, which have provided the necessary technical data and experimental results.  相似文献   

In railway turnout, the stock rail and switch rail are separated to enable the vehicle changing among the tracks, and they are provided with different rail resilience level on the baseplate. Therefore, there will be vertical relative motion between stock/switch rails under the wheel loads, and the relative motion will affect consequentially the wheel–rail contact conditions. A method is developed to investigate the effect of the relative motion of stock/switch rails on the load transfer distribution along the switch panel in high-speed railway turnout. First, the rigid wheel–rail contact points of stock/switch rails are calculated based on the trace line method, and then the contact status is determined by the presented equations, finally, the distribution of wheel–rail contact forces of stock/switch rails is obtained based on the continuity of interface displacements and forces which using an approximate surface deformation method. Some parametric studies have been performed, such as the lateral displacement of wheel set, the vertical contact forces, the wheel profiles and the vertical stiffness of rail pad. The results of the parametric study are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

Wheel–rail interface management is imperative to railway operation and its maintenance represents a major share of the total maintenance cost. In general, the course of events usually called wear is a complicated process involving several modes of material deterioration and contact surface alteration. Thus material removal or relocation, plastic flow and phase transformation may take place at, just below, or in-between the contacting surfaces. A higher degree of predictability of deterioration mechanisms and a firm basis for optimisation of the wheel–rail system are anticipated to reveal a great potential for cost savings. Wear in the sense of material loss and related wheel–rail profile evolution represents one of several modes of damage. The purpose of this survey is to explore research on wear simulation, to some degree extended to neighbouring disciplines. It is believed that a cross-disciplinary approach involving, for instance, adhesive and abrasive wear, surface plasticity, and rolling contact fatigue opens new perspectives to improved damage prediction procedures.  相似文献   

The polygonal wear around the wheel circumference could pose highly adverse influences on the wheel/rail interactions and thereby the performance of the vehicle system. In this study, the effects of wheel polygonalisation on the dynamic responses of a high-speed rail vehicle are investigated through development and simulations of a comprehensive coupled vehicle/track dynamic model. The model integrates flexible slab track, wheelsets and axle boxes subsystem models so as to account for elastic deformations caused by impact loads induced by the wheel polygonalisation. A field-test programme was undertaken to acquire the polygonal wear profile and axle box acceleration response of a high-speed train, and the data are used to demonstrate the validity of the coupled vehicle/track system model. Subsequently, the effects of wheel polygonalisation are evaluated in terms of wheel/rail impact forces, axle box vertical acceleration and dynamic stress developed in the axle considering different amplitudes and harmonic orders of the polygonal wear. The results suggest that the high-order wheel polygonalisation can give rise to high-frequency impact loads at the wheel/rail interface, and excite some of the vibration modes of the wheelset and the axle box leading to high-magnitude axle box acceleration and dynamic stress in the wheelset axle.  相似文献   

The derailment mechanism in a railway vehicle is a complex mechanical phenomenon which has been, and still is, the subject of intense research activity due to the serious consequences it can entail. Since Nadal deduced his well-known formula, many researchers have put forward alternative equations which all attempt to move closer to the data obtained experimentally. This paper provides a summary of the best known and draws up a new formulation based on the theoretical 3-D study of creep forces emerging from the contact patch of the wheel likely to derail. It also provides an in-depth analysis of the role played by spin creepage, including its effect on obtaining theoretical derailment limits, which are more realistic than those obtained using Nadal's formula. Finally, a new derailment criterion is proposed. This new criterion leads to less conservative values than Nadal's equation for zero yaw angles. When the yaw angle is high enough, the results obtained are coincident with those predicted by Nadal's equation.  相似文献   

The effect of unsupported sleepers on the dynamic behaviour of a railway track is studied based on vehicle–track dynamic interaction theory, using a model of the track as a Timoshenko beam supported on a periodic elastic foundation. Considering the vehicle's running speed and the number of unsupported sleepers, the track dynamic characteristics are investigated and verified in the time and frequency domains by experiments on a 1:5 scale model wheel–rail test rig. The results show that when hanging sleepers are present, leading to a discontinuous and irregular track support, additional wheel–rail interaction forces are generated. These forces increase as further sleepers become unsupported and as the vehicle's running speed increases. The adjacent supports experience increased dynamic forces which will lead to further deterioration of track quality and the formation of long wavelength track irregularities, which worsen the vehicles’ running stability and riding comfort. Stationary transfer functions measurements of the dynamic behaviour of the track are also presented to support the findings.  相似文献   

A mathematical model of the vehicle–track interaction is developed to investigate the coupled behaviour of vehicle–track system, in the presence of uneven irregularities at left/right rails. The railway vehicle is simplified as a 3D multi-rigid-body model, and the track is treated as the two parallel beams on a layered discrete support system. Besides the car-body, the bogies and the wheel sets, the sleepers are assumed to have roll degree of freedom, in order to simulate the in-plane rotation of the components. The wheel–rail interface is treated using a nonlinear Hertzian contact model, coupling the mathematical equations of the vehicle–track systems. The dynamic interaction of the entire system is numerically studied in time domain, employing Newmark's integration method. The track irregularity spectra of both the left/right rails are taken into account, as the inputs of dynamic excitations. The dynamic responses of the track system induced by such irregularities are obtained, particularly in terms of the vertical (bounce) and roll displacements. The numerical model of the present research is validated using several benchmark models reported in the literature, for both the smooth and unsmooth track conditions. Four sample profiles of the measured rail irregularities are considered as the case studies of excitation sources, examining their influences on the dynamic behaviour of the coupled system. The results of numerical simulations demonstrate that the motion of track system is significantly influenced by the presence of uneven irregularities in left/right rails. Dynamic response of the sleepers in the roll direction becomes more sensitive to the rail irregularities, as the unevenness severity of the parallel profiles (quantitative difference between left and right rail spectra) is increased. The severe geometric deformation of the track in the bounce–pitch–roll directions is mainly related to such profile unevenness (cross-level) in left/right rails.  相似文献   

This work describes an analytical approach to determine what degree of accuracy is required in the definition of the rail vehicle models used for dynamic simulations. This way it would be possible to know in advance how the results of simulations may be altered due to the existence of errors in the creation of rolling stock models, whilst also identifying their critical parameters. This would make it possible to maximise the time available to enhance dynamic analysis and focus efforts on factors that are strictly necessary. In particular, the parameters related both to the track quality and to the rolling contact were considered in this study. With this aim, a sensitivity analysis was performed to assess their influence on the vehicle dynamic behaviour. To do this, 72 dynamic simulations were performed modifying, one at a time, the track quality, the wheel–rail friction coefficient and the equivalent conicity of both new and worn wheels. Three values were assigned to each parameter, and two wear states were considered for each type of wheel, one for new wheels and another one for reprofiled wheels. After processing the results of these simulations, it was concluded that all the parameters considered show very high influence, though the friction coefficient shows the highest influence. Therefore, it is recommended to undertake any future simulation job with measured track geometry and track irregularities, measured wheel profiles and normative values of the wheel–rail friction coefficient.  相似文献   

The hunting motion of a passenger coach is investigated using a multibody system in which the wheelsets and the rails can be modelled as flexible bodies. By comparing the results for different model variants, in which the structural flexibilities of the wheelsets and of the rails are either taken into account or neglected, the impact of the flexibilities is analysed. It turns out that the flexibilities of both the wheelsets and the rails have a significant impact on the hunting behaviour by increasing the lateral motions of the wheelsets and lowering the critical speed. In order to investigate the impact of the flexibilities under different operating conditions, the calculations are carried out for track geometries using different rail profiles (60E1, 60E2) and different rail cants (1:40, 1:20) and for different values for the friction coefficient (0.25…0.4) at the wheel–rail contact. The results show that the influence of the flexibilities is the strongest for high lateral forces, which occur e.g. for contact geometries leading to high hunting frequencies and for high values of the friction coefficient. The results also show in some cases a strong impact of the flexibilities on the position of the wheel–rail contact on the running surface of the rail, which is of particular interest with respect to wear simulation.  相似文献   

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