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Inter-annual variability of hypoxic conditions in a shallow estuary   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Water quality data from two monitoring programs in the Pamlico River Estuary (PRE) were analyzed for dissolved oxygen (DO), salinity, temperature, and nutrient concentrations. Data were collected bi-weekly at 8 stations from 1997 to 2003 by East Carolina University and continuously at three stations from 1999 to 2003 by the U.S. Geological Survey. Hypoxic conditions were observed mostly in the upper to middle estuary, but the frequency of hypoxic events varied between years. During June to October in 1997–1999 (referred to as the oxic summers) bottom water hypoxia (DO < 2 mg l− 1) was found in 8.7% of the observations. By contrast, during June to October in 2001–2003 (referred to as the hypoxic summers), 37.9% of the total measurements had DO concentrations less than 2 mg l− 1. The more frequent and/or prolonged hypoxic conditions during the hypoxic summers were closely associated with stronger salinity stratification and greater loadings of nutrient and particulate matter.Salinity stratification appeared to be governed by patterns of freshwater discharge, and frequency of wind mixing events. The “oxic” summers were characterized by continuous low freshwater inflow (except one extremely high flow event due to hurricanes), stronger northeastward wind, and more frequent wind mixing events. In contrast, the hypoxic summers were characterized by frequent moderate freshwater inflow events, and fewer wind mixing events.The greater loadings of nutrient (nitrate, ammonium, and phosphate) and particulate matter during the hypoxic summers were primarily due to higher river discharges. At the head of the PRE, no significant differences were found in concentrations of nutrient and particulate nitrogen between the oxic and the hypoxic summers. In addition, chlorophyll a concentrations were averaged above 30 μg l− 1 (maximum 167 μg l− 1) during the hypoxic summers, significantly higher than those during the oxic summers (averaged around 15 μg l− 1).  相似文献   

The Mackenzie River is the largest river on the North American side of the Arctic and its huge freshwater and sediment load impacts the Canadian Beaufort Shelf. Huge quantities of sediment and associated organic carbon are transported in the Mackenzie plume into the interior of the Arctic Ocean mainly during the freshet (May to September). Changing climate scenarios portend increased coastal erosion and resuspension that lead to altered river-shelf-slope particle budgets. We measured sedimentation rates, suspended particulate matter (SPM), particle size and settling rates during ice-free conditions in Kugmallit Bay (3–5 m depth). Additionally, measurements of erosion rate, critical shear stress, particle size distribution and resuspension threshold of bottom sediments were examined at four regionally contrasting sites (33–523 m depth) on the Canadian Beaufort Shelf using a new method for assessing sediment erosion. Wind induced resuspension was evidenced by a strong relationship between SPM and wind speed in Kugmallit Bay. Deployment of sediment traps showed decreasing sedimentation rates at sites along an inshore–offshore transect ranging from 5400 to 3700 g m− 2 day− 1. Particle settling rates and size distributions measured using a Perspex settling chamber showed strong relationships between equivalent spherical diameter (ESD) and particle settling rates (r= 0.91). Mean settling rates were 0.72 cm s− 1 with corresponding ESD values of 0.9 mm. Undisturbed sediment cores were exposed to shear stress in an attempt to compare differences in sediment stability across the shelf during September to October 2003. Shear was generated by vertically oscillating a perforated disc at controlled frequencies corresponding to calibrated shear velocity using a piston grid erosion device. Critical (Type I) erosion thresholds (u) varied between 1.1 and 1.3 cm s− 1 with no obvious differences in location. Sediments at the deepest site Amundsen Gulf displayed the highest erosion rates (22–54 g m− 2 min− 1) with resuspended particle sizes ranging from 100 to 930 µm for all sites. There was no indication of biotic influence on sediment stability, although our cores did not display a fluff layer of unconsolidated sediment. Concurrent studies in the delta and shelf region suggest the importance of a nepheloid layer which transports suspended particles to the slope. Continuous cycles of resuspension, deposition, and horizontal advection may intensify with reduction of sea ice in this region. Our measurements coupled with studies of circulation and cross-shelf exchange allow parameterization and modeling of particle dynamics and carbon fluxes under various climate change scenarios.  相似文献   

The Mississippi River currently delivers approximately 1.82 Tg N year−1 (1.3×1011 mol N year−1) to the northern Gulf of Mexico. This large input dominates the biological processes of the region. The “new” nitrogen from the river stimulates high levels of phytoplankton production which in turn support high rates of bacterial production, protozoan and metazoan grazing, and fisheries production. A portion of the particulate organic matter produced in the pelagic food web sinks out of the euphotic zone where it contributes to high rates of oxygen consumption in the bottom waters of the inner shelf, resulting in the development of an extensive zone of hypoxia each summer. In spite of the significance of this river system to the coastal ocean of the northern gulf, we do not have an adequate understanding of the inputs, processing and ultimate fates of river nitrogen. Here we review available literature on this important system and propose a conceptual model showing how biological processes evolve in the river plume between the point of discharge and the point where plume waters are fully diluted by mixing with oceanic water.  相似文献   

During both the spring- and the neap-tide periods of November 2005, quasi-simultaneous observations were carried out by six boats over 26 h at 12 stations in the Changjiang (Yangtze River) plume. The simultaneous observations provided the actual distribution isopleths of salinity and nutrients that displayed considerable intra-tidal variations at surface, especially in the southeastern section of the study area. The lack of synopticity in sampling might lead to large discrepancies of the interpolated contours of salinity from the actual distribution isopleths. No clear flood-ebb asymmetry of salinity stratification was observed; whereas at inner stations, surface-to-bottom bulk velocity difference (current layering) always tended to be greater during the ebb fraction of a semidiurnal cycle. At a given station, the weaker neap tides commonly induced stronger salinity stratification, less intra-tidal variability of salinity and nutrients, and less intrusion of bottom saltwater. Nutrients (SiO32?, NO3?, and PO43?) showed more nonconservative behaviors during the neap tides, presumably as a result of the prolonged residence time of seawater and decreased suspended particulate matter levels than during the spring tides.  相似文献   

We examined the influence of the Mackenzie River plume on sinking fluxes of particulate organic and inorganic material on the Mackenzie Shelf, Canadian Arctic. Short-term particle interceptor traps were deployed under the halocline at 3 stations across the shelf during fall 2002 and at 3 stations along the shelf edge during summer 2004. During the two sampling periods, the horizontal patterns in sinking fluxes of particulate organic carbon (POC) and chlorophyll a (chl a) paralleled those in chl a biomass within the plume. Highest sinking fluxes of particulate organic material occurred at stations strongly influenced by the river plume (maximum POC sinking fluxes at 25 m of 98 mg C m− 2 d− 1 and 197 mg C m− 2 d− 1 in 2002 and 2004, respectively). The biogeochemical composition of the sinking material varied seasonally with phytoplankton and fecal pellets contributing considerably to the sinking flux in summer, while amorphous detritus dominated in the fall. Also, the sinking phytoplankton assemblage showed a seasonal succession from a dominance of diatoms in summer to flagellates and dinoflagellates in the fall. The presence of the freshwater diatom Eunotia sp. in the sinking assemblage directly underneath the river plume indicates the contribution of a phytoplankton community carried by the plume to the sinking export of organic material. Yet, increasing chl a and BioSi sinking fluxes with depth indicated an export of phytoplankton from the water column below the river plume during summer and fall. Grazing activity, mostly by copepods, and to a lesser extent by appendicularians, appeared to occur in a well-defined stratum underneath the river plume, particularly during summer. These results show that the Mackenzie River influences the magnitude and composition of the sinking material on the shelf in summer and fall, but does not constitute the only source of material sinking to depth at stations influenced by the river plume.  相似文献   

Globally significant quantities of organic carbon are stored in northern permafrost soils, but little is known about how this carbon is processed by microbial communities once it enters rivers and is transported to the coastal Arctic Ocean. As part of the Arctic River-Delta Experiment (ARDEX), we measured environmental and microbiological variables along a 300 km transect in the Mackenzie River and coastal Beaufort Sea, in July–August 2004. Surface bacterial concentrations averaged 6.7 × 105 cells mL− 1 with no significant differences between sampling zones. Picocyanobacteria were abundant in the river, and mostly observed as cell colonies. Their concentrations in the surface waters decreased across the salinity gradient, dropping from 51,000 (river) to 30 (sea) cells mL− 1. There were accompanying shifts in protist community structure, from diatoms, cryptophytes, heterotrophic protists and chrysophytes in the river, to dinoflagellates, prymnesiophytes, chrysophytes, prasinophytes, diatoms and heterotrophic protists in the Beaufort Sea.Size-fractionated bacterial production, as measured by 3H–leucine uptake, varied from 76 to 416 ng C L− 1 h− 1. The contribution of particle-attached bacteria (> 3 µm fraction) to total bacterial production decreased from > 90% at the Mackenzie River stations to < 20% at an offshore marine site, and the relative importance of this particle-based fraction was inversely correlated with salinity and positively correlated with particulate organic carbon concentrations. Glucose enrichment experiments indicated that bacterial metabolism was carbon limited in the Mackenzie River but not in the coastal ocean. Prior exposure of water samples to full sunlight increased the biolability of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in the Mackenzie River but decreased it in the Beaufort Sea.Estimated depth-integrated bacterial respiration rates in the Mackenzie River were higher than depth-integrated primary production rates, while at the marine stations bacterial respiration rates were near or below the integrated primary production rates. Consistent with these results, PCO2 measurements showed surface water supersaturation in the river (mean of 146% of air equilibrium values) and subsaturation or near-saturation in the coastal sea. These results show a well-developed microbial food web in the Mackenzie River system that will likely convert tundra carbon to atmospheric CO2 at increasing rates as the arctic climate continues to warm.  相似文献   

We studied the nutrient input to the Gulf of Finland via River Neva, the largest river discharging freshwater to the Baltic Sea, and characterised the isotopic signatures (15N, 18O, 13C) in dissolved and particulate substances (NO3, PON, POC, DIC) in the River Neva over two seasonal cycles, as well as in samples from St. Petersburg wastewater treatment plants (NO3, NH4+, PON, POC). These riverine and municipal discharges account for 40% of terrestrial inorganic N loading to the Gulf of Finland, representing annually 7% of the total nitrogen pool in the water mass of the whole Gulf. To describe and evaluate the modification of these isotopic signals along a Gulf of Finland transect towards the Baltic Proper, two cruises were arranged, one in late spring after the annual maximum in River Neva runoff, and one in autumn, in the late phase of the annual growth season.River Neva nitrate signatures of 15N and 18O indicated major agricultural fertilizer origin of nitrogen, and the isotopic composition was clearly lighter (δ15N-NO3 mean of 2.4‰ air) than previously measured from more southern rivers discharging into the Baltic Sea. Because of the light composition of the River Neva N source, close to the 15N signatures of the open Gulf, as well as of the efficient depletion of the inorganic load already in the innermost estuary, straightforward end-member tracer analysis of the transport of N in the basin is problematic. St. Petersburg wastewater ammonium showed, however, high δ15N values (ca. 13‰), which gives a first estimate of 5.8‰ for δ15N of the easternmost estuarine total inorganic N source. The available sediment data from the basin (δ15N 6 to 8‰) somewhat exceeds the average source signature. This emphasizes the significance of biological transformation processes, most importantly assimilation of inorganic nitrogen, food web interactions and denitrification, which all involve isotopic fractionation, for the mass balance models describing the dynamics of the sources and sinks of the N cycle of the basin.  相似文献   

《Journal of Marine Systems》2006,59(1-2):143-158
Effects of stocking density on seston dynamics and filtering and biodeposition by the suspension-cultured Zhikong scallop Chlamys farreri Jones et Preston in a eutrophic bay (Sishili Bay, northern China), were determined in a 3-month semi-field experiment with continuous flow-through seawater from the bay. Results showed that the presence of the scallops could strongly decrease seston and chlorophyll a concentrations in the water column. Moreover, in a limited water column, increasing scallop density could cause seston depletion due to scallop's filtering and biodeposition process, and impair scallop growth. Both filtration rate and biodeposition rate of C. farreri showed significant negative correlation with their density and positive relationship with seston concentration. Calculation predicts that the daily removal of suspended matter from water column by the scallops in Sishili Bay ecosystem can be as high as 45% of the total suspended matter; and the daily production of biodeposits by the scallops in early summer in farming zone may amount to 7.78 g m 2, with daily C, N and P biodeposition rates of 3.06 × 10 1, 3.86 × 10 2 and 9.80 × 10 3 g m 2, respectively. The filtering and biodeposition by suspension-cultured scallops could substantially enhance the deposition of total suspended particulate material, suppress accumulation of particulate organic matter in water column, and increase the flux of C, N and P to benthos, strongly enhancing pelagic–benthic coupling. It was suggested that the filtering-biodeposition process by intensively suspension-cultured bivalve filter-feeders could exert strong top-down control on phytoplankton biomass and other suspended particulate material in coastal ecosystems. This study also indicated that commercially suspension-cultured bivalves may simultaneously and potentially aid in mitigating eutrophication pressures on coastal ecosystems subject to anthropogenic N and P loadings, serving as a eutrophic-environment bioremediator. The ecological services (e.g. filtering capacity, top-down control, and benthic–pelagic coupling) functioned by extractive bivalve aquaculture should be emphasized in coastal ecosystems.  相似文献   

We use hydrographic, current, and microstructure measurements, and tide-forced ocean models, to estimate benthic and interfacial mixing impacting the evolution of a bottom-trapped outflow of dense shelf water from the Drygalski Trough in the northwestern Ross Sea. During summer 2003 an energetic outflow was observed from the outer shelf ( 500 m isobath) to the  1600 m isobath on the continental slope. Outflow thickness was as great as  200 m, and mean speeds were  0.6 m s− 1 relative to background currents exceeding  1 m s− 1 that were primarily tidal in origin. No outflow was detected on the slope in winter 2004, although a thin layer of dense shelf water was present on the outer shelf. When the outflow was well-developed, the estimated benthic stress was of order one Pascal and the bulk Froude number over the upper slope exceeded one. Diapycnal scalar diffusivity (Kz) values in the transition region at the top of the outflow, estimated from Thorpe-scale analysis of potential density and measurements of microscale temperature gradient from sensors attached to the CTD rosette, were of order 10− 3−10− 2 m2 s− 1. For two cases where the upper outflow boundary was particularly sharply defined, entrainment rate we was estimated from Kz and bulk outflow parameters to be  10− 3 m s− 1 ( 100 m day− 1). A tide-forced, three-dimensional primitive equation ocean model with Mellor-Yamada level 2.5 turbulence closure scheme for diapycnal mixing yields results consistent with a significant tidal role in mixing associated with benthic stress and shear within the stratified ocean interior.  相似文献   

Water samples were collected along salinity gradients and dissolved trace metal (Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn) concentrations were determined in a macro-tidal, mountainous estuary (Danshuei River Estuary) in northern Taiwan. Bi-monthly surveys were conducted between March 2001 and June 2002, during both wet and dry seasons. This study investigated intra-annual variability, fluxes, and the extent of addition or removal of dissolved trace metals in the estuary, which is characterized by the fluctuation of redox interface according to river flow conditions. In sub-oxic and anoxic waters, the presence of reduced sulfur species led to the formation of metal-sulfide minerals that sequester metals out of the water column. Therefore, trace metal fluxes and removal/addition rates are seasonally variable, largely by the extent of estuarine hypoxia. In the 9 sampling expeditions over the 16-month period, fluxes of dissolved trace metals out of the Danshuei River Estuary were estimated as follows: Cd, ? 0.33–4.46 mol/day; Cu, ? 48–1112 mol/day; Ni, 1836–6586 mol/day; Pb, 2.47–11.59 mol/day; and Zn, 361–2656 mol/day. For elements such as Cd and Cu, the removal in the Danshuei River Estuary during dry seasons was so dramatic that there were net fluxes from the coast to the estuary (negative fluxes). Ni behaved near conservatively in this estuary, thus its river endmember concentrations directly determined Ni fluxes out of the estuary. Removal of Pb was effectively enhanced by the presence of higher suspended particulate matter concentrations in the upper estuary and the formation of Fe- and Mn-oxides and oxyhydroxides that precipitate out of the water column in mid-estuary, which generally leaves low effective river endmember Pb concentrations, thus low fluxes out of the estuary.  相似文献   

We measured the air–water CO2 flux in four coastal regions (two coral reefs, one estuary, and one coastal brackish lake) using a chamber method, which has the highest spatial resolution of the methods available for measuring coastal air–water gas flux. Some of the measurements were considerably higher than expected from reported wind-dependent relationships. The average k600 values for Shiraho Reef, Fukido Reef, Fukido River, and Lake Nakaumi were 1.5 ± 0.6, 3.2 ± 0.3, 0.69 ± 0.26, and 2.2 ± 0.9 (mean ± S.D.) times larger than the wind-dependent relationships. Results were compared with current-dependent relationships and vertical turbulence intensity (VTI). VTI is an index of water-surface stirring and is calculated from near-surface vertical velocity. Although some measurements from the reefs and river closely matched those expected from wind-dependent relationships, others were considerably higher. All data were correlated with VTI and were qualitatively explained by bottom macro-roughness enhancement. In Lake Nakaumi, results tended to differ from the wind-dependent relationships, and the difference between the measured and expected gas-transfer velocity was correlated with biological DO changes and/or the intensity of density stratification. We found these factors to have important effects on coastal gas flux. In addition, the chamber method was an effective tool for evaluating coastal gas flux.  相似文献   

The upper water column in the Irminger Sea is characterized by cold fresh arctic and subarctic waters and warm saline North Atlantic waters. In this study the local physical and meteorological preconditioning of the phytoplankton development over an annual cycle in the upper water column in four physical zones of the Irminger Sea is investigated. Data from four cruises of the UK's Marine Productivity programme are combined with results from a coupled biological–physical nitrogen–phytoplankton–zooplankton–detritus model run using realistic forcing. The observations and model predictions are compared and analyzed to identify the key parameters and processes which determine the observed heterogeneity in biological production in the Irminger Sea. The simulations show differences in the onset of the bloom, in the time of the occurrence of the maximum phytoplankton biomass and in the length of the bloom between the zones. The longest phytoplankton bloom of 90 days duration was predicted for the East Greenland Current of Atlantic origin zone. In contrast, for the Central Irminger Sea zone a phytoplankton bloom with a start at the beginning of May and the shortest duration of only 70 days was simulated. The latest onset of the phytoplankton bloom in mid May and the latest occurrence of the maximum biomass (end of July) were predicted for the Northern Irminger Current zone. Here the bloom lasted for 80 days. In contrast the phytoplankton bloom in the Southern Irminger Current zone started at the same time as in Central Irminger Sea, but peaked end of June and lasted for 80 days. For all four zones relatively low daily (0.3–0.5 g C m− 2d− 1) and annual primary production was simulated, ranging between 35.6 g C m− 2y− 1 in the East Greenland Current of Atlantic origin zone and 45.6 g C m− 2y− 1 in the Northern Irminger Current zone. The model successfully simulated the observed regional and spatial differences in terms of the maximum depth of winter mixing, the onset of stratification and the development of the seasonal thermocline, and the differences in biological characteristics between the zones. The initial properties of the water column and the seasonal cycle of physical and meteorological forcing in each of the zones are responsible for the observed differences during the Marine Productivity cruises. The timing of the transition from mixing to stratification regime, and the different prevailing light levels in each zone are identified as the crucial processes/parameters for the understanding of the dynamics of the pelagic ecosystem in the Irminger Sea.  相似文献   

Activities of the naturally occurring, short-lived and highly particle-reactive radionuclide tracer 234Th in the dissolved and particulate phase were measured at three shallow-water stations (maximum water depths: 15.6, 22.7 and 30.1 m) in Mecklenburg Bay (south-western Baltic Sea) to constrain the time scales of the dynamics and the depositional fate of particulate matter. Activities of particle-associated (> 0.4 μm) and total (particulate + dissolved) 234Th were in the range of 0.08–0.11 dpm L− 1 and 0.11–0.20 dpm L− 1, respectively. The activity ratio of total 234Th and its long-lived and conservative parent nuclide 238U was well below unity (range: 0.09–0.19) indicating substantial radioactive disequilibria throughout the water column, very dynamic trace-metal scavenging and particle export from the water column at all three stations. For the discussion the 234Th data of this study were combined with previously published water-column 234Th and particulate-matter data from Mecklenburg Bay (Kersten et al., 1998. Applied Geochemistry 13, 339–347). The resulting average vertical distribution of total 234Th/238U disequilibria was used to estimate the depositional 234Th flux to the sediment. There was a virtually constant net downward flux of 234Th of about 28 dpm m− 2 d− 1 leaving each water layer of one meter thickness. Thorium-234-derived net residence times of particulate material regarding settling from a given layer in the water column were typically on the order of days, but with maximum values of up to a couple of weeks. Based on an average ratio of particulate matter (PM) to particle-associated 234Th a net flux of about 145 mg PM m− 2 d− 1 was estimated to leave each water layer of one meter thickness. The estimated cumulative water-column-derived particulate-matter fluxes at the seafloor are higher by a factor of about 2 than previously published sediment-derived estimates for Mecklenburg Bay. This suggests that about half of the settling particulate material is exported from the study area and/or subject to processes such as mechanical breakdown, remineralisation and dissolution. Lateral particulate-matter redistribution and particle breakdown in the water column (as opposed to the sediment) seem to be favoured by (repeated) particle resuspension from and resettling to the seafloor before ultimate sedimentary burial. The importance of net lateral redistribution of particulate material seems to increase towards the seafloor and be particularly high within the bottommost few meters of the water column.  相似文献   

Measurements of turbulence were performed in four frontal locations near the mouths of Block Island Sound (BIS) and Long Island Sound (LIS). These measurements extend from the offshore front associated with BIS and Mid-Atlantic Bight Shelf water, to the onshore fronts near the Montauk Point (MK) headland, and the Connecticut River plume front. The latter feature is closely associated with the major fresh water input to LIS. Turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) dissipation rate, ε, was obtained using shear probes mounted on an autonomous underwater vehicle. Offshore, the BIS estuarine outflow front showed, during spring season and ebb tide, maximum TKE dissipation rate, ε, estimates of order 10− 5 W/kg, with background values of order 10− 6 to 10− 9 W/kg. Edwards et al. [Edwards, C.A., Fake, T.A., and Bogden, P.S., 2004a. Spring–summer frontogenesis at the mouth of Block Island Sound: 1. A numerical investigation into tidal and buoyancy-forced motion. Journal of Geophysical Research 109 (C12021), doi:10.1029/2003JC002132.] model this front as the boundary of a tidally driven, baroclinically adjusted BIS flow around the MK headland eddy. At the entrance to BIS, near MK, two additional fronts are observed, one of which was over sand waves. For the headland site front east of MK, without sand waves, during ebb tide, ε estimates of 10− 5 to 10− 6 W/kg were observed. The model shows that this front is at the northern end of an anti-cyclonic headland eddy, and within a region of strong tidal mixing. For the headland site front further northeast over sand waves, maximum ε estimates were of order 10− 4 W/kg within a background of order 10− 7–10− 6 W/kg. From the model, this front is at the northeastern edge of the anti-cyclonic headland eddy and within the tidal mixing zone. For the Connecticut River plume front, a surface trapped plume, during ebb tide, maximum ε estimates of 10− 5 W/kg were obtained, within a background of 10− 6 to 10− 8 W/kg. Of all four fronts, the river plume front has the largest finescale mean-square shear, S2 ~ 0.15 s− 2. All of the frontal locations had local values of the buoyancy Reynolds number indicating strong isotropic turbulence at the dissipation scales. Local values of the Froude number indicated shear instability in all of the fronts.  相似文献   

We have analysed the mesozooplankton community structure in the southern Bay of Biscay shelf and its relationship with the hydrographic conditions during spring 2004. According to thermohaline characteristics, we observed two frontal zones of distinct origin along the shelf (around 7° and 3°W), that allowed us to differentiate three different hydrographic domains. The westernmost part of the shelf (WC), defined by the presence of relatively warm and salty water related to the presence of the Iberian Poleward Current (IPC), the easternmost region (EC), characterized by colder and fresher water and subject to the influence of freshwater inputs from the Adour river in the French coast, and a region in the Central Cantabrian Sea (CC), where thermohaline characteristics were intermediate between these two extremes. The mixing layer depth (MLD) regime in these areas was also different: the WC region was characterized by a mixed water column, whereas in the EC region the river discharges produces stratification of the upper meters of the water column (< 10 m); in the CC region, we found a distinct vertical mixing regime that separated coastal (stratification) from shelf (mixed water column) stations, giving rise to a notorious across-shelf front. We found a good match between the aforesaid hydrographic regions and the distribution of mesozooplankton species composition and community assemblages: the Mantel correlation between physical variables and mesozooplankton distribution was highly significant (n = 63, r = 0.70, α < 0.001). In the WC region, the community was dominated by Paracalanus parvus, Oithona helgolandica, Acartia clausi and Clausocalanus pergens, while in the EC region the most dominant species were Noctiluca scintillans, Oncaea media and Temora longicornis. The CC region showed similar composition of copepods than the WC region, but larvaceans (Oikopleura spp. and Fritillaria spp.) were more abundant in the CC region than in the WC region. Within each zone, the relative abundances of the dominant species differed between coastal and shelf locations.  相似文献   

We report on an intensive campaign in the summer of 2006 to observe turbulent energy dissipation in the vicinity of a tidal mixing front which separates well mixed and seasonally stratified regimes in the western Irish Sea. The rate of turbulent dissipation ε was observed on a section across the front by a combination of vertical profiles with the FLY dissipation profiler and horizontal profiles by shear sensors mounted on an AUV (Autosub). Mean flow conditions and stratification were obtained from a bed mounted ADCP and a vertical chain of thermistors on a mooring. During an Autosub mission of 60 h, the vehicle, moving at a speed of ~ 1.2 m s− 1, completed 10 useable frontal crossings between end points which were allowed to move with the mean flow. The results were combined with parallel measurements of the vertical profile of ε which were made using FLY for periods of up to 13 h at positions along the Autosub track. The two data sets, which show a satisfactory degree of consistency, were combined to elucidate the space–time variation of dissipation in the frontal zone. Using harmonic analysis, the spatial structure of dissipation was separated from the strong time dependent signal at the M4 tidal frequency to yield a picture of the cross-frontal distribution of energy dissipation. A complementary picture of the frontal velocity field was obtained from a moored ADCP and estimates of the mean velocity derived from the thermal wind using the observed density distribution. which indicated the presence of a strong (0.2 m s− 1) jet-like flow in the high gradient region of the front. Under neap tidal conditions, mean dissipation varied across the section by 3 orders of magnitude exceeding 10− 2 W m− 3 near the seabed in the mixed regime and decreasing to 10− 5 W m− 3. in the strongly stratified interior regime. The spatial pattern of dissipation is consistent in general form with the predictions of models of tidal mixing and does not reflect any strong influence by the frontal jet.  相似文献   

During a hydrographic survey in January 2006 the spreading of inflowing saline water was observed in the Arkona Basin (Western Baltic Sea). Two bottom mounted ‘pulse coherent’ acoustic Doppler profilers (PC-ADP) were used to measure the near-bottom current field of the dense plume with a high temporal (1 s) and spatial resolution (5 cm). In order to estimate the dissipation rate of turbulent kinetic energy () a structure function approach was applied to the beam velocity data. Simultaneous measurements with a microstructure shear profiler (MSS) and an acoustic Doppler velocimeter (ADV) supplied independent data for the verification of the structure function method. Additional measurements with standard CTD, near-bottom towed and vessel mounted acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCP) completed the data set.The estimated dissipation rates from the structure function approach fit well with the values derived from the ADV and the MSS probe. It is shown that the structure function approach is a reliable and easily applicable method to derive estimates of TKE dissipation rates from PC-ADP beam velocities. The observed dissipation rates ranged between 5 · 10− 6 and 1 · 10− 8 W kg− 1 depending on the hydrographic conditions. Inside the plume the dissipation rates exceeded that of the overlaying brackish water by two orders of magnitude. Since the noise level of velocity data in pulse coherent mode is considerably lower than in the Doppler mode the PC-ADP can also be used for estimates in marine environments with low turbulence level. Reynolds stresses estimated from the PC-ADP and the ADV agreed well at the same depth level. TKE production derived from PC-ADP measurements compared reasonably well with the dissipation rate of TKE in a varying environment.  相似文献   

Net in situ production and export of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and nitrogen (DON) have been studied in shelf waters off the Ría de Vigo (NW Spain), as part of a comprehensive hydrographic survey carried out from September 1994 to September 1995 with a fortnight periodicity. DOC and DON correlated well (r=+0.78), the slope of the regression line being 12.0±0.7 mol-C mol-N−1, about twice the Redfieldian slope of particulate organic matter, 6.5±0.2 mol-C mol-N−1 (r=+0.95). Labile DOC and DON accumulated in the upper 50 m during the upwelling season (March–September), mainly after prolonged periods of wind relaxation, when horizontal flows were reduced. This labile material represented 50% and 35% of the total (dissolved+particulate) organic carbon and nitrogen susceptible of microbial utilisation, which assert the key contribution of dissolved organic matter (DOM) to the export of new primary production in the NW Iberian upwelling system. This surface excess in shelf waters appeared to be formed into the highly productive Ría de Vigo (a large coastal indentation) at net rates of 4.4 μM-C d−1 and 1.3 μM-C d−1 in the inner and outer segments of the embayment respectively, and subsequently exported to the shelf. Once in the shelf, simple dilution with the inert DOM pool of recently upwelled Eastern North Atlantic Central Water (ENACW) occurred. Eventually, the DOM excess produced during the upwelling season is exported to the adjacent open ocean waters by the coastal circulation. Conversely, during the unproductive downwelling season (October–February), the lowest DOC and DON levels were recorded and export was prevented by the characteristic downwelling front associated to the seasonal poleward slope current.  相似文献   

Information of suspended sediments fluxes of small rivers to the coastal zone is sparse, and this is particularly so for the Iberian Rivers. To help address this shortage of information, the relationship between fluvial discharge and total suspended solids (TSS) for the main 28 Cantabrian Rivers using data from 22 years monitoring by the COCA network has been analysed, and their particulate material fluxes to the Bay of Biscay coasts have been quantified. The Cantabrian Fluvial System (drainage basin area of 20,333 km2) may be considered as a quasi-homogeneous fluvial system with an average discharge of 561 m− 3 s− 1 and average loads of 35 kgTSS s− 1 with rivers showing similar average yields of 56 t km− 2 a− 1. The average TSS contribution is 1.2 ± 0.2 109 kg a− 1. This seaward flux of sediment is dispersed along the entire North Iberian coast and is rather modest (25% of the total supply) in comparison with the output from the French Rivers to the Bay of Biscay. The TSS loads of Cantabrian Rivers indicate they are similar to world upland rivers and those of other parts of Northern Europe according to Milliman and Syvistki [Milliman and Syvistki, 1992. Geomorphic/tectonic control of sediment discharge to the ocean: the importance of small mountainous rivers. Journal of Geology, 100: 525–544] and Milliman [Milliman, 2001. Delivery and fate of fluvial water and sediment to the sea: a marine geologist's view of European rivers. Scientia Marina, 65: 121–132]. Although their TSS flux is practically negligible (13,000 times lower) when compared to the world average flux, they provide a good example of the role of small Atlantic temperate rivers.  相似文献   

Effect of mixing on microbial communities in the Rhone River plume   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The biological processes involved during mixing of a river plume with the marine underlying water were studied off the Rhone River outlet. Samples of suspended and dissolved matter were collected while tracking a drifting buoy. Three trajectories were performed, at 2-day intervals, under different hydrological and meteorological situations. A biological uptake was evidenced from ammonium (NH4) and phosphate (PO4) shortage, indicating an early “NH4-dependent” functioning occurring before the well-known “NO3-based” cycle. The different ratios between NH4, NO3 and PO4, as a function of salinity, were discussed to detail the preferential use in PO4 and NH4. Salinity zones with enhanced bacterial production, high chlorophyll a concentration, as well as DOC, NH4 and PO4 consumption were evidenced from 20 to 35 in salinity. It was shown that the successive abundance of bacteria and phytoplankton during transfer reflected the competition for PO4 of both communities. On the Rhone River plume, the role played by temperature, light conditions and suspended matter upon biological activity seems relatively minor compared to salinity distribution and its related parameter: nutrient availability. It can be concluded that biological uptake in the Rhone River plume was closely related to the dilution mechanism, controlled itself by the dynamics of the plume. In windless conditions and close to the river mouth, the density gradient between marine and river water induced limited exchanges between the nutrient-rich freshwater and the potential consumers in the underlying marine water. Consequently, little biological activity is observed close to the river mouth. Offshore, mixing is enhanced and a balance is reached between salinity tolerance and nutrient availability to form a favourable zone for marine phytoplankton development. This can be quite far from the river mouth in case of a widely spread plume, corresponding to high river discharge. Under windy and wavy conditions, the plume freshwater is early and rapidly mixed, so that the extension of the “enhanced production zone” is drastically reduced and even bacteria could not benefit from the fast mixing regime induced.  相似文献   

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