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Recent technological developments in maritime transport, particularly in container shipping and larger vessels, are having major repercussions at ports the world over. The latest wave of innovations has increased the level of competition in maritime transport, in particular in port activities. Shippers have many more alternatives available, something that tends to increase the hinterland of each port, precisely by reducing captive hinterlands. Ports are now generally moving towards formulas in which private initiative has a bigger role to play. Increases in competition combined with growth in private initiatives highlight the usefulness of marketing tools in two ways. Externally, because they help to achieve throughputs from remote points of origin and destination, and internally, by aiding the proper coordination of business and organizational activity at a commercial port. The present paper is a transversal study of the current situation of marketing and quality tools at major ports, including the opinions of a range of port commercial and marketing managers. We have also tried to describe the differentiated groups to be found at ports, as a useful methodology for identifying the nearest competition or ports with similar characteristics.  相似文献   

Over recent years, the role of the private sector in seaports has been greatly expanded. Yet, in practice, the extent of privatization in ports can vary significantly, in part due to the different methods employed to bring about private sector participation. This paper identifies and analyses, through a survey of ports, recent trends in regard to privatization at the world's top-100 container ports. The survey has benefitted from, and seeks to extend, a previous survey undertaken by the International Association of Ports and Harbours (IAPH). Findings suggest that, although the influence of private sector actors in ports is growing, the role of public sector agencies also remains significant.  相似文献   

Over recent years, the role of the private sector in seaports has been greatly expanded. Yet, in practice, the extent of privatization in ports can vary significantly, in part due to the different methods employed to bring about private sector participation. This paper identifies and analyses, through a survey of ports, recent trends in regard to privatization at the world's top-100 container ports. The survey has benefitted from, and seeks to extend, a previous survey undertaken by the International Association of Ports and Harbours (IAPH). Findings suggest that, although the influence of private sector actors in ports is growing, the role of public sector agencies also remains significant.  相似文献   

6月1日《港口经营管理规定》施行,各主要港口管理工作正在调整完善中,随着国家经济调控制政策出台,港口生产经营仍保持好的发展势头,货物吞吐量、外贸吞吐量、集装箱吞吐量等主要经济指标增长平稳.  相似文献   

一月份,在全国人民欢度传统佳节--春节的喜庆日子里,港口系统的广大干部职工坚守在生产第一线,港口生产仍然保持稳定发展,开局形势良好.  相似文献   

8月份,在我国国民经济宏观调控的背景下,港口生产仍保持稳定增长.货物吞吐量、外贸吞吐量、集装箱吞吐量等主要经济指标增长幅度与7月基本持平.  相似文献   

二月份,农历春节过后,港口生产保持健康稳定的发展态势. 一、港口货物吞吐量继续保持增长 二月份,全国主要港口完成货物吞吐量23919万吨,比去年同月增长26.3%.其中沿海主要港口完成18078万吨,比去年同月增长24.5%;内河主要港口完成5841万吨,比去年同月增长30.3%.  相似文献   

今年<港口法>已生效,各主要港口管理体制改革也基本到位,港口生产经营继续保持好的发展势头,货物吞吐量、外贸吞吐量、集装箱吞吐量等主要经济指标均实现超高速增长.  相似文献   

今年<港口法>已生效,各主要港口管理体制改革也基本到位,港口生产经营继续保持好的发展势头,货物吞吐量、外贸吞吐量、集装箱吞吐量等主要经济指标均实现超高速增长.  相似文献   

10月份,又到港口货物运输黄金季节,全国港口生产形势遍地火红,货物吞吐量、外贸吞吐量、集装箱吞吐量等生产指标均保持高位增长态势.  相似文献   

2003年,我国港口行业认真贯彻党的十六大、十六届三中全会精神,克服"非典"等不利因素的影响,紧紧抓住我国全面建设小康社会、国民经济保持稳定高速增长的大好机遇,锐意进取,努力奋斗,港口生产成绩再创历史新高.快报统计显示,2003年全国主要港口完成:  相似文献   

9月份,在我国国民经济宏观调控的背景下,港口生产仍保持好的发展势态,货物吞吐量、外贸吞吐量、集装箱吞吐量等主要经济指标均实现了稳定增长.  相似文献   

2002年11月份,全国港口紧紧抓住我国国民经济保持健康高速增长的大好机遇,广大干部职工以昂扬热情,奋战在生产第一线,港口生产形势良好.  相似文献   

上半年各主要港口体制改革基本到位,虽遇国民经济宏观调控,港口生产经营仍保持好的发展势头,货物吞吐量、外贸吞吐量、集装箱吞吐量等主要经济指标均实现高速增长.  相似文献   

If international container ports are to gain a proper appreciation of their various advantages, disadvantages and potential opportunities in a globally competitive environment, it is essential that they conduct effective evaluation of their operational performance. The present study applies five models of data envelopment analysis (DEA) to acquire a variety of complementary information about the operational efficiency of major container ports in the Asia-Pacific region and to identify trends in port efficiency. The study first establishes the causes of inefficiency on the basis of efficiency value analysis. Slack variable analysis is then used to identify potential areas of improvement for inefficient ports. This is followed by the utilization of return to scale analysis to assess whether each port is in a state of increasing, decreasing, or constant return to scale. Finally, a sensitivity analysis is conducted to identify which input or output variables have larger weights in terms of efficiency. The results provide valuable information for port managements in their attempts to establish competitive strategies for the future and to improve their resource utilization for ongoing improvements in operational efficiency.  相似文献   

If international container ports are to gain a proper appreciation of their various advantages, disadvantages and potential opportunities in a globally competitive environment, it is essential that they conduct effective evaluation of their operational performance. The present study applies five models of data envelopment analysis (DEA) to acquire a variety of complementary information about the operational efficiency of major container ports in the Asia-Pacific region and to identify trends in port efficiency. The study first establishes the causes of inefficiency on the basis of efficiency value analysis. Slack variable analysis is then used to identify potential areas of improvement for inefficient ports. This is followed by the utilization of return to scale analysis to assess whether each port is in a state of increasing, decreasing, or constant return to scale. Finally, a sensitivity analysis is conducted to identify which input or output variables have larger weights in terms of efficiency. The results provide valuable information for port managements in their attempts to establish competitive strategies for the future and to improve their resource utilization for ongoing improvements in operational efficiency.  相似文献   

This article aims to apply the relationship marketing concept in a professional ship management context. The dramatic growth in the ship management industry means that companies are increasingly seeking ways of ensuring competitiveness. Efforts have mainly concentrated on the improvement of the quality of the service, market entry strategies, establishment in strategic locations, and promotion. Nevertheless, it is argued that in the professional service context of ship management, the aspect of building and maintaining client relationships is of utmost importance. The building of client relationships will require investments of an economic and social nature, training of personnel and the consideration of marketing as a strategic issue. Ship management companies that build long-term client relationships will ensure client retention, reduce transaction costs and achieve differentiation and competitiveness.  相似文献   

Labour/management practices in North American ports are undergoing fundamental changes in their shift from confrontation to Cooperation. Cooperation is increasing to counter competitive threats from other ports arising from intermodalism and transportation deregulation. Technological advances in port operations are reducing the number of longshore forces required and changing the skills required of those which remain. A recent survey of North American container terminals provided a 'snapshot' of current approaches of improving labour/management relations. Focusing on growth and development needs of individual port workers enhances morale and motivation resulting in environment. Many ports are introducing new management techniques including improved communications and training to enhance the motivation and productivity of their longshore forces.  相似文献   

彭传圣 《集装箱化》2008,19(10):13-16
2007年,我国是美国仅次于加拿大的第2大贸易伙伴,美国是我国仅次于欧盟的第2大贸易伙伴。中美贸易发展促进中美间海运量特别是集装箱海运量的高速增长,中美集装箱运输量是美国与所有贸易伙伴之间最大的。中美贸易货物海上集装箱运输大部分通过美国西海岸港口进出美国,由于近年来美国西海岸港口拥堵及美国内陆运输费用上涨,我国通过全水路运输经过美国东海岸港口进出美国的集装箱运输量有所增加。  相似文献   

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