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文章总结2008年交通运输主要工作,深入分析了交通运输发展面临的新形势和新任务,按照中央经济工作会议的部署和要求,安排交通2009年的各项工作任务。  相似文献   

2011年全省交通工作会议主要任务是:深入贯彻落实党的十七届五中全会、中央经济工作会议和省委十一届九次全体会议精神,按照全国交通运输工作会议的部署,总结"十一五"交通工作,明确"十二五"交通运输发展总体思路和主要任务,安排2011年工作。下面,我讲三个方面的问题。  相似文献   

2014年12月26至27日,全国交通能源发展改革工作会议在四川省成都市召开。会议认真贯彻落实中央经济工作会议和全国发展改革工作会议部署,总结回顾2014年交通能源发展改革工作情况,研究讨论"十三五"交通运输发展思路,部署2015年交通能源发展改革任务。时任国家发展改革委副主任徐宪平同志出席会议并作了题为《适应经济发展新常态推动交通能源工作提质增效》的主题报告。现将徐宪平同志的主题报告印发,请结合实际,认真贯彻落实。  相似文献   

<正>(2015年1月14日)同志们:这次会议的主要任务是:深入贯彻党的十八届三中、四中全会精神和中央经济工作会议精神,认真落实全国交通运输工作会议和省委十二届八次全会各项决策部署,总结2014年交通运输工作,研判交通运输工作面临的形势和任务,安排部署2015年重点工作任务,主动适应新常态,加快"四个交通"发展,确保全面完成"十二五"规划目标,为全省经济社会发展提供有力的交通运输服务保障。稍后,省委常委、常务副省长玉林同志将要作重要讲话,我们要认真学习,深刻领会,切实抓好贯彻落实。下面,我先讲三个方面的意  相似文献   

2012年全省交通工作会议的主要任务是:以科学发展观为指导,认真贯彻落实党的十七大和十七届五中、六中全会、中央经济工作会议、省委十一届十一次全体会议和全国交通运输工作会议精神,全面总结2011年交通工作,分析当前交通运输面临的形势和任务,安排部署2012年交通重点工作,动员全系统干部职工统一思想、振奋精神、稳中求进、好中求快,推进交通运输科学发展,以实际行动迎接党的十八大和省第十二次党代会胜利召开.  相似文献   

<正>(2014年1月25日)同志们:这次会议的主要任务是:深入贯彻党的十八届三中全会、中央经济工作会议精神,认真落实全国交通运输工作会议和省委十二届五次全会、省十二届人大三次会议的部署,总结2013年交通工作,安排部署2014年重点任务,研究交通运输全面深化改革,推进"综合交通、智慧交通、绿色交通、平安交通"发展,为奋力打造"三区"、建设全面小康做好交通运输服务保障。稍后,省委常委、玉林常务副省长将要作重要讲话,我们  相似文献   

张菁 《综合运输》2010,(1):40-40
2010年1月7日,全国铁路工作会议在北京召开。会议认真落实党的十七届四中全会、中央经济工作会议精神和中央领导关于铁路工作的重要指示,总结2009年铁路工作,部署2010年重点任务。全国18个铁路局、各专业运输公司、铁道第三勘察设计院、各合资铁路公司、各省自治区直辖市地方铁路局(公司)及铁道部机关各司局、  相似文献   

<正>2013年12月31日,国家发展改革委召开2013年交通发展改革工作电视电话会议。国家发展改革委副主任徐宪平同志出席主会场会议并作了《以改革创新统领交通发展工作》的主题报告。本次会议的主题是,深入学习贯彻党的十八届三中全会精神,认真落实中央经济工作会议、中央城镇化工作会议和全国发展改革工作会议的各项部署,总结回顾2013年交通发展改革工作,以改革创新为统领,加快转变交通发展方式,推进综合交通运输体系建设,确保完成2014年交通发展改革各项任务。  相似文献   

2011年12月30日,全国交通运输工作会议在京开幕。此次会议全面总结了“十二五”开局之年交通运输工作成就和经验教训,并部署了2012年的工作。交通运输部党组书记、部长李盛霖在会上对过去一年全国交通运输工作进行了总结,并对新一年的工作提出了要求。关于道路运输业的发展情况,李部长在报告中进行了科学的分析和部署。  相似文献   

同志们: 2010年全省交通工作会议的主要任务是:坚持以科学发展观为指导,认真贯彻落实省委十一届七次全会、省十一届人大三次会议和全国交通运输工作会议精神,总结2009年工作,分析交通运输面临的形势和任务,安排部署2010年重点工作,推动交通跨越发展、绿色发展、和谐发展、统筹发展,为全面建设富裕文明和谐新青海作出新的贡献.  相似文献   

On February 20, 1986, the regular monthly meeting of the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) Transportation and Communications Committee was held as a two-way videoconference. Analysis of travel changes associated with the videoconference showed that vehicle miles traveled actually increased, compared to an average meeting held at the usual single location at SCAG offices. Although the average distance per person to the nearest teleconference site was 24% lower than the distance to the SCAG offices, the attendance at the teleconference was so much higher than average that total VMT was 29% higher than for a typical meeting held at SCAG.  相似文献   

加强政府收费还贷公路资金监管问题的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章针对我国收费还贷公路在建设、运营、管理中存在的问题,提出加强政府收费还贷公路资金监管的具体措施,规范政府收费还贷公路资金管理行为,确保"贷款修路、收费还贷"政策落到实处,以促进收费公路的健康发展.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an equilibrium model to characterize the bilateral searching and meeting between customers and taxis on road networks. A taxi driver searches or waits for a customer by considering both the expected searching or waiting time cost and ride revenue, and a customer seeks a taxi ride to minimize full trip price. We suppose that the bilateral taxi–customer searching and meeting occurs anywhere in residential and commercial zones or at prescribed taxi stands, such as an airport or a railway station. We propose a meeting function to spell out the search and meeting frictions that arise endogenously as a result of the distinct spatial feature of the area and the taxi–customer moving decisions. With the proposed meeting function and the assumptions underlying taxi–customer search behaviors, the stationary competitive equilibrium achieved at fixed fare prices is determined when the demand of the customers matches the supply of taxis or there is market clearing at the prevailing searching and waiting times in every meeting location. We establish the existence of such an equilibrium by virtue of Brouwer’s fixed-point theorem and demonstrate its principal operational characteristics with a numerical example.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to investigate the relationship between business air travel and videoconferencing for intra-firm communication using econometric models developed through survey data from Taiwan’s technology industry. The survey respondents include business firms that either use or do not use videoconferencing currently. Based on survey data analyses, negative binomial models are developed for the set of current adopters of videoconferencing, and a Poisson regression model is developed for the non-adopters. They suggest substitution relationships between business air travel and videoconferencing for the two groups. However, the substitution effect is perceptibly stronger when videoconferencing is used as a substitute for business air travel. The analysis highlights that the meeting context significantly influences the choice of the communication mechanism; meeting contexts that do not specifically require face-to-face interaction tend to foster increased videoconferencing usage. Further, the perceptions of the respondents in terms of the relative benefits and weaknesses of each communication option influence the likelihood of substitution.  相似文献   

The equilibrium properties of an aggregate taxi market are investigated using a general bilateral searching and meeting function which characterizes the search frictions between vacant taxis and unserved customers. Three specific issues are analyzed for meeting functions that exhibit increasing, constant and decreasing returns to scale. Firstly, service quality in terms of customer wait/search time and average profit per taxi are examined jointly in relation to taxi fleet size, and a Pareto-improving win-win situation is identified, where an increase in taxi fleet size leads to improvements in both service quality and market profitability. Such a Pareto-improving situation is found to emerge if and only if the meeting functions show increasing returns to scale. Secondly, the properties of the socially optimal solution are examined. It is found that the taxi fleet size should be chosen such that the total cost of operating vacant taxis equals the total cost of customer waiting time multiplied by an asymmetric factor of the meeting function, and that taxi services should be subsidized at social optimum only when the meeting functions show increasing returns to scale. Thirdly, the Pareto-efficient services are examined for trade-offs between social welfare and profits in the light of partially conflicting objectives of the public sector and the private taxi firms using a bi-objective maximization approach. The taxi utilization rate and the customer wait/search time or service quality are proved to be constant along the Pareto frontier and equal to those at social optimum if the meeting functions show constant returns to scale. Extensions are made to the cases with increasing and decreasing returns to scale.  相似文献   

在既定的交通设施和交通结构水平下,加强交通管理是提高整个交通系统运行效率的重要手段。文章分析了当前兰州市交通管理存在的问题,提出了适合兰州市交通特点的主动引导型交通管理策略。  相似文献   

Knock-on delay, which is the key factor in punctuality of railway service, is mainly related to two factors including the quality of timetable in the planning phase and disturbances which may result in unscheduled trains’ waiting or meeting in operation phase. If the delay root cause and the interactions among the factors responsible for these can be clearly clarified, then the punctuality of railway operations can be enhanced by taking reactions such as timetable adjustment, rescheduling or rerouting of railway traffic in case of disturbances. These delay reasons can be used to predict the lengths of railway disruptions and effective reactions can be applied in disruption management. In this work, a delay root cause discovery model is proposed, which integrates heterogeneous railway operation data sources to reconstruct the details of the railway operations. A supervised decision tree method following the machine learning and data mining techniques is designed to estimate the key factors in knock-on delays. It discovers the root cause delay factor by logically analyzing the scheduled or un-scheduled trains meetings and overtaking behaviors, and the subsequent delay propagations. Experiment results show that the proposed decision tree can predict the delay reason with the accuracy of 83%, and it can be further enhance to 90% if the delay cause is only considered “prolonged passengers boarding” and “meeting or overtaking” factors. The delay root cause can be discovered by the proposed model, verified by frequency filtering in operation records, and resolved by the adjustment of timetable which is an important reference for the next timetable rescheduling. The results of this study can be applied to railway operation decision support and disruption management, especially with regard to timetable rescheduling, trains resequencing or rerouting, system reliability analysis, and service quality improvements.  相似文献   

Control strategies that prevent bus bunching allow for improvement to the level of service offered by a transit corridor as well as reducing travel time and its variability, thus providing higher reliability to the user. Several optimization models based on the use of real-time information have been shown to achieve this, through the planning of holding of the buses at bus stops. In the majority of the cases the benefits of these models have been estimated assuming ideal operational conditions while only few of them have been tested in real conditions. However, neither the simulation experiment, nor the real implementations have quantified the effects of real-life phenomena that harm the performance of the system, preventing it from achieving the full potential of these control schemes.This paper examines three phenomena that may occur during the operation of a bus service, which would limit the effectiveness of a holding-based control strategy in the sense that some of the planned holdings might not be executed. These phenomena are drivers non-compliance, failure of communication systems with buses, and the combination of both. The objective is to estimate the negative impact these phenomena can have on the benefits of the strategy, and to identify possible measures that could help operators and decision makers to reduce this impact. Both objectives are achieved using the real-time holding model developed by Delgado et al. (2012), which is tested in a simulation environment.  相似文献   

Population aging is reducing access to knowledge workers even as they are becoming more important to economic growth. Thus far, corporations and governments alike have made the intuitive yet untested assumption that working the existing workforce harder and longer can alleviate the economic fallout. This is based on the ‘success’ similar efforts have previously seen in production industries characterized by physical inputs. Our study provides evidence that these successes may not carry over to industries, such as transportation that are reliant on intellectual skill. It is shown that meeting productivity goals by increasing the job demands of knowledge workers, specifically air traffic controllers, compromises the provision of new kinds of value added. Furthermore, it is demonstrated for the first time that increasing job duration exacerbates the effects of job demand on human performance. Coping with staffing shortages by asking that knowledge workers simply ‘do more’ may impede rather than stimulate economic growth.  相似文献   

基于低碳理念的城市慢行交通发展模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
慢行交通系统发展模式是城市交通发展模式研究的重要内容,也是低碳交通、可持续发展交通的重点研究领域。文章介绍了慢行交通的特点、定位及研究现状,并结合我国当前城市发展实际,提出了一系列基于低碳理念的城市慢行交通发展新模式。  相似文献   

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